Happy Wednesday peeps!
I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday? When did that happen? Or the fact that it’s June??
Annnnyways, the days seem to be flying by and I realized I hadn’t done a Day in the Life post in a while.
I made notes in my phone all day Monday so I could share what a typical day looks like for me lately:
5:45am: Alarm goes off
6:00am: Get out of bed, start the coffee, start getting ready.
6:34am: Gather my things and head to my personal training client’s house.
6:45am: I see this and can’t help but laugh. Someone really loves Jesus (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the sticker overload cracked me up!)
6:58am: Arrive at my client’s house and we go walk on the beach and do some exercises. The view is awesome!
8:04am: Leave client’s house and head to the gym for a workout
8:16am: Arrive at the gym, set up my equipment and GO
9:01am: DONE, I grab a coffee and head home. (yup, that’s two coffees before 9am)
9:30am: Google Hangout meeting with my team
10:00am: Make some breakfast (I made a Chia Seed Protein Pancake and a banana) and start work, work, working away while I eat it.
11:45am: Quick Phone Meeting
12:06pm: I take Oscar to the park by my house for 15 minutes so he calms down.
12:24pm: I’m starving, so I run to Whole Foods on the way home to get in on some hot bar action. I get steamed kabocha squash, skirt steak, bell peppers, and a kombucha of course.
12:35pm: I head to the gym to work in the office. (sometimes I need to get OUT of the house to get work done and other times I need to be AT my house to get work done).
12:42pm: I get to the gym, open my laptop, and continue on with the work train. I brought Oscar with me today because I felt bad leaving him at home (dog mom guilt). He hangs out under the desk while I work.
2:00pm: I take a break to train a client and take Oscar for a quick walk .
3:00pm: Back in the office and back to work. I send a bunch of emails, work on putting together a big project I’m working on, and update our social media page.
4:11pm: Oscar is tired of the gym, so back home we go to get more work done!
4:26pm: We arrive back at home, I open up my laptop again and….you guessed it…continue working! Someone is tired from the long work day and takes a nap behind me. 🙂
5:40pm: I’m hungry. I send a few more e-mails and whip up a quick dinner of chicken with BBQ sauce, broiled green beans and ketchup, and another kombucha. #no-breastcancer
6:18pm: I start writing this blog post, send a few more work emails, and turn on FBI Files (it’s on Netflix. If you like Forensic Files, you will like this).
7:33pm: I write another FitLizzio blog post, and finish up an article for another client.
8:15pm: I consider going to bed, but can’t seem to stop watching FBI Files, so I start browsing Facebook and mindlessly surf the interwebs.
9:45pm: I finally decide to get in bed. I grab my iPad and start working on a puzzle (if you didn’t know, I’m 95 years old deep down and I LOVE jigsaw puzzles. I have a Jigsaw puzzle app on my iPad and am obsessed).
10:17pm: Charlie gets home and I promptly fall asleep.
Question of the Day
What is one cool or unique thing that happened on Monday?