Happy Hump Day friends!
This week seems to be flying since most of us had Monday off. It was nice to have a few days without any real responsibilities!
Saturday was spent running errands, working out, and taking Oscar to not one, but TWO different dog parks. He’s one spoiled pup!
On Sunday, Charlie joined me for a workout and then we tackled unpacking the rest of our boxes from moving, and getting our apartment a bit more organized. It feels sooooo much nicer now!
Sunday evening, we headed to Charlie’s friends house for a Memorial Day party. He has a few dogs, so we brought Oscar. He had a BLAST running around with the other dogs and picking up people’s scraps of food throughout the night. They had live music in the living room, tons of food, and a good mix of people. We loved the live music, but Oscar was not into it and stuck with us the whole time they were playing.
Since I’m doing the 21 Day Clutch, my diet is a bit limited. I ate before we went and then ate a hamburger patty with ketchup and mustard while I was there. I waited until I got home to eat the rest of my dinner. (update on the FitLizzio Experiment below).
Monday was technically a day off, but I had a few things on my agenda.
I headed over to an oral surgeon’s office first thing in the morning to have a consultation about getting my wisdom teeth out.(yes, i still have them, hence all the wisdom ;-)). Unfortunately they’ve been bothering me a bit lately, so I’ll be having them removed in about 2 weeks. Eek!!!
After my appointment, I got a quick workout in before training a client at the gym. Once I was done, I headed home to relax with my boys for the rest of the evening.
Fit Lizzio Experiment Day 8
So far the 21 Day Clutch has been going pretty well! I have been sticking to the diet for the most part (had a few minor slip ups), and have stuck to the workout portion 100%. I feel good and am seeing changes, but I do have some initial reactions from my first full week on this.
1. I don’t like this style of working out very much. While the workouts kick my butt, they aren’t “fun” to me like my normal workouts. It’s getting me out of my comfort zone and all, but I definitely DO NOT look forward to them. Oddly enough, I don’t mind the HIIT sessions, but the “lifting” sessions (i use parentheses because it isn’t really lifting. there are some weights involved, but most of it is bodyweight) just aren’t my thing. It’s a LOT of exercises and a LOT of sets and it just gets old quickly. This is why I’m such a big proponent of finding something you like, because I can totally see how hard it would be to stick to this long-term, seeing as I don’t enjoy it very much.
2. The diet is a little too skimpy. I mentioned that I needed to bulk it up a bit for myself, but if someone was doing this without that type of knowledge, I feel it could be a problem. She recommends 1g of Protein per pound of bodyweight, which is fine, but only .5 g of Carbs per pound of bodyweight. For me, that would mean 75g of carbs per day. That is just nowhere near enough. I need at least 150g at a minimum.
3. I do like the HIIT sessions. They last about 25 minutes and go by pretty quickly. I’ll probably incorporate these into my workouts even after the 21 days is over.
Overall, so far I do like this program and I think it’s a good little reset/ass-kicker. However, I’m reallllly excited to get back to my normal heavy lifting. I’ve done a couple of sets of heavy hip thrusts and deadlifts here and there (because I just can’t stay away), but for the most part I haven’t done any heavy lifting. Either way, it’s only 21 days and it’s definitely a good “push” for me to work hard and grind. It’s exactly what I needed right now, so I’m glad I’m doing it.
Hope you all have a great rest of your day!! See you soon!
P.S. Rockstar Fitness shirts are done!! WOOHOO!