HIIT Workout to Try + Wednesday Things!
Happy Hump Day peeps!!
My day is off to a great start. I got up early and did 20 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). I love starting my days with this. I only do it 1-2 days per week, but I might start doing it more often, as it gets my energy level up for the day. I’ve also had 2 cups of coffee already, so that might also be contributing to my fantastic mood!!! Maybe I found the formula:
20 min. HIIT + 2 Cups of Coffee = HAPPINESS
In case you want to give it a try (coffee not included):

Always check with a doctor before starting any new exercise program. Listen to your body and go at your own pace.
In other news, I’ve had a very productive writing morning. espana-med, I work from the office at the gym, but it can be distracting at times. There are 3 other people that work in that office, plus about 5 others that are in and out throughout the day. I think I’ll be working from home more often!
On today’s agenda:
- Write, write, write! I’ve gotten a few blog posts and e-mails done, and now I’ll be doing more e-mails and more blog posts!
- Brainstorm some fun Fit Lizzio posts to do next week (survey below!!)
- Meeting with my awesome work peeps
- Full Body Workout this evening
- Stop by CVS to pick up a prescription
- Take Oscar to the dog park
Update on my New Year’s UN-Resolutions:
If you remember, I decided that in 2015, I was going to care less, stress less, travel more, and live more! So far, I think I’m doing a pretty good job.
- I feel much more calm
- I’m breaking up my day into a workflow that fits me better
- I’m not letting life stress me out (it’s all small things, right??)
- I’m planning some more travel!
First up, is a trip to go see my new nephew this weekend! Little Jacob is 2 weeks old tomorrow and I can’t WAIT to snuggle him!! I’ll also be cheering on one of my besties at the Phoenix Rock n’ Roll Marathon this Sunday!!! She invited me to do it with her, but I decided that I’d rather just watch and cheer and eat donuts with her when she’s done. 🙂
That’s all I’ve got for now. Hope your day is awesome!!
SURVEY (Also posted on my Facebook Page)
I’ll be writing a post next week, but wanted to put the topic in your hands:
A) Best exercises for the booty
B) Why cardio isn’t the answer to fat loss
C) How to Write Your own Workouts
Leave your response in the comments please!