Hey people!
I’m not sure why, but I had a realllllllly hard time saying goodbye to the weekend yesterday. I worked most of Saturday, so that may have added to it, but I definitely feel like I could have used a 3 day weekend!
I’m heading to Big Bear next week, so I won’t complain. A whole week in the mountains is going to be amazing!
Switching Gears
Thank you all for the emails and comments I received on this post. It was a fun experiment and I’m excited to do more in the future!
With that said, for the time being, I’m going to switch back to heavy lifting for a few months. Not only do I love it, but I’ve been really itching to do a powerlifting competition lately! I’d like to start training more for that and sign up for one later in the year. I thought about doing a local one next month (and still might, just to get my feet wet), but being that I just got my wisdom teeth out (and my workouts have been mellow since Wednesday), and that I’ll be in the mountains next week, I’d really only have about 18 days to prepare. At the same time, it’s not sanctioned, so I still may do it just to get some practice!
Workouts for the Week
This is tentative, but here’s what I have planned for this week
Monday: Kettle Bell Conditioning (workout below) + Upper Body Push
Tuesday: Legs (focus: squats & hip thrusts)
Wednesday: Upper Body Pull + Sprints
Thursday: Legs (focus: deadlifts)
Friday: Upper Body
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: Legs
If you’re looking for something quick to change up your workouts or to add some conditioning into your current program, try this:
Kettle Bell Conditioning: Perform Circuit Style for 5 Rounds
- 10 KB Cleans
- 10 KB Snatches
- 15 KB Swings
Question of the Day
1. What’s your favorite way to train? For power? strength? aesthetics?