Tag Archive for healthy living

Whirlwind Weekend + a Hotel Workout!

Hey people!! How’s it hangin’?!

It’s a lovely Monday and once again, going to be a busy one. I’m cool with that, though. I had a fantastic weekend, and I’m ready to get back to work and my regular routine!

Thursday night, Charlie and I flew to Tucson, AZ for the weekend for the  Audio Pot Luck Con. It was an intimate gathering of audio engineers and audio companies, and we had a blast! So many great people and tons of geekiness going on. Just the way I like it.

photo 5

I finally got my Eegee’s too!

1/2 Strawberry, 1/2 Lemon

1/2 Strawberry, 1/2 Lemon

Friday morning, I got up to do a workout before heading over to the trade show. It kind of kicked my ass. The hotel had a decent gym, too, which was refreshing!

Hotel Gym Workout

Superset #1: 3 Sets

10 DB Curl to Shoulder Press (15lb DB’s)

10 Burpees

Superset #2: 3 Sets

10 DB Lateral Raise (10lb DB’s)

10 DB Alternating Front Raise (10lb DB’s)

10 DB Rear Delt Raise (10lb DB’s)

Superset #3: 3 Sets (Killer Finisher)

Ladder down 3-2-1

Pull Ups & Push Ups

(3 pull ups, 3 pushups, then 2 pull ups, 2 pushups, then 1 pull up, 1 push up = 1 set)

photo 1

After not getting much sleep over the past few weeks, we made up for it and slept in on Saturday! It felt good to not have to be up for something and to not have my mental alarm clock wake me up.

We spent Saturday at the convention and even tried to duck out in the afternoon to hang by the pool. I’m not even kidding, the MOMENT we got to the pool, it started pouring rain. Whomp whomp.

photo 3(you can’t tell it was raining here, but I assure you, it was.)

We ended up just going out for sushi and hanging out for the rest of the evening. We had an early flight (read: 4am wake up call) on Sunday morning, so we didn’t want to be out too, too late.

We got up Sunday at the crack of dawn, called our Uber driver friend who woke up especially for us, and hit the road for the airport. It was a quick flight and I was exhausted by the time we landed in LA. As soon as we got back to our apartment, I literally dropped my bags by the front door and crawled into bed. I ended up sleeping until 1pm. It was glorious.

I finished out my Sunday with a leg workout and some work. I feel refreshed after a great weekend and ready to take on the week!

1. Do weekends away make you less stressed or more stressed for the coming week?

2. What was your favorite thing you did this weekend?

Workout Jealousy

It’s Thursday! It’s Thursday! I’m excited because it’s kind of a Friday for me.

I’m heading out of town with my man today to watch him do a seminar at an audio convention. Pretty cool! It’s in Tucson, AZ, which isn’t all that exciting, but it has its perks. Like….EEGEE’S!!!!! If you’ve never had or heard of an EEGEE’s, you should really travel to Tucson. Strawberry Lemonade, I’M COMIN’ FOR YA!

StrawberryThis week has been so strange, guys. I thought it was Monday yesterday. -_- Maybe I need this little trip out of town????

I did a fun Crossfit workout yesterday that I thought I’d share with you. This is to be done with a partner, but you could cut it in half and do it yourself too!

100 Hang Power Cleans – Partner Workout

Rules: Partner 1 does 10 burpees, then as many HPC’s as they can before dropping the bar. Once they drop the bar, the next partner does 10 burpees and as many HPC’s as they can before dropping the bar. You continue going back and forth with this until you and your partner collectively reach 100 HPC’s.

It’s a TOUGH one, but a lot of fun. I was shaking afterwards!


Workout Jealousy

We all need rest days. Working out every single day without a rest just isn’t sustainable. (Trust me, I’ve tried it.)

But have you ever been enjoying your rest day, perusing Facebook or Instagram, looked at a photo or workout someone posted…..and felt guilty???? I totally suffer from this sometimes. It’s almost a jealous feeling. I’ll see that someone did a crushing leg workout or a fun hike and think to myself “damn, she’s getting ahead” or “wow, I want to do that workout!”

It’s really silly when I think about it. I KNOW I need the rest days, but I can’t help but feeling a little like I’m getting behind, being lazy, or just flat out missing out on something fun.

Have you ever suffered from workout jealousy?

Do you cave in and go workout or do you stay strong and rest?

Workouts this Week

Hey guys!

Sorry I’ve been MIA. I’m doing my best to get back to regular blogging, but every time I say that something comes up. Hopefully things will be back to normal next week!

I’ve had a few requests to write out my complete workouts with the weights I use, so I figured this would be the perfect way to get back into blogging! I got some good ones in this week and I think you guys will love them too!


REMEMBER: You know your own body. What I do might seem like a lot of weight or maybe it will seem like nothing to you. The point is to challenge YOURSELF. Don’t compete against anyone but you. And as always, please check with a doctor before starting any new workout routine.

photo 1(3)

Workouts for the Week of 7/21-7/25

Monday: 20 min. HIIT on the Stair Mill. I put it on the Interval Setting at a Level 10 and just stepped my way to sweat!

Tuesday: LEG DAY. I have been working REALLY hard on squats lately. I go through stages where I will do lots of plyometrics and some heavy lifting and then I’ll switch and do the opposite. Lately I’ve been doing the latter and it’s been fun to see the weights creep up! Here’s what I did:

Back Squats:

5 Sets: 95 x 15, 115 x 10, 125 x 8, 135 x 6

My focus is FORM. I could lift heavier than this, but not go down below parallel. I stop as soon as my form starts slipping….lately 135 has been getting easier to do in full ROM, so I’ll be working on perfecting my 145# squat next!

Barbell Hip Thrusts:

4 Sets: 111 x 15 (warm-up), 161 x 10, 181 x 8, 201 x 6

The heaviest I’ve done is 211 for 6 reps, but that was a few weeks ago. I laid off of hip thrusts for a few weeks (for no good reason), so I’m working back up slowly.

2 Burner Sets: DB Step Ups + Jumping Step Ups

These BURN like crazy (hence the name) but are my favorite leg finisher. You take a pair of dumbbells (I use 15-20 lb DB’s) and do 10 reps of a step up on a medium sized box. Then, on the SAME LEG, drop the weights and do 10 jumping step ups). Repeat on the other side. This sucks and you might hate me for it, but they work!

Wednesday: Upper Body/Full Body

This workout was mostly upper body but incorporated some full body movements as well.

1. 3,2,1 Chin Ups & Push Ups – 3 Sets

You do 3 chin ups, then 3 push ups, then 2 chin up & 2 push ups, then 1 & 1. That is 1 set. Do that 3 times.

2. Superset: Barbell Strict Shoulder Press + Medicine Ball Thrusters (extra shoulder burn!)

I did 3 sets of 55 x 10 for the Shoulder Press and 16lb x 15 reps for the Med. Ball Thrusters.

3. Superset: T-Bar Row & Squat to Hammer Curl

I did 25 x 15 for the T-Bar Row and 20 x 10 for the Squat to Hammer Curl

Thursday: OFF

Friday: I’m going to the track today for a workout with my friend. I’ll post the full workout on Monday for you guys!

My co-workers at Iron Fitness Santa Monica. :-D

My co-workers at Iron Fitness Santa Monica. 😀

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Whether you’re watching (or attending) the Crossfit Games, drinking and eating something delicious, or just hanging out and watching re-runs….ENJOY YOURSELF! (and maybe throw a workout in there too ;-))


A Weekend from my Weekend

Does anyone else ever feel like that? Like you need a weekend to recover from your weekend? That’s how I feel right now. It was a fun one, but I’m pretty exhausted now! More coffee please…..

Saturday started off with a tough workout with my man. We did snatches, heavy squats, pull ups, and bent over rows. To say it was tough is an understatement. It was a lot of fun though!


After relaxing for a while, I picked up my friend Tedi and headed to Mother’s Beach for some paddle boarding. I didn’t take any photos because although I’m comfortable on the water, I’m not taking the chance on dropping my phone in the ocean! We saw sea lions, a sailboat tip over, and luckily NO STING RAYS. Apparently there is an abundance of them lately, and I’m proud to say I didn’t get to meet one. It was a really nice day out and the perfect way to cap off my Saturday.

Mother's Beach

Mother’s Beach

On Sunday morning, Charlie suggested we drive up the coast a bit to grab some breakfast. I haven’t done that in a long time, so I was totally game! We ended up eating at Marmalade Cafe in Malibu. The food was pretty good, but it was really noisy in there. Maybe I’m just a 90 year old lady stuck in a 26 year old’s body, but I can’t stand loud restaurants. I like quiet and serenity. Other than that, it was a good experience!

When we finished eating, we decided to drive up the coast a bit more. We stopped in Oxnard (the really bad part of town) and had an interesting experience at a frozen yogurt shop. Needless to say, we didn’t spend much time there. Before we knew it, we were renting Kayaks on Lake Casitas and rowing away!

photo 4(2)

We only lasted a bit on the water (we were both SOO sore from the previous day’s workout), and decided to head back home to veg out around 4:30pm.

We spent the rest of the night relaxed on the couch, watching The Killing (our new favorite show!!). It’s soooo good.

Anyways, I’m back at work (even though I’d rather be snoozing) and the week is off to a good start!

Have you ever gone paddle boarding?

More importantly, have you ever encountered a sting ray in real life?!

4th of July Weekend Recap + Video

Oh man….is anyone else having trouble getting back into the swing of things after 4th of July weekend?? I kind of felt like I forgot how to work when I got up this morning. 3 day weekends are awesome, but I think I get why we don’t have them every weekend. I’m still getting things done today…but I’m struggling….

I don’t think this sunburn is helping….


More on that later…..

Friday morning Charlie and I hit up Best Buy and decided to buy a new TV. We’ve been totally red-necking it with our TV set up at home and finally bit the bullet with a new Smart TV. We still don’t have cable (and don’t want it) but now we can watch Netflix and Hulu on our TV instead of our laptop. Woohoo for getting with the times!

Afterwards, we headed to the [closed] gym for a workout. Perks of working for a gym I guess. We did heavy deadlifts, heavy squats, and heavy barbell reverse lunges. We were SO SORE all weekend because of it.

We spent the rest of the day hanging by the pool and relaxing….not a bad day if you ask me!

Soooo about that sunburn….Not cool. I completely forgot sunscreen TWO DAYS IN A ROW. I honestly don’t know when I will learn. Guess I’ll just keep trying. When I lived in AZ, I could spend hours in the sun and be fine…..here in Cali? 20 minutes and I’m burnt toast.

On Saturday, I headed to Mother’s Beach in Marina Del Rey (Marina Del Rehhhh…I took the 4055555 to the 101111…yes we really do that here in SoCal) and did some paddle boarding (and forgot sunscreen). It’s soooooo relaxing and nice to be out on the water. I’m not really sure why I don’t live on a boat and just hang out on the water all day every day. That’s the life, I tell ya. Someday!

Marina Boats

Marina Boats

Since Charlie and I hadn’t really gotten a chance to try out our new TV, we spent the rest of Saturday night watching The Killing marathon style and eating chinese food. Of course, I’m only good for a few episodes of anything before I completely pass out, but I’m loving the show! Have you guys seen it?! It’s suspenseful and unpredictable. Lovin’ it so far.

Sunday morning we had our Iron Member Appreciation BBQ….and once again….I was in a tank top…in direct sunlight. And now, I’m paying for it. Sunburns suck and I need to stop being a dumbass and slather on the sunscreen. Leather skin is never in style.


Marina Boats

Marina Boats

Hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July weekend…..here’s my workout plan for the week:

Monday: 20 min. HIIT on Stairmill + Bouldering (done)

Tuesday: Legs

Wednesday: 20 min. HIIT on Stairmill + Upper Body

Thursday: Bouldering + Full Body Circuit (Crossfit Style)

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Full Body Workout

What was the best part of your 4th of July Weekend?

A Fun Survey & 4th of July Plans (Pictures)

Woohoo! Tomorrow is 4th of July….and an extra day off!! I love when holidays fall on a Friday or a Monday. It made this week FLY BY.

I plan on hanging out in the sun, BBQ’n it up, and just plain relaxing. I might try to sneak a workout in tomorrow morning, but other than that…I’m layin’ low!

I thought I’d end the week with a fun survey….since it’s basically Friday anyways. 😉

1. What did you eat for breakfast?

Egg whites, cheese, tomatoes, & avocado

2. How much water do you drink a day?

Usually about two medium sized bottles. It’s not enough. I need to drink more. I should start switching to the large bottles and drink two of those.

3. What is your current favorite workout?

Oh man…do I have to pick one? Boxing, bouldering, lifting weights….

2014-04-29 10.21.18-3

4. How many calories do you eat a day?

Usually right around 2,000. Some days less, some days more, but that’s about where it ends up.

5. What are your favorite healthy snacks?

FRUIT. I love fruit.

photo 3-2

6. What do you usually eat for lunch?

Lately I’ve been eating Paleo burgers….but usually something with chicken in it. I love chicken.

mexican salad

7. What is your favorite body part to strength train?

LEGS. People at the gym make fun of me and say I only work out my ass. It’s not true…..but I do it a lot!!!


8. What is your least favorite body part to strength train?

Abs. I use them all the time and HATE training them on their own.


9. What are your “bad” food cravings?

Hmmm…I don’t really see food as good or bad to tell the truth. I eat in moderation…..but I would have to say ice cream is usually my “bad” treat.

10. Do you take vitamins or supplements?

I used to take all kinds of things…but lately…nothing.

11. How often do you eat out?

Too often. Usually once a day….but I have a few healthy spots nearby that I go to. We almost always eat dinner at home, though.

12. Do you eat fast food?

I haven’t in years.

13. Who is your biggest supporter?

Charlie and my family

His and Hers Sunburns

His and Hers Sunburns

14. Do you have a gym membership?

Well yes…3 actually. I work at a gym, so naturally I have a membership there, but I also belong to a Crossfit Gym and a Rock Climbing Gym

15. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

Not enough…..6-8


16. Do you have a “cheat”day?

No. I pretty much eat what I want….it’s usually healthy…but I have a treat here and there when I feel like it.

17. Do you drink alcohol?

Nope..not my thing.

18. Do you have a workout buddy?

Sometimes I work out with friends…but usually I prefer to work out alone. I drag Charlie along when I can. 😉

sweaty workout

19. What is the best thing that has changed about your life since committing to a healthy lifestyle?

Umm…EVERYTHING. I don’t think I would be as successful, confident, or happy had I not walked into Lifts way back in 2007. I have also been able to make a career out of fitness, so that’s pretty cool too. 🙂

Perfect Stretch

Perfect Stretch

20. What was the last healthy thing you did?

Ate a bunch of grapes!! (shocker.)

Oh hey there....;-)

I hope you all have a safe, wonderful 4th of July!!!

Leg Day Workout + ACU-MASSAGE

First off, thanks for all of your awesome comments on Part 1 of Then & Now: How I’ve Changed! You guys are nothing short of amazing. I’ll be posting Part 2 in the next few days, but I thought I’d keep it a bit lighter today.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I packed a LOT in. I’m definitely feeling sore today, but in a good way. I have a feeling that throughout the day it’s going to get worse, but for now I’m feeling great!

For the last few weeks, there’s been an area of my back that is knotted like a friggin’ PRETZEL. Seriously guys…..it is ridiculous. I go to an Acu-masseuse who is AMAZING and saw him for it about a month ago. It helped a TON, but one session was not enough for this. I went back to him last night to try to eradicate the problem for good.  He WORKED ME last night and I’m even a bit sore from it. Instead of working on digging into the tissue a ton, he works on re-aligning the spine. There is no cracking or popping, just a lot of movement. It works wonders. I feel like a new person today. I think between boxing, rock climbing, and weight lifting, my back just gets beat up. He also finishes the session with cupping, so I’m rocking some awesome octopus kisses today. 😀



On the workout front, yesterday had me sweatin’ bullets. I did legs at the gym:


Superset 1:

Romanian Deadlifts – 3 sets of 135# x 12 reps

Medicine Ball Thrusters – 3 sets of 16# x 15 reps

Superset 2:

DB Walking Lunges – 3 sets of 20#DB’s x 10 reps (per leg)

Ninja Jumps – 3 sets of 10  (i’ll have to take a video of these someday….they are intense…and awesome.)

Final Exercise:

BB Wide Stance Squats – 3 sets of 95# x 10 reps

After finishing up some work, I headed to Rockreation and did 10 routes. They re-did some of the routes and one in particular was SO COOL. I ended up doing it a few times to really perfect my technique on it. Low and behold I ended up tearing a callous. 🙁 I haven’t done that in a lonnnnnng time, so it was bound to happen sooner or later. Whomp, whomp.

2014-06-26 11.23.58

Since my back is a bit of a mess and I now have a ripped callous on my pinky, I’m not quite sure what I’ll do for exercise today. I need to let my back rest a little, so boxing is out, but I may do something crazy and take a yoga class or something (as I shudder thinking about it),. We’ll see how I feel later in the day.

What’s on your workout agenda for the day?

Have you ever done Acu-Massage?

Part 1: Then and Now: I’ve Changed….

Happy Hump Day friends! I actually hate that people call it that, and here I am doing it myself.


Moving on…

I had an interesting scenario happen last night that shed some light on just how far I’ve come in the past few years. I thought I’d go into detail about this, as I know many women (and some men too) struggle with this as well.

(If you’re struggling with any type of eating disorder and feel this could trigger you, please don’t read any further.)

Last night, I pulled out a half eaten pint of Haagen Daaz Dulce de Leche ice cream. I ate it.

And then I moved on with my life.

Now, to someone who doesn’t and has never struggled with any type of food disorders, this probably doesn’t seem like anything and you’re likely not sure why I’m even pointing it out.

But for those of you who have in the past or are currently dealing with a bad relationship with food, you get it.

You see, 3-4 years ago, after I finished competing and started struggling with my ability to manage what I was eating, I would have eaten the Haagen Daaz ice cream, hopped in the car, and gone out to see what else I could get my hands on. More ice cream, cookies, chips, you name it. I hated it. I hated that I couldn’t control it. I hated that I felt the need to always have more, more, more. And it showed. I slowly gained weight and found myself embarrassed to go out because of how I looked. I was also extremely ashamed to be controlled by something so stupid. And it wasn’t like a drug I could quit….it was fucking food.

Last night was just another reminder of how far I’ve come. I struggled with my relationship with food for SO long (years) and really, truly thought I’d never have a normal relationship with food. I admired the people that could eat a few french fries and be done with it. Not me. I couldn’t do that. I had to eat all the french fries, and then as soon as I wasn’t with anyone else, I would go eat more. Until I was too full to breathe. It was disgusting, humiliating, and unhealthy.

But these days? I CAN do that. In fact, I often do. I can eat a few french fries and be done. I can even eat the whole basket of fries and then be done. I can eat 1 scoop of ice cream and not need more. I don’t NEED MORE. It’s a feeling I NEVER thought I would regain. I can truly say my relationship with food is NORMAL. And it’s freeing…..

So how did I do it?

Part 2 coming soon………….I’ll tell you how I did it and how it’s changed my life for the better…..

2012-10-07 11.03.45

How I Quit Doing Cardio

This headline alone is probably going to get a lot of attention.

Cardio has got to be one of the most controversial topics in the fitness world. Lovers, haters, don’t really care-ers, you name it.

Disclaimer: If you are currently struggling with ED or in recovery and think that reading about this topic may result in a trigger effect or is a sensitive issue, please skip the rest of this post. I don’t want to offend or influence others, just share my personal experiences in hopes that they can help others. Everyone is different and knows how certain things affect their bodies and minds—it’s up to us to use our best judgment.

While everyone has their reason for loving cardio, hating cardio, love-hating cardio, etc. I wanted to share my personal story of why I quit cardio.

I knew for years that I did more cardio than was necessary. Even though I could honestly look a client in the eye and tell them they should focus on weight training and supplement with cardio, I was still doing it 5-6 days per week. I KNEW I didn’t need to logically, but emotionally, I NEEDED TO.

I had this fear in my head that if I stopped doing cardio, I would become an elephant with muscles. It’s true. Even though I knew this wouldn’t happen, I thought I was a freak of nature and that’s what would happen to me. It’s the same logic I have when I go in the ocean and think that if someone is going to get bitten by a shark, it’s going to be me. (butreallyitsgoingtobeme).

Over the years my focus has shifted several times. From wanting to be skinny, to wanting to be super lean and toned, to wanting to be muscular, to wanting to just be normal, to EVERYTHING ELSE YOU COULD EVER THINK OF. I’ve been training for 7 years straight, and to think that evolution of my training/mindset wouldn’t happen is silly. Of course it happened. It happens to anyone who trains for a long period of time. Goals change, life changes, and you make different decisions.

My focus finally shifted (although I had wanted it to shift much earlier than it actually did) to wanting to just be super fit and not being overly concerned with how I looked. I just wanted to eat healthy and feel good. I also wanted to be a fitness warrior. I’m an athlete and super competitive, so of course, I’ve ALWAYS wanted to be a warrior, but I was always afraid of letting cardio go because somehow that would make me some kind of an elephant warrior. I didn’t want to be an elephant warrior, I just wanted to be a regular warrior.

To be quite honest, I can’t remember exactly when I stopped doing cardio, but I think it was sometime last September maybe. I remember texting and e-mailing back and forth with Bret and him telling me to basically just lift heavy a few times a week. He said to keep doing the other things I was doing (not cardio-related) but to focus on my heavy lifting sessions each week. He promised my body would change for the better. No crazy diets, just good clean eating (which I was already doing) and a heavy lifting routine. I like to think that I’ve gotten less stubborn with age (though many would probably argue), and I actually decided to trust Bret and go with it (Lord knows how many times him and I have argued back and forth because I just had to challenge what he told me…sorry Bret!!! :)). I literally just stopped doing cardio altogether and started lifting heavy again and adding in new things like bouldering. What happened as a result of these changes was exactly the opposite of the elephant warrior I feared I would become….

First of all, I had forgotten how much I loved lifting heavy. That amazing feeling of lifting heavy shit and feeling like you can take over the world. It’s freaking awesome and I’m not sure why I stopped doing it (in exchange for more functional training). Secondly, I noticed how much more energy I had for my lifting sessions. I didn’t have that drained feeling I was used to (shocker there!) and actually pushed harder than I thought I could most of the time.

Over time, I started mixing up the heavy lifting days with full body plyometric/functional days as well. This includes exercises like burpees, medicine ball slams/thrusters, KB swings, Box jumps, etc. I had done all of these in my workouts before, but always before or after a cardio session. I could rarely just let that be my workout alone. Because I NEEDED to do cardio too…

In addition to creating a stronger, fitter, more functional me, my body started changing too. My arms are more defined, my abs are showing more and more, my butt is looking better than ever, my back is pretty shredded these days and most importantly, I feel GOOD. I feel mentally and physically awesome and I don’t miss cardio a bit.

Do I do cardio from time to time? Yes I do. I do 20 minutes on the stairmill maybe once a week (or not at all) and…well that’s about it. It’s usually just because I have a lot of meetings on Mondays and I need a break from sitting. I don’t miss running for the time being (and if I ever do, I’ll go running when I feel like it, not because I “have” to), and I DEFINITELY don’t miss the long sessions on the treadmill. I’ve actually tried to hop on a few times just to pass time while I’m waiting for something and it’s just the most boring thing on the planet.

Now before I get backlash for saying “cardio is bad”, please understand that is not the case. I do NOTTTTTT think cardio is bad. Not one bit. And if you hate lifting weights and just want to do cardio, DO IT!!! It obviously has GREAT cardiovascular benefits (duh, hence the name) and keeps your heart ticking at a nice leisurely pace. Cardio is NOT bad, just so we’re clear.

MY PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH CARDIO WAS BAD. Because I was doing it for the wrong reasons. I was doing it to burn fat and stay in good cardiovascular shape, but knew it wasn’t necessary for me given the other activities that I do.

I train HARD. When I do a workout, I am sweating, my heart is POUNDING, and my breathing is heavy in almost every workout I do. I train like I’m training for an event. In fact, I’m often asked what I’m training for, but it’s just how I approach training. For me, training is not just an outlet, but a chance for me to prove to myself just how much I can do. I feel AMAZING when I push myself past my limits in the gym, and I treat it like I’m up against others. In my head, I don’t want anyone else to be more fit than I am, so I train with that mentality. I definitely get my cardiovascular benefits, and probably have more endurance now than I did when I was doing so much cardio.

My point in this post is to hopefully reach others out there who may also have a similar relationship with cardio. The people that aren’t out there running miles a day because they like running, but because they feel like they have to. To the people spending hours walking on a treadmill, not because they want to get a sweat for the day, but because they feel they HAVE to. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE I’M SPEAKING TO. Not the ones who enjoy it. Because if you enjoy running and biking and swimming….ENJOY THE HELL OUT OF IT. You’re doing a GOOD THING for your body, so don’t misinterpret me.

This is my personal story and it shouldn’t be the same as yours. It is merely to put some perspective on a struggle that I KNOW I am not alone in. I’ve had HUNDREDS of conversations with fellow fitness friends that go through the same struggle and I think it is important to show others that it doesn’t have to be that way and that you WILL NOT become an elephant if you stop doing cardio.

I’d love to hear your stories as well. Feel free to e-mail me if you’d like at [email protected].

Do you do cardio because you like it or because you feel like you have to?

Do you feel you have a good or bad relationship with cardio?


Weekend, Filming, Workouts, Pawn Shops!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Mine was pretty low-key, but I think that was much-needed after Friday’s long day.

Friday was the 2nd filming day for the WBBC At-Home Fitness Program! We were in the sun for about 6.5 hours, did 4 workouts, and lots of other speaking footage. It was a ton of fun, but a ton of work, too! If you’re interested in the program, you can click this link to get on our waiting list. 😉

I’m a total doophus and forgot to wear sunscreen.



(Funny story about that “Kiss Me” balloon….it’s from Valentine’s day!! Charlie and I are trying to see how long it will stay inflated. Best.balloon investment.ever, if you ask me.)

The camera man and I have some very funny farmer’s tans going on!

His and Hers Sunburns

His and Hers Sunburns

I’m not trying to make light of these sunburns. It’s obviously extremely dangerous, but we were just so frazzled in the morning that we both forgot sunscreen. :-/ Live and learn.

Here are some shots from the filming:

Lizzy and Anna

Lizzy and Anna





Perfect Stretch

Perfect Stretch

Anyways, I’m really excited for this to come out!

After filming and working out in the sun all day, we were STARVING. We found an AWESOME little Hawaiian burger shack nearby called, Shaka Shack Burgers. AMAZING. The sweet potato fries were probably the best I’ve ever heard. SUPER GREASY and DELICIOUS haha. I ordered the Turkey Burger and it was pretty awesome too.


Charlie and I always talk about going to pawn shops to see if we can luck out with some smokin’ deals. It’s much more difficult these days since you can find out what everything is worth on the internet. We finally decided that this was the day we would actually go look!

We drove to Hollywood and went to a few different pawn shops. There was definitely some interesting stuff in them, but ultimately, we walked away empty handed. We ALMOST got a really killer deal on a vintage microphone, but alas, it didn’t work. Womp, womp.

We finished around 4:30pm and decided to go to the Arclight to see Neighbors.

Neighbors_(2013)_PosterThis movie definitely had some hilarious moments, but overall, I’d give it a 7. Probably best to wait for it to come out on DVD, which nowadays should be about 2 weeks! Haha. (Remember when you used to have to wait MONTHS AND MONTHS for a movie to come out just for RENTAL….buying it was like a year. Crazy how times have changed.)

We finished off the night by making dinner, baking cookies (YUM) and watching Dexter.


I woke up earlier than Charlie and started cleaning the house. Eventually he joined me and then we headed to the gym for a workout. We did the following supersets (weights/reps are mine…Charlie is stronger than me and did more weight plus higher box jumps):

Superset #1:

4 Sets of

-Medicine Ball Thrusters (16 lb ball x 15 reps)

-DB Push Ups w/ Rotation (10 lb DBs x 8 reps)

Superset #2:

4 Sets of

Heavy Deadlifts (139 lbs x 10 reps)

Burpee-Pull Ups (bw x 5 reps)

Superset #3:

2 Sets of

DB Shoulder Press (25lb DBs x 8 reps)

Box Jumps (24 inc. x 10 reps)


Charlie also helped me work on my form for box jumps. I was doing the 24 inch box, which I’ve done many times before, but my form wasn’t great. With the tips he gave me, I’m ready to tackle the tall 30 inch box. Just need to get some cajones, that’s all!

Some fun slo-mo videos of us!

That’s all I’ve got today! I’ll be back tomorrow morning with my workout plans for the week!


Have you ever been to a pawn shop?

Ever found a REALLY cool steal while at a pawn shop?



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