Tag Archive for healthy living

My Weekend {pictures} + Leg Workout w/ Plyometrics

Happy Monday peeps!

This weekend actually felt quite long (not that I’m complaining), so I feel good and refreshed coming into this week. Here’s some of the fun I had:

Saturday, I took a boxing class in the morning. It was quite the sweat session! There were 3 instructors bringing the pain for an hour. Even though it was tough, I had a blast. Can’t wait for tomorrow night’s class!

photo 1

After we showered up, I decided to get a my hair blown out before we headed to a music festival. It wasn’t a fancy festival or anything, but I just didn’t feel like doing my hair. -_-

Guys…I’m SUPER lazy with my hair. I either let it air dry or put it up in a top knot. I have SO much hair and it’s wavy/frizzy, so it can be a pain in the ass. stop-any-disease, once my hair was all done and pretty, and since I knew I’d actually be wearing NPC (normal-people-clothes) instead of gym clothes, I decided to do my makeup too! (Call it a national holiday! Alert the press!)

photo 2

We then headed out to the Eagle Rock Music Festival. It had promise, but ended up being somewhat of a fail. The vibe was really cool and very family-oriented, but the music was just meh. There were a LOT of DJ’s (not my thing…and I can’t understand what is entertaining about watching someone stand in one place pushing buttons on a laptop and turning discs….but I digress) and the only decent bands were playing in acoustically untreated buildings = muddy musical mess. We did see one latino band that was totally not my style of music, but TOTALLY GOOD. Had we known what the rest of our options were, we definitely would have stayed and watched them longer.

People standing around watching a DJ....I DON'T GET IT. WHAT IS THERE TO SEE?!

People standing around watching a DJ….I DON’T GET IT. WHAT IS THERE TO SEE?!

Sunday, we headed to the batting cages to hit some balls. As many of you know, I played on the guys’ baseball team growing up, so I love getting chances to play! Happy to know, I’ve still got it!

We watched a little bit of the Chiefs game, and then I headed to the sauna gym for a workout. We’re going through a major heatwave (…didn’t I move from AZ to get away from that?!), so the temps have been quite ridiculous. Like, 97 in Santa Monica ridiculous!

Leg Day Insanity

4 sets of

Superset #1: Barbell Squats at (95lbs x 15) w/ Medicine Ball Jump Squats (10lbs x 15)

3 sets of

Superset #2: Leg Extensions (50lbs x 15) w/ Supinated Hamstring Curls (50lbs x 15)

3 sets of

Superset #3: Barbell Walking Lunges (50lbs x 12 per leg) w/ Split Squat Jumps (bodyweight x 10 per side)

2 sets of

Superset #4: (1 leg at a time!!!) DB Step Up (20lbs x 10) w/ Step Up Jumps (bodyweight x 10)

I may or may not have walked out of the gym looking like I just jumped off a horse. As always, check with a doc before starting any new exercise routine. Use weights you’re comfortable with. I posted mine for reference, but you should do what is best for YOU.

Hope you guys have a great rest of your day! I’ll be back tomorrow with some more workouts for the week.

Be sure to check out my Ask Me Anything post and leave a comment with any questions you may have! I’ll be answering them all this week on the blog!

Question of the Day

1. What is the weather like in your part of the world? Still summer-like? Fall? Winter-y?

Weekend Relaxation

Good morning!

I started my day off with 20 minutes on the stairmill (per Monday usual) and a COFFEE. I love my coffee everyday, but it’s extra special on Mondays. ๐Ÿ™‚

Weekend Fun

This weekend was really awesome. Friday night, my friend and I went to get full body reflexology massages. It was only $25 and was INCREDIBLE. It was definitely the type of massage that made you clench your teeth at times, but it was also super relaxing. They focused a lot on the feet, which was both painful and extremely ticklish! I have the most ticklish feet on the planet, so I had to take a lot of deep breaths to prevent myself from kicking my masseuse in the face.

Saturday morning, Charlie and I got up and hit the gym. He’s actually letting me put him on a training program (:-D!!!!!!) so he’ll be working out with me 3-4 times per week. We did the same back/biceps workout I did last week. It’s a scorcher!

4 sets of Pull Ups (as many as you can do on your own)

3 Supersets of T-Bar Row & DB Bicep Curls (10-12 reps of each)

3 Supersets of Banded Chin Ups & Rope Hammer Curls (6-8 chin ups & 12-15 hammer curls)

Afterwards, he went to the studio to get some work done while I chilled out at home. When he got back, we went to see No Good Deed

11179696_800I rate it an 8/10. The suspense was awesome and kept me entertained throughout, but it was a little predictable. There were definitely some twists and turns that surprised me, though! I say, go see it!

Sunday morning, we grabbed some coffee and drove down to Main Street in search of breakfast. We ended up at Firehouse, which is one of my favorites! It’s an old firehouse-turned-restaurant, and also happens to be right next to Gold’s Gym (a.k.a The Mecca). 4815559804_c44e96337b_bTheir menu has tons of options for bodybuilders and fitness freaks alike. I ended up getting what I always get, the Turkey Scramble. It’s just egg whites, ground turkey, tomatoes, and cilantro, but it’s SO SO good! I didn’t snap a photo, but it’s definitely worth re-creating at home!

After running some errands, we ended up at the park to play catch! This is something that we try to do whenever we can, as we both grew up playing baseball and we can keep up with eachother! Baseball (not softball) was MY sport…I played year round throughout my childhood and into my high school years. I was really good at it and had it been acceptable for a girl to play on my high school baseball team (Yes, I tried out and I was the last cut and was unofficially told it was because I was a girl), who knows where I would’ve ended up! They called me “The Vacuum” at first base for a reason! ๐Ÿ˜‰


2014-04-20 16.00.47

Anyways, that was a really long-winded way of saying that I still love baseball and it has a really special place in my heart. The fact that I can go play ball with my man and he can keep up (and even show me up at times) makes me really happy.

The rest of our Sunday was spent watching movies and napping. It was GLORIOUS. We don’t do that very often, so it was nice to just go in and out of sleep on the couch for hours.

Workouts for the Week

Monday: 20 min. Stairmill + Chest/Triceps

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: Legs

Thursday: Shoulders/Abs + Boxing

Friday: Back/Biceps

Saturday: Boxing

Sunday: Active Rest

You’ll notice there aren’t any planned rest days, but I will definitely take one if I feel like I need it. I always listen to my body and a shitty workout doesn’t do anybody any good.

Hope your Monday is off to a great start!

Question of the day

1. What was your main hobby growing up? (could be sport, arts, etc.)

Why I Train & What I Ate Yesterday

All I have to say today is….I’M SORE. Holy crap….

It’s crazy. Those who have been working out for a long time can understand. You go through time periods where you’re just REALLY on your game. Killing your workouts, pushing harder than ever, and really “digging in”. I feel like I’m in one of those phases and I’m loving it! I’m super sore and have been feeling muscles I didn’t know existed lately. That says a lot for someone who’s been training for 7 years (can’t believe it’s been that long!).

I did a back workout on Saturday that I’m STILL sore from and a leg workout last WEDNESDAY that left me sore clear through Monday. I’ll take it! I feel on, I feel good, my head’s in the game. (The results are showing, too!)

photo 1(7)

I still get people that ask me all the time “what are you training for?” I’m not entirely sure how to respond. It’s hard to explain the competitions that I compete in, in my head. (Haha, yes I’m crazy!) I try to explain it, but most people don’t get it. I train like I’m training for something, but the only something I’m training for is myself. I train to get better every day. I train to prove to myself that I can do it. I train to see progress. I also want to show the rest of the world the impact of training. Maybe MY form of training isn’t right for you, but SOME form probably is. Whether that’s hiking, biking, rock climbing, running, or whatever it might be….there’s something for everyone. It builds mental strength in ways nothing else can. I know that the reason I push so hard and am so efficient, goal-oriented, and well-rounded with my work is because of the training I do at the gym. I treat my work, like I treat my workouts: I’m there to kick ass. I’m not there to putz around. Working out is the one thing in life that nobody can do for you. You can get help with just about anything these days…..but nobody can workout for you. If you take that attitude with you to work, I think you’ll be amazed at how your productivity and success comes to fruition. I am a more confident, go-getting person than I was before I started working out and I am thankful that I fell into Lifts Studio back in 2007 and started this whole “working out” thing.

I’ll step off my soap box now. I get going and just can’t stop!

What I Ate Yesterday

People love to see what other people eat. I’m guilty too. Sweet potatoes are always sweeter on someone else’s plate, right?! ๐Ÿ˜€

Here’s what I ate:

Breakfast: Quest Bar + Coffee + Apple (had a late start and was out of eggs :-()


Lunch: 3/4 cup cooked Brown Rice + 1/2 Avocado + Ground Turkey Burger Patty (about 4 oz.)

Snack: 2 Apples + Kombucha


(I definitely had a 2nd coffee too, but I don’t remember when it was?? LOL)

Dinner: Chicken Breast w/ Wing Sauce (umm…I may or may not have eaten this for dinner every night for the last 2 weeks! OBSESSED) + Green Beans

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After-Dinner Snack: 1 Peach & some grapes!! (I LOVE GRAPES)

Kind of a weird day of eating, but then again I’m kind of a weird girl. I am super busy during the day and sometimes it catches up to me and I realize I haven’t eaten enough. I usually end up making up for it over the weekend though (frozen yogurt? YES PLEASE).

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday! It’s Leg day for me…..wish me luck!

Questions of the Day:

1. Do you get into food ruts and eat the


2. When did you find your place in fitness? What is

your weapon of choice?

Healthy Breakfast Options + Workouts for the Week 9/7-9/12

Is it just me or is today going by painfully slow? It’s weird. Usually my days FLY by and before I know it, it’s 9pm and I can’t figure out where the day went. Today, the clock just isn’t moving. Maybe it’s the supermoon…;-)

How’s your Tuesday going? I forgot my breakfast this morning and ended up with a coffee and a Quest Bar for breakfast.

I love my Cookies & Cream Quest Bars and all, but that is the most lame-o breakfast. I missed my eggs for sure!

Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day. My stomach is empty (making EVERYTHING taste better), and the day is fresh. I always start the day with a healthy breakfast because it sets the tone for the rest of the day. If I have a sugary or heavy breakfast, I’m less likely to make healthy choices throughout the rest of the day. Here are some of my favorite healthy breakfast options to get my day started:

Fit Lizzio’s Favorite Healthy Breakfast Options


2 Scrambled Eggs (seasoned with cayenne pepper, cracked pepper, and garlic powder)

ย 1/3 cup oats with stevia and cinnamon


1 cup Liquid Egg Whites

1ย  Alfresco Chicken Sausage (all flavors are good, but i love the smoked andoulle!)

1 apple



2 eggs over easy

1 slice of Ezekiel bread toasted w/ 1/2 TBSP coconut oil

(I think break the yolks on top of the bread and devour….so good!!!)



1/3 cup oats

1/2 scoop Dymatize Iso 100 Vanilla protein powder

cinnamon & stevia to taste


I have about a million other favorite breakfast choices, but those are my current ones!

I was able to get in a great Shoulder & Chest workout earlier, and plan on boxing tonight again at Iron Boxing.

I love that class so much. I sweat more than I knew was humanly possible! Anyways, here’s what the rest of the week’s workouts look like:

Workouts Week of 9/7-9/12

Sunday: Full Body Workout DONE

Monday: 20 min. HIIT + Rollerblading! DONE

Tuesday: Shoulder & Chest Workout + Boxing Class

Wednesday: Legs!!

Thursday: Boxing

Friday: OFF (Travelling)

Saturday: Back & Plyos

Sunday: OFF

Questions of the Day:

Do you prefer sweet or savory breakfasts?

What is your favorite splurge breakfast?

What is your favorite breakfast staple?


5 Ways to Have A Great Monday!

Good morning friends! Another Monday is upon us. I have mixed feelings aboutย  Mondays. I love the fresh feel of a Monday. The chance to start fresh and put last week in the past. At the same time, it can be dreadful. So many things to do, having to get up for work, the thought of getting through a Monday only to have 4 more days to get through as well. I love my jobs, don’t get me wrong, but I love to go on adventures, relax, and do what I feel like at the moment, too!

After making a commitment to myself that I’d never hate my Mondays, I decided to come up with the 5 things that help me have the best Monday possible. Here goes!

1. Coffee.


I know this is an everyday thing, but a good cup of coffee can make all the difference in the world. If you can, ditch your regular Starbucks and get some GOOD coffee. If you love Starbucks, fine, but I’ve found that there are FAR better places to get a reallllllly good cup of coffee. Groundworks coffee is my favorite….see if any of your local coffee shops offer it!

2. Workout.

Deadlift set up

Like many of you, Mondays are always busy for me. I do know that if I make a point to get up just a bit early and even do a 20 minute workout, I’ll feel better. I feel more alert for the day, it’s easier to get through meetings, and I start the day knowing that I’ve already accomplished something. If you can’t get it in before work, use it as an after-work stress reliever. It is an instant boost of serotonin, which regulates your mood and will help make you feel happy.

3. Take a Walk.

Another gorgeous hiking view.

After meetings and phone calls, take a 10 minute break to just walk. Don’t bring your phone (unless you have to), and just tune out. Take deep breaths, take notice of your surroundings, imagine you’re in a dream vacation spot, and reflect on all the good things you have in life. It sounds so simple, but can really help you to let go of some stress and breathe in greatness. (Look at me sounding all yogi like.)

4. Plan yourself a surprise.

scratcherThis is probably my favorite of them all. On Mondays, I buy two scratchers from 7-11 and tuck them away in my desk drawer for later in the afternoon. Having something to look forward to throughout the day is so much fun! Maybe I’m just a total dork, but it definitely helps me get through the day to know that something special is waiting for me in my desk. Choose whatever gets you a little bit excited. Whether it’s a piece of chocolate, flowers, or your favorite drink, find something that you just can’t wait to have!

5. Rest.

photo(4)Getting a good night’s sleep on Sunday night can make all the difference in the world. Try to wind down a little extra early to ensure you have the energy you’ll need to push through your day.

I hope these tips help make your Monday the BOMB!

Do you have other tips for Mondays that help you get through? Leave them in the comments below!

Labor Day + Boxing + Workouts + Homicide Hunter!!

This post is going to be alllllll over the place. I haven’t blogged in a week and I have so much to say! LOL

Let’s start with Labor Day Weekend. It was such a great 3 days! Charlie and I did a good mix of relaxing, eating, and staying active. We ate Burger Lounge twice (my favorite turkey burger and fries EVER),

photo 3and watched about 500 episodes of Homicide Hunter.

photo 2OMG, have you seen this show? It is AMAZING. Lt. Joe Kenda is seriously THE MAN. I feel like I would admit to a murder I didn’t commit if I had to be interrogated by him. I can’t stop watching this show.

We also got in a great hike and a fun workout at the gym. The video below shows one of the most ridiculous combos I do. It doesn’t look that bad, but it literally kills me every time. It’s 3 pull ups, 3 push ups, 2 pull ups, 2 push ups, 1 pull up, 1 push up. That’s one set. This is my third. -_-

This week was busyย  (and short!), so I did a lot of catching up on Tuesday, after not working on Monday. I love 3 day weekends, but the pile of work that ends up on my plate by Tuesday is a bit overwhelming. Here’s what my workouts were like this week:

Weekly Workouts 9/1-9/5/14

Sunday: Legs

Monday: Evening hike

Tuesday: 20 min. Stairmill + Shoulder/Chest Workout

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Full Body Circuit (for a commercial we filmed) + Boxing

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Possibly a hike?

Sunday: Rest or active recovery

Last night, I took a boxing class again. I took a break from boxing for a bit after I got a weird knot in my back. We have some new instructors at Iron Boxing now, so I decided to jump in again. IT WAS AMAZING. I literally sweated out everything in my body. At one point while I was hitting the mitts, I almost thought I was going to pass out. I was giving EVERYTHING I had and pushed myself to the limit. It was incredible and I cannot WAIT to go back. These new instructors are THE REAL DEAL!


I’m gearing up for another great weekend of relaxing and spending time with some friends! (Oh, and obviously binge watching Homicide Hunter….)

Questions of the day:

Have you ever seen Homicide Hunter? (isn’t it the best?!!?!)

What is your favorite way to sweat?


Banded Hip Thrusts + Killer Leg Workout! {VIDEOS}

The holiday weekend is thisclose!!!! Is everyone else as excited as I am? I love my work, but I love my playtime too!

I plan on doing a mix of kicking back and relaxing as well as going on some adventures! The weather is gorgeous this time of year (and ummm every other time of the year…thanks Santa Monica!) so I’m going to take advantage of it somehow! I’ve really been wanting to rollerblade down by the beach lately. I loooovvveee rollerblading and don’t do it often enough. Any other bladers around here or is it just me?!

On Tuesday, I did a pretty killer leg workout. It was a mixture of strength training and athletic movements. It completely turned my legs to jello and was a lot of fun! I’ve been doing hip thrusts since pretty much the beginning of hip thrusts (thanks Bret!), and have done them with barbells, dumbbells, and bands. Since my first training studio had a Skorcher (built specifically for hip thrusts), I was able to do banded hip thrusts whenever I wanted, but most gyms don’t have that. I had never actually attempted to do them anywhere else, but decided to try to get creative and figure it out. I found the PERFECT solution and it can be done at any gym containing a standard bench press. Maybe people have already been doing this for a while, but if not, I highly recommend trying it out:

Here’s the full leg workout I did:

Deadlifts: 4 sets at 149 x 15, 159 x 12, 169 x 10, 179 x 8

Deadlift set up

Deadlift set up

Banded Hip Thrusts: 4 sets of 20 reps (next time I’ll try with a thicker band)

2014-08-26 17.43.10

Combo: 3 sets of KB Swings (28kg), Sled Push, Squats, Sled Push (video below)

Superset: 3 sets of DB Walking Lunges (20lb DB’s x 10) + Broad Jumps (10 reps)

Definitely scale this to what you can do and as always, check with a doctor before trying any new workout programs. If you’re unsure of how to do any of these movements, feel free to e-mail me! I’m happy to do video demonstrations!

Have a great rest of the day! 2014-08-26 18.00.12 HDR

Question of the day:

Do you do Hip Thrusts?

Banded? Barbell? DB?

My Daily Food Diary + a Leg Workout!

It’s been quite a week over here! Not going to lie, I’m REALLY excited for the weekend! Not only will I have a chance to chill out, but my brother-in-law is coming to visit, too. This week has definitely tested my patience, but I’m determined to come out on top. Facetime with this little guy on Tuesday definitely helped make it all better….




If you’ve never Facetimed with an almost-2 year old, I highly recommend it. Haha! This kid cracks me up! I also had a pretty fun assistant in the office for a bit. Meet….RUFUS. He’s the best.


This week’s workouts have been pretty good! I took a much needed rest day yesterday. I actually almost tried to make myself go to the gym in the evening, but I knew it would benefit me to just relax. I just love working out so much and feel so good when I do, that it’s hard for me to rest sometimes. I’ve got a Shoulder/Chest workout on the agenda for this afternoon, so I’ll post that workout tomorrow.

Leg day on Tuesday turned out to be pretty killer. I was sweating like crazy and was definitely glad when it was over. Leg day is my favorite but MAN can it be brutal! Here’s what I did:

Tuesday Leg Workout

4 Sets of Deadlifts (worked up to 169 pounds x 8 reps)

3 Sets of Barbell Reverse Lunges (75 pounds)

3 Supersets of Glute Donkey Kicks on the Leg ext. + Wide Stance KB Goblet Squats

2 Supersets of DB Step Ups + Step Up Jumps

I thought it would be fun to give you guys an idea of how I eat most of the time. I for sure have treats every now and then and don’t worry about it, but this is my 80%. Meaning that 80% of the time, this is how I eat. This is how I choose to eat….not for any other reason than it makes me feel good, supports my training, and still keeps me satisfied. Yep, I EAT CHEESE and lots of FRUIT and omg, I eat after 6pm too….and still live to tell about it. ๐Ÿ˜‰


8:30am: Large Americano w/ Nonfat Steamed Milk

9am: 2 Scrambled Eggs + 1/2 cup oatmeal OR a slice of Ezekiel bread + an apple

10:30-11am: an apple + almonds OR Cookies & Cream Quest Bar

12-1pm: chicken or turkey + brown rice or quinoa + veggies + sometimes avocado or cheese (sometimes I do a paleo burger too)

3-3:30pm: Cookies and Cream Quest Bar & a Large Americano w/ nonfat steamed milk

4-4:30pm: Workout

6-6:30pm: Chicken, brown rice, bell peppers, & cheese OR this amazingly incredible taco salad

7:30-8pm: Fruit. Grapes or peaches or strawberries or whatever I can get my hands on!

That’s all I’ve got folks…..hope your Thursday is off to a fantastic start!

What’s on your workout agenda for the day?

Manic Monday & Back Workout!

Woahhhhhhhh. Somehow when I woke up on Monday, I just knew it was going to be “one of those days.” I even took the proper precautions and got my HIIT done in the morning so that I’d be better prepared for a shit storm. It didn’t turn out to be as bad as I thought, but to say it was stressful would be an understatement. A 12 hour Monday is a lot to take in when you still have four more days in the week! Oh well, hopefully I got the hard stuff out of the way.

This little girl definitely helped cheer things up. Isn’t she the cutest?

Even still, I was able to get in a pretty good back/biceps/abs workout. I threw in the abs just because. I rarely do abs (usually only when someone tricks me into it) but thought it would be good to start doing them here and there. ๐Ÿ˜€ I use and engage my abs during basically every exercise I do, which is why I don’t typically do specific exercises for them, but it certainly is something I should do more of!

This was short and sweet, just the way I like it. I SOOO prefer to do supersets and work my ass off for 30-40 minutes as opposed to longer workouts with long rest periods. Of course, when I’m lifting heavier, I need the longer rests, but if I’m doing slightly higher reps, screw the rest time! I’m too impatient! Here’s what I did:

Back/Bis/Ab Workout

Superset #1: (bw=bodyweight)

Chin Ups:

Set 1 – bw x 5, Set 2 – bw x 4, Set 3 – bw x 4

Hanging Leg Raise

Set 1 – bw x 12, Set 2 – bw x 12, Set 3 – bw x 12

Superset #2:

Lat Pulldown (double pulley)

Set 1 – 35 x 15, Set 2 – 35 x 15, Set 3 – 35 x 15

EZ Bar Curl

Set 1 – 40 x 12, Set 2 – 40 x 12, Set 3 – 40 x 10

Superset #3:

One Arm Cable Row (using seated row cable)

Set 1 – 25 x 15, Set 2 – 25 x 15, Set 3 – 25 x 15

DB Hammer Curl

Set 1 – 15 x 15, Set 2 – 17.5 x 10, Set 3 – 17.5 x 10


Opposite Hand to Foot Full Sit Ups

Set 1- bw x 20, Set 2 – bw x 20

This workout was good! The chin ups always get me. I was surprised that I did 5 in a row! I haven’t done them in a few weeks and was worried I wouldn’t be able to do them at all. ๐Ÿ˜€

pull up pic

(Me doing pull ups a few months ago)

I’m planning on hitting legs today, and specifically deadlifting. I feel like I’ve been focusing on squats a TON lately (because I’m trying to get better at them) and I’ve neglected the deadlifts a bit.

I just have to say, while I’ve been squatting for years, a few months ago I decided to focus on going heavier with better form. I always shied away from heavy squats because I wasn’t good at them, and many moons ago, I sort of injured my back by going too heavy too soon. I was new to lifting and just didn’t give myself ample time to work up to heavier weights. It kind of freaked me out a bit and so I just kept my weights fairly light and never went too heavy throughout the years. I wanted to start working on heavier weights and really just decided to start from the beginning. I started with the weight I was comfortable with and just practiced. Each time I’d do squats, I’d add a little bit more weight. I wouldn’t go any heavier until I was hitting below parallel and in good form. Once I mastered that weight, I’d up the weights just a touch more. I’ve been doing this for the last few months and HOLY COW my butt has lifted! I started noticing it a few weeks ago and it’s pretty awesome. I’m able to go heavier than I have in years, I squat below parallel, and my butt is looking amazing. Who’da thought?

The moral of the story? SQUAT. HEAVY. A LOT.


Anyways, that’s all I’ve got. I’m getting ready to crack away at Tuesday’s to-do list and then get my legs-a-movin’! Have a wonderful Tuesday friends!

Muscles, Flexing, and a Kettle Bell Workout!

Good morning! Happy Thursday!

This week has FLOWN by. Anyone else feel that way? I swear, it was just Monday!

Workouts this week have left me pretty sore. I’m taking a much-needed rest day today! Here’s what my week has looked like:

Sunday: Legs!!! (and oh, did this workout make me sore)

Monday: 20 min. HIIT & Shoulders/Triceps

Tuesday: Back & Biceps + 20 minutes on the treadmill (to literally try to shake the sedative-meds out of my legs)

Wednesday: Full Body w/ a focus on Chest (below)


On another note, I read this article yesterday and immediately shared it. This is so, so, so spot on. I urge you all to read this and take notes. My favorite quote in the article:

“Like Herbalife, Isagenix may be an effective weight loss tool. So is anorexia. Doesnโ€™t mean I think itโ€™s a good idea.”

Finally, I’ll leave you with this. Lifting weights doesn’t mean you’re going to walk around looking like the hulk. You’re only going to look like the hulk when you have seriously developed muscle (read: years of development) AND flex those seriously developed muscles. And even then, you still may not! I’ve been training for 7 years STRAIGHT and this is how “bulky” heavy lifting has made me:


(On a side note, back in 2008, before I had any “real” muscle, I would put photos of women with really awesome shoulders on my bathroom mirror. I looked at my own photo last night and realized…..I have those awesome shoulders that I always envied!! Cool!!)


P.S. Don’t judge my dirty mirrors. #okthanks.

Have a great rest of your day folks!

Question of the day:

1. Be honest, are you afraid to lift heavy weights?



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