Tag Archive for workout jealousy

Workout Jealousy

It’s Thursday! It’s Thursday! I’m excited because it’s kind of a Friday for me.

I’m heading out of town with my man today to watch him do a seminar at an audio convention. Pretty cool! It’s in Tucson, AZ, which isn’t all that exciting, but it has its perks. Like….EEGEE’S!!!!! If you’ve never had or heard of an EEGEE’s, you should really travel to Tucson. Strawberry Lemonade, I’M COMIN’ FOR YA!

StrawberryThis week has been so strange, guys. I thought it was Monday yesterday. -_- Maybe I need this little trip out of town????

I did a fun Crossfit workout yesterday that I thought I’d share with you. This is to be done with a partner, but you could cut it in half and do it yourself too!

100 Hang Power Cleans – Partner Workout

Rules: Partner 1 does 10 burpees, then as many HPC’s as they can before dropping the bar. Once they drop the bar, the next partner does 10 burpees and as many HPC’s as they can before dropping the bar. You continue going back and forth with this until you and your partner collectively reach 100 HPC’s.

It’s a TOUGH one, but a lot of fun. I was shaking afterwards!


Workout Jealousy

We all need rest days. Working out every single day without a rest just isn’t sustainable. (Trust me, I’ve tried it.)

But have you ever been enjoying your rest day, perusing Facebook or Instagram, looked at a photo or workout someone posted…..and felt guilty???? I totally suffer from this sometimes. It’s almost a jealous feeling. I’ll see that someone did a crushing leg workout or a fun hike and think to myself “damn, she’s getting ahead” or “wow, I want to do that workout!”

It’s really silly when I think about it. I KNOW I need the rest days, but I can’t help but feeling a little like I’m getting behind, being lazy, or just flat out missing out on something fun.

Have you ever suffered from workout jealousy?

Do you cave in and go workout or do you stay strong and rest?