Tag Archive for fitlizzio

BLEND Retreat 2015: Part 1

gnarly nutrition

xenical orlistatHey friends (new and old)!

I just got back from BLEND Retreat and OMG, it was such a blast! Can we do it again next weekend?


If you’re not familiar, here is what BLEND Retreat is (from their website):

The BLEND Retreat (named so because we wanted to combine “blogger” with “friend”) is a relaxed, laid-back retreat for healthy living, food and fitness bloggers from across the world. Instead of focusing on seminars and speakers, the focus will be on friendship and having a weekend away to get to know one another in real life.

That description sums it up perfectly! I made tons of new friends, did some fun workouts, was introduced to some new companies, was RE-introduced to some companies that have morphed over the years into healthier products, and had an overall amazing time in the mountains.

I have TONS of pictures, so get ready for it….

Friday morning, my friend Tedi & I got up at the crack of dawn (3:45am to be exact) to catch a 5:50am flight to Denver. I spent 15 hours moving on Thursday, so I pretty much felt like a wet noodle. Oh well!

blend retreat

We arrived in Denver around 9:30am and we were STARVING. Since check-in wasn’t until about 2:30pm, we decided to go to Downtown Denver for some breakfast. We ate at Snooze and it was SO good.

snooze breakfastIt was also awesome to NOT pay LA prices for food. Our breakfast was $18 for both of us! Score!(In LA, it would have been $30).

downtown denver

After we ate, we walked around a bit and then decided to head up to Boulder. We hopped in the Uber and had an interesting conversation with our driver. He was from Nepal and was telling us all about the devastation there, about his family that still lives there, and the stuff the media doesn’t tell you. It was very interesting hearing a different perspective of everything.

We arrived in Chautauqua Park (where the retreat was being held) around 12:30pm and it was raining. In Boulder, apparently it rains on and off a lot but as quickly as it’s pouring, it can be sunny and blue skies just moments later. Pretty cool!

We ended up just hanging out on the camp grounds for a bit before it was time to check in. If you ever have the chance to go to Chautauqua, I highly recommend it! It was such a gorgeous spot with hiking trails within walking distance, a general store (with cute little xenical orlistat, food, coffee, and toiletries), a dining hall that was open all day, and lots of cute little cabins!

Around 2:30pm, it was time to check in. We walked through the expo a bit and got to try free samples and meet the ambassadors from the various companies.

blend retreat

General Mills was there (the lovely Tina of Carrots n Cake was representing) and had a full on make-your-own trail mix bar! So cool! I am pretty sure I put a little of everything in mine. I couldn’t resist!

general millsgeneral mills

After walking through the expo, talking to the various companies, and meeting other bloggers, I decided I needed to get a workout in. I was tired from moving and traveling and new a workout would give me a much-needed energy boost.

I ended up grabbing the yoga mat that we were given upon check-in and finding a spot on the grass to do a quick workout. I pulled a workout from Rockstar Fitness™ Tour Edition and it totally kicked my butt! I wanted to quit about 3/4 of the way in but decided that if I’m telling other people to do these workouts, I better finish them myself ha!

rockstar fitness Post-Workout Death Face

I showered up and then it was time for cocktail hour, dinner and dessert! The spread was AMAZING! Appetizers with Sizzlefish salmon and 34 Degrees crackers, WaNu cocktails, Arctic Zero dessert and more!

sizzlefishPhoto Credit: Lindsay’s List

WANUPhoto Credit: Lindsay’s List

arcticzeroPhoto Credit: Lindsay’s List

After dessert, we headed back to our cabin and just crashed. It was such a fun first day, but I think Saturday may have even been better….

Stay tuned for Part 2!

10 Minute Workout!

Good morning!

Today is officially MOVING DAY for us!

I’ve got a 10 minute workout for you at the end of this post, but first an update on the move and workouts for the week!

We’ve been neck-deep in boxes for the last few days, so I’m definitely ready to stop living like a hoarder! I keep saying I don’t know how hoarders do it. Walking around boxes, creating pathways to get to different rooms…it’s making my head spin! I’m definitely excited to get back to normal, although a NEW normal since we’ll be in a new apartment.

Workouts for the Last Week (5/6-5/13/15)

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday: Legs + Boxing

Friday: Chest/Shoulders + 10 Minute Conditioning (see below)

Saturday: Hike/Trail Run

Sunday: Packing boxes!!

Monday: Back/Biceps + 10 Minute Conditioning

Tuesday: Glute-Focused Leg Day


Wednesday: Chest/Shoulders

I’ve been tacking on a 10 minute workout for conditioning purposes to the end of my strength training workouts lately. I absolutely love it! It’s the perfect way to finish a workout, and gives me a great extra sweat and burn!

Here’s one of the 10 minute workouts I’ve been doing:


After my move, I’m heading to the BLEND Retreat in Boulder, CO, so I’ll be back with TONS of pictures and adventures on Monday!

-Lizzy (& Oscar!)




5 Fitness Myths: DeBunked!

As if the fitness industry didn’t have enough misinformation floating around, the internet has brought it to a whollllle new level. Now anyone with a computer can suddenly become an expert and give advice. It’s pretty scary when you think about it. Who are these people you’re taking advice from? Do they ACTUALLY know what they’re talking about? Or do they just have a fit body and an Instagram account?

If I see ONE more post about how a WRAP is going to tighten you up and make you lose weight, I’m going to vomit. What will be next?

Anyways, instead of ranting (which I’m really good at, by the way), I’m just going to de-bunk some of the myths that I STILL see floating around the fitness world. I thought for sure these would be extinct before now, but they’re not. As a fitness advocate, I feel it is my duty to remind everyone of these 5 myths that we MUST get rid of for GOOD.

SO, let’s get right to it:

1. More Exercise is Better.

overtrainThere are still plenty of people that believe that the more you work out, the better off you’ll be. The whole “sweat a little bit each day” has become “if you’re not doing work you’re lazy”. It’s not surprising that so many people are stuck in this mindset. After all, we’ve got fitness role models all over the world proclaiming #nodaysoff and shaming anyone who DOES take days off. Let me speak from experience here: TAKE DAYS OFF.  I, myself, used to be one of those people that didn’t. I worked out 6-7 days per week, lifting AND doing cardio. Sometimes I even did MORE than just lifting and cardio in one day. It was craziness, unnecessary, and it was hindering my progress. Sure, I got in great shape at first, but that isn’t sustainable. After a long period of time doing that, my body started rebelling against me. These days, I lift about 4-5 days per week and do 1-2 short (15-20 minute) conditioning sessions each week. I take at least 2 days off per week and sometimes more, depending on how I feel. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been, and I don’t feel like shit all the time. The facts: Recovery is NECESSARY for the body. Think about it this way: when you are working out, you’re tearing your muscles down. That’s good and normal. They then have to re-build and that’s what makes: muscle growth. BUT, if you continue to tear them down before they’ve had a chance to re-build, you start getting negative returns. Listen to your body, allow your body time to recover, and don’t over-do it.

2. Spot-Reducing.

Woman Tying Measuring Tape Around Her Waist

Woman Tying Measuring Tape Around Her Waist

You can do all the leg lifts, donkey kicks, and squats in the world, but they will never result in the ability to spot-reduce your butt (or any other body part for that matter). You can build muscle in specific areas, but the way your body loses fat is completely pre-disposed. Personally, I lose fat in my arms and stomach first, then my butt and thighs. To keep it simple: Body fat happens when the energy you’re expending is greater than the energy you’re taking in. (There are also hormonal factors involved, but we won’t get into that now.) If you’re keeping a sound diet and working out, you WILL lose fat, but you’re not going to ever be able to tell your body WHERE to lose it from first. Kapeesh?

3. Less is More.

One Green Pea On Plate. Table Setting With Clipping Path.

I cringe when I see people show me their diet plans, only to find out they’re working out 6-7 days per week and eating 1200 calories per day. It is simply just not enough for most people. If you want your body to have the ability to lose fat, you have to feed it. If you put your body in a starvation mode (ketosis), your body works to protect your vital organs by holding on to everything it can for storage. Your literally putting your body in a “fight or flight” state and I can assure you it isn’t going to help you lose weight in the long run. This brings on all new issues including a slow metabolism, wild cravings, lethargy, and possibly even more serious health issues. Obviously activity, height, weight, and age all play into the amount you should be eating, but getting rid of the “less is better” mentality is a must. Eat to FUEL your body. Macronutrient counting is my preferred way to do this to ensure you’re getting enough protein, carbs, and fat each day.

4. Instant Results.

understanding-your-choices-when-it-comes-to-products-to-help-lose-weight-fast So you worked out for a month straight and you’re not seeing #allthegainz yet? Congratulations, you’re normal. Yes, there are some genetic freaks that change extremely fast, but for most people, it takes months and months and years and years. Of course, you can make significant improvements in just a few short months, but if you were expecting to look like someone who has been working out for 10 years in just 6 months, you’re mistaken. There’s a reason they’ve been at it for 10 years!

5. Bulking Up.

hu_yan___female_bodybuilder___6ft_4in_by_theamazonclub-d56mg7r Ladies, for the 100432th time, you’re not going to bulk up and look like a man. Building muscle is HARD….like really, really, freaking hard. It takes a lot of work and a LOT of patience (see above). Unless you’re taking steroids, you’re not going to look like a man. In fact, you’ll probably look more like a sexy beast….and I’m guessing you won’t have any objections to that! 😀

I get it, it’s hard to know what’s right or wrong with all of the different outlets of information we have at our fingertips. You think I don’t fall victim to it at times? Of course I do! I’m human! But at the end of the day, I research the hell out of a topic when I’m not entirely sure about it or I look to my trusted role models for their advice and opinions on the matter. It’s impossible to sift through all of it and be an “expert” on everything, but what you CAN do is stay informed and do your homework. If something seems a little too good to be true, it probably is…and that’s your sign to dig a little deeper before falling for yet another gimmick.

Found this article helpful? Check out my article on “Who Should You Trust?”

Question of the Day:

Do you count calories or macro-nutrients?

20 Minute Sweatfest! {workout inside}

Hey guys!

I’m so glad the weekend is almost here! I’m getting over a little cold, and I want to just chill out and watch movies. Remember the good old days when you were sick and it meant that you were automatically excused of all responsibilities? Oh how I wish that were still the case! As an adult, being sick just means you feel like shit as you go through your normal daily tasks. Boo.

Today I was feeling a bit on the mend and decided to see how a workout would feel. Working out when I’m getting over being sick is a 50/50 risk I take. Sometimes I feel like it kicks me out of the sickness for good….other times it just makes me feel worse. I’m happy to say that I think I’m feeling better after this one! Fingers Crossed.

For this workout, you need a barbell, a kettle bell (or a dumbbell would work too), and a medicine ball. I used a regular 45 lb bar, a 12kg Kettle Bell and a 16 pound medicine ball, but use what works for you.

20 min sweat fest

This workout kicks my butt. I do it once per week for conditioning and it never fails!


IMG_7926That’s my sweaty post-workout bathroom selfie inception photo. What do you ya think?

I’m spending the rest of my day getting a bunch of work done, finding some boxes (oh yeah, we’re moving!), and then going to hopefully relax and get the rest of this sickness OUT of my body.

Have a wonderful day peeps!

Question of the Day:

Do you work out when you’re sick?




Weekend in Park City + Rockstar Fitness™ Workout!

Good morning!

I promise I’ll be back to a regular blogging schedule soon…just trying to figure this whole “life balance” thing out. Know what I mean? 🙂

This past weekend, I flew up to Park City to hang with my bestie! We’ve literally been best friends since we were in 2nd grade (I hated her before that haha), and since I’ve lived in LA, we haven’t really gotten to spend too much quality time together. Since she just moved up there, I figured it was the perfect time to fix that!


I had never been to Park City (or Utah in general), so I was super excited about this trip!

The people in Park City and SLC are SO nice. It was such a nice stop-ed-info of pace from LA. The views were GORGEOUS, and it even snowed a little bit on Sunday!


We ate good food, laughed, did some yoga at her store (lululemon), and just had a blast getting to know the city. I can’t wait to go back!



Rockstar Fitness™ Tour Edition WORKOUT!

Woohoo!! Thank you to everyone that has pre-ordered Rockstar Fitness™ Tour Edition so far! If you haven’t yet, you still have a week left before prices go up!! ($8.99 right now!)


I thought I’d share one of the workouts from Rockstar Fitness™ Tour Edition. This workout totally kicked my butt and it only took me 20 minutes. Oh, and I did it in my living room. Win, win, win!

ROCKSTAR FITNESS - Video in a Scrolling Article and a Gallery_1

Hope you love it! Here’s that link again to pre-order Rockstar Fitness™ Tour Edition!

As always, check with a doctor before starting any new exercise program. Listen to your body and know your limits.



Weekend Things + Booty Building Exercises!

Hey Friends!

I hope your Monday is off to a great start! I’m not quite ready for the weekend to be over, but what can ya do?


Friday night, we went and saw one of the bands Charlie worked with at the W in Hollywood. I had never been there, and it was pretty cool! The event area is on the 12th floor, so the views were amazing!


Saturday morning I headed to Temescal Canyon with my friend Tedi to catch up and sweat a little. It was hot out and we didn’t have a ton of time, so we only went about half way up and turned around to come back down.


I sat on the couch and ate lunch/snacked a bit while watching Dick Van Dyke,


and then got up the energy to go do a Chest workout.

I got home, showered up, and took a nap. I’ve been extremely exhausted lately and although I’m not usually a napper, I’ve been trying to sneak them in more often. Not being rested has so many bad effects on the mind and body, so I’m trying to be better about getting enough of it. If I’m unable to get enough hours of sleep during the night, I’m working on finding 20-30 minutes to nap at some point in the day.


Shots, Shots, Shots!

Anyone ever gotten a B12 shot? My friend’s friend just opened up a clinic where she does all kinds of vitamin shots and IV’s. I went in last Wednesday and got a B12 + MIC shot. It’s supposed to help keep my energy up. I’ve actually felt a lot better since, and I ended up buying a package of 4 more. I’ll give me full opinion on how well I think it works (or not) after I use up all of my appointments. They suggested that I go in once a week and that the consistency helps, so we’ll see!

My Favorite Booty Building Exercises

A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post for Chrissy at  Snacking in Sneakers. It’s a topic that I’m constantly asked about, so I thought I’d share it here, too! Check out my Top 5 Best Butt Exercises for Building Glutes!

New blog post is up on FitLizzio.com. I'm on my soap box today talking about how you can stop saying I CAN'T....and start doing more than you thought possible....link in profile.

Questions of the Day:

1. What’s your favorite booty exercise?

2. Least favorite?

Random Tuesday Thoughts

Happy Tuesday!

I apologize for the sporadic posts lately…I’ve been beyond BUSY lately, and I’m just trying to do it all!

Today I’ve got a bunch of random things floating around in my head, so I figured I’d just compile them into a post of random thoughts and the latest happenings in my life!

– I am the type of person that always feels like I need to finish things by the end of the day. This means if I’m given 20 tasks, then I try to figure out a way to do them all that day. This is both a blessing and a curse. I’m a REALLY hard worker and I GSD (get sh&t done) like a MFer! On the other hand, I stress myself out SO much trying to tackle everything. Perfect example, my new ebook: Rockstar Fitness™ Tour Edition. I’m SO excited to release this. I’ve put a TON of work into this project and it’s seriously AWESOME (and pre-sale starts on Wednesday!). On the other hand, it just seems like a never ending project at times. Of course, I know that it will all be worth it, but some nights as I’m working away, I just want to give up on everything. It’s hard to be open about that, as I sometimes feel that people assume I enjoy what I do 100% of the time. I do enjoy it a lot, but I have many moments where I just feel overwhelmed and want to just quit. Sometimes the beach bum life just sounds really tempting. Anyways, I hate to be a negative Nancy, but sometimes it’s good to just be real with people about the struggles of every day life. We all have them. Loving your work doesn’t mean you love every minute of it and it’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed at times.


-My body is totally exhausted this week! Charlie, Oscar and I went on a 6 mile hike in Malibu on Sunday and it actually made me pretty sore. I typically don’t get sore from hiking, but I also have been focusing on strength training, conditioning (usually with KB’s), and track workouts as of late, so I guess mixing it up with a hike really got to me! I still find it interesting that endurance-wise, I still feel just as good as I did when I was doing cardio all the time. I don’t breathe any harder now than I did when I was doing cardio #8daysaweek. It just goes to show that steady state cardio is not the only way to keep your cardiovascular conditioning in check!


-I have two cool trips planned in the next month! I’m going to Park City in a few weeks to hang with my BFF (literally since I was a kid) since she’s moving there! Then in May, I’ll be heading to the BLEND Retreat in Boulder, CO! I’m excited for some time in the mountains!


-I got to see my favorite band ever play last week and it was everything I could have asked for!! 36 Crazyfists (yes, i’m a total metal head in case you didn’t know) has been my favorite band for 11 years. I’m a total die-hard fan and I’m still working on fulfilling my dream of visiting Alaska AND seeing them play in their hometown (Anchorage).


-This guy makes bad days good. He is the sweetest, most playful puppy and he helps me take a step back sometimes and see how simple life is.


That’s all I’ve got for now….I’ll be back later this week with the details on Rockstar Fitness™ Tour Edition AND with a fun conditioning workout to try!!

Peace out folks!


Good, Good, Bad

Happy Wednesday!

It’s been quite a busy few days! I was in AZ this weekend for Celebrity Fight Night and drove back on Monday. I was able to get some work done on the drive back (I wasn’t driving), and went right into more work as soon as I got home. I can’t believe it’s actually already Wednesday, now that I think about it!

I thought it would be fun to anticonvulsants-info some of the good and bad from the last week, with a good, good, bad post where I highlight 2 good things and then a not so good thing. Here goes!


I got to hang out with this cute kiddo this weekend,


as well as his little brother (my newest nephew). I love, love, love hanging with them!


Clearly, Oscar wasn’t getting enough attention haha!



I got to celebrate my belated birthday this weekend with my family (my birthday was March 10th).


My sister got me the BEST necklace I’ve ever owned for my birthday. It’s a necklace from Origami Owl and she put charms inside that represent me. She put a cup of coffee, a dog paw, a kettle bell, a heart that says “aunt”, a guitar, and my birth stone. To say I’m obsessed would be an understatement!



I found out about I ticket I had from 2013 that never got paid and had to pay a BOAT LOAD to ensure my license would be in good standing. NOT COOL.


I attended Celebrity Fight Night again this year and had a blast! Kelly Clarkson performed and was AMAZING, along with Blake Shelton, Reba McEntire, Josh Groban, and Ronny Dunn (Boot Scootin’ Boogie!!). Frank Caliendo also did his standup and OMG…it was hilarious. His impressions are so spot on, I could have watched his standup all night! I laughed to tears!



I got my pup and my mom’s pup together while I was in AZ and they were too cute! These two guys love eachother. We call Oscar mini-me because he’s SO much smaller than Knuckles.



My diet has been all over the place and I haven’t been sticking to my macros as consistently as I’d like to. I’m maintaining my weight (it’s what I do best! lol), but I want to stop allowing stress to get in the way of my goals. It’s something I’m going to work on this month as a top priority.


Question of the Day:

What is one good and one bad thing that happened this past week?

Cinnamon Bun Protein Pancake!

Hey peeps! Happy Friday to all! I’m currently on the road to AZ for the weekend. Can’t wait to see my family and get dressed up for a super snazzy event! (pictures to come).

I was recently contacted by DailyBurn to share one of my favorite ways to fuel up using protein powder. As most of you know, I like to eat real foods most of the time, but I do enjoy a protein shake or protein pancake once a day after my workout, for breakfast, or on-the-go.

One of my go-to’s lately has been this super simple protein pancake. I throw it together in just a few seconds, and BAM it’s ready to eat. I eat this after a workout, as part of my breakfast, or if I’m running out the door and don’t have time to make something. It curbs my hunger, helps my muscles recover after a hard workout, and tastes delicious too! What’s not to like?

Cinnamon Bun Protein Pancake

-1 scoop vanilla or cinnamon flavored protein powder ( I use Slap Nutrition, but if you’d like a vegan protein option, try Fuel-6 Vanilla)

-1/2 cup egg whites

-Water (just enough to moisten the protein powder to a paste-like texture)

-Cinnamon to taste

-1/2 packet Stevia

-Blender Bottle


1. The blender bottle is key! It can be hard to mix the ingredients, so I throw it all in a blender bottle and shake it up really well.


2. Set your pan to low-medium heat, pour the mixture into the pan, and wait until you see the little bubbles in your pancake (just like regular pancakes!). When you start to see them, it’s time to flip it. Once you flip it, only leave it for about 30-45 seconds so that you don’t overcook it.


3. Enjoy!

IMG_7376(Okay, so it’s not pretty…but who cares as long as it tastes good, right?!)

Things I’m Loving Lately, Workouts, and a Survey!

Woahhh! Long time no see, guys. Sorry for going MIA there for a few days. Life is BUSY right now and I’m just trying to ride the wave.

Things I’m Loving Lately

Track Workouts.

THISCLOSE to looking like  when I run. WINNING. One of my 50m sprints this morning.It’s more of a love/hate. They absolutely kill me, but I’ve been getting up every Monday morning and heading out to the track for a workout. It’s nice to get out in the sun and wake myself up with sprints and bleachers. My go-to right now is:

4 x 100 meter sprints

4 x 50 meter sprints

10 bleachers

My legs shake so much when I’m finished that I have trouble pushing the gas and brake. Good thing I only live 2 blocks away. 🙂

This healthy chicken salad I made

This Chicken Salad was sooooo easy to make and sooooo delicious!!! Makes 4 Servings 2 cans White meat chicken in water 3 celery stalks 3 slices of red onion 1 small box raisins 2 dollops of Fage 0% Greek Yogurt  Mash the chicken, chop the veggies, add the raisins and mix together. Then add the greek yogurt and mix it in. I added fresh cracked pepper as well. ENJOY!!

It’s SO simple to make, and absolutely delicious. Here’s the recipe (makes 3-4 servings):

  • 2 cans white meat chicken in water
  • 3 celery stalks, chopped
  • 1 small box of raisins
  • 3-4 slices of red onion, chopped
  • 2 dollops of plain greek yogurt (I use Fage 0%)
  • salt & pepper to taste

Mash up the chicken, and then add the rest of the dry ingredients. Mix it up, and then add the greek yogurt. Mash it all up again, and you’re DONE. It takes about 5-10 minutes to make this and then you have it on hand for a quick, healthy snack or part of a meal.

Working out at home using workouts straight from my ebook (not released yet)

COMING SOON + FitLizzio Presents Rockstar Fitness "Tour Edition" ~ Fitness for the Touring MusicianGreat way to get sweaty in 20 minutes with no equipment!

National Puppy day…and basically every day that I get to hang out with this guyNational puppy day.Workout Schedule

Here’s what my week looks like:

Monday: Track Workout + Back Workout

Tuesday: At Home Workout from the Rockstar Fitness™ ebook

Wednesday: Legs

Thursday: Conditioning + Shoulders/Chest

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Track Workout

Sunday: Hike

Fun Survey

I saw this on Carrots n’ Cake and thought it would be fun to do here as well.

Can you eat what you want or do you have to watch it?

I have to watch it if I want to lose weight. I can maintain pretty easily.

Do you want kids?

Maybe? I don’t know?

What are your favorite ways to pamper yourself?

I love getting acu massages!

Besides wine, do you have a go-to drink?

I don’t drink wine, but anyone that knows me knows that Kombucha is my JAM (specifically Trilogy!)

Do you have any health regrets?

No…I’ve learned from every step of my journey and I’m thankful for that.

Are you a yoga person?


What workout move do you loathe?

Bulgarian squats. i love/hate them. They are great, but they suck.

When do you feel sexy?

After a workout

When do you feel your absolute happiest?

When I’m snuggling with my pup.


1. What’s your favorite way to pamper yourself?
2. Are you a yoga person?
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