Tag Archive for fitlizzio

Full Review: 21 Day Clutch {progress pictures}

So, much to my surprise when I woke up today, it wasn’t Friday. For whatever reason, yesterday felt like a Thursday for me and my week now feels discombobulated.


On another note, I’m getting my wisdom teeth out today. TERRIFIED, although I’m sure it won’t be that bad. (right? RIGHT?!) I’ll be sure to fill you all in afterwards (aka, I’ll share my chipmunk cheek photos with you for your viewing pleasure).

21 Day Clutch Review


Photo Credit: Bodybuilding.com

I finished up the 21 Day Clutch as part of the FitLizzio Experiment! I’m soooo excited to give you all the details about this, so let’s get right to it!

The Program: 21 Day Clutch by Ashley Conrad

Program Length: 21 Days

Intensity: Hard

Workouts per Week: 5

Average Workout Length: 45-60 minutes

Overall Score (1-10): 7

Starting Weight: 152.9

Ending Weight: 149.1


This program had a mixture of lifting days and cardio days, with 2 rest days each week. The lifting days were full body workouts to be done circuit style. The cardio days were HIIT sessions that lasted anywhere from 15-25 minutes with an ab routine at the end.

Success rate: 99%. I stuck to all of the workouts and didn’t miss a single one. I did my own stretching and foam rolling (instead of what was prescribed), and added a barbell to the body weight squats to make it harder.


-The workouts kicked my butt. I always left the gym a sweaty mess!

-You can day anything for 21 days. I liked that this program wasn’t something I had to commit to for a REALLY long time.

-While there was a small amount of steady state cardio that was recommended (but as an option), the cardio days were based around doing sprints on the treadmill. I agree with this philosophy and feel that it is the most effective way to improve your cardiovascular health as well as lose fat.

-I plan peppering both the lifting and HIIT workouts into my regular workout schedule about once per week.


-The lifting workouts stayed the same throughout the entire program. I would have welcomed a little bit of variety.


I followed the diet to a T for 7 days, but found that it just wasn’t enough food for me. Ashley recommends 1/2 gram of Carbs per pound of body weight (for me, that’s only 75 grams per day!), 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (150g=good), and 1/2 gram of fat per pound of body weight (75g=good). While I had intended to follow this plan exactly, it just wasn’t doable for me. I am up at 5:30am and work 12-13 hour days sometimes. I workout, work, train clients, and chase a dog around throughout the day, so I’m very active. 1300 calories per day and such a low amount of carbohydrates wasn’t sufficient. Instead, I stuck to my own macro-nutrient numbers: 150g Protein, 60g Fat, 190g Carbs per day, with slightly less on rest days.


-While the first 7 days I followed the exact foods that the 21 Day Clutch called for, by Day 8 I realized that it was also a macro-nutrient based diet, so I could swap out foods for other foods with similar macro-nutrient values: SCORE! Considering that’s also my philosophy when it comes to dieting, I went with that and made the adjustments I mentioned above.


-Not enough food. I’m 5’7 and it suggested I eat 1300 calories per day. As I mentioned above, this isn’t nearly enough on a day I’m working out.

-The diet seemed like a “quick fix” type of diet, which I do understand. It’s laid out to be a 21 day turnaround, so to see big results that quickly, requires drastic measures. However, I prefer a plan that leads to a sustainable lifestyle and this didn’t seem sustainable to me. It’s also possible to see results without being too crazy about it (see below).


At some points throughout the last 21 days, I felt that my body was changing. Other times, I couldn’t tell. I have had several people tell me my upper body is leaning out a lot, so I figured something must be happening and I just continued to trust the process. I took my 2nd set of progress pictures yesterday and was surprised to see the changes:


It’s funny how seeing yourself every day can skew your view of changes that are happening. I’m definitely happy with the results!

I haven’t decided what my next installment of the FitLizzio Experiment will be, but I’m going to be scouting that out over the next few days. I’ll likely go back to lifting heavy weights for a few weeks (and incorporating the 21 Day Clutch HIIT workouts, too!) before starting my next experiment.

Question of the Day

1. What programs have you done that you like?

2. Checkout the programs on BodyBuilding.com. Anything in particular you’d like me to try next??

FitLizzio Experiment UPDATE + Weekend Fun

Hey, HEY!

How’s your Monday treating you?

Mine is quite divine if I may say so! I LOVE productive Mondays because they set the tone for the week.

I trained a client early this morning, got my own workout in, and then got started on work. It’s a busy time for us right now, so I’m being very diligent about keeping lists and calendars to make sure I get everything done on time.

FitLizzio Experiment – Day 20

Guys, I am almost done with the 21 Day Clutch! It’s been a really fun experience and I can’t wait to give you a FULL recap (progress photos and all) this week!

IMG_8526 IMG_8527

Remember when I said I didn’t really like the workouts? Well, I’ve been getting more accustomed to them. They’re still not my favorite way to push myself, but I’ve come to enjoy them. I’ll likely continue to do them once per week when I’m finished with the program.

Which brings me to my next thought: Sticking with something. It’s interesting to me how my attitude towards the program has morphed over the last 20 days. I’ve gone from super stoked, to somewhat bored, to seeing results and getting excited, to wondering how to incorporate this way of training into my regular training schedule. Total 180, right?!

It proves that even though something might not SEEM like the right thing, if you stick with it, it might just become something you like. While sometimes that won’t be the case, it is something I will keep in mind going forward.

This is by far my favorite part about doing challenges. I love learning new things and seeing what I’m capable of doing. I love finding out more about myself. It’s amazing how much we don’t know! You always hear that you learn about yourself when you push yourself outside of your comfort zone, but it’s a really hard concept to grasp until you do it. I haven’t pushed myself outside of my comfort zone in far too long when it comes to working out, so this was really fun and motivating.

Look out for a post in the next few days for #allthethings related to the first installment of the FitLizzio Experiment: 21 Day Clutch.

Weekend Fun

This past weekend, my friend Torri and I launched Rockstar Fitness™ Boot Camp! Quest Nutrition was our sponsor and it was SUCH a fun day! Our class went really well and everyone loved it! I can’t wait for next Saturday!


Special RSF Gift Bags from Quest!


Rockstar Fitness™ Boot Camp in action!


Wall balls!


Our OFFICIAL Mascot: Oscar the Boxer

Our crazy group!

The rest of the weekend wasn’t quite as exciting, but was just what I needed: time with my pup, time with my man, and relaxation.

We went to breakfast at IHOP on Sunday morning (and of course, we brought Oscar).


We followed that up with coffee, of course, and then decided to hang out by the pool for a bit.

It was a perfect day outside!

Afterwards, we went and saw Spy with Melissa McCarthy and Jason Statham. SO funny! I love MM and both Charlie and I really enjoyed it.

We came home and watched a few episodes of Better Call Saul (we just started it…so far so good!) while we ate dinner, and then I was so exhausted that I headed straight to bed.


Question of the Day

1. What do you LOVE about boot camps?

2. What do you HATE about boot camps?

5 Ways to Love the Skin You’re In {My Story}

*If you are sensitive to or think a post about disordered eating/a poor relationship with food may be a trigger for you, please skip this post.

I’ve spoken about it on the blog before, but in case you’re new around here, let me give you a little background about me.

At the end of 2008, I got the wild idea to compete in an NPC Competition in the Bikini division. I actually really wanted to compete in the Figure division, but I had only been working out for 2 years and didn’t have much muscle mass. I spent from January – July training, doing a bunch of cardio, and dieting for the competition. The results were really good.

progress pictures

December 2008 – 147 pounds

progress pictures

July 2009 – 123 pounds (i’m 5’8)

I placed 2nd in my first show, got instantly hooked on the stage high and decided to compete again 5 weeks later. I placed 5th at that show, although there were definite politics med-blog (as there always will be in the fitness industry).

From there, everything basically went to shit.

I had been dieting for 7 months at this point, and my will-power was wavering. I had made so many foods “off limits” that eating even just a bite of something that I had labeled “bad” set me off in a spiral. I had failed and therefore, I might as well throw this day in the trash and eat my face off.

This happened every now and then. But it started to become more frequent. I was literally spinning out of control and felt that I couldn’t stop myself.

I’d feel guilty and terrible after spending my day eating junk food, and try to make up for it by doing endless cardio (I once ran 10 miles on a treadmill to try to counteract what I had eaten the day before), and restricting my food even more. I would literally try to not eat all day or to eat as few carbs as possible. It was awful.

The cycle continued on for over a year and I was becoming depressed, gaining weight (I was bigger than I’d ever been in my life) and feeling completely lost. I thought for sure that this was how my life would be forever.

This was my heaviest. I wasn't that big, but for my body, it was way bigger than I'd ever been. I don't even recognize myself in this photo.

This was my heaviest. I weighed 163. I wasn’t that big, but for my body, it was way bigger than I’d ever been. I don’t even recognize myself in this photo.

It wasn’t until about 2010 that I started to “figure it out”. I can’t remember or pinpoint what exactly changed, but I do remember that I decided that there was nothing I could do about the weight I had gained and that I might as well be happy with the way I looked and work on myself from there, rather than missing what I had before. It was kind of like a bad breakup. I had to make the concerted effort to move on, in order to actually do so. While my mind wasn’t healthy, my body was, I could still workout like a beast, and I tried to really force myself to believe I was still beautiful, even though I was 25 pounds heavier than I was when I stepped on stage.

I decided to let myself eat what I wanted to eat. I still kept track of what I ate (and still do to this day), but if I wanted to eat a previously labeled “bad” food, I would eat it. At first, you better believe that I didn’t have any control. It wasn’t like I woke up one day and all my troubles went away.

It took me almost 2 years to rid myself of the horrible relationship with food I had. You see, over time, it became easier to eat just 1 cookie, or have just 1 small bowl of ice cream. It became easier to put the bag of chips away before they were all gone.

In 2012, I did something even more drastic. I gave up cardio.

I had known that doing a bunch of cardio wasn’t necessary, but I couldn’t really let myself believe it. I somehow, even though I knew better, still led myself to believe that I NEEDED to do cardio almost every day.

The funny thing that happened through all of this, with allowing myself to eat whatever I wanted and giving up cardio, is that I started to lose weight.

I wasn’t even trying, and yet, my clothes were fitting better and I could see more lines in my body.

Oddly enough, when I allowed “bad” foods back into my life, I realized that I didn’t actually like to eat junk food all that much. I’m much happier eating healthy proteins, fruit, vegetables, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and many other healthy foods. Did I still like having frozen yogurt every now and then? Absolutely. But I didn’t feel the need to have it all the time. And more importantly, I could eat it without feeling like I needed more, more, more.

Giving up cardio was tough at first, but I started getting stronger. My weight training was improving, I was lifting heavier weights, and my body was leaning out.

What makes this most interesting to me is that I would advise my clients to do EXACTLY what I had finally started doing myself. I KNEW it was the best formula for years, yet, I couldn’t heed my own advice.

Because I was messed up. I had a full-blown eating disorder, hidden from the world (only not really), and felt that there was no way out.

Here I am in 2015, and I have a great relationship with food. I now train to get stronger. I do HIIT a few times a week for conditioning, because I want a strong heart. I now eat to feed my inner badass. To feed the superhero, workout warrior that I feel like I am. And sometimes? I eat because I have a craving. I no longer set myself up for failure, which I was inadvertently doing from January 2009 – August 2009.

On the blog at FitLizzio.com. Progress pics + workouts for the week.

March 2015 151 pounds


May 2015 – 148 lbs

Shoulders are growing. WOOHOO!! Happy Friday!Large Blog ImageNew blog post is up on FitLizzio.com. I'm on my soap box today talking about how you can stop saying I CAN'T....and start doing more than you thought possible....link in profile.

I eat what I want, when I want for the most part. Of course, I still have goals and I still am working towards a leaner body. But I’m patient. And I know that restrict, restrict, restrict is NOT the answer for me. So I’m allowing myself to slowly get to where I want to be. And I’m enjoying foods that satisfy me along the way. There is nothing wrong with having weight loss goals, but how you go about them is extremely important. I learned the hard way.

This is part of the reason I feel that I can connect with so many others that are trying to lose weight. I’ve been where you are. I’ve been through A LOT. And on top of that, I’ve been educating myself for almost 10 years about nutrition, weight loss, strength training, sports specific training and cardiovascular health.

With that said, here are 5 Ways to Love the Skin You’re In..and let go of your poor relationship with food.

1. Stop labeling foods. This was by far the worst thing I’ve ever done. Processed food isn’t BAD. If you ONLY eat processed foods? It’s probably not a good thing, but having some Cheetos or a Twix bar every now and then is totally fine. In fact, I encourage people to eat at least SOME kind of treat each day. It helps keep wild cravings from coming on. (And yes, you can still do this even while you’re trying to lose fat.)

2. Be happy where you are. This was the biggest part of my recovery. I reminded myself EVERY time I looked in the mirror to be happy with where I was today and to know I could only improve from there on out. You only have one body, and treating it poorly both mentally and physically will not help you. By treating your body like a temple and keeping your thoughts about your body positive, you will have a better chance at starting to believe those thoughts. By repeating this to myself DAILY, sometimes HOURLY, I actually started to believe it. I started feeling comfortable with myself once again.

3. Make your goals fitness-based. The weight loss will follow. When I stopped working out to lose weight and started working out to be more fit, be the warrior I felt like inside, get stronger, run faster….I actually started losing weight. My fitness goals now are to get stronger. I want to squat 200lbs, I want to deadlift 300 lbs, and I want to Hip Thrust 400 lbs. Whether you want to accomplish a big goal like running a faster 5k, or just complete a small goal like getting in more reps today than you did yesterday, you will feel gratitude each time you hit those goals and start feeling more positive in the gym. It doesn’t mean you can’t strive to lose weight, but don’t let it be your main focus. Let it be the side effect of your goals.

4. Be mindful of what you eat. This doesn’t just mean to try to eat healthy foods when you can. This also means that sometimes, having a cookie IS the right answer. Sometimes an extra serving of ice cream is OK. Just not every day. Over time, as you start to develop a better relationship with food, you will find that you trust yourself with food and won’t feel the need to eat #allthecookies. You will start to know when you REALLY want a cookie and you’ll pass on them when it just doesn’t feel necessary. (If you would have told me this a few years ago, I would have told you that it isn’t possible. Your mind tricks you into thinking that you will never be able to think like a “normal” person when it comes to food. I assure you, it is possible.)

5. Let go of the guilt. Whether you are currently struggling or have struggled in the past, let go of the guilt. You are NOT a failure. You are NOT a loser. You just got caught up in an unfortunate situation. No matter how you got there, remind yourself that you don’t have to stay there. Even when it feels like there is no way out, THERE IS. If you don’t feel that you can do it on your own, reach out to someone. There are many people out there JUST LIKE YOU that can help you deal with and overcome your issues.

 I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, but if you’d rather speak privately, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]

Day in the Life III

Happy Wednesday peeps!

I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday? When did that happen? Or the fact that it’s June??

Annnnyways, the days seem to be flying by and I realized I hadn’t done a Day in the Life post in a while.

I made notes in my phone all day Monday so I could share what a typical day looks like for me lately:

5:45am: Alarm goes off


6:00am: Get out of bed, start the coffee, start getting ready.

6:34am: Gather my things and head to my personal training client’s house.

6:45am: I see this and can’t help but laugh. Someone really loves Jesus (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the sticker overload cracked me up!)


6:58am: Arrive at my client’s house and we go walk on the beach and do some exercises. The view is awesome!


8:04am: Leave client’s house and head to the gym for a workout

8:16am: Arrive at the gym, set up my equipment and GO

9:01am: DONE, I grab a coffee and head home. (yup, that’s two coffees before 9am)

9:30am: Google Hangout meeting with my team

10:00am: Make some breakfast (I made a Chia Seed Protein Pancake and a banana) and start work, work, working away while I eat it.

protein pancake

11:45am: Quick Phone Meeting

12:06pm: I take Oscar to the park by my house for 15 minutes so he calms down.

12:24pm: I’m starving, so I run to Whole Foods on the way home to get in on some hot bar action. I get steamed kabocha squash, skirt steak, bell peppers, and a kombucha of course.

12:35pm: I head to the gym to work in the office. (sometimes I need to get OUT of the house to get work done and other times I need to be AT my house to get work done).

12:42pm: I get to the gym, open my laptop, and continue on with the work train. I brought Oscar with me today because I felt bad leaving him at home (dog mom guilt). He hangs out under the desk while I work.


2:00pm: I take a break to train a client and take Oscar for a quick walk .

3:00pm: Back in the office and back to work. I send a bunch of emails, work on putting together a big project I’m working on, and update our social media page.

4:11pm: Oscar is tired of the gym, so back home we go to get more work done!

4:26pm: We arrive back at home, I open up my laptop again and….you guessed it…continue working! Someone is tired from the long work day and takes a nap behind me. 🙂IMG_8420

5:40pm: I’m hungry. I send a few more e-mails and whip up a quick dinner of chicken with BBQ sauce, broiled green beans and ketchup, and another kombucha. #no-breastcancer

It's kombucha o'clock!! My favorite time of day.

6:18pm: I start writing this blog post, send a few more work emails, and turn on FBI Files (it’s on Netflix. If you like Forensic Files, you will like this).


7:33pm: I write another FitLizzio blog post, and finish up an article for another client.

8:15pm: I consider going to bed, but can’t seem to stop watching FBI Files, so I start browsing Facebook and mindlessly surf the interwebs.

9:45pm: I finally decide to get in bed. I grab my iPad and start working on a puzzle (if you didn’t know, I’m 95 years old deep down and I LOVE jigsaw puzzles. I have a Jigsaw puzzle app on my iPad and am obsessed).

10:17pm: Charlie gets home and I promptly fall asleep.


Question of the Day

What is one cool or unique thing that happened on Monday?


Traveling? 6 Tips to Stay on Track with your Health and Fitness Goals

If you know me at all, you know that I love to travel! Since I work A LOT, I have to be very creative in my travel plans, but I still make room for a quick escape at least once a month!

In the last 3 months, I’ve been to Scottsdale twice, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Salt Lake City, Boulder, and Las Vegas. (Woah, writing that out makes me wonder how I did all of that myself!)


When I travel, I like to enjoy myself, but I don’t like to throw myself completely off track from my health and fitness goals. I work way too hard in the gym and the kitchen to throw it all away on a few days of vacation. I also don’t want to be the girl with chicken and broccoli in her suitcase (been there, done that), so I’ve had to find ways to be creative when I travel.

Here are 6 Tips to Staying on Track with your Health and Fitness Goals while you’re traveling!

1. Pack some healthy snacks. Whenever I’m leaving for a trip, I always pack Quest bars, some protein powder (and a shaker bottle), and some Justin’s peanut or almond butter packets. This way, I always have a snack if I get hungry and it’s not time for a meal. Depending on where I am, I don’t always have control of the snacks on hand, so I like to keep something in my purse in case my options are slim. Perfect afternoon pick-me-up.

2. Build your meal around protein. When you go out to eat with friends or family, you don’t have to order the plain chicken breast with steamed green beans (although if it’s not a restaurant I’m super excited about, I definitely do that. I’d rather splurge on something that I REALLY want instead of loading up on calories for a food I’m indifferent about.). I’ll typically choose a protein (steak, chicken, or fish), and build my meal around that. Sometimes I’ll try to stay really healthy and do a salad with meat, some type of healthy fat (avocado, cheese, oil), and lots of vegetables with dressing on the side so that I can control the amount used. Other times I’ll be more lenient and go for a meat, a side of vegetables, and a 2nd side that isn’t as healthy, like sweet potato fries or something similar. It all depends on the restaurant for me and I choose based on how healthy I want to be and how much I like the restaurant.

For your enjoyment.

Protein & Carbs. 😀

3. Splurge when it’s worth it. I’m a big fan of not missing out on the things you really love. For example, when I go to Arizona and visit my favorite restaurant, White Chocolate Grill, I have to get the White Chocolate Brownie. I’m fairly sure it’s at least 2,000 calories, but I just take a few bites (which is plenty) and satisfy my craving. Because I know I want this dessert, I make sure to choose a healthy entree. There are some instances where I’d rather skip dessert and eat french fries or macaroni and cheese, so I’ll allow myself to splurge on my side dish, and choose other healthy options for the rest of my meal.


4. Workout. Regardless of where I go, I always find time to get a work out in at least every other day. This helps me get into a healthy mindset for the day and I always feel better after a great workout. If I can’t make it to a gym or a mountain to hike, I wrote a book with 25 workouts you can do anywhere in 20 minutes, so I’ll choose one of those and bust it out in someone’s living room or backyard. (like I did in Boulder a few weeks ago!)

rockstar fitness

5. Walk, walk, walk. (and take the stairs). When I’m traveling, I always try to “lifercise” as my dad calls it. This means walking instead of driving when possible. Taking the stairs. Carrying the heavy groceries or bags. Basically, if you can make it harder, do it. That sounds counter-intuitive to being efficient, but it’s a great way to sneak in some extra exercise throughout the day.

Practicing Yoga...err something..

Or do yoga outside of the airport…..

6. Research. If you’re going to a new city, research your options before you arrive so you have some idea of places you’d like to go. I used to be the person that would stay quiet when everyone started talking about where they wanted to eat. I’d end up at a restaurant that was a little-higher-end-than-KFC-but-not-much and find myself with very few options. While sometimes that WILL be the case (in which you just enjoy the fried chicken and move on with your life), if you have some ideas and vocalize said ideas, often times you’ll be able to try out some of the restaurants you’d be hoping to visit during your stay.

Question of the Day

What is something that you do to stay healthy while traveling?

Photo Dump

Good morning!

It’s time for a Photo Dump! Random photos from my phone (aka the lazy-man’s blog post).

My new favorite place ever! Unfortunately, they’re only in Vegas for now, but I hear they’re opening a location in Orange County!

healthy ice cream










You choose your fruit (I chose strawberry), your milk (I did low-fat), and a topping (I chose banana). They blend it up and then pour it on a flash-freezing pan that is -35 fi-kasino-online! They shave it off of the pan and you have ice cream. (And it’s GOOD.)











The biggest donut I have ever seen! (It was the size of a giant pie!) #onlyinvegas

giant donut










X-Ray of my mouth. Since I’m getting my wisdom teeth out soon, they needed to see how much work it would be. See the peace signs and hoops on the sides of the photo? All of my piercings showed up on the x-ray! I was cracking up!

wisdom teeth










I love these new Converse I get last month! They are slip-ons and go with pretty much everything. (including #bluepants)














Hanging by the pool with Oscar. He loves sunbathing!

oscar the boxer

















I caught Oscar sleeping like this the other day. This is what I like to call “hamburger butt”.

hamburger butt













And last but not least, Oscar might have a gambling problem….

dog gambling

















Question of the Day

Grab your phone. What is the last photo you took? Share it in the comments! 😀

Memorial Day Weekend + FitLizzio Experiment Update

Happy Hump Day friends!

This week seems to be flying since most of us had Monday off. It was nice to have a few days without any real responsibilities!

Saturday was spent running errands, working out, and taking Oscar to not one, but TWO different dog parks. He’s one spoiled pup!

boxer dogs

Oscar and his girlfriend Hope.

On Sunday, Charlie joined me for a workout and then we tackled unpacking the rest of our boxes from moving, and getting our apartment a bit more organized. It feels sooooo much nicer now!

Sunday evening, we headed to Charlie’s friends house for a Memorial Day party. He has a few dogs, so we brought Oscar. He had a BLAST running around with the other dogs and picking up people’s scraps of food throughout the night. They had live music in the living room, tons of food, and a good mix of people. We loved the live music, but Oscar was not into it and stuck with us the whole time they were playing.

boxer dogs

Oscar sitting on Charlie’s lap.

Since I’m doing the 21 Day Clutch, my diet is a bit limited. I ate before we went and then ate a hamburger patty with ketchup and mustard while I was there. I waited until I got home to eat the rest of my dinner. (update on the FitLizzio Experiment below).


Monday was technically a day off, but I had a few things on my agenda.

I headed over to an oral surgeon’s office first thing in the morning to have a consultation about getting my wisdom teeth out.(yes, i still have them, hence all the wisdom ;-)). Unfortunately they’ve been bothering me a bit lately, so I’ll be having them removed in about 2 weeks. Eek!!!

After my appointment, I got a quick workout in before training a client at the gym. Once I was done, I headed home to relax with my boys for the rest of the evening.

Fit Lizzio Experiment Day 8

So far the 21 Day Clutch has been going pretty well! I have been sticking to the diet for the most part (had a few minor slip ups), and have stuck to the workout portion 100%. I feel good and am seeing changes, but I do have some initial reactions from my first full week on this.

1. I don’t like this style of working out very much. While the workouts kick my butt, they aren’t “fun” to me like my normal workouts. It’s getting me out of my comfort zone and all, but I definitely DO NOT look forward to them. Oddly enough, I don’t mind the HIIT sessions, but the “lifting” sessions (i use parentheses because it isn’t really lifting. there are some weights involved, but most of it is bodyweight) just aren’t my thing. It’s a LOT of exercises and a LOT of sets and it just gets old quickly. This is why I’m such a big proponent of finding something you like, because I can totally see how hard it would be to stick to this long-term, seeing as I don’t enjoy it very much.

2. The diet is a little too skimpy. I mentioned that I needed to bulk it up a bit for myself, but if someone was doing this without that type of knowledge, I feel it could be a problem. She recommends 1g of Protein per pound of bodyweight, which is fine, but only .5 g of Carbs per pound of bodyweight. For me, that would mean 75g of carbs per day. That is just nowhere near enough. I need at least 150g at a minimum.

3. I do like the HIIT sessions. They last about 25 minutes and go by pretty quickly. I’ll probably incorporate these into my workouts even after the 21 days is over.

Overall, so far I do like this program and I think it’s a good little reset/ass-kicker. However, I’m reallllly excited to get back to my normal heavy lifting. I’ve done a couple of sets of heavy hip thrusts and deadlifts here and there (because I just can’t stay away), but for the most part I haven’t done any heavy lifting. Either way, it’s only 21 days and it’s definitely a good “push” for me to work hard and grind. It’s exactly what I needed right now, so I’m glad I’m doing it.

Hope you all have a great rest of your day!! See you soon!


P.S. Rockstar Fitness shirts are done!! WOOHOO!

fitness boot camp

fitness bootcamp Instructor shirts



FitLizzio Training Experiment: Day 1

reebok tank

Hey guys!

I hope you’re all as excited as I am about my new experiment!! If you’re not, I need you to be so I can get through it with some motivation haha!

Yesterday I did Day 1 and I do have some initial thoughts!

The Workout

The workout was INTENSE. It was a “lifting” day. It started with a warm-up on the treadmill that included a sprint progression: 30 seconds walking, 30 seconds jogging, 30 seconds sprint x4.

Once I was warmed up, it was time for the workout. This workout was circuit-style and recommended completing 3-6 rounds with 12-15 reps per exercise.

Here are the exercises:

  • Clean & Press
  • Med Ball Slams
  • DB Reverse Lunges
  • Push-Ups
  • Bench Dips
  • Sprint in Place
  • Bodyweight Squats
  • Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
  • Med Ball Jumping Jacks
  • Incline Push-Ups
  • DB Bicep Curls
  • Side Lateral Raises
  • One Arm DB Rows

I made it through 4 rounds. The idea is that by the end of the program you can complete 6 rounds, so hopefully I’ll get there! I’m sure I could have pushed my way through 2 more rounds, but my form was starting to slip and I had made it a goal in my head to get to 4. It was plenty for the first day. I was sweating bullets by the end.

reebok tank

Not sure if you can tell, but my shirt is drenched!

The Food

This is where I may have to make some adjustments and add a little bit to my meals. When I totaled everything for my day’s meals into MyFitnessPal, it came out to just 1380 calories!! I am almost 5’8 and 151 pounds. That is just not enough on a day I’m working out (or even a rest day for that matter). I’ll likely just adjust the amounts at each meal (i.e. instead of 3.5 oz of chicken, I’ll do 5 oz. and instead of 1/2 cup of carbs, I’ll try 3/4). I want to participate in this FULLY, but I’m also not willing to risk my health over it. The plan does call for a good amount of fats, so I’ll probably leave those as is.

I will say, the chia seed protein pancake I had for breakfast (right from the 21 Day Clutch) was SO delicious!

protein pancake

It doesn’t look pretty, but it tasted good!

20 days to go on the FitLizzio Training Experiment….

Question of the Day

1. Have you ever done any of the training programs on Bodybuilding.com? What were your favorites?

FitLizzio Training Experiment


So I was sitting at home last night after workout perusing the interwebs.

My new apartment has a HUGE patio (in LA, a big patio is pretty much like having a backyard), and I am determined to make it my playground. I already purchased some rubber flooring I need to put down and I have some light dumbbells ready to go.



My next purchase is going to be a squat rack, olympic bar, heavier DB’s and plates (just so you know, Charlie). I’ve been scouring over Craigslist and other used outlets to see what I can find.

Anyways, as I was perusing, I was being all introspective and thinking a lot about me, myself, and I.

As I was doing so, I started thinking about my many failures with fat loss, specifically. You see, I LOVE working out. I LOVE weight training, plyometrics, and pretty much any type of high intensity training. It makes me sweat, breathe hard, and feel like a total badass.

But when it comes to eating? I like food. I’m stubborn. I don’t stick to meal plans very well. I make excuses. (That’s the key there, the making excuses.)

You see, I’m comfortable in my skin. This is GREAT (especially considering how I felt just a few years ago), but it’s not great for working towards fat loss. It’s easier for me to just say “eh, whatever” because it’s not a DIRE need for me to lose weight and I do feel good and comfortable with my ed-pills24.

Could I stand to lose a few pounds? Sure. Do I NEED to? Nope. I’m at a healthy weight and I feel good.

HOWEVER, I also see my inner self as something completely different than what I see in the mirror. In my head, my ideal is ripped and shredded. I like veins, I like muscles, I like striations, I like it ALL! Now, I don’t necessarily want to BE that lean, but I would like to be something closer to that extreme than I am currently.

SO, anyways. I have been trying to find the inner determination to stick to something long-term (which for me is macro-nutrient counting) and see what changes I can make. I’ve been doing okay, but haven’t been very consistent. No consistency = little to no results.

I also love new challenges and while in the past I haven’t always stuck with them, I know that I am capable of it. Hell, I gave up all added sugar for 37 days. 37 days without gummy candy is no joke people.

So back to perusing the world wide web….I ended up on Bodybuilding.com because I love looking at the various training plans for inspiration, as well as giving myself ideas for my own training + my clients’ training.

If you didn’t know, there are a TON of free training plans on Bodybuilding.com. They make it fun (choose your gender, choose your goals, choose your intensity, etc.) and this is when the crazy/fun idea hit me:

I’m going to slowly but surely work my way through the training plans and review them each as I go right here on Fit Lizzio Fitness!

Here’s what I’ll be doing:

-Taking before/after pictures & measurements

-Doing the daily workouts

-Following the meal plans

-Taking most of the recommended supplements (if I change or don’t take something, I’ll let you know that)

-Checking in here on the blog throughout each program

For the plans that last longer than 2 months, I’ll cut them short (so that I can get through at least a few by the end of 2015). At the end of each training program, I’ll do a FULL review on the blog highlighting my successes, failures, what I liked/disliked about the program, and my overall thoughts on the program from both the perspective of a user and a personal trainer. These will be FULL disclosure reviews (i.e. I will tell you if they flat out suck, although I don’t anticipate that). I think this will be a fun way to keep me motivated, provide some good content and reviews for others out there, and hopefully yield some results that I’m looking for!

So what do you think…am I crazy??? I actually keep texting my friends asking if I’m crazy (they’ve all responded yes, so I’m not sure what that says about me), but they all think it’s a great idea. Either way, I think it will be a super fun experiment and I’m excited to do this!

If you’d like to follow on this journey (or better yet, JOIN ME), I’m starting with Ashley Conrad’s 21 Day Clutch.


Photo Credit: Bodybuilding.com

I’ll have an initial post about this up on the blog as soon as I start to tell you about Day 1 and my expectations. Don’t worry, regularly scheduled blogging will go on as a normal, with just a few posts each week about this experiment, which I’ve titled: FitLizzio Training Experiment

I’ll also be posting on Instagram (@fitlizzio) using the hashtag: #fitlizzioexperiment

P.S. If you are crazy like me and want to join me, e-mail me at [email protected] so we can help each other through the programs!

BLEND Retreat 2015: Part 2

If you missed Part 1


Saturday morning, we woke up bright and early for a Boot Camp sponsored by Gnarly Nutrition and led by Kindal Boyle of Lifting Revolution. The elevation makes things much harder (I’m used to sea level!), but regardless of that, this workout was TOUGH. We did a partner workout (I partnered with Lindsay the badass) that involved sprints, push-ups, traveling burpees UPHILL, walking lunges UPHILL, one-legged runs, plank jacks, shoulder taps, squats and squat jumps. It was a KILLER workout and I was definitely feeling my workout from Friday throughout the whole thing.

gnarlybootcampPhoto Credit: Lindsay’s List

Upon finishing the boot camp, I chugged a protein shake with Gnarly Nutrition’s Chocolate Protein Powder. I only had water to mix it with and, as always, was nervous it was going to taste like crap. Surprisingly it was delicious! It tasted like a chocolate shake and the ingredient list was an A+ as well! I’ll definitely be trying more of their products in the future!

gnarly nutritionLoved it so much, I had to take a picture 🙂

Next up was BREAKFAST. Breakfast was so, so good. The spread included FlapJacked pancakes, scrambled eggs, chicken sausage, Love Grown cereal and granola, along with bread and a spread of Justin’s nut butter flavors. I put together a little bit of everything, and ate it ALL. That boot camp made me HANGRY. FlapJacked had their new flavor of pancakes: Carrot Spice on hand. They were SO delicious. Definitely buying this flavor when it comes out.

flapjackedWhile we were eating, we had a surprise visitor pop in…it was THE Justin of Justin’s Nut Butter!! He was such a down to earth guy and told us about how he started the company. It was so interesting! Definitely wasn’t expecting that, so it was super cool!

JustinsHe rode his bike to breakfast, which I thought was super cool.

As if I hadn’t had enough exercise, Detour Bar had planned a hike for us in the gorgeous flat irons! I had only known Detour Bars from their old formula, but get this: they’ve started coming out with a new line called Detour Simple bars that are filled with GOOD ingredients, and they’ve cut out most of the junk! I love companies that aren’t afraid to change. I think it shows that they are listening to their customers. Kudos to you Detour!!!

Back to the hike: This was one of the most gorgeous hikes I’ve ever been on! The views were breathtaking, the weather was PERFECT, and I had some good conversations with the folks from Quest (our main sponsor for the weekend), Arctic Zero, and one of my cabin roomies.

chautauqua park

chautauqua hike

After the hike, I was BEAT and promptly took a 2 hour nap. I felt like I had been hit by a bus after all of the workouts I’d done in the past 24 hours! We didn’t have anything planned for the group Saturday evening, so Tedi and one of our other roommates headed to Pearl Street in Boulder and grabbed some dinner. We went home early and again, I crashed out.


Sunday morning was our last morning. We were up bright and early for some yoga on the grass, sponsored by Bhakti Chai. I was so sore and didn’t really push myself. Instead, I used it as a means to stretching my body out and it felt glorious. That’s what yoga is all about anyways right? We couldn’t have had better weather and it was nice to just sit under the sun and stretch out with my BLENDS.

yoga in boulder

We headed to the dining hall once more for some breakfast. This spread included GoodBelly probiotic drinks, Barbara’s Puffins cereal, egg frittatas, bacon, muffins made with baobest, and chia seed greek yogurt made by The Epic Seed. I didn’t eat quite as much as Saturday and ended up with an egg frittata, chia seed greek yogurt, bacon, and some fruit.

By the time we finished, it was time for us to pack up to go home. Tedi and I had an earlier flight, so we had to miss the closing ceremonies (boo!). Denver airport is no joke, so we didn’t want to risk missing our flight.

Overall, this was one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time. I met SO many cool people, new blogger friends, amazing companies, and enjoyed a weekend in the mountains with great weather, views, and a breath of fresh air.

I’ll definitely be back next year, I just wish it was sooner!

Thanks again to the wonderful sponsors and a SPECIAL thank you to Janetha, Lauren, and Lindsay for putting together such an amazing retreat. You guys are amazing! I’m so glad I met all of you and I’ll see you next year!

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