Archive for Author fitlizzio

Workouts & New FitFluential Ambassador

Hey Friends!

Hope your week is going well! I’m just over here working away. I love my jobs and what I do, but sometimes I think I’m doing so much that I forget to stop and smell the roses. It’s something I need to work on. I try to be as efficient as possible, which means that stopping to chat with someone for 5 minutes can be a bother. I just need a little more “Wuuusaaaaa” in my life. I’m going to put in the effort!


I’m extremely excited to announce that I’m an official FitFluential Ambassador!!! I got accepted last week while I was at the airport, and basically jumped for joy in the security line. FitFluential is such an amazing company and I’m so glad I get to be a part of it. Stay tuned for some fun posts!

Here’s video of some of the exercises I did during my hotel workout this past weekend. Small gyms don’t scare me! You can always make something up, you just have to get creative sometimes. (And I’m always happy to help you get creative…just ask!)

P.S. You can find more of my videos on my Instagram: @fitlizzio

Workouts for the Week:

Sunday: Hotel Gym Workout

Monday: 20 min. HIIT on the Stairmill (Funny story, I went to set this up and instead of 20 minutes at level 11, I accidentally hit 11 minutes at level 20. It actually took me 5 minutes to realize my mistake. I thought I had gotten really out of shape miraculously and couldn’t figure out why it was so hard haha!)

Tuesday: CrossFit Workout + Boxing

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Legs + Boxing

Friday: Shoulders + Chest

Saturday: Back

I’m going to be in the studio a lot this weekend, which means I won’t really get a weekend. It’s all good, I’ll be doing fun things, but I definitely need to make sure I pay attention to getting enough rest. I am a much more functional and pleasant person to be around when that happens! (Trust me, Charlie can attest LOL)

Have a great rest of your day!

Questions of the Day:

1. Have you ever set up a machine wrong and started wondering if you had gotten completely out of shape or vice versa?

2. Do you stop to smell the roses? Or are you like me and could probably be much better about it?


Hotel Workout & AZ Weekend

Good afternoon peeps! Hope your Tuesday is going well! I’ve been working away. I actually can’t believe it’s only Tuesday. I feel like I’ve done at least 4 days worth of work!

This weekend was quite the whirlwind. I was in AZ hanging out with my family for my brother’s birthday. Between hardly sleeping, cramming a lot of family time and activities in, and taking a stupid-early flight back home Monday morning and heading straight to work, I’m not even sure how I’m still functioning! I did get a good night of sleep last night (thankfully), but I definitely had my patience tested.

Pics from the Weekend

Matty being cute as hell.

Matty being cute as hell.

This is me trying to entertain a toddler in the back seat.

This is me trying to entertain a toddler in the back seat.

Matty & Grandpa

Matty & Grandpa

Picking at my callouses and saying "caca".

Picking at my callouses and saying “caca”.

Hotel Workout

We stayed at a hotel on Saturday night and of course I had to wake up Charlie early Sunday morning for a workout. We headed down to the hotel gym and were surprised to see….well…basically nothing. They had a few treadmills and ellipticals, a few medicine balls, and some dumbbells. Most people would have walked in there and thought “guess I’ll be doing cardio”, but unfortunately for Charlie, I took it as a chance to get creative! I compiled a video of the exercises we did (will post this sometime this week) and I’m posting it here as well so you can try it right away. We did this circuit style and went through 5 rounds. It was quick and we both felt like we got a good workout out of it!

Hotel Gym Workout


Questions of the Day:

1. What do you do when the hotel gym sucks?

2. Do you prefer early morning/red eyes or regular daytime flights?

Ramblings, Workouts, and EXPLODING KOMBUCHA!

Wowza! What a day.

This morning, I woke up at 5am wide eyed and bushy tailed. Okay, maybe not like that, but I definitely was awake and there wasn’t a chance of falling back asleep. That doesn’t usually happen to me, but it was a good day for that to be the case. I had a ton of work to do and ended up knocking most of it out before noon! Woohoo! Might have to do that more often. (or maybe not…)


Okay, I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but I seem to have a Kombucha problem. This is my all time favorite flavor,


But EVERY time I open a Kombucha, it explodes everywhere and I spend the first 10 minutes cleaning up and waiting for it to stop fizzing.

WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?! I see others grab their Kombucha and open it gracefully without a drop spilled…..why am I Kombucha cursed??? (seriously….any ideas?? lol)


I did a very different leg workout than I’m used to yesterday and I’m pretty sore from it. I’ve been focusing on heavy weights, low reps for the last few months and decided to completely change it up yesterday. I did high reps, lower weight, and circuit style. It was a fun way to change it up. Here are some of the exercises I did:

KB Goblet Squats w/ Explosive Rotation (yep, I’ll do a video for that one!)

Lying Hamstring Curls

Straight Leg Deadlifts (feet together)

Sumo Squats

Side Lunge/Jump Side Lunge combo

I definitely felt this one and it worked up a good sweat.

Tonight I’m heading to Iron Boxing again. I’m a bit sore from my leg day yesterday, so it could get interesting! I’m also curious to see how my less-than-stellar night of sleep will affect things. Oh well…I’ve got a fun weekend coming up, so I’m sure I’ll have some time to relax!

The Weekend

Tomorrow, Charlie and I are heading to Phoenix to hang with my little brother for his birthday. I’m excited to see him and the rest of the fam. Especially my cute ever-growing nephew. He melts my heart and cracks me up!

Seriously?! Look at him!!!

Questions of the Day:

Do you have any tips for NON-EXPLODING KOMBUCHA?

Do you prefer to do low weight, high reps OR high weight, low reps when you’re working out?


Healthy Breakfast Options + Workouts for the Week 9/7-9/12

Is it just me or is today going by painfully slow? It’s weird. Usually my days FLY by and before I know it, it’s 9pm and I can’t figure out where the day went. Today, the clock just isn’t moving. Maybe it’s the supermoon…;-)

How’s your Tuesday going? I forgot my breakfast this morning and ended up with a coffee and a Quest Bar for breakfast.

I love my Cookies & Cream Quest Bars and all, but that is the most lame-o breakfast. I missed my eggs for sure!

Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal of the day. My stomach is empty (making EVERYTHING taste better), and the day is fresh. I always start the day with a healthy breakfast because it sets the tone for the rest of the day. If I have a sugary or heavy breakfast, I’m less likely to make healthy choices throughout the rest of the day. Here are some of my favorite healthy breakfast options to get my day started:

Fit Lizzio’s Favorite Healthy Breakfast Options


2 Scrambled Eggs (seasoned with cayenne pepper, cracked pepper, and garlic powder)

 1/3 cup oats with stevia and cinnamon


1 cup Liquid Egg Whites

1  Alfresco Chicken Sausage (all flavors are good, but i love the smoked andoulle!)

1 apple



2 eggs over easy

1 slice of Ezekiel bread toasted w/ 1/2 TBSP coconut oil

(I think break the yolks on top of the bread and devour….so good!!!)



1/3 cup oats

1/2 scoop Dymatize Iso 100 Vanilla protein powder

cinnamon & stevia to taste


I have about a million other favorite breakfast choices, but those are my current ones!

I was able to get in a great Shoulder & Chest workout earlier, and plan on boxing tonight again at Iron Boxing.

I love that class so much. I sweat more than I knew was humanly possible! Anyways, here’s what the rest of the week’s workouts look like:

Workouts Week of 9/7-9/12

Sunday: Full Body Workout DONE

Monday: 20 min. HIIT + Rollerblading! DONE

Tuesday: Shoulder & Chest Workout + Boxing Class

Wednesday: Legs!!

Thursday: Boxing

Friday: OFF (Travelling)

Saturday: Back & Plyos

Sunday: OFF

Questions of the Day:

Do you prefer sweet or savory breakfasts?

What is your favorite splurge breakfast?

What is your favorite breakfast staple?


5 Ways to Have A Great Monday!

Good morning friends! Another Monday is upon us. I have mixed feelings about  Mondays. I love the fresh feel of a Monday. The chance to start fresh and put last week in the past. At the same time, it can be dreadful. So many things to do, having to get up for work, the thought of getting through a Monday only to have 4 more days to get through as well. I love my jobs, don’t get me wrong, but I love to go on adventures, relax, and do what I feel like at the moment, too!

After making a commitment to myself that I’d never hate my Mondays, I decided to come up with the 5 things that help me have the best Monday possible. Here goes!

1. Coffee.


I know this is an everyday thing, but a good cup of coffee can make all the difference in the world. If you can, ditch your regular Starbucks and get some GOOD coffee. If you love Starbucks, fine, but I’ve found that there are FAR better places to get a reallllllly good cup of coffee. Groundworks coffee is my favorite….see if any of your local coffee shops offer it!

2. Workout.

Deadlift set up

Like many of you, Mondays are always busy for me. I do know that if I make a point to get up just a bit early and even do a 20 minute workout, I’ll feel better. I feel more alert for the day, it’s easier to get through meetings, and I start the day knowing that I’ve already accomplished something. If you can’t get it in before work, use it as an after-work stress reliever. It is an instant boost of serotonin, which regulates your mood and will help make you feel happy.

3. Take a Walk.

Another gorgeous hiking view.

After meetings and phone calls, take a 10 minute break to just walk. Don’t bring your phone (unless you have to), and just tune out. Take deep breaths, take notice of your surroundings, imagine you’re in a dream vacation spot, and reflect on all the good things you have in life. It sounds so simple, but can really help you to let go of some stress and breathe in greatness. (Look at me sounding all yogi like.)

4. Plan yourself a surprise.

scratcherThis is probably my favorite of them all. On Mondays, I buy two scratchers from 7-11 and tuck them away in my desk drawer for later in the afternoon. Having something to look forward to throughout the day is so much fun! Maybe I’m just a total dork, but it definitely helps me get through the day to know that something special is waiting for me in my desk. Choose whatever gets you a little bit excited. Whether it’s a piece of chocolate, flowers, or your favorite drink, find something that you just can’t wait to have!

5. Rest.

photo(4)Getting a good night’s sleep on Sunday night can make all the difference in the world. Try to wind down a little extra early to ensure you have the energy you’ll need to push through your day.

I hope these tips help make your Monday the BOMB!

Do you have other tips for Mondays that help you get through? Leave them in the comments below!

Labor Day + Boxing + Workouts + Homicide Hunter!!

This post is going to be alllllll over the place. I haven’t blogged in a week and I have so much to say! LOL

Let’s start with Labor Day Weekend. It was such a great 3 days! Charlie and I did a good mix of relaxing, eating, and staying active. We ate Burger Lounge twice (my favorite turkey burger and fries EVER),

photo 3and watched about 500 episodes of Homicide Hunter.

photo 2OMG, have you seen this show? It is AMAZING. Lt. Joe Kenda is seriously THE MAN. I feel like I would admit to a murder I didn’t commit if I had to be interrogated by him. I can’t stop watching this show.

We also got in a great hike and a fun workout at the gym. The video below shows one of the most ridiculous combos I do. It doesn’t look that bad, but it literally kills me every time. It’s 3 pull ups, 3 push ups, 2 pull ups, 2 push ups, 1 pull up, 1 push up. That’s one set. This is my third. -_-

This week was busy  (and short!), so I did a lot of catching up on Tuesday, after not working on Monday. I love 3 day weekends, but the pile of work that ends up on my plate by Tuesday is a bit overwhelming. Here’s what my workouts were like this week:

Weekly Workouts 9/1-9/5/14

Sunday: Legs

Monday: Evening hike

Tuesday: 20 min. Stairmill + Shoulder/Chest Workout

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Full Body Circuit (for a commercial we filmed) + Boxing

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Possibly a hike?

Sunday: Rest or active recovery

Last night, I took a boxing class again. I took a break from boxing for a bit after I got a weird knot in my back. We have some new instructors at Iron Boxing now, so I decided to jump in again. IT WAS AMAZING. I literally sweated out everything in my body. At one point while I was hitting the mitts, I almost thought I was going to pass out. I was giving EVERYTHING I had and pushed myself to the limit. It was incredible and I cannot WAIT to go back. These new instructors are THE REAL DEAL!


I’m gearing up for another great weekend of relaxing and spending time with some friends! (Oh, and obviously binge watching Homicide Hunter….)

Questions of the day:

Have you ever seen Homicide Hunter? (isn’t it the best?!!?!)

What is your favorite way to sweat?


Banded Hip Thrusts + Killer Leg Workout! {VIDEOS}

The holiday weekend is thisclose!!!! Is everyone else as excited as I am? I love my work, but I love my playtime too!

I plan on doing a mix of kicking back and relaxing as well as going on some adventures! The weather is gorgeous this time of year (and ummm every other time of the year…thanks Santa Monica!) so I’m going to take advantage of it somehow! I’ve really been wanting to rollerblade down by the beach lately. I loooovvveee rollerblading and don’t do it often enough. Any other bladers around here or is it just me?!

On Tuesday, I did a pretty killer leg workout. It was a mixture of strength training and athletic movements. It completely turned my legs to jello and was a lot of fun! I’ve been doing hip thrusts since pretty much the beginning of hip thrusts (thanks Bret!), and have done them with barbells, dumbbells, and bands. Since my first training studio had a Skorcher (built specifically for hip thrusts), I was able to do banded hip thrusts whenever I wanted, but most gyms don’t have that. I had never actually attempted to do them anywhere else, but decided to try to get creative and figure it out. I found the PERFECT solution and it can be done at any gym containing a standard bench press. Maybe people have already been doing this for a while, but if not, I highly recommend trying it out:

Here’s the full leg workout I did:

Deadlifts: 4 sets at 149 x 15, 159 x 12, 169 x 10, 179 x 8

Deadlift set up

Deadlift set up

Banded Hip Thrusts: 4 sets of 20 reps (next time I’ll try with a thicker band)

2014-08-26 17.43.10

Combo: 3 sets of KB Swings (28kg), Sled Push, Squats, Sled Push (video below)

Superset: 3 sets of DB Walking Lunges (20lb DB’s x 10) + Broad Jumps (10 reps)

Definitely scale this to what you can do and as always, check with a doctor before trying any new workout programs. If you’re unsure of how to do any of these movements, feel free to e-mail me! I’m happy to do video demonstrations!

Have a great rest of the day! 2014-08-26 18.00.12 HDR

Question of the day:

Do you do Hip Thrusts?

Banded? Barbell? DB?

Fitness is FUN: How A Bad Trainer Can Make You Think Otherwise

I had an experience the other day that gave me a total “aha!” moment. It was one of those moments where I literally stopped in my tracks and said to myself “oh my gosh…I get it.”

Part of my job as the manager of a high end gym is to ensure that we have highly talented and knowledgeable personal trainers on staff. This is a big deal in any gym, but especially in this area of town and in this gym. Our clientele is mostly fit people that are serious about their fitness. Many have worked with a personal trainer before and will immediately know if someone doesn’t know what they’re doing. As such, part of our interview process involves a 30 minute practical, where the potential personal trainer puts me through a training session, while our Personal Training manager observes. This is helpful because we both get to put our heads together at the end of the training session to talk about what was good vs. what was not good. It’s changed our entire staff for the better and is a really great practice.

Last week, we were interviewing two potential new trainers to hire. We had set up a practical with both of them. One no-showed (well, there’s your answer!), and the other showed up right on time. He was well-groomed, looked the part, and was extremely nice. That’s about all the good I have to say.

We started our training session with some static stretching. I equate static stretching before a workout to the low-fat diets of the 80’s. Irrelevant and not smart. Strike 1.

From there he took me to the Smith machine to do front squats and back squats. Now, knowing my background and my current training, this wasn’t a very bright idea. I have a good working knowledge of front squats and back squats, and this application wasn’t useful, in my opinion.  I use the Smith Machine for the following 3 reasons:

1. Someone is new to squatting and/or very weak

2. Someone has injuries or has other limitations

3. Things I’m unable to do with a standard barbell (certain glute/quad exercises)

(This doesn’t mean other applications are incorrect, but if you’re able to properly do front and back squats using a barbell and plates on your own, no use downgrading to the Smith Machine!)

Smith Machine

Smith Machine

Anyways, I asked this trainer why he was having me do front squats and back squats on the Smith machine rather than using a barbell. Had he given me a decent response to this, I could have accepted it. I am constantly learning new tricks of the trade and was hoping he would have something cool to tell me. But no. The response I got was that it was to “up the intensity.” Really? I can show you 500 ways to “up the intensity” using a barbell. Not a very good answer. Strike 2.

I gave it a shot anyways to give the guy a chance to see what he would have me do. He explained the front squat and back squat and told me to start. The result? It felt awkward. My range of motion was limited. The movement was uncomfortable. I felt the movement in all the wrong places. The experience was not fun. Moreover, the trainer didn’t help me get into the proper position, he didn’t make sure my form was proper, he just stood by and told me what to do. (There’s always a chance my form wasn’t right, making the movement feel awkward. After all, I don’t use the Smith Machine for squats. Ever.)

It was then that I had this realization. I am someone who LOVES working out. I love to sweat and work hard in the gym. For the most part, you can put me in any situation at the gym, and I’m game! Not everyone feels this way, and that is perfectly okay.

But had this been my first time in the gym and that been my first time with a personal trainer???? I would have walked out that door and never come back. I would have thought working out was not fun, uncomfortable, and didn’t feel good. I would have thought “well, that’s not worth it!”

I wonder how many times that has happened to someone who claims they “hate working out”…..when really they just haven’t had a good experience? I’m sure it’s very common and that bums me out!

With that said, I challenge all of you that have tried working out and deemed it as something you hate, to try again. Try something new, try something that look fun to you. Working out does not have to be barbells in a gym. The whole point is to do something that makes you feel good, requires your body to work hard, empowers you, makes you strong, and makes you sweat it out! For some, that might be rock climbing, for others, that’s lifting weights, for the next person, it’s taking an adult gymnastics class. DO WHAT YOU LIKE. And if you have a shitty experience either on your own or with a trainer? TRY AGAIN.

Fitness should be FUN, and inevitably will make you feel like you’re on top of the world. You can’t buy that feeling! I promise, there is something for EVERYONE.

1. What new fitness adventures have you been on lately?

2. Have you ever worked with a trainer that made you think fitness sucked?

$500 Reebok Gift Card (GIVEAWAY)

Enter to win the Reebok Fall Fitness Giveaway where both you and I can each win $500 in Reebok gift cards!

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Hey folks!! Boy, do I have a giveaway for you today!

I don’t know about you, but I LOVEEEE Reebok’s workout gear. I personally own a few pairs of their workout pants and just ordered more the other day! They’re my favorite (Yes, even more than Lululemon) because they stay put, yet don’t cut off your circulation. I’m not sure how they do it, but go Reebok!

Here are some of the items that I’m totally digging right now!



Love this sports bra!


I have these and love them!


The lovely folks at Reebok are GIVING AWAY a $500 gift card to a reader PLUS I’ll get one too if we win! Help me, help you people!!!

Entering is simple:

1. Pick out your favorite fitness item (apparel, shoes, accessories, and more)

2. Post a link to that item in the comments section below.


Check out from now through August 31st!

That’s it! Reebok will announce their winner on 9/2, and if we win, I’ll announce who my winner is on 9/3! Thanks Reebok for making staying fit fun!

*Open to US Residents Only


My Daily Food Diary + a Leg Workout!

It’s been quite a week over here! Not going to lie, I’m REALLY excited for the weekend! Not only will I have a chance to chill out, but my brother-in-law is coming to visit, too. This week has definitely tested my patience, but I’m determined to come out on top. Facetime with this little guy on Tuesday definitely helped make it all better….




If you’ve never Facetimed with an almost-2 year old, I highly recommend it. Haha! This kid cracks me up! I also had a pretty fun assistant in the office for a bit. Meet….RUFUS. He’s the best.


This week’s workouts have been pretty good! I took a much needed rest day yesterday. I actually almost tried to make myself go to the gym in the evening, but I knew it would benefit me to just relax. I just love working out so much and feel so good when I do, that it’s hard for me to rest sometimes. I’ve got a Shoulder/Chest workout on the agenda for this afternoon, so I’ll post that workout tomorrow.

Leg day on Tuesday turned out to be pretty killer. I was sweating like crazy and was definitely glad when it was over. Leg day is my favorite but MAN can it be brutal! Here’s what I did:

Tuesday Leg Workout

4 Sets of Deadlifts (worked up to 169 pounds x 8 reps)

3 Sets of Barbell Reverse Lunges (75 pounds)

3 Supersets of Glute Donkey Kicks on the Leg ext. + Wide Stance KB Goblet Squats

2 Supersets of DB Step Ups + Step Up Jumps

I thought it would be fun to give you guys an idea of how I eat most of the time. I for sure have treats every now and then and don’t worry about it, but this is my 80%. Meaning that 80% of the time, this is how I eat. This is how I choose to eat….not for any other reason than it makes me feel good, supports my training, and still keeps me satisfied. Yep, I EAT CHEESE and lots of FRUIT and omg, I eat after 6pm too….and still live to tell about it. 😉


8:30am: Large Americano w/ Nonfat Steamed Milk

9am: 2 Scrambled Eggs + 1/2 cup oatmeal OR a slice of Ezekiel bread + an apple

10:30-11am: an apple + almonds OR Cookies & Cream Quest Bar

12-1pm: chicken or turkey + brown rice or quinoa + veggies + sometimes avocado or cheese (sometimes I do a paleo burger too)

3-3:30pm: Cookies and Cream Quest Bar & a Large Americano w/ nonfat steamed milk

4-4:30pm: Workout

6-6:30pm: Chicken, brown rice, bell peppers, & cheese OR this amazingly incredible taco salad

7:30-8pm: Fruit. Grapes or peaches or strawberries or whatever I can get my hands on!

That’s all I’ve got folks…..hope your Thursday is off to a fantastic start!

What’s on your workout agenda for the day?

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