Tag Archive for workouts

Baby Shower Fun + Nutrition & Workout Update

Hey Friends!

How’s your Monday going so far? Mine is going well…just working away!

I got up this morning and did sprints on the treadmill. I was seriously dragging this morning and was texting my girl Maggie to send me motivational quotes to help me through. She had some real words of wisdom haha!


In the end, the thought of coffee got me through. It’s funny how 20 minutes can seem so daunting at the same time. Whatever, I did it!!



This weekend, Charlie and I attended a baby shower for my old boss. It was quite the extravagant party, and it was really good to see my old co-workers. I miss them and the family!!

Baby shower fun!

We posted this picture up on Facebook and immediately realized that everyone thought WE were pregnant. Just to be clear, this is our only child…

Asked him to come lay down WITH me. He decided to lay ON me instead.The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. We did a chest/plyo workout on Sunday, but other than that it was naps for me and work for Charlie.

Nutrition Update:

So far, I’m loving working with Sohee as far as my nutrition goes. It’s nice to be eating on a fat loss plan without being constrained to chicken, vegetables, and brown rice. I love those things and eat them almost daily, but I also eat candy and chicken sausage and Kombucha on the daily. It all fits in the plan, and that is awesome. 😀 I’m feeling good!

Workout Plan for the Week:

Monday: 20 min. HIIT (done) +  Shoulders

Tuesday: Legs

Wednesday: Back & Abs

Thursday: HIIT + Chest

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Full Body

That’s the plan, but as always, I’ll change things up if I need to. It all depends on my soreness and energy levels. I always try to make the best decision for that day, so it’s hard to say for sure.

Hope everyone is having a great start to the week! I’ll be back tomorrow!

Good & Bad

Wow, this week has flown by! I feel like I say that a lot. It’s been a mixture of good and bad.


I finally sucked it up and started squatting with low bar. This means the barbell sits lower on your shoulders than a normal squat. It feels SUPER awkward, but it distributes the weight throughout your body better and usually makes it easier to squat heavier. Getting past the awkward feeling is by far the hardest part, but once you do, the results are awesome. I squatted 160 lbs for 3 reps the other day, whereas when I did normal squats last week, my 1 rep max was 165. I am really excited to see what my 1 rep max is with a low bar squat.

Here’s the difference between normal bar and low bar:

back-pain-high-bar-vs-low-bar-squatsPhoto Credit


I haven’t gotten much sleep this week and consequently have been a little grumpy. It’s amazing what a lack of sleep can do to you. I’m doing a photo shoot on Saturday (see below), but plan on fully taking advantage of my first free day in WEEKS. Not that I’m complaining, as it has been a fun past few weeks/weekends, but I literally haven’t had a day to myself in over 3 weeks. I need it.


I’m working with a fellow FitFluential Ambassador this weekend and will be demoing a bunch of exercises for a new iPhone app that is coming out! It looks really cool, so I will definitely spread the word when it’s out! You’ll see my familiar face/body in the entire exercise glossary! 😀

Only a few days left to get my FREE 10 Day Sexy SlimdownDownload here:  http://FitLizzio.com/sexyslimdown Whether you're looking to get back on track or just need a little boost/challenge to help you break through a plateau, this is for you! This FREE eBook includes: 10 Days of Workouts10 Day Meal Plan Full Grocery ListFull Exercise Demo LibraryBad

I don’t recommend walking 19 miles in a matter of 2.5 days. It’s not a huge deal, but I hurt something in my foot last weekend and it’s just been an annoyance. I’m still able to walk, run, jump, etc. but it’s just a naggy little thing that is bothering me. I’m hoping a little R&R this weekend will heal me.


I love my best friend. I know this is cheesy, but this little guy makes me so happy! I love watching him goof around, play with other dogs, and just be a light in the room. I’m lucky to have this mutt!

Oscar is my hero.

In other news, I’ve been really digging my workouts as of late. I’ve been mostly focusing on getting stronger and throwing a little HIIT in between. Here’s what my workouts looked like this week:

Sunday: HIIT – 20 minutes

Monday: Legs (colored pairs indicate supersets)

  • Hip Thrusts: 185 x 12 (3 sets)
  • Banded Hip Abduction: black band x 30 (3 sets)
  • Leg Extensions: 70×15, 90×12, 90×12
  • Supinated Hamstring Curls: 50×15 (3 sets)
  • Box Jumps: 24 in. x 10 (2 sets)
  • DB Step Ups: 22.5 x 10 (2 sets)
  • Burpees: 10 reps (3 sets)

Tuesday: Shoulders + HIIT – 20 minutes

Wednesday: Full Body (Heavy Squats, Heavy Hip Thrusts, Back Extensions, Banded Lateral Walks, Incline Press, Chin Ups, Hanging Leg Raises)

Thursday: 15 min. Cardio to warm up, then a high rep, light weight full body workout including Leg Extensions, Supinated Hamstring Curls, DB Squat to Press, Rear Delt Raises, and Underhand Barbell Rows

Friday: REST

Saturday: Exercise Demos 🙂

Question of the Day:

1. What is 1 good thing and 1 bad thing that happened this week?


No, I’m not talking about the Rolling Stones song…

I’m talking about my iPhone. Yesterday morning, I was running across the street with Oscar and it flew out of my pocket.

Luckily, I was able to upgrade and just $400 later (ugh…), I’m back up and running with a new iPhone 6! Woohoo!

apple-iphone 6 - 16gb-space gray-450x350(I totally wanted to take a picture of my ACTUAL new phone but it’s impossible. :-()

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that the weekend was craziness! I attended my 5th NAMM show. NAMM is a ginormous convention that basically every music, gear, and instrument company attends, in addition to a bunch of musicians, engineers, and the like. It’s a super fun time, but you basically spend 3 days on your feet.

This year I tracked it on my phone and between walking around the convention for 3 days, and the countless trips to and from our hotel (which was 1 mile away), I walked 19 MILES this weekend. That is INSANE!!! I couldn’t believe it. My calves are still screaming at me.

It was a great weekend, but I really missed this little guy!

He woke up like this.I call this Gremlin Mode.


Yesterday, I did a tough leg workout. I’ve been doing full body routines lately, but decided to change it up a little.

Hip Thrusts  185x12 for 3 sets.

I did:

  • Barbell Hip Thrusts: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Seated Band Hip Abductions: 3 sets of 30 reps
  • Prone Hamstring Curls: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Leg Extensions: 3 sets of 12 reps
  • Box Jumps (24 inch box): 2 sets of 10 reps
  • DB Step Ups: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Burpees. ( I’ve started incorporating 3 sets of 10 burpees with 30 second rests in between at the end of some of my workouts. It’s a good way to “burn out” a bit and end the workout sweating. )

That’s all I’ve got for today. Nothing too exciting, but then again my life isn’t all that exciting.

(Although I did get a haircut and new color that I’m obsessed with!! Don’t mind the giant pimple on my chin.)

Love my new haircut and color. Thanks to Nicole at  !!!!!

Question of the Day

Have you ever tracked your steps at a convention? How many steps did you take?

Monday Morning Boost (WORKOUT!)

Hey guys!

I had a full, crazy, weekend that included walking a total of 19 miles. I’ll give you a full update tomorrow, but thought I’d start the week off with a Monday Morning Boost!

Try this workout today. It should only take you 15-20 minutes and will definitely get you sweating bullets!


(As always, check with a doctor before starting any new exercise program. Listen to your body and don’t push yourself past what you’re capable of.)

monday boost


HIIT Workout to Try + Wednesday Things!

Happy Hump Day peeps!!

My day is off to a great start. I got up early and did 20 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). I love starting my days with this. I only do it 1-2 days per week, but I might start doing it more often, as it gets my energy level up for the day. I’ve also had 2 cups of coffee already, so that might also be contributing to my fantastic mood!!! Maybe I found the formula:

20 min. HIIT + 2 Cups of Coffee = HAPPINESS

In case you want to give it a try (coffee not included):

Always check with a doctor before starting any new exercise program. Listen to your body and go at your own pace.

Always check with a doctor before starting any new exercise program. Listen to your body and go at your own pace.

In other news, I’ve had a very productive writing morning. espana-med, I work from the office at the gym, but it can be distracting at times. There are 3 other people that work in that office, plus about 5 others that are in and out throughout the day. I think I’ll be working from home more often!

On today’s agenda:

  • Write, write, write! I’ve gotten a few blog posts and e-mails done, and now I’ll be doing more e-mails and more blog posts!
  • Brainstorm some fun Fit Lizzio posts to do next week (survey below!!)
  • Meeting with my awesome work peeps
  • Full Body Workout this evening
  • Stop by CVS to pick up a prescription
  • Take Oscar to the dog park

Update on my New Year’s UN-Resolutions:

If you remember, I decided that in 2015, I was going to care less, stress less, travel more, and live more! So far, I think I’m doing a pretty good job.

  • I feel much more calm
  • I’m breaking up my day into a workflow that fits me better
  • I’m not letting life stress me out (it’s all small things, right??)
  • I’m planning some more travel!

First up, is a trip to go see my new nephew this weekend! Little Jacob is 2 weeks old tomorrow and I can’t WAIT to snuggle him!! I’ll also be cheering on one of my besties at the Phoenix Rock n’ Roll Marathon this Sunday!!! She invited me to do it with her, but I decided that I’d rather just watch and cheer and eat donuts with her when she’s done. 🙂

That’s all I’ve got for now. Hope your day is awesome!!

Oscar wanted to take a post-workout selfie. I couldn't say no to this face.

SURVEY (Also posted on my Facebook Page)

I’ll be writing a post next week, but wanted to put the topic in your hands:

A) Best exercises for the booty
B) Why cardio isn’t the answer to fat loss
C) How to Write Your own Workouts

Leave your response in the comments please!

Vacation Recap + EBook Update!

Hey people!

It’s been a solid week since I last blogged. I have been out of town and took a much-needed break from everything!

It’s been a great trip here in Kansas, and we’ll be heading back to LA in the morning. Although it hasn’t been TOO cold, I’m definitely ready to get back to the Southern California temperatures!

We got into Kansas late at night on the 23rd, and I was quickly hit with a nasty cold.  Although I pushed through it, I ended up feeling really crappy on Christmas day.

2014-12-25 15.00.54Oscar helped make me feel better, though.

By Friday, I was definitely feeling better. Not perfect, but well enough to be up and around. We spent the day around the house and visiting with Charlie’s family. The most entertaining part of this week has definitely been the dogs. Oscar got to play with an English Bulldog and a Yorkie all week. They ran around in a pack and played the WHOLE time. Oscar is not going to know what to do with himself when we leave….

Toto & Oscar. Toto has been following Oscar around since we got here. Non. Stop. 2014-12-24 14.40.32While in Kansas, we also hit the yearly Chief’s game! It was the last game of the season and they won, so it was a really good time!

Chiefs game!

Workouts for the Week

(Since I was sick and on vacation, I didn’t work out as much as usual, but was still able to get in a few good ones.)

Tuesday: Rest (travel day)

Wednesday: Rest (sick)

Thursday: Heavy Lift (thought it might help…it didn’t..but I got a good workout in)

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Full Body Workout + Filmed Exercises for my new eBook! (see below)

Sunday: Rest

Monday: If i can get to the gym, I’ll do a heavy lift, but otherwise, I’ll do a living room workout from my Fit Lizzio’s Fitness To Go eBook!

So, speaking of my new eBook…

I’m releasing a FREE (for a limited time only) eBook called                    Fit Lizzio Fitness: 10 Day Sexy Slimdown just after the new year.

In this eBook:

-10 Days of Workouts

-10 Day Detailed Fat Loss Meal Plan

-Grocery Shopping List

-Full Explanation of Exercises and Workouts (including photo demonstrations)

-Tips & Tricks for Success


I’ll let you know more details about the release this week! I can’t WAIT to put this out!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, wherever you are. It’s another weird week with New Years, but hopefully we’re all geared up for a great 2015!

Question of the Day

1. Where did you travel for the holidays? If nowhere, what did you do?

Oscar Rides The Treadmill

Happy Thursday! Can you believe Christmas is in exactly ONE WEEK?! Crazy, right???

I still haven’t done any shopping. Oops! It kind of crept up on me this year, but I’ll make up for it! 🙂

Guys, I have to show you this hilarious video of my boy, Oscar. We decided to put him on the treadmill the other night to see what he would do….

NOTHING. He did nothing. We were cracking up. I thought for sure that he would be weirded out when the belt started moving, but nope! Just sat there like a turkey on a conveyer belt. That dog!

In other news, my workouts lately have been SO AWESOME. I haven’t updated you guys lately, so here goes!

Back in November when I was home for Thanksgiving, I made a stop by Bret Contreras’s garage/gym. Bret was my very first trainer and still my most trusted! He put me through a workout and followed it up with a plan for me to do out here in sunny CA.

I’ve been doing this program ever since then, which is about 3 weeks. I am doing 3-4 full body workouts each week and varying between heavy weight (1-5 reps), medium weight (8-12 reps), and low weight (20-30 reps) in each workout. I’m doing things like back squats, front squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts, chin ups, and bench press. There are also some other exercises that are thrown in, but it’s fun to stick to the major lifts for the most part.

pull up picThis program has been GREAT for me. I not only love doing it, but my body is responding REALLY well to it. My butt is totally getting firmer. I haven’t seen results this quick in a long time. Maybe ever?

Anyways, here are my workouts for the week!

Sunday: Rode bikes on the beach with my brother + walked all over Venice (done)

SM VENICE2 VENICE1Monday: 20 min. HIIT + Full Body Workout (done)

Tuesday: Boxing  (done)

Wednesday: Full Body Workout (done)

Thursday: Boxing

Friday: 20 min. HIIT

Saturday: Full Body Workout

Sunday: Active Recovery

I’m gearing up for the weekend. I have a few holiday parties to go to, so it should be a fun one! I’ll definitely have some pictures to share next week!

Question of the Day

1. What is your favorite holiday food?

I love the cookies. Hands down 🙂

Navigating Thanksgiving {Tips, Tricks, & Workouts!}

Good morning friends!

Is it just me, or is anyone else already in holiday mode? For some reason this week has been mentally easier for me than most. I think it’s because I know that next week is a holiday, so therefore I’m in the home stretch. Charlie, Oscar and I are heading to AZ to hang with my family for Thanksgiving. I can’t wait!

Thanksgiving is seriously my FAVORITE holiday. The other holidays are great, but for some reason Thanksgiving has always been my favorite. I think it’s a mixture of the food and the tradition. Every year, my aunt puts out an amazing spread. I love food so much!!

While I do love this holiday, I’ve learned over the years that overdoing it doesn’t make me feel good. It always sounds like fun…..until I get finished eating my last cookie and pretty much need to be rolled away from the table. There’s nothing wrong with that at all, but I don’t like feeling that full. It’s uncomfortable.

Because of that, I’ve gathered some great tips and tricks for Thanksgiving that I personally use to help combat the over-eating madness that tends to occur on this day. While I think that Thanksgiving is a perfectly good reason to indulge in all the foods you love, I don’t think it has to be quite the calorie bomb that it can be. With a little planning and thought, it doesn’t have to derail you too much and you can still fully enjoy yourself.

Tips and Tricks to Navigating Thanksgiving:

1. Workout in the morning. This is something I ALWAYS do each year. For some reason, it’s much easier to push yourself really hard and get a great workout in when you know the reward is a huge, delicious meal. Thoughts of pumpkin and pecan pie swirl through my brain as I kick my butt. I try to do something that works my full body and makes me sweat a lot.

Since many gyms are closed on Thanksgiving, here are some suggestions:

Ladder Full Body Tabata Full BodyBurpee Mile_Workout(you can find more workouts like these in my e-book Fit Lizzio Fitness To Go here)

You could also sign up for a local Turkey Trot (find one in your area here) or go for a run or bike ride with a friend/family member.

2. Eat a meal before “the meal”. I used to make the mistake of starving myself all day so that I could scarf down all of the Thanksgiving fixings. The problem with this is that I was SO hungry by the time the food was put out, I’d overeat and not even realize it. (Until I laid on the couch and past out in a food coma). Eat healthy meals leading up to Thanksgiving Dinner. Go with lots of fruits and vegetables (high fiber and filling), lean proteins, and healthy fats. This will help keep your blood sugar levels normal and your appetite in check.

3. Navigate your Plate. Instead of getting a bunch of everything and scarfing it all down, think about the foods you REALLY want and come up with a strategy. For example, I like to fill up my plate with turkey breast meat, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, and stuffing. Those are my go-to Thanksgiving foods. Since stuffing is my least favorite, and grean bean casserole is my most favorite, I only get a little bit of stuffing and I get a bit more green bean casserole. When it comes to eating, I start with the turkey (lean protein!), and eat a few bites of that first. This is usually the healthiest part of Thanksgiving dinner, so I try to fill up on that before I hit the sides and desserts. Many times, we just need a little taste of each, but if we hit those foods when we first sit down and are starving, our hunger and cravings will usually take over. Try to eat the healthiest foods first and then move on from there.

4. Share your dessert. It’s so easy to eat an entire slice of each kind of pie on the table (pumpkin, pecan, apple, etc!), so if you get one slice of each and share them with a family member, significant other, or friend, this usually helps you to eat less. You can still enjoy all of the flavors and not stuff yourself silly!

5. Freaking Enjoy Yourself!  At the end of the day, it’s just one meal. Don’t fret over it and if you want 2nds or 3rds of the most unhealthy side item on the table, JUST GO FOR IT. I truly believe Thanksgiving should be fully enjoyed. These tips are here to help you make Thanksgiving just a bit lighter, but do what makes you happy on this special day. Remember, one meal won’t derail your efforts (just like one meal won’t make you fit).

Questions of the Day:

Do you have any tips to add that help you to navigate your Thanksgiving table?

What is your favorite Thanksgiving fixing?




If We Treated Ourselves Like Dogs…..& a Shoulder Workout

This week flew by. Having my new sidekick, Oscar, definitely keeps things a bit busier. I’m lucky to be able to take Oscar to work with me, but I don’t want him to feel cooped up all day either. We walk and/or run in the mornings and then take 2-3 walks throughout the day and 1 in the evening. He definitely gets his exercise!

By the end of the day, this is what he looks like:

oscartongueOkay, okay….who am I kidding…he wears me out just as much haha…

lizzyoscarsleepingIf We Treated Ourselves Like We Treat Our Dogs

Yesterday morning, Oscar and I set out on a 2 mile run. He does so great on the leash and just runs alongside me the whole time! My new running buddy is the best!

Having Oscar around this week definitely got me thinking. What if humans treated themselves more like we treat our dogs?

Most of us make sure our dogs get walked and do some sort of exercise daily. We don’t feed them crap food, and instead make sure they’re eating what’s good for them. We give them treats, but don’t overdo it.

Why, then, do people give themselves so many passes? Days without exercise. Junk food more than health food. It’s a bit backwards if you think about it. I wonder what would happen if we all started treating our bodies and health/fitness like we treat our animals. Think about this the next time you’re feeling unmotivated to go workout or the next time you find yourself indulging in junk food a bit too much. If we all just paid a little bit more attention, I think we could all make some positive changes for the better!

Shoulder Workout

Tuesday evening, I did a shoulder workout with a friend of mine. We both wanted to do something quick, but effective. Here’s what we did:

4 sets/15 reps of each of the following exercises:

-DB Shoulder Press

-EZ Bar Upright Rows

-DB Alternating Front Raises

-Rear Delt Fly’s

Burnout: 7 sets of Lateral Raises w/ 5 lb plates

Here’s the kicker: rest only 30 seconds in between sets.

It doesn’t look tough on paper, but we had a good shoulder pump going by the end!

Photo on 10-20-14 at 6.40 PM #2After work today, I’m heading down to the boxing gym to get my punching on! Hope you have a great rest of the day!

Questions for the Day:

1. Do you prioritize your dog’s health?

2. Do you prioritize your own health in the same way as your dog’s?

Spartan Race {Giveaway!!}

Happy Friday!! Isn’t Friday always happy?! I think so. 🙂

I have some REALLY exciting news….but I can’t share it just yet.

I know, I know….I’m THAT annoying person….but it really is awesome! I’ll be able to share it in just a few days!!

Spartan Race

I was recently contacted by the awesome folks at Reebok Spartan Race to see if I wanted to participate in one of their Southern California Spartan Races this December or January. If you know me, you know this is RIGHT up my alley! If it involves jumping, running, climbing, crawling, and any other extremeness, you know I’m all for it!!! I love adventurizing (as I like to call it) so this was really exciting news for me.

If you remember, last year I ran a 5k mud run and absolutely LOVED it. I actually did a back to back race. It was pretty small and they had the option to do a 5k race followed by a 5k mud run. I did them both and although super exhausting, it was an absolute BLAST.

mudrun2 mudrun1


What’s even MORE amazing, is that Reebok Spartan Race gave me an extra FREE race code to give away to one of my readers! Weee!

Here’s how to enter (open to Southern California races only, so you either have to be local or willing to travel):

1. Go to the www.Spartan.com and pick a race in Southern California in either December or January.

2. Leave a comment telling me which race you would like to do.

3. I’ll pick a winner using www.RaffleCopter.com on Wednesday, November 12th, 2014.

That’s all I’ve got for now! I’ll be back later with an update on the Sugar Challenge! (It’s officially Day 18…woah!!!)

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