Tag Archive for healthy eating

Day in the Life III

Happy Wednesday peeps!

I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday? When did that happen? Or the fact that it’s June??

Annnnyways, the days seem to be flying by and I realized I hadn’t done a Day in the Life post in a while.

I made notes in my phone all day Monday so I could share what a typical day looks like for me lately:

5:45am: Alarm goes off


6:00am: Get out of bed, start the coffee, start getting ready.

6:34am: Gather my things and head to my personal training client’s house.

6:45am: I see this and can’t help but laugh. Someone really loves Jesus (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the sticker overload cracked me up!)


6:58am: Arrive at my client’s house and we go walk on the beach and do some exercises. The view is awesome!


8:04am: Leave client’s house and head to the gym for a workout

8:16am: Arrive at the gym, set up my equipment and GO

9:01am: DONE, I grab a coffee and head home. (yup, that’s two coffees before 9am)

9:30am: Google Hangout meeting with my team

10:00am: Make some breakfast (I made a Chia Seed Protein Pancake and a banana) and start work, work, working away while I eat it.

protein pancake

11:45am: Quick Phone Meeting

12:06pm: I take Oscar to the park by my house for 15 minutes so he calms down.

12:24pm: I’m starving, so I run to Whole Foods on the way home to get in on some hot bar action. I get steamed kabocha squash, skirt steak, bell peppers, and a kombucha of course.

12:35pm: I head to the gym to work in the office. (sometimes I need to get OUT of the house to get work done and other times I need to be AT my house to get work done).

12:42pm: I get to the gym, open my laptop, and continue on with the work train. I brought Oscar with me today because I felt bad leaving him at home (dog mom guilt). He hangs out under the desk while I work.


2:00pm: I take a break to train a client and take Oscar for a quick walk .

3:00pm: Back in the office and back to work. I send a bunch of emails, work on putting together a big project I’m working on, and update our social media page.

4:11pm: Oscar is tired of the gym, so back home we go to get more work done!

4:26pm: We arrive back at home, I open up my laptop again and….you guessed it…continue working! Someone is tired from the long work day and takes a nap behind me. πŸ™‚IMG_8420

5:40pm: I’m hungry. I send a few more e-mails and whip up a quick dinner of chicken with BBQ sauce, broiled green beans and ketchup, and another kombucha. #no-breastcancer

It's kombucha o'clock!! My favorite time of day.

6:18pm: I start writing this blog post, send a few more work emails, and turn on FBI Files (it’s on Netflix. If you like Forensic Files, you will like this).


7:33pm: I write another FitLizzio blog post, and finish up an article for another client.

8:15pm: I consider going to bed, but can’t seem to stop watching FBI Files, so I start browsing Facebook and mindlessly surf the interwebs.

9:45pm: I finally decide to get in bed. I grab my iPad and start working on a puzzle (if you didn’t know, I’m 95 years old deep down and I LOVE jigsaw puzzles. I have a Jigsaw puzzle app on my iPad and am obsessed).

10:17pm: Charlie gets home and I promptly fall asleep.


Question of the Day

What is one cool or unique thing that happened on Monday?


Cinnamon Bun Protein Pancake!

Hey peeps! Happy Friday to all! I’m currently on the road to AZ for the weekend. Can’t wait to see my family and get dressed up for a super snazzy event! (pictures to come).

I was recently contacted by DailyBurn to share one of my favorite ways to fuel up using protein powder. As most of you know, I like to eat real foods most of the time, but I do enjoy a protein shake or protein pancake once a day after my workout, for breakfast, or on-the-go.

One of my go-to’s lately has been this super simple protein pancake. I throw it together in just a few seconds, and BAM it’s ready to eat. I eat this after a workout, as part of my breakfast, or if I’m running out the door and don’t have time to make something. It curbs my hunger, helps my muscles recover after a hard workout, and tastes delicious too! What’s not to like?

Cinnamon Bun Protein Pancake

-1 scoop vanilla or cinnamon flavored protein powder ( I use Slap Nutrition, but if you’d like a vegan protein option, try Fuel-6 Vanilla)

-1/2 cup egg whites

-Water (just enough to moisten the protein powder to a paste-like texture)

-Cinnamon to taste

-1/2 packet Stevia

-Blender Bottle


1. The blender bottle is key! It can be hard to mix the ingredients, so I throw it all in a blender bottle and shake it up really well.


2. Set your pan to low-medium heat, pour the mixture into the pan, and wait until you see the little bubbles in your pancake (just like regular pancakes!). When you start to see them, it’s time to flip it. Once you flip it, only leave it for about 30-45 seconds so that you don’t overcook it.


3. Enjoy!

IMG_7376(Okay, so it’s not pretty…but who cares as long as it tastes good, right?!)

2 Week Update: Day of Eats

Hey guys!

It’s a Mondenesday over here. If you’re not familiar, that’s a Wednesday that feels like a Monday = stressful. Either way, I’m working away and doing the best I can today. That’s all I can do, right? I’m thinking extra coffee would help, too. πŸ™‚

It’s been almost two weeks since I started my 12 week program with Sohee, so I wanted to give an update and also show you a fairly typical day of eats for me while I’m on this program.

First, things first, here’s an update!

This is the first time in almost 5 years that I’ve been serious about leaning out again. It’s also the first time I’ve tried “dieting” again that has actually felt GOOD as opposed to feeling like a chore. It doesn’t feel like I’m restricted or even really like I’m dieting, for that matter. (If you’re just now hearing about this, I’m following an IIFYM diet).


I’m a little bit hungry at times, but that’s normal when dieting (note: starving is NOT normal, but a little hunger is expected). I’m eating enough and it definitely isn’t intense hunger, it’s more of that lingering feeling of wanting something else. I’m actually not even sure if it’s TRUE hunger, to be honest. It can be annoying at times, but it’s definitely not a big deal.


I’ve been really good about being compliant with this plan. Like I said, I’m not cutting out anything that I love, so i don’t feel like there’s anything I “can’t” have. If I want something, I just work it into my day. I’m eating enough food and like I said before, I don’t even really feel like I’m on a “diet”.


Friday is my first biweekly in which I’ll submit photos, measurements, and my weight. It will be interesting to compare this to my initial submission and see what has changed. I can already tell a difference, but it will be much easier to tell when I compare photos.


So that’s how things are going so far! I’ll start updating with my progress photos once I start submitting my biweeklies…so stay tuned.

Day of Eats

There’s a misconception that by doing an IIFYM based diet that you can just eat junk food and crap all day and still lose weight. That really isn’t the case. You need to eat healthy, nutritious foods about 80-90% of the time (with room for some treats here and there) in order to make the most out of this type of diet. With that said, here are some of my eats for today.


  • 1 large apple
  • Almond Milk Continental
  • 1 over-easy egg
  • 1 piece of Spicy Italian Chicken Sausage


  • Kombucha (trilogy is my favorite!)IMG_6664
  • Brown Rice, Ground turkey burger, jalapeno cilantro hummus concoctionIMG_6663
  • This little Honey Pattie. This thing was SOOO rich, but made for the perfect little chocolatey dessert. I’d never had one before, but will definitely be buying this again. IMG_6666


  • Slap Chocolate Flavored Protein Powder
  • ice
  • almond milk.IMG_6667Blended and enjoyed. (tastes like a milkshake to me…Charlie says it tastes like chalk….guess when you haven’t had a real chocolate milkshake in a while, your taste buds forget. )



Yogurt mess of

  • Fage 0% Greek Yogurt
  • Small handful of Walnuts & Almonds
  • 1 TBSP Peanut Butter

IMG_6668I still have Dinner left for today, but I haven’t decided what that will be just yet!

Hope you’re all having a great day!


1. What was the best thing you ate today?

2. What is the one food that you would never want to give up?





Things I’m Loving Lately

I’m excited to head into the weekend and thought I’d share some of the things I’ve been loving lately. Let’s get right to it!

1. Walking my dog.

oscarwalkThis is kind of a weird thing to like, but I really do enjoy walks with Oscar. He always eye-diseases-info so happy and it gets me to take several short breaks throughout the day. My phone has a step tracker on it. Since having Oscar, I’ve doubled the amount of steps I take each day. Dogs are good for fitness!

2. Buffalo Wing Sauce.

wingsauceOn everything, everywhere.

3. Sweet Potatoes.

sweet-potato-1Tis the season! For some reason I hadn’t had sweet potatoes in a while. I’ve been eating them lately and forgot how much I love them. They are nature’s candy for sure!

4. The Dick Van Dyke Show

001-the-dick-van-dyke-show-theredlistOkay, call me an old lady, but I’ve been watching re-runs of the Dick Van Dyke Show lately and I love it! I used to watch it when I was a little kid and hadn’t seen it since then. I decided to put it on the other night (I love old TV/movies) and have been all about it since. It’s super edgy for it’s time!

5. The Dog Park

dogparkThis is kind of like #1, but not at all. The dog park is one of my favorite places to go with Oscar. It is seriously like a Central Park for dogs. You have the old dogs that sit under benches, the puppies that go nuts and run like crazy, the antagonizers, the grumps, the ones that play catch…it’s like their own little city! It cracks me up.

Questions of the Day

1. Do you ever watch old TV shows or movies? Which ones are your favorites?

2. What’s your favorite “seasonal” food right now?

We did it! Final No Added Sugar/Fake Sugar Challenge Update! {DAY 30}

This is what I woke up to today:

funnyoscarHaha, good morning to you too Oscar!

Final No Added Sugar/Fake Sugar Challenge Update

We’re still going strong. Today is officially Day 30!!! We decided to extend the challenge to the day we leave for Arizona, but technically, this is the final day of the 30 day challenge and will conclude my updates for the challenge!!! (You can find the others here, here, here, here, and here)

Feelings: I feel really good. I’ve said this before, but I feel better than I have in a long time. My head is clear and I don’t feel intense hunger pangs like I used to. I’m usually pretty even keeled when it comes to hunger and I don’t need to eat being satiety.

Cravings: It’s strange, actually. I’m not necessarily craving any one thing. I look at cookies and go “meh”. Same thing with cakes, candy, etc. At the same time, I do feel like I’m missing something. Like there is something out there that I am craving, but I can’t figure out what it is. Never thought I’d say that!

Body: As you can see, I lost a lot of fluff off of my stomach through this challenge. I cut out diet soda and the minocycline I used to put in my coffee. Those were the hardest to cut out, but have made a huge impact on my body, in my opinion.

Final Thoughts

This challenge was definitely one of the most eye-opening challenges I’ve ever done. It’s amazing how much sugar is added to so many foods and sauces that you wouldn’t even imagine could have sugar. Avoiding it was tough at times, but since I eat pretty basic foods anyways, it didn’t throw me for too much of a loop. Someone that has a diet including lots of processed foods would likely have a much bigger change in what they could/couldn’t eat. The biggest change for us was that we couldn’t really go out to eat anywhere. Since we didn’t know what ingredients were in the foods, it was tough to go out. We were able to have Chipotle (certain items) and eggs/potatoes at our local breakfast joint, but other than that, we basically ate at home or brought food with us.

It was interesting to see the different stages that Charlie and I went through.

The 2nd day of the challenge, I had a huge headache. The kind of headache you get when you don’t drink caffeine for a few days. It was definitely a withdrawal from either regular sugar or fake sugars. My guess is fake sugars because of how much I was consuming.

The next weird thing happened about 2 weeks into the challenge and was something that both Charlie and I experienced: insatiable stomachs. No matter how much we ate, it always seemed that we were still hungry. There was a day that both of us ate almost constantly throughout the day and by the evening, were still not full. It was very odd. We aren’t sure exactly what that was, but likely a result of sugar cravings that weren’t being satiated.

The last week of the challenge has been the easiest. I actually don’t feel like I miss sugar all that much. The thought of sweet treats and desserts kind of hurts my teeth. I have no interest in diet soda (and am glad to rid that habit), and Splenda is a thing of the past. I’ll be sticking with stevia.

Thanksgiving will be an interesting day. I have a feeling that when we do ingest food with sugar, we’re going to feel it pretty quickly. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got sick from it. I’ll definitely make sure to report back about that.

We both plan to stick to this as much as we can going forward. We aren’t going to completely cut sugar out of our lives, but we are going to avoid it much of the time. We definitely aren’t going to go back to our old habits. The impact this has had on both of us is much greater than we expected and they are habits that we’d like to try to keep a majority of the time.

Favorite Things We Had to Cut Out


-Splenda in my coffee

-Diet Soda

-Coconut Ice Cream



-Reese’s PB Cups

-Haagen Daaz Ice Cream

-Starbucks Egg Sandwiches


-La Victoria Hot Sauce

-Weekly frozen yogurt date


-Most breads


progressI need to take a final photo, but I didn’t have time this morning. I’ll post that this week as well.

Question of the Day

1. If I hosted a 30 Day No Sugar Challenge, would you want to be a part of it?

2. What is your favorite dessert? Maybe this will spark my cravings a bit! LOL

What’s a Pummelo?! + No Sugar Challenge Update: Day 14

Today is busy, busy, busy. Mondays always are, aren’t they? Let’s get right to it.

I was walking through the grocery store Saturday afternoon, and something caught my eye that I had never seen before. It was a pummelo. I’m guessing I’m about 1,000 years late to the party, but I had seriously never seen this before!!! And of course, I needed to get one and see what it was all about.

pummelo1It looks and feels like a grapefruit, but I’ll be honest, I had my doubts…..

pummelo2The closer I got, the more it did seem like a grapefruit. As I peeled it apart, I actually was thinking about how upset I’d be if it ended up tasting just like a grapefruit…

pummelo3The verdict? OMG, It’s delicious!!! Why did nobody ever tell me about these before? It tastes like a grapefruit without the bitterness. It also has a lemony taste to it as well. I’m officially in love and want to eat #allthepummelos. Thanks mom & dad for keeping me in the dark all these years. -_-

No Added Sugar/Fake Sugar Update: Day 14

Almost at the halfway point! I’d love to say it’s getting easier, but it seems much harder lately! Maybe it’s just because there is halloween candy and desserts everywhere I look, but I definitely eyed the shit out of these babies for an ungodly amount of time over the weekend.

cupcakesDon’t worry, I resisted. Not without shedding tears, though.

Feeling: I am hungry ALL the time, all day long. I eat and then I’m hungry again. And the cycle repeats. It’s kinda wild, actually. I think my metabolism is working much better without all the fake sugar I was consuming. I still feel clear-headed too!

Cravings: I don’t actually have any cravings, I just feel like I want a little something more. I for sure wouldn’t mind a donut right about now. πŸ˜€

Body: I’m feeling tighter and still, no bloating. It’s actually sad how much time I spent feeling bloated when I was taking in fake sugar and eating foods with added sugar. I truly think giving up the fake sugar has had the biggest impact, but taking both of those away has been truly wonderful in terms of how I feel.

Progress: I’m definitely seeing changes. They are small changes and hard to see on a daily basis, but looking over the past 2 weeks, it’s pretty obvious something is working!

progress13I think Charlie and I are actually going to extend the challenge a few days (we leave for AZ about 5 days after our original end date), so we (okay, really I made this decision) decided to just wait a few more days and then enjoy the holidays right! πŸ˜‰

That’s all I’ve got today! Have a fabulous afternoon and I’ll see ya tomorrow!

No Sugar for 30 Days + Weekly Workouts

Woah! 2 posts in one day!

Don’t get used to it. πŸ˜€ ….At least not now. Maybe someday!

I’m working away and getting ready for boxing tonight. I can’t wait! There’s nothing quite like the crack of hitting the mitts. Until then….

No Sugar for 30 Days

So Charlie read an article over the weekend about a family that stopped eating anything with added sugar for a year. They had amazing results in how they felt and Charlie said it was something he was interested in trying. When my man wants to do something healthy, I always jump on board. (I’m usually the one dragging him into this kind of thing!)

We decided that we want to test this out, so for the next 30 days, we’re going to completely give up any added sugar or fake sugar. This means natural sugar (like fruit) is okay, but any type of added sugar (sugar, corn syrup, Splenda, Sugar alcohols, etc.) is a no-go. Stevia IS allowed, but in moderation. I.e. I had a stevia in my coffee this morning, but not in my oatmeal (like I usually do). This also means I have to give up my beloved diet soda. I know, I know, that shit is terrible for you anyways, but I’m going to miss it!

So far, the first day went well. I’m really looking forward to seeing how this affects me mentally, physically, etc. I’m going to take someΒ  pictures along the way to see if/how my body changes as well. I’ll be checking in here from time to time as well so you can see what I’ve noticed. We’ll finish up the challenge just in time for Thanksgiving so that we can fully enjoy desserts (cuz….I’m not givin’ that up!).

Anyone else feel like joining us in no sugar for 30 days? (leave a comment…we can support eachother!)

Workouts Week of Oct. 20th

Monday: 20 min. Stairmill + Shoulders/Chest

Photo on 10-20-14 at 6.40 PM #4(my shoulder pump was out of control last night!)

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: Legs

Thursday: Boxing + Back/Biceps

Friday: 20 min. Stairmill + Shoulders/Abs

Saturday: Full Body

Sunday: REST

Questions for the Day

Have you ever given up sugar? How did it make you feel?

Monday Ramblings + Workouts for the Week

Good morning!

This post is going to be all over the place, so brace yourself!

I’m currently drinking a coffee and recovering from a great HIIT session! As you may know, Mondays are always HIIT days. They tend to be really busy days for me, so I like to get it done in the morning to kick off my day.

This weekend was a mix of fun, stress, and relaxation. My mom is in the hospital, so that definitely put a damper on things. She’s doing okay and will hopefully be going home in the next few days.

I spent Saturday hanging with a good friend and just catching up. I don’t have many close friends in LA (as anyone that’s moved away from home knows, new friends are much different than lifelong friends), so it’s nice to spend time with the few that I do. We also got to hang with the cutest french bulldog in the world, Pudge:

pedgeSeriously…can I keep him?

Saturday evening, Charlie and I got together with some of my co-workers. We had a great time chatting and eating (what’s better than that!). We had grand plans to go see a movie afterwards, but literally spent 20 minutes driving through the parking garage to find a spot. NOT. ONE. SPOT. So we headed home and watched World War Z instead. It basically reminded me of The Walking Dead and Outbreak rolled into one and not nearly as good. Brad Pitt was okay to look at though. πŸ˜€


Sunday was pretty uneventful. I dyed my hair, did laundry, and got a bunch of work done. Charlie and I also got a great fully body workout done. (I’ll have some videos up this week!) I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m trying to kill him every time he steps in the gym. I swear I’m not….(but he better be nice!!! ;-))landmine

Breakfast this morning is 1 egg + 1/2 cup egg whites scrambed and 1/3 cup cooked oats with cinnamon and stevia. I’m a creature of habit and basically eat this for breakfast every day. I’m super exciting, you don’t even have to tell me.

I’m working all day and then plan on doing a Chest/Triceps workout after work. You may have noticed that I’ve been doing more split body part days lately. I go through stages. Sometimes I do more full body workouts, or split between upper/lower body workouts, and sometimes I revert to plain old bodybuilding style and do split body parts (like I am now). I still do full body workouts (like this one I did last week, and one I did yesterday), but I do them closer to 1-2 times per week as opposed to 3-4 times.

I know that everybody talks about “confusing the body” and all that jazz (hint…your body doesn’t need to be “confused” to make progress), but for me, I do what feels good. I go through stages and since I’m in this for the long haul (life), I do workouts that make me happy. I truly think that is the key to sticking to fitness. If you don’t like what you’re doing (and I’m convinced there is something for everyone), you’re less likely to stick to it. Personally, I don’t like yoga. So I don’t force myself to do it. Instead, I do other things that I DO like. Of course, I do think that sometimes the things we don’t like are the things that we NEED (like yes, I know I SHOULD do some yoga), so it’s good to incorporate those things from time to time. Long story short:

Find the things you like and do them often. Find the things you don’t like, and do them sometimes.

Anyways, I’ll step off my soap box now. It’s Monday and way too early for that. πŸ˜€

Here’s my fitness plan for the week:

Monday: 20 min. HIIT + Chest/Triceps

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: Legs

Thursday: Shoulders + Boxing

Friday: Back/Biceps

Saturday: Full Body (I’m doing workout demos for a trainer’s competition in Santa Monica)

Sunday: Rest

Hope your Monday is off on the right foot!

Question of the Day:

What is your favorite way to workout?

Tuesday Ramblings

How’s everyone doing today?

I’m just sitting at home waiting for the pest control guy. Fun stuff! We’ve had a ridiculous ant problem for the last two weeks and we FINALLY got someone to come out and fix the problem. It’s been quite a nightmare. Let’s just say, I’m a pro ant-annihilator at this point. -_-

In other news, I found a new protein powder that I’m excited to try called SLAP. I actually ended up buying the entire stack of supplements, which is just L-Glutamine, Whey Isolate Protein Powder, and a Coffee Pre-Workout supplement. I was intrigued by the company because of the minimal and clean ingredients in all of their products. The protein powder is sweetened with Stevia (score!) and doesn’t have any artificial ingredients. I haven’t tasted it yet, but I’ll be sure to let you all know how it is!

photo 1photo 2

Workouts for the Week

I’m still super sore from Sunday’s Leg Insanity, but overall I’m feeling really good and still “on” my game!

Here are my workout plans for this week:

Monday: 20 min. HIIT + Chest/Triceps (DONE)

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: Legs + Bouldering (yup! Haven’t done that in a while!)

Thursday: Shoulders/Abs + Boxing

Friday: Full Body

Saturday: Back/Bi’s

Sunday: REST

Finally…I’m thinking about getting a Brazilian blow out. I NEVER feel like/have time to do my hair and it just ends up being kind of a mess. Anyone ever had one? I’ve heard the chemicals can be kind of harsh, so I’m curious. Let me know your experiences!

Questions of the Day:

1. What is your favorite protein powder?

2. Brazilian Blowout advice please!!!

Why I Train & What I Ate Yesterday

All I have to say today is….I’M SORE. Holy crap….

It’s crazy. Those who have been working out for a long time can understand. You go through time periods where you’re just REALLY on your game. Killing your workouts, pushing harder than ever, and really “digging in”. I feel like I’m in one of those phases and I’m loving it! I’m super sore and have been feeling muscles I didn’t know existed lately. That says a lot for someone who’s been training for 7 years (can’t believe it’s been that long!).

I did a back workout on Saturday that I’m STILL sore from and a leg workout last WEDNESDAY that left me sore clear through Monday. I’ll take it! I feel on, I feel good, my head’s in the game. (The results are showing, too!)

photo 1(7)

I still get people that ask me all the time “what are you training for?” I’m not entirely sure how to respond. It’s hard to explain the competitions that I compete in, in my head. (Haha, yes I’m crazy!) I try to explain it, but most people don’t get it. I train like I’m training for something, but the only something I’m training for is myself. I train to get better every day. I train to prove to myself that I can do it. I train to see progress. I also want to show the rest of the world the impact of training. Maybe MY form of training isn’t right for you, but SOME form probably is. Whether that’s hiking, biking, rock climbing, running, or whatever it might be….there’s something for everyone. It builds mental strength in ways nothing else can. I know that the reason I push so hard and am so efficient, goal-oriented, and well-rounded with my work is because of the training I do at the gym. I treat my work, like I treat my workouts: I’m there to kick ass. I’m not there to putz around. Working out is the one thing in life that nobody can do for you. You can get help with just about anything these days…..but nobody can workout for you. If you take that attitude with you to work, I think you’ll be amazed at how your productivity and success comes to fruition. I am a more confident, go-getting person than I was before I started working out and I am thankful that I fell into Lifts Studio back in 2007 and started this whole “working out” thing.

I’ll step off my soap box now. I get going and just can’t stop!

What I Ate Yesterday

People love to see what other people eat. I’m guilty too. Sweet potatoes are always sweeter on someone else’s plate, right?! πŸ˜€

Here’s what I ate:

Breakfast: Quest Bar + Coffee + Apple (had a late start and was out of eggs :-()


Lunch: 3/4 cup cooked Brown Rice + 1/2 Avocado + Ground Turkey Burger Patty (about 4 oz.)

Snack: 2 Apples + Kombucha


(I definitely had a 2nd coffee too, but I don’t remember when it was?? LOL)

Dinner: Chicken Breast w/ Wing Sauce (umm…I may or may not have eaten this for dinner every night for the last 2 weeks! OBSESSED) + Green Beans

2014-09-10 20.13.18

After-Dinner Snack: 1 Peach & some grapes!! (I LOVE GRAPES)

Kind of a weird day of eating, but then again I’m kind of a weird girl. I am super busy during the day and sometimes it catches up to me and I realize I haven’t eaten enough. I usually end up making up for it over the weekend though (frozen yogurt? YES PLEASE).

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday! It’s Leg day for me…..wish me luck!

Questions of the Day:

1. Do you get into food ruts and eat the


2. When did you find your place in fitness? What is

your weapon of choice?

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