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Best salad

I know this will sound like a weird combo..but it’s AMAZING.

2-3 cups of spring mix lettuce
3-4 oz. of turkey or tuna or chicken(whatever protein source you want)
2 TBSP fresh salsa or pico de gallo(i use my sister’s boyfriend’s salsa which has no salt…whole foods makes pretty good salsa too!)
a few slices of tomato
about 1/4 of an avocado
1/4 cup of black beans
1/2 TBSP raw, Extra virgin, unrefined coconut oil

I know most of you are thinking thats a really weird combo but i swear by it!

You could also add hard boiled eggs or really whatever you feel like adding to it…that is just my mix for today(minus the black beans because i am all out)! Yummmy!


Tomorrow marks exactly one month until my first competition. I am so nervous. One day my abs are popping, the next they aren’t. My thoughts consist of “Will i be ready? will the fat come off? will my abs look good? will my legs look good?”

I went to my posing practice today. Umm, all of the girls look fucking great. There were 2 new girls today, and they are both doing figure, so i won’t be competing against them. One of them is totally show ready, the other’s abs are perfect, but her legs need to lean out a bit.There is also my friend Lisa(she looks show ready right now) and then another girl who is much older who looks like she could take the masters stage with ease. We watched some videos of figure/fitness america today and then worked on posing and turns. It is scary. Really, really scary.

I wanted to give up today. Not gonna lie. I sat at home, was bumming all day(not just about that, but about a few other things) The bumming stemmed from me being TIRED. i know i over did it yesterday, and i continuued working out hard this morning. I’m so close though, and I read Rae’s Blog and it inspired me to not even THINK about giving up. If i get last place, who cares. I know I am in the best shape of my life and it will only get better from here on out. I love the way I eat, and although it’s hard sometimes, in the end, I LIKE IT. I don’t mind eating egg whites and chicken all the time. I have grown to love veggies(honestly even more than fruit now!) and i can honestly say i don’t worry about ever turning back to the “dark side” I don’t like the way I feel when I eat like that and in moderation, fine, but i don’t even desire that anymore. (Except a little ice cream here and there…in a month i will actually eat it instead of staring at it in the grocery store!)

Long store short: I NEED A VACATION. After this competition…i will take one to visit my brother in california. He is a health nut like me and loves fresh fruit and vegetables, and exercise. He tends to over do it just like me, but in different ways. I.e. mountain biking for 8 hours straight. Yeah, he’s more nuts than me!

Anyways, this was a lot of rambling, but basically…i am in this to the end, i love my new lifestyle, and shit…I’M TAKING THE STAGE BABY!

Empty Stomach Morning Cardio

Well friends.. i did it! Ha…i know for many of you, this is a daily activity, but for me…i NEVER do early morning cardio on an empty stomach. I just am so hungry in the mornings that I just need to get something in my strength training and then do my cardio afterwards.

This morning I woke up an hour before my alarm clock. I have a training appointment at 8AM….usually i get there early and just chill out on the elliptical or treadmill, but today, I decided, I’m going for a run! And i’m doing it on an empty stomach.

Now I love that I am like a dog or a toddler..however you want to look at it. I tell myself I am going to only do 30 minutes(i do this almost every time i go to do any type of cardio) and always end up doing much more than that. Today i ran for 55 minutes. I did a loop that I knew was going to be longer than a 30 minute run, but I told myself I would stop and walk the rest of the way…..Knowing that I wouldn’t do that. I really was going to stop and walk at around 45 minutes, but I was starving at this point, and I thought to myself “If i walk..its going to take me twice as long to get home and make some food…RUN!!” So i did.

Anyways that’s my story just thought I would share. It really did feel great to run outside again. It’s been over a month since I have done that and I always forget how soothing it is on the mind. I highly reccomend it.

Challenge: Everybody do at least 25 pushups today.(Doesn’t have to be consecutive…but do as many as you can consecutively and let me know how you did in my comment box!!)

Rewards in Vein

Sorry guys! I have been wayy busy! (Doing what? I’m not sure!) Just kidding.

Let’s seeee had a great weekend…stuck to the diet and went out both Friday and Saturday night! Drinking has never been an issue for me because i’ve never been a it’s easy for me to say no..people usually don’t even ask because they just know.

Yesterday was my glute/ham day. I annhilated them. After doing my deadlifts, my legs were already shaky..i knew it would be an intense workout right then. If i remember correctly the workout consisted of deadlifts, ham curls, smith machine hack squats, glute machine, hip abduction, smith machine lunges anddd i think thats it. 4 sets of each. My hammies are hurting today..i love it 🙂

Today was shoulders and biceps. My left rear delt has been bugging me so i didn’t do shoulders last week other than some light recovery stuff. It’s feeling okay ..still a little pain…but my personal opinion(and this is just me i am no doctor) is that when i have a small injury…working it out carefully and controlled is the best medicine. I did my shoulder workout..i went heavy but not max-heavy.(i.e. 17.5 lb DB’s for shoulder press instead of 20 or 22.5) and just did higher reps(15-20) Biceps was awesome. These babies are getting strong! I picked up the 40 pound EZ bar and was repping it out like nothing. 50 lb EZ bar next time fo sho! 🙂 I am getting a new vein in my left bicep..i get excited about that..i know im a weirdo..but i love veins!! I feel like they are a reward for my progress. Maybe when i am older i can tell my kids “son, i got this vein when i was training for my first competition” hahaha totally kiddding im not thattttttt weird. (or am i?) hehe.

Anyways cardio has been balls to the walls this week…..yesterday was incline walking at 15% at 3.7mph for 35 minutes and a 20 minute jog….today was 20 minutes of elliptical and then 40 minutes of running (5 min warmup at 6.5mph, 25 min. of intervals at 8.5 mph and then 10 minutes at 6.5mph) it was about 5 miles total. Good stuff.

I took my pupperooski to get some shots today..he took it like a man…and i can’t wait to bring him to the dog park next week 🙂 Going rock climbing now..have a great evening! I will try to bring some more structure to my blogs this week. If i get the time.

Here’s the little (75 pound) baby for your enjoyment 🙂 (1 year old)


I am up way too early for how late I went to bed, but thats what happens when your used to waking up at 6:30 or earlier every day. I am extremely tired, but I was hungryyyy when I woke up. Actually I was hungry when I went to bed, but at the same time after about 9pm, my body just doesn’t want food. I have gotten so used to NOT eating anything after my dinners that my body doesn’t want to eat no matter how hungry I am.

Breakfast today:
Omelette with: 1 egg, 1 cup egg whites, 2 TBSP Pico De Gallo(fresh, no salt), 1 cup spinach.
88 g. banana
sweet potato

I miss my oats already. Last night I went out and ran into my old trainer. Well, i told him to meet me out, so i guess i didn’t “run” into him. But he and I have a very close relationship. I can tell this guy literally ANYTHING and same for him. We know way too much about each other and he is honestly one of my closest friends, although I don’t see him as much these days. His first words to me were “oh cool you lost 50 pounds!” haha joking with me obviously, but that is him in a nutshell. Afterwards though he called me to say how proud of me he was and how he could really tell how hard ive been working out and dieting and that i really look great. It was awesome to here. He is TRULy the reason i got into fitness the way I did. When I went to him, i merely wanted to tone up. I didn’t know how to lift, i thought i would get bulky by lifting heavy, yada yada yada. But he taught me how to squat, deadlift, do shoulder presses, etc. He got me turned onto heavy lifting, which got me into nutrition, which got me to where I am today. Without him, I would still be sloppy body Lizzy ha! (i feel like when i look at pictures that is what i look like. i hate the no muscle look on me now!)

Anyways, I will post more later. I never told you guys about the “guy” because, well, it really didn’t turn into anything. Which sucks and is bothering me, but i will give you the whole story later. Sorry for keeping you waiting again!

good bye oats.

i was sad at the gym today when my trainer told me the oats have got to go 🙁 no mas! It’s okay though, i get to replace it with quinoa or a sweet potato…umm more sweet potato please!! not that i don’t love quinoa but…i love sweet potato the mostest. 🙂

workout this morning was great. cardio went from being taken away to put back in! my trainer didn’t realize we were only 5 1/2 weeks out, so…back to an hour a day. I am happy with that because i really haven’t cut back much since he told me to. ooooops.

workout today was a 3 mile run to warm up. then I did back and abs. Dae was so kind to put my ankle weights on for me today before i did my hanging leg raises. what a great guy right?! HA those things were HARD. Then i finished up the workout with 35 minutes on the TM—15% 3.7mph! it was fast. but i made it. and i kind of enjoyed it in a sick and twisted way. then it was 20 minutes on the bike.

Going rock climbing tonight which i can’t wait for. If there is a rock gym near you..TRY IT…such a fun workout and SERIOUSLY a tough one. just look at the serious climbers bodies. All they do is climb and they are STRONG and TIGHT. yeah, good stuff.

in other news, my dad and i aren’t speaking because he is a selfish asshole. No, really ha. I don’t want to go into details right now, but maybe when I feel like venting it out i will. I have vented it like 4 times already today and im sick of hearing myself.

So glad its friday..i plan on going out tonight, not drinking, but having a great time with friends! Hope your friday is awesome as well!

The best compliment

Today at the gym I got the best compliment I have ever received. It made me feel so happy about myself, I can’t even describe it. This compliment had nothing to do with the way I look, or my body.

There is a trainer at my gym named Noel. He is in his 50’s and a very goofy guy. He has a really strong accent(African..not sure which country) so sometimes it is hard to understand him, but he is always in the gym making jokes and dancing to the music. He jokes around with me all the time telling me to go home, that I’m not allowed to use the equipment, that I am too weak. All in good fun because he sees me working out there all the time so he just likes to give me shit.

Today Noel called me name. I figured he was going to tell me to go home or something. Instead he told me that I have the best attitude of anyone he has ever met. He said my attitude is so great and so contagious. I wanted to cry of happiness right then and there. It made me feel amazing. Especially coming from someone who never gives me compliments(not in a bad way, he just likes to push my buttons and give me shit haha). I was completely humbled and my workout got even better after that.

No compliment about my body could EVER top something like that!

Speaking of my work out. Today was another leg day and it was AWESOME. Supersets with plyos baby! 4 sets each.

Full squats w/ jumping lunges
Leg press w/ side to side bench jumps
Leg Extensions w/ lateral bench jumps(low to high)
SL Leg Press w/ tuck jumps
Seated calf raises
Standing barbell calf raises(stood on plates)

I finished up with 45 minutes on the arc trainer. I am seriously feeling FAB-U-LOUS.

Food today:
Meal 1:
1/3 c. rolled oats
97g. banana
1 c. egg whites
1 whole egg

Meal 2:
2 c. egg whites
280g. sweet potato(this baby was huge!)
brussels sprouts
2 red bell peppers with homemade pico de gallo(no salt in it!)

I am off to clean up and head to work. Hope everyone has a great day!!!! 🙂


no, not like that 😉

I was at the lake all day today (from 9:30am-6pm) and I am beat so this will be quick.

Yesterday I did an amazing leg workout, focusing on glutes and hams. I finished that up with 20 minutes on the stair stepper and then 25 minutes on the treadmill. (15% at 3.4mph) I then went to work, and rock climbed in the evening.

I woke up EXTRA early today (although not as early as planned) so I could be on time to meet everyone to go to the lake.I got in an AWESOME back/biceps workout for an hour. I was having such a great workout that I decided I would rather finish then to stop in the middle to get to boxing. So i finished up at 7 and went to boxing for the last half hour. Still got some great boxing in 🙂 Afterwards I did 25 minutes on the treadmill at 15% 3.5 mph. Great workout! Then it was off to the lake.

I wakeboarded a few times today and seriously thought my arms were going to fall off. My workout this morning was THAT intense. Not to mention, wakeboarding is arms and back and legs, so it is definitely taxing on the body.

Food has been amazing. Carbs today were low and i am liking this cycling i have been doing. (somewhat naturally too without thinking about it) I am feeling so good about my thoughts towards eating. This whole “calm the eff down” seriously works. Haha just goes to show how MENTAL this sport really is. 4 words are keeping me feeling better than ever. Too funny.

And with that, I’ll leave you with a picture 🙂

The Secret

This is going to sound really obvious. Because it is. But yesterday i ate cereal. I was craving it and i just WANTED it. I had too much of it and was sitting there going”IDIOT YOU COMPETE IN 6 WEEKS.” Then i realized that that kind of attitude just attracts more stupidity so I stopped that prontoooo.

Anyways back to the secret. So today(Sunday) I woke up after a nice 3 HOURS of sleep. (more on that later) and went to a new yoga class at the rock climbing gym. It was 90 minutes in an 85 degree room and I really enjoyed it. I left there and went about my day. Went to Whole Foods like usual on the weekends, and just enjoyed my healthy eats. Moreso than ever actually. I then laid out by the pool with a friend and I was very antsy. There were two reasons: 1) I will tell you in just a minute and 2) I needed a good SWEAT. I just was DYING to pump out a great workout. Sometimes I feel like working out is my “job” and I feel pressure to get to the gym in the morning and get my workout done. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE it, but I love when it doesn’t feel job-like. When it feels like it is 100% my choice and what I want to do right at that moment. So i headed to the gym at my apartment complex and did 50 minutes on the treadmill. 30 minutes of running with intervals and 20 minutes of walking on various inclines. I was feeling UBER fat today (thanks to the water holding from the cereal) and then I started looking in the big wall mirrors at the gym. I sat down to stretch. The pooch I used to have doesn’t fall over my pants anymore. The creases in my stomach are actually lean creases. My body IS changing. I LOVE how it is looking. And I only want to get it to look even better…and that is when I realized the SECRET…..

Whatever fat is laying on my skin and bones and muscles, needs to be burned off. In order to do that, I need to keep up with my workouts, and eat right to shed the fat. Why are we putting so much emotion into eating and exercising? I realized that if I just put the emotions aside from eating (the “i want this, that looks good, those taste great”) and just focus on the healthy foods(that i TOTALLY love more than anything. eating healthy feels great and tastes great in my opinion) and stop stressing so much, maybe it won’t be so difficult. I stress about food WAY too much, I need to just relax and enjoy this journey. Enjoy watching the fat melt off my body, enjoy the gruesome workouts that are getting me here. I need to get enough rest, keep myself happy, and eat for fuel. That doesn’t mean I am not enjoying my food, because I would choose sweet potatos and egg whites over almost anything, it just means I am not going to be so damn picky and psychotic about it. CALM THE EFF DOWN. That is my new motto.

Anyways since this is turning into a novel, I will stop with my little secret that really isn’t a secret at all and move onto why I only slept for 3 hours last night. I went to a barbecue yesterday and met someone and i am wayyyy head over heels 🙂 I haven’t been this intrigued in a while. I am very picky most of the time so im pretty stoked about this. We ended up hanging by the pool all day and then all of us went out last night and didn’t get home until about 3:30. I will give you the whole scoop on this new boy tomorrow. This post is just ridick. And im TIRED.

Nighty night!

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