Archive for February 9, 2009


I am going to give you all a challenge and I want you to do it TODAY:

Pick your favorite workout song and while you do your cardio today, during the chorus of that song you have to go all out! If the chorus plays 3 times, guess what…3 intervals! If the chorus plays 18 times, yeah..18 INTERVALS (crazy ass song if that is the case.) You get my point, but this challenge is in effect immediately.

If you already did cardio today, then you better do this tomorrow! 🙂

My favorite cardio song right now is Misery Business by Paramore…i urge you all to download it and try it because it is awesome!!

And yes i did this today and it amped my workout.

One more thing: You want one reason not to eat refined sugar? Well here are 76 Reasons. Thanks for the post Jennica!


It’s Monday afternoon and I didn’t have to work today! Yay!

Well so far my day has been good/annoying. Good because i got a good workout in this morning. Back and some damn good cardio on the treadmill! Lots of intervals just the way i like it 🙂

Now for the annoyance. I got my body fat tested today. 22.1%….so in one month I only lost .1% of body fat?!!?!?! LAMEE. Instead of becoming a big baby and drowning myself in food I decided…okay I need to step it up! That means being strict about my calorie intake. (No more..oh well its just one more bowl of oatmeal and i will just eat 2000 calories today) NO. 1800 is my limit! You heard me say it so yell at me if i talk about eating more than that 🙂

I do have a question though! I got my period last night…and i am not sure if i am retaining more water..and if so, does that mess with your body fat percentage when taken with the calipers(pinchers)?

If anyone knows I would love to find out. My trainer also said we are going to start measuring my body fat more often because since calipers aren’t always accurate, we will be able to see if i am getting lower or not.

Anyways my eating today has been exceptional.

Breakfast: 1 cup of egg whites with some green and red pepper and onions, and 2 apples.

Pre-workout: 1 scoop of Dymatize XPand
Post-Workout: 1 scoop Isopure Zero Carb Whey Protein

Lunch: 5 oz. cooked turkey, 1/2 sweet potato, 1/2 cup of broccoli, and 2 apples

This afternoon: strawberries, 2 apples, 2.5 oz of turkey, 1/2 sweet potato

That is where I am at so far. Also, someone asked about some exercises to get them started.
There are hundreds of different exercises and this is a very broad question. My best advice would be to use the machines at the gym to get you started. If you aren’t at a gym and only have free weights. Start by doing some walking lunges, squats (make sure you have someone show you how to do them properly or look up a video on youtube), shoulder presses, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, upright rows. For abs my favorite exercise that involves nothing other than the floor are lying leg raises and bicycle twists.

I hope that is helpful! If you are confused on how to do some of the exercises that I named, just google them and you are sure to find hundreds of demos i bet!

I will still take my progress pictures don’t worry I didn’t forget 🙂


Well its Sunday evening :-/ I always get so bummed on sundays because i know that the week ahead is back to the rush of what i call life.

While im in the week, it doesn’t bother me, but this weekend especially I relaxed a lot and wouldn’t mind relaxing for a few more days 🙂

Today I was planning on taking a rest day even after what I wrote in my last post, because I realized that I haven’t had a rest day since last Saturday. Well i decided this afternoon I wanted to do a little something, so I went to the little gym at my apartment complex. I did a pretty light 45 minutes. The first 30 minutes were light and the last 15 were actually kind of intense (i moved to the treadmill after 30 min. on elliptical) I wasn’t going to do weights but they had a big mirror there and I looked at my shoulders in the mirror and how much I am liking them these days and decided “don’t want them to waste away” so I did shoulders and it turned out to be a really good shoulder working. It made them fatigue really quickly and i felt great when I left.

Eating today has been good. Haven’t realy been hungry all day and have just been eating because i know i need to. I think i ended up at 1550 calories today. That is fine because my calories have been higher(closer to 2000) the last few days so it is just what my body wanted today.

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been reading and giving me the great feedback! I appreciate it so much and it is a big help in keeping me going. When I read everyone elses blogs it inspires me to keep working hard! So thank you!

Progress pics and updates on BF tomorrow! Stay tuned!


OK so i didn’t make it up to Sedona today. It was supposed to be rainy all day and Sedona is an outdoor city, so didn’t want to waste the gas to be indoors there.

I did get up early in order to make time to go to Sedona though, and did chest and abs. Cardio was an hour on the elliptical. Much easier than my treadmill/or stair step sessions, but by no means easy. I was sweating and burning and wanting to get off the machine. My legs are just pretty dead and my glutes are pretty sore, so I knew i needed a day off from my intense cardio sessions that bring me to failure. Seriously when I get done with my hour of the treadmill (running and incline walking) I have to catch my breath, regain my senses, wipe off my face thousands of times even though it doesn’t help because the sweat is just streaming, and yea you get the point.

Eating wise…today went well. I have been craving something out of my diet but even though in my head I will “allow” for something small, I am too scared that I will lose control afterwards because I’ve become a huge believe in this glycemic index stuff. I am worried if i have a little piece of chocolate my GI is going to sky rocket and im going to come up with 50 different reasons why i need to eat donuts and cookies. SO, i refrained again.

It’s fine really, and I know one of these days i will do it haha but right now im not comfortable with it. (Last spring i lost about 12 pounds and ended up gaining back all of it and being really depressed in all of that too, so I have vowed to never do that again, so still scared of the whole getting off track dealio) I finally feel like im back in my body again. The body I like and am comfortable with and want to flaunt. At the same time I look in the mirror and I want to go do MORE weights because I see new definition in my shoulders that I have never had and it inspires me. If i didn’t need to rest my muscles, i’m pretty sure i would quit my job and just workout all day. I would be a bum and sleep at my moms house, go to the gym in the day, and eat food at my moms house too. I woudn’t even need a job. Haha, okay enough of this fantasy land.

Anyways. Tomorrow i am feeling like I want to get a great back workout AND a great shoulder workout. Hmmmm shall I try ? :):)

I will have some new progress pictures to post sooon. Body fat on Monday!! Ekeee :):) I am excited though because my abs are lookin rockin!!!!


Okay so i did legs today with my trainer Dae. Um WOW. He absolutely killed them. Well I killed them, he just stood next to me and ran around the gym with me making sure i did not get any rest and that i was constantly pushing my legs to failure. It was an hour long session and it was worth it. I love going through that sweat and pain in a sick way haha. I got done and he looks at me and goes “Okay now go get on your cardio girl!” Just what I wanted to hear. So, it motivated me to do extra hard cardio. I did 20 minutes on the stair climber, and then hopped on the treadmill. I did 20 minutes at 10% incline, 4 mph, then did 20 minutes of intervals between 6.5mph and 8.5 mph. I think i did like 12 intervals it was good stuff! Then i finished it off with 5 minutes of 10% incline 4mph and 5 minutes of 15% incline, 3.5 mph. Wow it was an intense 2 hours but so worth it.

Then i left to go to class. I didn’t have to work today YAY….oh but it doesn’t stop there.

I promised my sister i would hike with her today. :):):) (sarcastic smileys)

I can never turn down exercise with a friend or family member…i almost feel like its my duty to help them all get in better shape, so when they ask…i answer 🙂

Anyways we went to our favorite paved trail, North Mountain. It is paved, but no that doesn’t mean easy. Her boyfriend tagged along, and being they they were going at the same pace, I decided i would just go at my own pace. I decided to run a little bit (like 20 legs were dead from the first step on the mountain HA) Then i got to the top and waited for them.

Let’s just say, my legs are feeling it. OH! and i can’t forget to mention this! I decided to wear shorts for the hike because my legs haven’t seen day light in months (because i usually hate my legs..and in the winter, they are white so i hate them even more) WELL..i actually LIKE the way my legs look in shorts right now! They look better than they have EVER looked which was the coolest thing in the world for me to be able to see that today. My legs have never been as lean and strong as they are today, right now! I love it.

Eating today went well as far as cleanliness, however I did end up eating about 2700 calories today. With all of the exercise, I am assuming I either came over about 100 or 200 calories or possibly broke even. (I tallied calories burned on different calculators but you never really know for sure so.) I’m not worried about it though because I know i can just eat normal again tomorrow. Maintenance days here and there are good for me and i need them.

I will be up in Sedona for most of the day tomorrow, so I am hoping to get some hiking in there! I will be packing my own foods, of course, because I am a nerd like that. I am sure my aunt is going to give me dirty looks but guess what! I DONT CARE 😉

Have a great weekend!

sorry for being lame!

I haven’t been updating as much as I would like to. I have been so busy with working out, school and work! Things have been going well for me. Eating has been great. It’s funny…there are some days when I feel like i need a little something “out of diet” and I will go to the store to get it and i just can’t bring myself to buying it when I look at the ingredient list. I have become so accustomed to eating natural foods that when I see the mile long list of ingredients on things I just can’t fathom putting that into my body. It’s a good thing though, I guess!

I have been seeing great results lately. I can tell that I am becoming leaner and leaner and it feels AWESOME. My stomach looks really good! My butt and thighs are starting to come into place, but they aren’t there yet. It’s funny because I am still not really losing weight. (Although i weighed myself with wet hair today…and i have some long thick hair so it may have thrown it off a little) I actually didn’t get upset with my weight on the scale either. I KNOW that i look better and i can see that i look better, so i am not going to let it affect me at all.

My workouts have been great and i’ve been getting in at least an hour of cardio a day…sometimes a little more than that too! All in all I am very happy with things right now!

Something that has been keeping me going is the fact that, yes, right now if this was the body i had for the rest of my life, i would be okay with that, BUT..the fact that i am making progress is pushing me to want to push the limit and see just what i am capable. I want to go to the MAX and see how much muscle i can pack into my body(without looking like im a man on steroids obviously)

I am having fun with this. I am like my own little guinea pig..try this, try that…this worked, this didn’t..etc.

For all of you that are struggling to find a happy medium…change what you don’t like and do what fits YOU. Maybe someone eats a certain way and its so easy for them and you can’t understand why….and thats probably because that is what works for THEM…Learn some basics and build off of that. It can make it more enjoyable too because you are constantly trying new things to keep it exciting.


Hope everyone is doing well on this lovely Tuesday!

I did a cardio kickboxing class this morning first thing. It was fun and a great workout!

When I got into the weight room something came over me and I had one of those amazing, kick ass, I OWN THE GYM workouts. Legs with a main focus on GLUTES. Yeah yeah! I love glute workouts!!! Anyways i kicked my own ass in there! Even someone told me to slow it down because I was making them look lazy. GOOD 🙂 I freaking had such a good workout and now im on a high..LOVE IT.

Then i got on the treadmill and the kickass-ness didn’t stop. I did 20 minutes of incline walking at 4.0mph w ith a 12% incline and then ran betw. 6.5-7.3 mph.

GOOD INTERVAL SONG: Misery Business by Paramore…i wasn’t planning on doing any intervals but the chorus of that song started and the beat gets really fast and i WANTED to run really really fast!!!!

Not sure what is with me today but I LIKE IT and i hope it sticks!

January Overview

I thought since it seems everyone else is doing them, I might as well 🙂

Days I worked out this month: 30
Days I kept within my calorie range: 26 (4 days were just slightly higher but not bad, and only 1 day was very high–3600 calories.) <—–This is a HUGE improvement, December there were like 7 very high calorie days.

I will be officially checking my body fat, weight, and measurements next Monday. I am very optimistic about this.

This month I have truly stuck to my goals and worked hard. I am very proud of January and WILL continue this way moving forward. It feels so good!

Sunday update

Sunday: I woke up and got to the gym in the morning. The rest day Saturday was very helpful! I felt energized and ready to go. I did legs: squats, smith machine lunges, swiss ball hamstring curls, 45 degree hypers, single leg straight leg deadlifts. I also did triceps: a few different types of push downs, kickbacks, dips, skull crushers. Then I headed to the treadmill: Incline walk at 10% 3.9mph for 20 minutes, run at 6.5 mph with a few intervals to 8.0mph for 25 minutes, and then 5 more minutes of incline walking at 15% 3.4mph. Then i did the stair stepper for another 10 minutes to finish out the hour.

I watched the superbowl last night and it was heartbreaking!! Being an AZ Native i was pulling for my cardinals but they came up short. BUT, the office afterwards boosted my spirits. So much that I spit my water out all over myself at one point. So worth it, that show is amazing.

I got a great night of sleep last night and woke up feeling refreshed. I just ate my oatmeal and 2 apples and I’m going to head to the gym. Back day!

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