
Well its Sunday evening :-/ I always get so bummed on sundays because i know that the week ahead is back to the rush of what i call life.

While im in the week, it doesn’t bother me, but this weekend especially I relaxed a lot and wouldn’t mind relaxing for a few more days 🙂

Today I was planning on taking a rest day even after what I wrote in my last post, because I realized that I haven’t had a rest day since last Saturday. Well i decided this afternoon I wanted to do a little something, so I went to the little gym at my apartment complex. I did a pretty light 45 minutes. The first 30 minutes were light and the last 15 were actually kind of intense (i moved to the treadmill after 30 min. on elliptical) I wasn’t going to do weights but they had a big mirror there and I looked at my shoulders in the mirror and how much I am liking them these days and decided “don’t want them to waste away” so I did shoulders and it turned out to be a really good shoulder working. It made them fatigue really quickly and i felt great when I left.

Eating today has been good. Haven’t realy been hungry all day and have just been eating because i know i need to. I think i ended up at 1550 calories today. That is fine because my calories have been higher(closer to 2000) the last few days so it is just what my body wanted today.

I also wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been reading and giving me the great feedback! I appreciate it so much and it is a big help in keeping me going. When I read everyone elses blogs it inspires me to keep working hard! So thank you!

Progress pics and updates on BF tomorrow! Stay tuned!


  1. Sabs says:

    Can’t wait to see your progress pics!

  2. jeimayprovy says:

    I’m excited to see your progress pictures!! Also, I wanted to ask you what kind of weight training exercises you do for arms, abs and legs. I want to get into weight training but don’t really know where to start.

  3. fittingbackin says:

    Yes – looking forward to more progress pics! You’re doing so amazing!!

  4. Carolyn says:

    Hey girl thanks for commenting my post. Low GI is awesome!!! I love it. I look forward to seeing your progress too. 😉