
It’s Monday afternoon and I didn’t have to work today! Yay!

Well so far my day has been good/annoying. Good because i got a good workout in this morning. Back and some damn good cardio on the treadmill! Lots of intervals just the way i like it 🙂

Now for the annoyance. I got my body fat tested today. 22.1%….so in one month I only lost .1% of body fat?!!?!?! LAMEE. Instead of becoming a big baby and drowning myself in food I decided…okay I need to step it up! That means being strict about my calorie intake. (No more..oh well its just one more bowl of oatmeal and i will just eat 2000 calories today) NO. 1800 is my limit! You heard me say it so yell at me if i talk about eating more than that 🙂

I do have a question though! I got my period last night…and i am not sure if i am retaining more water..and if so, does that mess with your body fat percentage when taken with the calipers(pinchers)?

If anyone knows I would love to find out. My trainer also said we are going to start measuring my body fat more often because since calipers aren’t always accurate, we will be able to see if i am getting lower or not.

Anyways my eating today has been exceptional.

Breakfast: 1 cup of egg whites with some green and red pepper and onions, and 2 apples.

Pre-workout: 1 scoop of Dymatize XPand
Post-Workout: 1 scoop Isopure Zero Carb Whey Protein

Lunch: 5 oz. cooked turkey, 1/2 sweet potato, 1/2 cup of broccoli, and 2 apples

This afternoon: strawberries, 2 apples, 2.5 oz of turkey, 1/2 sweet potato

That is where I am at so far. Also, someone asked about some exercises to get them started.
There are hundreds of different exercises and this is a very broad question. My best advice would be to use the machines at the gym to get you started. If you aren’t at a gym and only have free weights. Start by doing some walking lunges, squats (make sure you have someone show you how to do them properly or look up a video on youtube), shoulder presses, bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, upright rows. For abs my favorite exercise that involves nothing other than the floor are lying leg raises and bicycle twists.

I hope that is helpful! If you are confused on how to do some of the exercises that I named, just google them and you are sure to find hundreds of demos i bet!

I will still take my progress pictures don’t worry I didn’t forget 🙂

One comment

  1. Kristine says:

    Awesome job. Cant wait to see those progress pics.
    As for aunt flo, I always retain water around that time….2-5lbs. I would guess it would affect your readout being its retained all over the body. Try it again a few days after shes gone. Bet you see a difference.