Archive for March 18, 2009

too many raspberries and the veggie queen

i went to make a protein shake this afternoon. out of the frozen strawberries,but plenty of frozen raspberries. YUMMM right?!?!

Well apparently not. I don’t know if i had too many raspberries or what, but it was awful. I used the same ingredients except for raspberries in place of strawberries. I like raspberries a lot, but for whatever reason it tasted gross. I drank less than half of it and had to throw it away. I NEVER throw things away, because im a little gluttonous girl and usually can stand to eat things even if they aren’t that great. But this was just gross.

This morning i got a great shoulder workout in. I am going to try to post a video this week(I promise!!) of a shoulder exercise that my trainer taught me. I don’t know if it has a formal name because i have never seen it before in my life, but it gets your rear delts burning like crazy!!

Finished off with elliptical for 1 hour and 15 minutes(i just felt like going more i don’t knwo why this NEVER happens haha)

Now i am going for a hike with friends! It is hot outside(almost 90 already) and im still sunburnt. My friend is bringing me some sunscreen because im afraid all of my skin will fall off if i don’t use any haha.(really not a laughing matter, but i tend to laugh at things that shouldn’t be laughed at. sue me.)

Eats today:
breakfast/pre workout: 1/2 cup oats with 20 blueberries(ya im a nerd i counted) and 1 scoop of isopure creamy vanilla protein powder
post workout: 2 cups of egg whites(im gluttonous remember?) 1 cup of spinach, some chopped onion and green peppers, 2 cups of broccoli, 175 g. of sweet potato
snacks: another serving of egg whites with spinach, onion and green pepper, an ENTIRE BAG of green beans(the steamfresh bag–so 4 cups of green beans), a little bit of a terrible protein shake, some blueberries and some strawberries, 5 almonds

I think i got my vegetable servings in today…right?! haha

Dinner tonight after my hike will be pretty simple. I am going to probably cook the chicken that i have been meaning to cook for the last few days and pair it with some asparagus.

Off to the mountain!

back on!

im back on plan and feel better than ever!!

other than the crazy sunburn i have going on. Note to self: 3 hours in the sun will make you really burnt! –okay mental note!

also check out KK’s blog for a giveaway!!!

My workout today was awesome as well! Now going to meet up with some friends for St. Paddy’s day festivities!!!(will not be drinking..ill drive the drunkasses around) and my friends band Comfort for Change is playing a show tonight too!!

Happy St. Patrick’s day everyone!!

i suck

i knew it. i knew it this morning…i just had that f*e*e*ling. that i was going to be weak. weak-minded that is. and i was right.

i wouldn’t call it a binge per-say because i spread it out throughout the day…however….i ate shit.

i wish i ate shit by falling on my face, but unfortunately i ate shit food! honey bunches of oats, frosted mini wheats, too much ice cream, a few chips and salsa, a fuggin BAGEL(WHITE PROCESSED BREAD ewewewew!) and cream cheese…

now don’t get me wrong i’m not beating myself up about it in a depressed way.(although who knows what ill feel tomorrow…) but i just was so weak and tired today, that i didn’t want to even TRY using my will power.(which i have to say has become pretty damn good.)

I basically just let it flow because i was so tired today. I think the fact that i was in the sun allll day saturday and sunday just finally hit me today. makes sense why my workout was killing me.

ANNNyyyways, i am a little bit mad at myself for letting this happen, but i will be fine as long as i can get right back on plan tomorrow and not look back. If that is the case, then i won’t care about this little hicccup(even though yesterday wasn’t so great either…) 2 days out of the month won’t kill me.

I bought the new Oxygen magazine, so i am going to go read it and inspire myself and probably pass out almost immediately. Boxing in the morning, followed by chest and abs, followed by some cardio! Then poolside! I am going to go pack my post-workout food right now so that it is all ready for me when i finish my workout and i won’t even have to think about it. It is days like these where i realize how thankful i am that we have good nutritious food in this world because crappy processed SHIT makes you feel like worn out processed SHIT. Go figure!


I am so tired today!! I’m not sure what it is, maybe the 2 hours of hiking and 3 hours of volleyball yesterday?? Ha. Either way, my workout this morning was EXTRA hard. Cardio was just brutal. I was not feeling it at all, but i made it through.

Breakfast/Pre-workout was egg whites and oatmeal
Post-workout was a scoop of protein powder, 1 tsp. glutamine and water.
Lunch was egg whites

I am not eating some oatmeal with strawberries.

I am feeling like laying on the couch for the next few hours and relaxing. Hopefully i’ll get some energy back and do something outside later!


hiked today and it was AWESOME..going to play some sand volleyball now. I love my active rest day weekends!!! They are so enjoyable and its nice to be able to get exercise in without being in a gym all the time. (15 hours during the week is enough for me ha.)

I ate 3100 calories today!! ickk!! why ick??? 2 girl scout cookies, some random crackers, a few m&m’s…those were the bad ones..the rest were good foods but still too much food today!! TOM is here so i’ll just blame that ha. It wasn’t an all out binge just a few random snacks and mostly snacking on healthy foods so not so bad.

I needed a little restart for my week. At least it wasn’t anything too outrageous.

Hehe this is fun

They say you are what you eat!! With that said…

I used to be: A monster taco, egg roll, cheeseburger and fries, and a crunchwrap supreme! (ya thats right, jack in the box, in n out burger and taco bell) I’m not kidding you that is all I ate. Oh and goldfish crackers.

Now I am: Chicken, Premature chicken(eggs hehe), Green beans, Apples, and sweet potato!!

What have you morphed into?!?!


I always say this and it always holds to be true. PATIENCE CONQUERS. You wanna know how i know?!?!?! Because I got my body fat tested today and im down to 21.5%!! My friend George, who did the test, said he was trying to grab as much fat as possible so he could make me feel bad(yeah we have a funny friendship like that haha ) and i am down .6% since last time!! I know that is only a small change but it is PROGRESS and that means my hard work is paying off!!!

I am still weighing in at 135 pounds so that means i have also gained some muscle in the process. HELL YEA. I am so happy!!! I honestly am actually pretty happy with my body right now. Yes there are things I want to improve on and I have more goals, but I am becoming happier every day with how i look!! It shows that throwing in the towel when things get tough is NOT the answer. (glad i didn’t take that route, although it seemed like a good idea a few times in the past lol)

Workout this morning was great!! LEGS yayy! I have a feeling i won’t be able to walk tomorrow which is awesome!! haha I did an hour of incline walking after my weight training.

Eats today were good. I am all out of protein powder so i have to be resourceful to get all my protein in!! It’s kind of fun lol.(i have more on the way but it won’t be here until the 16th!!)

Breakfast was 1/2 cup of oats with 1TBSP almond butter, 1/4 cup of egg whites, cinnamon, and 5 strawberries. It was pretty tasty and filling! I paired it with a tangelo and 1/2 cup of egg whites on the side and got my butt to the gym.

Post workout was 4.5 oz of chicken, brussels sprouts, 152 g sweet potato, and more egg whites. I find that i eat a lot more in the early part of my day(i am hungry after my workouts!!!) and smaller meals later in the day. It is what works for me so I run with it!

I plan on getting a hike in at some point today, and then going to try to lay out. It’s beatiful outside!

Hopefully going to be able to hit up the lake tomorrow for some wakeboarding with friends!!! Can’t wait!!

I challenge all of you to do 30 minutes of exercise that is something new to you.(or at least something you rarely do) Trying somethign new can open your eyes to new likings and also open your muscles eyes to new movements! Also, I challenge you to eat vegetables with every meal you have. If you have a snack, eat some veggies with it!! It helps to curb your appetite even if you don’t feel like eating them. Just do it along with whatever you were planning on eating.

Almost the weekend!

I read this on Phit n Phat’s blog and I think it is a really great analogy!! Click here to read the rest of this post….

“Remember, you are ALWAYS going to face temptations! You are ALWAYS going to have moments it won’t be easy. This is when you either woman up or you choose to do what is easy. Don’t blame emotions, habits, etc. You have to be bigger than that. If your kids told you they were tired, had a bad day, and decided to just blow off a few assignments here and there. What would say? You wouldn’t tolerate it. You would tell them to buck up because a few assignments over time leads to a big ole C or failure. Sound anything like our eating/exercising habits? Hmmm…..”

Anyways..boxing today was awesome! hard class today!! Then i did a shoulder workout and these delts are DEAD…good stuff…finished it off with 45 minutes on the arc trainer.

Eats have been good today as well!
Breakfast was a grapefruit, an apple and oatmeal with protein powder mixed in
Post workout was chicken, brussels sprouts, and some more oatmeal(im in an oatmealish mood today i guess!!) and also a tangelo.

I have class most of today :-/ but i am feeling great!! Hope you all have a good one!

bday pictures!!!!

Here is a picture from last night!! im in the middle and my friend taylor decided to be a dork haha

And here is a picture of my back i took the other day!!! Things are starting to come around im so excited!!

i am also going to the lake today!! YAYY! Such a great week so far

happy birthday to me!!

I had the MOST WONDERFUL birhtday!! About 15 of my friends all met me at an Irish pub called the Dubliner and seriously I had the best time!!!

I only got one drink (vanilla Stoli and diet coke) because yes i am a calorie conscious little nerd even on my 21st birthday!! But i honestly had the best day and have the best friends. My sister came out and it meant the world to me (she has been waiting 7 years for this day haha) She was funny too. She walked up to me and handed me my drink and goes “wow sure draw a big crowd..and they are all guys!!” It’s funny because she was the same way before she started dating her boyfriend. We are both “one of the guys” and if nobody pointed out that all of my friends are dudes, i might not realize it haha. My roommate came out as well and my best friend that i have grown up with also. It was a great night and i didn’t ruin my diet, DOUBLE SCORE!!

Now im off to go meet my trainer for some bi and tri ACTION!! Will have a more normal update later!(not that my posts are ever normal..but im a random girl what can i say?!)

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