Archive for March 10, 2009

Thank you!!!

Thank you everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes!!! I woke up at 3:30 this morning with an earache and have to go to the doctor. Not the way i wanted to start my day, but it isn’t going to get me down!! I got in a great leg/glute workout, boxing and elliptical this morning and I am ready to take on this day!!! Going out tonight *legally* for the first time 🙂

Have a great day!

Day 2

Hey guys! I am on day 2 of my carb-deplete. Yesterday went very well! I made a new post-workout smoothie concoction that is AWESOME and i urge you all to try it.

Mine was made with:

1 scoop strawberry protein powder(no carbs)
1 tsp. glutamine
1 Tbsp whole flax seeds
5 raw almonds
4 frozen strawberries

Blend this up! So delicious and the almonds and flax seeds give it some crunch. I LOVE IT.

It also allows me to get my FATS IN which has always been a struggle for me. Yay!

I hiked again yesterday. Same trail, but it is different every time because no matter what you get off trail climbing over teh cliffs and boulders. SUCH a fun climb and a great workout as well. I am going to try to drag someone with me again today!!

I officially turn 21 tomorrow!!! I am going to skip going out tonight and go out tomorrow night. Not going to drink much but i will have to order one drink just for the sake of it. (Never been a big drinker) Exciting!! I am on my spring break as well, so going to try to get out to san diego later in the week with some friends.

Hope your having a good day!

carb deplete?

Since i have been a little carb-whore the past two days.. (Weak mind=carb cravings..all good ones though no worries…) I am thinking about doing a 3 day carb-deplete. For fun (oh yeah loads of fun!), to continue on my guinea-pigness, to clear my system out a little bit (worried i am going to look puffy tomorrow), and because I know that near contest prep i will be doing this at least once and i would like to get a feel for it.

Thoughts? Advice? Anything?! I am a noob at this stuff so I would take any and all advice and experience anyone has with this. (Veggies and a little fruit in the morning will be my only carbs basically.)

Awesome Saturday

Hey Bloggies!! I am having a wonderful Saturday! Before I get into my day, I need to get something off my chest.

My mind is getting WEAK lately. After my binge last Sunday(that i still have no regret over, I think it was needed) I am feeling like I almost want to do it again. My promise to myself was that I will not let this become a recurring thing. I will take cheats when they are necessary only. Well yesterday I was VERY close to breaking that promise to myself. I really was set on the fact that I was going to eat some shitty foods. Why?! I HAVE NO IDEA. My mind was just being weak and I was telling myself to just do it. NO WORRIES, i talked myself out of it. I ended up a little higher on calories, but nothing terrible and it was still all clean foods. Today, I almost did the same thing. I woke up this morning, had breakfast and was certain I was going to have a cheat today. WHY?!?! still no idea. Somehow, i looked in the mirror at my stomach and noticed how lean I have become. I thought to myself “you have lost weight in the past and let it all go over the summer, DONT GO DOWN THAT ROAD AGAIN” I basically talked myself out of it again. I told myself I DO NOT want to lose this hard work I have been putting in. It worked thankfully, and I have actually had a great day eating-wise. I just need to pray that I can be STRONG and hopefully not get any more feelings like that because I do NOT want to get into a binge cycle like I have had in the past. Whew, i feel better getting that off my chest.

On another note, I have FINALLY realized how to take my rest days without going nuts. It seems wayyy obvious, but I am slow so bare with me hehe. I realized yesterday that I train HARD monday through friday. I go BALLS TO THE WALLS in the weight room and i get over 5 hours of cardio in throughout just 5 days. On the weekends I have been trying to train just as hard. I thought to myself…Lizzy you are going to overtrain! I could feel it too. That is why I have been so tired lately. It is fatigue. I am not lettting my body rest enough. I also hate sitting on my ass all day doing nothing. (Unless i have already worked out, then i don’t mind sitting around the rest of the day haha) I decided weekends are going to be active days. I am not going to go to the gym, however I am going to stay active during the day outside(while the weather stays nice, i’ll have to figure something out when its over 100 degrees in a few weeks.) Whether its going for a nice jog, biking, hiking, or playing a sport, I am going to stay active, but NOT hit the weight room. I think this is a smart move for me.

This brings me to today. I went on a nice long 2 hour hike with my friend Brittni today. We went up the Cholla trail on Camelback Mountain (The Echo trail is a much harder and intense hike and we just wanted to have a good workout but not kill ourselves heh.) It was AWESOME. I had never been up this side of the mountain and it was beautiful. Challenging, yet we were able to have a conversation without gasping for breath. (Echo trail is a much different story ha.) I like hiking with Brittni because both of us are in good shape and like to push our limits. If it gets hard, we push harder. When I hike with my sister and others, its more of a “it’s getting hard, lets sit and rest” Not my style. It was about 75 degrees and sunny. Absolutely gorgeous. Tonight I am going to a friends band’s show and it will be a good time as always. Might try to sneak in a nap before then so I have the energy. It will be a late night for sure.

I went to whole foods today also and got some GREAT produce and tilapia. yummy yummy. Love that store, but gosh it is so expensive!

I also wanted to let you guys know that I will be competing in the NPC Figure Class July 18th! I feel that this way I can hopefully do well in the competition and I can’t wait. I will start my 12 week out diet I believe in the beginning of April(i have the exact date in my calendar) and until then will still continue to be eating my clean foods. My goal for the next few weeks until then is to keep calories between 1800-2000, once 12 week diet starts, they will be lower. I can’t wait!!

comp. date


my poor legs and biceps. They didn’t even know what was coming!!! I ripped them apart, and beat them till they just couldn’t take it anymore. Yes i am a vicious woman so WATCH OUT!

Well peeps, this morning I had my boxing class again. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE IT!! (i know i say it every day hehe) but it really is ROCKIN. My instructor is so awesome! He has been doing this for 23 years and on top of that he used to be a stand-up comedian in Hollyweird. You can’t top a good trainer that is also a funnyman.

After boxing i annihilated my legs and biceps with deadlifts, 45 degree hypers, leg press, squat press, ez bar curls, hammer curls, 21’s and side arm cable curls.

I finished with 30 minutes on the treadmill. (I am learning not to overdo it when i have boxing classes in the mornings. I just become ravenous and tired all day. Considering I have class from 1pm -9pm on Thursdays, I knew I had to be smart and stick to a half hour, instead of my usual hour.)

I have gotten some great compliments in the last few days and I needed them. I have been getting those “why am i doing this/what is the point” type of thoughts lately more than usual, and i need to kick them!! Because the truth is i AM changing. I KNOW this, and even though it may be a slower process than I want it to be, PATIENCE WILL CONQUER. It is the hardest part of losing weight/gaining muscle/whatever your goal may be, but it is what makes LASTING RESULTS.

I can do this. I just have to keep my head in the game!

I mentioned the other day about my whole “headphones are on don’t talk to me” theory. Today my headphones were on AND i was in the middle of a set of curls. I was OBVIOUSLY sweating and breathing hard and struggling(not just throwing weights around like feathers) and a man starts asking me questions!! Of course, i can’t hear a word he is saying because my HEADPHONES ARE ON, but he CONTINUES TALKING TO ME. I politely say “I’m sorry I can’t hear you. Hold on one minute.” Does this stop him from talking?! NO!! I can still see his lips moving. Again I say, “Sir I can’t hear you just a minute” HE KEEPS TALKING. So i just let him talk until I was finished with my set. Then i politely took off my headphones and said okay go ahead…. Ugh! I’m sorry but that is just so frustrating. I have an idea of what I can do to try to deter these people…muahaha…you will have to wait to hear my idea! 🙂

McNugget Emergency? Really?

If i hadn’t seen this, I wouldn’t have believe it. Check this story out.

Yes people, someone called 911 because McDonalds ran out of chicken nuggets and they wanted their money back. REALLY PEOPLE?! ay carumba.

In other news, if you watched the Biggest Loser last night you are just as frustrated as I am at those three little words “To Be Continued!” Ahh the anticipation. Those producers are good…real good.

While watching the biggest loser, I had a realization that I am not sure is true, but wouldn’t doubt. I started wondering if Jillian Michaels is taking some type of HGH(human growth hormone) or any type of steroid. I am not saying that she is, but the widening of the jaw/deep voice kind of give me that impression. I could be totally wrong, just a thought.

Do you think Jillian Michaels takes some type of steroid?

Back to real world…..
This morning I had a great chest workout with Dae. Bench press, incline press, pushups, flys. Lots more pushups. (150 total) He also had me do some heavy heavy sets of hamstring curls. He literally had to help me through most of them they were so heavy. I had immediate soreness ha. Then we got done and he said okay 10 sets of hanging leg raises. Yee-haw. I better have some dominant abs in the near future with all of the ab-work I have been doing!! 🙂

I followed my weight training with 60 minutes on the treadmill. I did a steady 15% incline 3.3mph today because Dae wanted me to just go steady today. I enjoyed it and somehow it went by very quickly. Oh and it burnt 702 calories!!! That’s what im talking about.

Today i am going to play hooky from class and go hang out with my mom. I rarely see her because I am always so busy. We are probably just going to go mess around Target or something, but she’s a bigger goof ball than i am so it should be a good time.

Close Call!

That was a close one! I got home from my workout this morning and hopped in the shower. The water pressure was really low, but I was like hmm..oh well. THEN I REMEMBERED. We got a letter yesterday saying that the water would probably be shut off from about 9AM until 1PM. I had just gotten the shampoo in my hair so i immediately rinsed it out with the very little water that was coming down. JUST IN TIME, about 3o seconds later the water totally shut off. Pheww. No conditioner, so my hair isn’t soft and smooth, and brushing it was a pain in the ass. (I have VERY thick hair that is long and hangs to mid back.) At least I got to rinse off though!

I will back track to yesterday. Food-wise, I ate GREAT. LOTS of veggies, LOTS of water, and ended up at 1764 calories for the day. Good split of my macro’s (proteins, carbs, fats), so I was happy with it.

My workout yesterday was Shoulders and Triceps. I did shoulders in the morning (24 sets!! I really was focused and made sure that every rep of every set counted) followed by about 75 minutes of cardio. I didn’t mean to do that much but I started on the stair stepper, and wanted to go to a treadmill but they were all full. So I decided to run through the gym (there is an area that isn’t technically a track but can be used as one) and ran up and down the stairs a few times. I did this for about 10 minutes until a treadmill became available. I did 35 minutes on that.

Thought for Monday: When I am wearing my head phones and have a focused look on my face, am dripping sweat, and working hard in the weight room….Probably not in the mood to chat it up people!!! I actually just started ignoring people and pretending i couldn’t hear them so that they wouldn’t talk to me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the people at my gym and love chatting with other fit-minded people, but there is a time and a place. Don’t get in the way of my workout cuz i will run you over!!! :-):-):-) hehe

This morning was boxing at 6:30 AM! I had a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with some blueberries, cinnamon and 1 scoop of my strawberry protein powder. Sounds like a weird combo, i know, but it was actually pretty good. A nice mixed berry flavor. I also had 2 cuties. 🙂

Boxing was great this morning. I truly love taking that class. It gets my adrenaline pumping and I always am panting for breath throughout the class. It is great!!

After boxing, I hit up the weight room. Today was back and I killed it!! I was going HEAVY and pumping out extra reps that I really thought there was no way I could do. I just pushed through the pain and DID THEM. It is amazing that even when you think your muscles are in total failure, sometimes they have a LITTLE bit left in them. Sometimes not haha, but if you try you might surprise yourself. That is something that I have learned from my trainer. He always makes me go to failure, and then when I truly believe there is no way I can pump out another rep, he makes me do it anyways. Sometimes i can, and sometimes i can’t, but when I can it is exhilarating!!

Anyways after my fantastic back smash, I did about 30 minutes on the elliptical, and then decided to take a cardio kickboxing class that was starting to finish out my cardio for the day. (Lots of boxing today! lol) It was a good class and when it was finished, I realized I had been at the gym for 3 hours now and it was time to get my butt out of there(even though I teetered on the idea of doing a little more cardio.) I have to make sure not to over-train, which I have done in the past—NOT FUN.

Post-workout, I had 5 oz. of chicken breast, 219 grams of sweet potato(kind of high but i was really hungry), and some asparagus.

This post is getting long but I just want to put out some of the goals I have for the next few months:

1. I decided I am going to get my ACE personal training certification by May 1, 2009. It will be a great summer job for me, and it is something I should have done a long time ago.

2. I will also look into getting my group fitness certification.

3. I am really pushing my nutrition into full gear and going to REALLY try to go at it 100%. Not 90%. Although 90% is EXCELLENT, i really want to hit my goals and make sure I am looking good for my competition. I want to go into it knowing i did EVERYTHING i could.

That’s all for now peeps. If anyone is in the Phoenix area and wants to do some hiking on the weekends before it gets too hot let me know!!! I would love to meet some people from my area that have similar goals about their health!

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