Hey guys!
Hope your day is treating you well. I had my wisdom teeth out yesterday, and am actually not in too much pain. I wasn’t sure if I’d be up and about today, but it turns out I’m feeling pretty good. I was feeling a little cabin fever yesterday, even though I was only at home for a few hours. I guess when it feels like I can’t go anywhere, it makes me want to leave!
I thought it’d be fun to share 10 random things this week, so here goes!
1. I had never been put under before until yesterday when I got my wisdom teeth out. I was definitely nervous, but it was super easy. The best part: the videos that were taken of me right after I woke up. Apparently I also Face Timed everyone in my family and they are now wishing they could have recorded those!
2. I made this delicious smoothie this morning since I can’t really eat much solid food. It was SO GOOD. I posted the recipe on my instagram.
3. I’m going to Big Bear in 2 weeks and I’m SO excited. Here are a few photos from last year. This year we’re going for 5 days instead of 2. I can’t wait to wakeboard, hike, and enjoy the fresh mountain air!
4. My brother and dad are coming out to visit me for Father’s Day weekend. I love visiting them, but it’s also really nice when they come to visit me! I can’t wait to hang out with them at the beach!
5. I decided to take Oscar to the dog park for 15 minutes yesterday before my surgery. It had rained a bit the day before, and Oscar found a puddle of mud to play in.
Needless to say, I had to take him straight to the pet store to get him a bath after this because there was no WAY I was bringing him into the house. Puppies!
6. I already mapped out my next workout challenge (it’s 30 days this time). I’m going to start it right after I get back from Big Bear. I’ll share it with you guys in the next few weeks!
7. I’ve been using Gnarly Nutrition’s Chiseled Chocolate Grass-Fed Whey and am LOVING it. It tastes delicious and is really good quality. I first got to try it at BLEND Retreat, and the folks at Gnarly were kind enough to send me a full tub of it. I’m definitely going to continue buying this! I can’t wait to start cooking with it as well.
8. I ate a glazed donut the other day and it was SOOOOO good. Haha. I haven’t had donuts in a while, but it looked good the other day. Since then, I decided that I think I need to eat them more often. #iifym #donutstopme
9. I saw these two memes in my Facebook feed the other day and had to save them. I love these!
10. Random picture of Oscar’s cute face…..because puppies.