Archive for Weekends

Wow, what a weekend! It was a fun one, but like usual, I didn’t relax much. Let’s back up to Friday…

Friday Workout

I planned on doing a track workout after work, but for some STUPID reason, I decided to do a workout at the gym beforehand. I’m honestly not sure what I was thinking, but I really just felt like throwing some weight around and getting in a hard workout.

This is what I ended up doing:

Part 1: Tabata Jump Rope (8 minutes)

Part 2: 5 Rounds – Superset: Barbell Snatch & Jump Squats

Part 3: 15 min. AMRAP of 9 Deadlifts (95lbs), 12 Push-Ups, and 15 Box Jumps (20 in. box).

I ended up making it through 6 rounds.

I really wanted to back out of the track workout, but I was meeting a friend and didn’t want to leave him high and dry. We ended up doing:

4 x 75 meters

4 x 50 meters

4 x 30 meters

Needless to say, my legs were and still are DEAD.


Saturday I took a complete “rest” day (duh). I say that because I didn’t work out, but I was running around all day.

Charlie and I started off by grabbing a coffee and then getting breakfast at a little cafe called Blue Plate in Santa Monica. It’s a cute little restaurant, but it’s very cramped. The food was pretty good, but I was ready to get out of there by the time we were done eating.


After we finished, I picked up my friends and we got ready to head to a going away party for another friend. She’s moving to London and had all of us bring a dish from another country. We intended to do just that, but somehow we ended up at Aah’s (a costume store), bought Ninja Turtle T-shirts, and decided to bring pizza to the party. Ninja Turtles had their own country, right?!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Lizzy

Teenage Mutant Ninja Lizzy

Yeah okay, not the most logical thinking, but it was fun! There were actual some better photos taken, but my friend hasn’t sent them to me yet. We spent the night eating, drinking (well, they did), and just hanging out. It was a good time, but around 11pm, I became a pumpkin and went home.


Sunday, my older brother (who just moved back from Israel), Charlie, and I headed out for a hike to Skull Rock. This is one of my favorite hikes in LA. The rock actually looks like a skull!

Skull Rock on Temescal Ridge Trail in Topanga State ParkThe hike is about a 6 on a scale of 1-10 in difficulty, and the weather was great. I was hoping it would shake out my legs, but MANNNNN I am still soooooo sore. Hoping that wears off by the end of today.

Hangin' with my older brother

Hangin’ with my older brother

I spent the rest of my Sunday working with my good friend and former roommate Jules on a project we’ve been talking about. It’s finally coming to fruition and it’s going to be AWESOME. I’ll be sure to let you guys know when that’s coming…..

Here’s my plan for the rest of the week:

Monday: 20 min. HIIT + Bouldering

Tuesday: Crossfit

Wednesday: Legs

Thursday: Upper Body

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Full Body

Sunday: Rest

I’ll be traveling Thursday – Sunday, so that part of the schedule might change. I’ll likely be doing quick 15-20 minute workouts from my e-book to get a quick and efficient workout in my hotel room!

Have you ever been SO SORE that you actually considered calling out of work?

I’m not kidding, I want to know if someone has ever done this! LOL

A Weekend from my Weekend

Does anyone else ever feel like that? Like you need a weekend to recover from your weekend? That’s how I feel right now. It was a fun one, but I’m pretty exhausted now! More coffee please…..

Saturday started off with a tough workout with my man. We did snatches, heavy squats, pull ups, and bent over rows. To say it was tough is an understatement. It was a lot of fun though!


After relaxing for a while, I picked up my friend Tedi and headed to Mother’s Beach for some paddle boarding. I didn’t take any photos because although I’m comfortable on the water, I’m not taking the chance on dropping my phone in the ocean! We saw sea lions, a sailboat tip over, and luckily NO STING RAYS. Apparently there is an abundance of them lately, and I’m proud to say I didn’t get to meet one. It was a really nice day out and the perfect way to cap off my Saturday.

Mother's Beach

Mother’s Beach

On Sunday morning, Charlie suggested we drive up the coast a bit to grab some breakfast. I haven’t done that in a long time, so I was totally game! We ended up eating at Marmalade Cafe in Malibu. The food was pretty good, but it was really noisy in there. Maybe I’m just a 90 year old lady stuck in a 26 year old’s body, but I can’t stand loud restaurants. I like quiet and serenity. Other than that, it was a good experience!

When we finished eating, we decided to drive up the coast a bit more. We stopped in Oxnard (the really bad part of town) and had an interesting experience at a frozen yogurt shop. Needless to say, we didn’t spend much time there. Before we knew it, we were renting Kayaks on Lake Casitas and rowing away!

photo 4(2)

We only lasted a bit on the water (we were both SOO sore from the previous day’s workout), and decided to head back home to veg out around 4:30pm.

We spent the rest of the night relaxed on the couch, watching The Killing (our new favorite show!!). It’s soooo good.

Anyways, I’m back at work (even though I’d rather be snoozing) and the week is off to a good start!

Have you ever gone paddle boarding?

More importantly, have you ever encountered a sting ray in real life?!

4th of July Weekend Recap + Video

Oh man….is anyone else having trouble getting back into the swing of things after 4th of July weekend?? I kind of felt like I forgot how to work when I got up this morning. 3 day weekends are awesome, but I think I get why we don’t have them every weekend. I’m still getting things done today…but I’m struggling….

I don’t think this sunburn is helping….


More on that later…..

Friday morning Charlie and I hit up Best Buy and decided to buy a new TV. We’ve been totally red-necking it with our TV set up at home and finally bit the bullet with a new Smart TV. We still don’t have cable (and don’t want it) but now we can watch Netflix and Hulu on our TV instead of our laptop. Woohoo for getting with the times!

Afterwards, we headed to the [closed] gym for a workout. Perks of working for a gym I guess. We did heavy deadlifts, heavy squats, and heavy barbell reverse lunges. We were SO SORE all weekend because of it.

We spent the rest of the day hanging by the pool and relaxing….not a bad day if you ask me!

Soooo about that sunburn….Not cool. I completely forgot sunscreen TWO DAYS IN A ROW. I honestly don’t know when I will learn. Guess I’ll just keep trying. When I lived in AZ, I could spend hours in the sun and be fine… in Cali? 20 minutes and I’m burnt toast.

On Saturday, I headed to Mother’s Beach in Marina Del Rey (Marina Del Rehhhh…I took the 4055555 to the 101111…yes we really do that here in SoCal) and did some paddle boarding (and forgot sunscreen). It’s soooooo relaxing and nice to be out on the water. I’m not really sure why I don’t live on a boat and just hang out on the water all day every day. That’s the life, I tell ya. Someday!

Marina Boats

Marina Boats

Since Charlie and I hadn’t really gotten a chance to try out our new TV, we spent the rest of Saturday night watching The Killing marathon style and eating chinese food. Of course, I’m only good for a few episodes of anything before I completely pass out, but I’m loving the show! Have you guys seen it?! It’s suspenseful and unpredictable. Lovin’ it so far.

Sunday morning we had our Iron Member Appreciation BBQ….and once again….I was in a tank top…in direct sunlight. And now, I’m paying for it. Sunburns suck and I need to stop being a dumbass and slather on the sunscreen. Leather skin is never in style.


Marina Boats

Marina Boats

Hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July weekend…’s my workout plan for the week:

Monday: 20 min. HIIT on Stairmill + Bouldering (done)

Tuesday: Legs

Wednesday: 20 min. HIIT on Stairmill + Upper Body

Thursday: Bouldering + Full Body Circuit (Crossfit Style)

Friday: Legs

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Full Body Workout

What was the best part of your 4th of July Weekend?

Weekend and Challenge Update!

Happy Monday people!

I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed today. For the first time in a while, I actually got some GOOD sleep. It was quite refreshing. My new goal is to start shutting down MUCH earlier than I have been. I know how important sleep is, but I’ve been working so much that it’s gone a bit by the wayside. I feel recharged today and I know I could feel like this much more often if I actually slept more!

Friday night, Charlie launched his new service called Real Drum Tracks Now. It’s quite genius if you ask me. I could have the same drummer that plays for Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots) on my music? Um, yes please! Go check it out. 🙂


He hosted a party up at his studio and some great bands played too. It was a fun night!

Saturday morning I got up bright and early to get my body fat tested! Exciting right?! NOT! Haha. I was a bit nervous, but it turned out to be okay. Body-Spec is a company here in SoCal that brings out a truck with a full on scanner inside to REALLY test your body fat. I got a 9 page report and a full scan of my body, how much muscle I hold and where I hold it, how much fat I hold and where I hold it, etc. It was pretty cool and now I know where to go from here!


After a killer workout with Charlie, we spent the day just hanging out and doing random errands, etc. We ended the night watching Ride Along and passing out by 10:30pm. Partay Animals.


Sunday, we met some friends to do a meditation at Insight LA. Talk about something COMPLETELY new to me. It was actually really enjoyable and I’ll definitely go back. I’ve never meditated before, so it was difficult for me to get myself to chill out and focus, but it was much needed. Afterwards, we grabbed some lunch at Firehouse, I got a scoop of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream (Sweet cream and Cookies=HOLY YUM) and once again, parked it on the couch to watch a movie.

Just before it got dark out, Charlie suggested that we go play catch at the park. We both grew up playing baseball, so it’s definitely a fun activity that we do together. It was a BLAST. I miss playing so much. I like to think I’ve still got it…I told Charlie I’m trying out for the Major Leagues this year…so we’ll see. 😉


Update on the Challenge:

Week 1 went great! I stuck to my guns and ate pretty clean all week. Lots of fruit, paleo burgers, chicken and brown rice, veggies etc. I made the decision to keep cheese in my diet, as I don’t eat very much of it and it adds some flavor. I also don’t want to cut out anything that I’ll likely keep in my daily diet for the long-run. A little cheese doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s when you LOAD the cheese on EVERYTHING that you start to run into a problem.

I know this is what you REALLY wanted to know, but I mentioned that weekends would be a free-for-all with the exception of a calorie restriction. I set the restriction at 2,000 calories for me and here were my cheats:

Saturday: Frozen Yogurt, Sweet Potato Fries, Popcorn

Sunday: 1 scoop of Ben & Jerry’s Sweet Cream & Cookies Ice Cream, Chips & Salsa

I didn’t feel deprived whatsoever and also didn’t need to eat a house full of those foods. I also went in to today wanting to eat nothing but healthy food because all of that junk just makes me feel dehydrated and crappy.

Week 2 starts today! I’m going to make a point this week to log all of the foods I eat for an entire day so you guys can see what it’s like. Today’s workout is going to be 20 minutes of HIIT on the Stairmill + a Bouldering Session.

What’s on your workout agenda?

Have you tried Ben & Jerry’s Sweet Cream & Cookies Ice Cream (from the actual ice cream parlor)???? IT’S DELICIOUS.


Memorial Weekend Re-Cap + Fitness for the Week

Ohhhh wow. It sure has been some time since I’ve posted anything here!

You know how it goes….a day goes by…then another….

I didn’t mean to go all invisible on you guys there, but I just got busy and well…HERE I AM.

So what’s been UP?! I’ve been up to the same old things….boxing, rock climbing, working out, working…but definitely missed blogging! So let’s get right back into some regularly scheduled blogging by starting with my weekly fitness plan!

Weekly Fitness Plan 5/26-6/1

Monday: OFF (Sunday we worked out and played volleyball all day, so a rest day was needed!)

Tuesday: 20 minutes on the stairmill (mostly to clear my head from back to back meetings) + Boxing at ABA

Wednesday: Legs/Booty + Bouldering

Thursday: Upper Body + Boxing

Friday: Crossfit

Saturday: OFF

Sunday: Full Body

As you can see, I’ve added a 2nd day of boxing into my routine. I’m just absolutely LOVING it. I literally think I sweat out LAST Memorial Day’s shenanigans in class last night. So. Sweaty. I actually went to the grocery store after class and was embarrassed by how wet my tank top was. I normally don’t care, but this was a whole new level. Sorry Ralph’s shoppers.

Memorial Weekend Re-Cap

I mentioned that we played volleyball this past Sunday. It’s been about a year since the last time I played and I forgot how much fun it is! I knew we would be out in the sun all day, so I was determined to NOT get a sunburn like I always do. I did it all right….I put sunscreen on my face, my arms, my legs, my shoulders and chest, and had Charlie lather up my back.

Got home…..bright red stomach. I forgot to put sunscreen on my friggin’ stomach. I WAS SO CLOSE. Next time, Lizzy…next time….

Aside from a day at the beach, we laid pretty low, relaxed, sat in traffic (because that’s just what happens on a holiday weekend in LA), ate some good meals (Burger Lounge has the key to heart, FYI), and watched some Bob’s Burgers. That show is HILARIOUS. Since watching the show, I have actually started to break out in song when I don’t know what else to say. Charlie loves it. He won’t admit it, but I know he does. 😀

How was your Memorial Day Weekend? 

Have you seen Bob’s Burgers?!



Weekend, Filming, Workouts, Pawn Shops!

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Mine was pretty low-key, but I think that was much-needed after Friday’s long day.

Friday was the 2nd filming day for the WBBC At-Home Fitness Program! We were in the sun for about 6.5 hours, did 4 workouts, and lots of other speaking footage. It was a ton of fun, but a ton of work, too! If you’re interested in the program, you can click this link to get on our waiting list. 😉

I’m a total doophus and forgot to wear sunscreen.



(Funny story about that “Kiss Me” balloon….it’s from Valentine’s day!! Charlie and I are trying to see how long it will stay inflated. Best.balloon investment.ever, if you ask me.)

The camera man and I have some very funny farmer’s tans going on!

His and Hers Sunburns

His and Hers Sunburns

I’m not trying to make light of these sunburns. It’s obviously extremely dangerous, but we were just so frazzled in the morning that we both forgot sunscreen. :-/ Live and learn.

Here are some shots from the filming:

Lizzy and Anna

Lizzy and Anna





Perfect Stretch

Perfect Stretch

Anyways, I’m really excited for this to come out!

After filming and working out in the sun all day, we were STARVING. We found an AWESOME little Hawaiian burger shack nearby called, Shaka Shack Burgers. AMAZING. The sweet potato fries were probably the best I’ve ever heard. SUPER GREASY and DELICIOUS haha. I ordered the Turkey Burger and it was pretty awesome too.


Charlie and I always talk about going to pawn shops to see if we can luck out with some smokin’ deals. It’s much more difficult these days since you can find out what everything is worth on the internet. We finally decided that this was the day we would actually go look!

We drove to Hollywood and went to a few different pawn shops. There was definitely some interesting stuff in them, but ultimately, we walked away empty handed. We ALMOST got a really killer deal on a vintage microphone, but alas, it didn’t work. Womp, womp.

We finished around 4:30pm and decided to go to the Arclight to see Neighbors.

Neighbors_(2013)_PosterThis movie definitely had some hilarious moments, but overall, I’d give it a 7. Probably best to wait for it to come out on DVD, which nowadays should be about 2 weeks! Haha. (Remember when you used to have to wait MONTHS AND MONTHS for a movie to come out just for RENTAL….buying it was like a year. Crazy how times have changed.)

We finished off the night by making dinner, baking cookies (YUM) and watching Dexter.


I woke up earlier than Charlie and started cleaning the house. Eventually he joined me and then we headed to the gym for a workout. We did the following supersets (weights/reps are mine…Charlie is stronger than me and did more weight plus higher box jumps):

Superset #1:

4 Sets of

-Medicine Ball Thrusters (16 lb ball x 15 reps)

-DB Push Ups w/ Rotation (10 lb DBs x 8 reps)

Superset #2:

4 Sets of

Heavy Deadlifts (139 lbs x 10 reps)

Burpee-Pull Ups (bw x 5 reps)

Superset #3:

2 Sets of

DB Shoulder Press (25lb DBs x 8 reps)

Box Jumps (24 inc. x 10 reps)


Charlie also helped me work on my form for box jumps. I was doing the 24 inch box, which I’ve done many times before, but my form wasn’t great. With the tips he gave me, I’m ready to tackle the tall 30 inch box. Just need to get some cajones, that’s all!

Some fun slo-mo videos of us!

That’s all I’ve got today! I’ll be back tomorrow morning with my workout plans for the week!


Have you ever been to a pawn shop?

Ever found a REALLY cool steal while at a pawn shop?



My Weekend and Workouts to Try!


Good morning friends! Here’s to a great and productive week!

I had a pretty great weekend. It was a mix of work/relaxation, but that was just what needed to happen. I have a lot on my plate and sometimes taking a Saturday to get some work done makes me much less stressed out. I have a hard time taking a break when there is SO much to do. Hoping this lightens my week a bit.

Even still, I was able to get a lot of work done and STILL just relax.

Listen to this! Friday night, as we were driving home from our friend’s house, we saw this:


This was a CRAZY fire with tons of explosions. I was freaking out. They finally got it under control, but holy cow it was massive! That is definitely the biggest fire I’ve ever seen. I have a new respect for fire fighters for SURE. I was about a 1/2 mile away from this and it was scary even from afar. I can’t imagine having to go right into it! Thankfully, I don’t think anyone was hurt.


Last week’s workouts: 

Wednesday: Since Tuesday was spent filming, I took it a bit easy on Wednesday. I walked on the treadmill for about 20 minutes just to shake my muscles out. I was pretty sore and tired, but it felt good to move a little bit. Sneak peek below!

push up

Thursday: I was planning to take a boxing class, but things changed and I ended up just doing a full body workout. I felt REALLY GOOD in this workout. I ended up doing supersets of the following:

-Deadlifts & Chin Ups (4 supersets and 1 extra set of deadlifts)

-DB Shoulder Press & KB Swings (3 supersets)

-DB Step Ups & Jumping Step Ups (one leg at a time, meaning I did 15 DB step ups and went right into 15 Jumping step ups before moving on to my other leg. It is definitely a leg BURNER) (2 supersets)

Friday: Crossfit- We’re prepping to do Murph at the end of the month, so the workout we did was geared towards working up to that. We did:

20 min. AMRAP

400m Run

10 Pull Ups

20 Push Ups

30 Squats

I made it through 2 rounds and 5 additional pull ups. Killer!!!

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Chest & Legs w/ Charlie

We did:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 reps

KB Goblet Squats

KB Swings

Barbell Bench Press

It was a great workout and took us exactly 32 minutes!

Fitness Plan for May 5 – May 11

Today: Bouldering + HIIT

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: Full Body Heavy Lift

Thursday: Bouldering

Friday: Filming Workouts again…

Saturday: REST

Sunday: Hike

As always, that’s the plan, but we will see how the week goes!

When it comes to fitness, what do you consider yourself?

Beginner? Moderate Fitness? Fitness Freak? Athlete?

I train with the mindset of an athlete, but in reality, I’m probably at a moderate to advanced fitness level. I know this, but keeping the athlete mindset definitely helps me push myself.  




Friday Fun!

Happy Friday everyone!

I’m so excited for this weekend to just relax and not have any plans! The last few weekends have been fun, but busy. I’m ready to just chill out and do what I feel like doing at that moment. Maybe some paddleboarding, hiking, or a picnic!

Let’s recap some workouts from the week!

On Wednesday, my friend grabbed me and asked me to join her workout. I had some time to spare, so I jumped right in. The programming here was minimal reps, for maximum strength. The rep scheme for that was six sets of 1,2,3,1,2,3 reps. We chose 5 different exercises to do this with and in between every single set, we did 10 KB Swings.

-KB Clean and Press (12kg)

-RDL (155lbs)

-Lateral Lunge w/ KB (8kg)

-Chin Ups (bodyweight)

-KB Windmills (8kg)

It was a tough workout and took us almost 90 minutes! But…300 KETTLE BELL SWINGS LATER…we were done. I used a 20kg KB for the swings.

I was so exhausted from the workout that I actually ended up taking a nap from about 7-8:39pm. I got up for a bit and then was OUT.

Thursday, I took a boxing class. I LOVE boxing. Hitting the mits and hearing that “crack” is soooo much fun. The class is held in the basement of our gym, so it gets HOT. I always leave completely soaked. It’s like Hot Boxing haha.

Today, I’m planning on taking a Crossfit class. I’m too scared to look at the WOD because I might chicken out. Guess I’ll see what it is when I get there! 😀


What are your plans for the weekend?

What was your FAVORITE workout of the week?

Celebrity Fight Night 2014 + Workouts for the Week

Holy exhaustion. Is it Friday yet?

No, really…is it? Haha! What a weekend!!! Charlie and I headed to Phoenix this past weekend (yes, again) to attend Celebrity Fight Night XX. If you’re unfamiliar with it, you can check out their website. Basically, this is a yearly event that raises money for Muhammad Ali’s Parkinson’s Disease Center. In their 20 years of existence, they have raise over $95 million dollars. $8 million of that was raise this past Saturday night. Such an amazing event and cause!

This year’s attendance included Robert DeNiro, Kenny Rogers, Reba McEntire, Michael Buble and so many more! Michael Buble was definitely my favorite performance of the night, but Robert DeNiro’s speech wasn’t too shabby either.

We got dressed up…



Charlie and I at the VIP Reception

Watched some great performances…

Kenny Rogers Performing

Kenny Rogers Performing


Got to hang with my awesome family…

Little Brother, Sister, and Dad

Little Brother, Sister, and Dad

and got to hang with this little cheese..

My Nephew Matty

My Nephew Matty

Isn’t he hands down, the cutest thing alive? I can’t handle it. Sweetest, happiest baby on the planet!!!

A great weekend, for sure, but Monday proved just how much I didn’t work all weekend! Haha. I did a LOT of catching up, but I’m happy to say that I got SO much done, the rest of the week should be a bit more manageable. For Monday’s workout, I did sprints on the treadmill and did 20 minutes on the stairmill. It was about all my brain could handle today.

Here’s what’s on my workout agenda for the week:

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: Climbing & HIIT

Thursday: Full Body Heavy Lift

Friday: Crossfit + Climbing

Saturday: Hike

Sunday: Rest

Of course this is tentative, but it helps me to see it written down to hold myself accountable.

If you could see any band/artist perform, whether they’re dead or alive, who would it be?


Weekend Pictures and Recap

Here we go again! Another week, another Monday, another chance to do it right! Right?! Right!

Can you tell I’m extra hyped this morning? It’s been a good weekend, and I’m ready to tackle the week.

I had a weird stomach thing going on last week (thought I had an ulcer, turns out I don’t, but not really sure what’s going on!). I tried to take it a bit easy, but oddly enough, my stomach didn’t hurt at all while working out. Maybe 24/7 workouts is what the doctor should have prescribed?! 😉


I spent the day working per usual. When I finished, I headed to CrossFit High Voltage in Burbank. I love this CF box! It’s not close to where I live, but the people there are AWESOME….so I drive.

We worked on hang cleans and push press/push jerks and then went right into the WOD. This WOD literally DOMINATED my shoulders. Here’s what we did:

15 Min. WOD

-200m run then,

-Dumbbell Push Press to failure

-200m run every time you fail.

So what does that mean exactly? It means that anytime you have to put the weights down, you have to run. And then you come back and do more push clomid-info until you can’t hold the weight up anymore. And again. And again.

I ended up getting 111 reps with 25lb Dumbbells! Holy shoulders!!!! I couldn’t lift my arms over my head after that.

Friday evening, I was in bed by 7:30pm watching I Love Lucy re-runs. I love that show. I still think it’s hilarious and try to follow my mom’s lead in this particular life lesson: When it doubt, ask yourself, what would Lucy and Ethel do?


Trust me, works every time. 😀


We woke up early and headed over to see some friends. We hung out for a bit and then went to a Mexican Restaurant in the valley called Casa Vega. The chips and salsa were on point (my favorite mexican dish 😉 ) and the salad I ordered was pretty great too. It had:

-Grilled Chicken

-Black Beans

-Avocado (an entire half of one! love when they give you a REAL serving 🙂 )




It was perfect with a little salsa on top in lieu of dressing.

My salad looked a lot like this, minus the cheese:

mexican salad

After the big lunch, Charlie and I let our food digest a bit before heading to my home gym, Iron, for a workout.

We did a modified version of Cindy:

20 minute AMRAP

-3 Chin Ups

-10 Push Ups (i did Lemon Squeezers because my triceps were DEAD from Friday’s WOD)

-15 Squats

I ended up getting through 10 rounds plus 1 more chin up. That’s 31 chin ups! For me, that is a lot of volume. I’m getting so much better at pull ups/chin ups and I’m loving it!!!

We didn’t let our food digest quite enough (he ate a GIANT burrito the size of a baby), so when we went to do treadmill sprints, neither of us could finish due to side cramps. Haha, ya win some, ya lose some. You win, Casa Vega, you win.


Let’s call this my day of clutziness.

I parked in a fire zone, dropped my phone and broke my screen, got a parking ticket in Beverly Hills, and had to go back to the phone repair store twice to get it fixed.

Let’s just leave Sunday at that. (Of course I did my Sunday evening work, per usual.)

I’m ready for a great week of workouts this week! I’ll have my workout plan up tomorrow, but for today, I plan on running some sprints at the track and getting some climb time in at Rockreation.

1. What’s on your workout agenda this week?

2. What is the HARDEST form of exercise for you to do? (i.e. running, sprinting, lifting weights, plyometrics, etc.)

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