Archive for Weekends

Workout Plan 3/31 – 4/5 + Why I Work on Sundays

A brand new week and the closing of a month! How has March treated everyone?

Mine was pretty good:

I worked out a lot

I visited family in AZ (Twice!)

The earth in SoCal moved a lot! (got another one on Friday night!)

I watched a lot of Dexter and did other random things



Why I Work on Sundays 

For most people, the weekend is a time to relax and catch up on life outside of work. I agree to a certain extent (although I find myself working whenever I’m not being occupied with something else) but also reserve Sunday afternoons for work.

Most of you probably think I’m crazy. Sunday evenings are a time to relax, watch TV, do something fun, etc. I try to squeeze all of that in on Saturdays and Sunday mornings.

Here is why I like to work on Sunday afternoons: 

– It gives me a chance to get ahead. Why put off to tomorrow what I can do today? My Mondays are usually overloaded with meetings and to-dos, so getting a little bit ahead with things that I can do the day before is helpful.

-My phone and e-mail aren’t blowing up. Guys, I carry two cell phones and have about 5 different e-mail addresses. I’m your typical LA girl who’s talking on one cell phone while texting/e-mailing on another. It’s sad and I’m not proud of it, but for now, it’s what I’ve got to do. I love my work and jobs (although sometimes overwhelming and stressful) so for now, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sunday evenings, my phone is SILENT. No e-mails (not even junk e-mails), no phone calls, and very few text messages. I can work on something and not get sidetracked, pulled away by something more important, or be completely unfocused. There is a zen about being able to work when everything is quiet.

-I feel accomplished and ready for the week ahead. Getting into “work-mode” the night before helps make my Mondays less stressful. It gets my head back in the “hustle” state of mind and allows for Monday morning to be that much less of an “oh my gosh i have 5 million things to do RIGHT NOW” kind of morning.

So there you have it. Working on Sunday afternoons doesn’t make sense for some people that don’t have jobs that require almost 24/7 attention, and it just isn’t for everybody. Some people would rather just start back up on Monday, and that’s totally fine. My brain just can’t handle it and I feel much more sane getting some things done early.

With that said…..

Workout Plan for the Week

Monday: Full Body Workout + Climb

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: HIIT + Climb

Thursday: CrossFit + Full Body Functional

Friday: Climb

Saturday: Full Body Workout OR Hike

Sunday: Rest

What is your fitness plan for the week?

Do you work on the weekends? 

Do you like what you do?

Workout Recap and Weekend Getaway HELP!!

This week has been full of some awesome workouts, so let’s get right to it!

Workout Recap

Monday: I did a 15 minute HIIT on the treadmill. It’s amazing how much 15 minutes can make you sweat and curse. I think they go hand in hand. I also did some bouldering at the rock climbing gym.

I alternated between 6.5 and 9.0 mph on the treadmill and shared my MFT upon completion.

Tuesday: I walked on the treadmill while waiting for Charlie, and then I put us both through some hell

Here’s what we did: 

3 sets of: Squat/Sled/KB Swing combo (this video is old, but this is what it is:)

3 sets of: 5 Burpee Pull Ups (with full push up and on a very high bar that required a lot of pulling up!!!) super set with 10 Medicine Ball Thrusters (18 lbs)

3 sets of: 10 Push Press (45 lbs) superset with 5 Ninja Jumps

This workout looked easier on paper than it was. I tend to do that a lot…..

Wednesday: Bouldering. Instead of what I normally do, which is climb hard and take good long breaks, I set out to be there for an hour with minimal breaks. None of my friends could go, so I decided it would be the best use of my time. Damn it was hard! Climbing gives you a pump like nothing else.

Thursday: Boxing. I’m so glad I got back into this. I almost didn’t go because I’ve got a big work project going on, but knew I would feel much better if I did. I was right and left a sweaty, soaking, hot mess. It was glorious.

My plan for today? Crossfit 14.5! I missed 14.4 because I was out of town, so I figure i’ll try this one out. I may have to scale down the thrusters, but we’ll see what happens.

This weekend: 

Even though I was out of town last weekend, I feel like going out of town again! I love to travel and do little weekend trips, but haven’t been taking them lately. I made it a goal to change that. I’m leaving tonight and still don’t know where I’m going.

Should I go to: 

1. Santa Barbara

2. Solvang

3. Dana Point

Help me decide! Leave me your choice in the comments, por  favor. 🙂

Pictures Lately

Hey guys!!!

I promise I’m still alive. I’ll have some blog posts for you this week. Life has been busy!!

Here are some pics from lately:

New coffee beans to grind in my new coffee grinder!! Yummy!

My 14.3 face! LOL! I got through 96 reps RXed. I’m still sore!

More 14.3. Great group at Crossfit High Voltage in Burbank!

Spent some time at the beach last weekend. It’s been mid-80’s this week! (Sorry east coasters and mid-westerners)

Feeding my latest addiction. 😀

What is your ideal weekend like?

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