Hey peeps!
This morning started as it always does…COFFEE! My family always laughs at me when I talk about coffee. Before I moved to LA, I HATED coffee with a passion. I thought the smell and taste was so awful, and I just couldn’t get on board with it.
Fast forward to living in LA…
You basically need coffee to live here. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but I just think it’s a “thing” here. It’s a busy city and since moving here, I’ve had a really busy life! I definitely found out quickly that I needed it when I moved here, and well…now I’m a total coffee snob. I’m picky about my coffee, I know what I like and I know what I don’t like and it just is kind of funny. Total 180!
This past weekend, Charlie, Oscar and I went down to OB in San Diego. Charlie found this great little hotel called the Ocean Villa Inn that not only allows dogs, but basically caters to dogs! There was a dog beach right behind the hotel, the rooms were dog-friendly, they had a dog-wash station on site, and each room had a back door that let out into yards for the dogs to play!
The beach part was awesome! There were soooo many dogs running around, and there was a place for humans to lay out and relax as well. Oscar ran around through the ocean and sandy beaches, played with other dogs, and had a BLAST. I think he was upset when we had to leave on Sunday. He must have run around for 3 hours both Saturday and Sunday! I’d be lying if I said Charlie and I didn’t have a blast as well!
We wore both ourselves and the pup out. At least one of us got to sleep on the ride home.
One Arm Rows
When we got back on Sunday, I somehow roped Charlie into doing an upper body workout with me at the gym. This is the workout we did:
Superset – TRX Rows + KB Clean & Press
Superset – TRX Renegades + Lat Pulldowns
Superset – DB One Arm Rows + Plate Squat to Press
I took some video of the one arm rows (below)
I love this exercise because it really focuses the lats. Notice that I really get a good stretch at the bottom of the movement. This really helps to keep the lats engaged and helps me to pull from my lats, as opposed to from the arms.
Workouts for the Week
Here’s the tentative plan for the week:
Monday: Track Workout + Legs (DONE)
Tuesday: Paddle Boarding
Wednesday: Shoulders/Chest
Thursday: Conditioning + Legs
Friday: Back
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: Hike or some other active recovery ( TBD)
Questions of the Day
1. Are you a coffee drinker? snob? connoisseur?
2. Have you ever been paddle boarding?