Archive for Author fitlizzio

Make-up Boot Camp

Ahh, the expo is over. Although it was a fun time, I have to say I’m glad it’s over with. 20 hours on my feet in two days is brutal. Repeating myself hundreds of times all day has given me a new appreciation for salesmen. Monotonous much?

I mentioned that I had to miss my beloved boot camp on Saturday for the expo, so I decided to make up for it today!

I was meeting a few other people to do the workout, but I got there early so I just started jogging.  I ended up doing 2 miles and then the rest of the crew got there.

My total workout included: 3 miles jogged(did sprints on some of the straight aways), 20 bleachers, 300 jump ropes, 100 walking lunges, and a few sets of sprints and high skips. It was a great workout. I feel good. After a light day on Friday and nothing yesterday, I needed a heart pumping workout. The weather was perfect too!

I’m now sitting at work for the rest of the day and just relaxing. The gym is dead so I plan on eating my food, reading and just being happy to be doing nothing. Tomorrow should be a nice day of “me” time which will include a great workout in the morning, a few errands, and hopefully some movies in my cozy bed. Ahh sounds amazing 🙂

Have a great Sunday!

Busy Week!

Wow, this week has FLOWN by. I have been so busy and gotten SO much done, and also gotten some KICK ASS work outs.

Monday-Thursday were intense as far as workouts. As long as I make sure that I take a step back and let my body rest, it is okay. I know my body can handle it and if I feel overwhelmed, I just pull back the reigns.

Week of Workouts

Monday:2 miles jog, Ham/Glute Workout, 30 min. on the stairmill, 1 hour spin

Tuesday: 1 hour boxing, Shoulders/triceps, 30 min. Sprint workout

Wednesday: 2 mile jog, Legs/Plyos, 30 min. one on one boxing(although timewise this was the shortest, it was BY FAR the hardest day. I was balls to the walls for the entire 1.5 hours of workouts i got in.)

Thursday: 1 hour boxing, back/biceps(meh, if i can even count that as biceps), 30 minutes elliptical(much more normal day)

Friday: 1 hour yoga, 20 minutes on the arc trainer

So the week did dwindle down, but I still got in some awesome workouts. I feel great!

Yesterday, after yoga(still loving this class!) and cardi-yoing, I was off to work the Egg Whites International booth at the P.F Changs Marathon Phoenix health expo. It was a longggggg day. I know more about egg whites than I ever thought I could, and know that I can successfully stand on my feet for 10 hours straight without keeling over(almost). Don’t get me wrong, I am having fun at this show! It is GREAT networking and the owners of EWI are all really cool guys. I will be there all day today too, and the day should go by even faster, since they are expecting ehhh 95,000 people to come through today. I have a feeling I won’t have a voice, but I can’t wait to tell you all the great benefits of egg whites that I never even knew about 🙂

I am totally bummed though, that I have to miss boot camp this morning. As brutal as it is, I look forward to it every week. I love getting my ass kicked and pushing my body to the limits. It is totally exhilarating and although it’s tough at the time, each time you push yourself to that make/break point and you make it, a small wall in your head is broken down and a sense of accomplishment and empowerment runs through your blood.

Anyyyways. Eating has been great! While at the expo, I only got to eat 2 of the 5 meals I brought, so needless to say I was STARVING and scarfed down two of my meals on my way home, and then had another one when I got home. Not exactly great nutrient timing, but I needed the food and didn’t have a choice. My head was a cloud when I got home. I only had some veggies in my system, and no other carbs and I literally felt like my brain was in the clouds. Like that week before a show feeling. Sleep seemed to help me though and I made sure to have some oats with breakfast.

Today’s food:

M1: 1/4 cup wheat bran, 1/4 cup rolled oats, 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/2 scoop protein powder, 1/2 TBSP almond butter, 1 small orange

M2: 1 scoop protein, 1/2 TBSP Peanut butter, 1/4 cup egg whites, ice, Blended babyyyyy YUM!

M3: 4 oz grilled chicken, 2 cups broccolie/cauliflower, and hot saunce

M4: Protein pancake

M5: 4 oz. ground turkey, 1/4 avocado, hot sauce

M6: Protein pancake

M7: 4 oz. ground turkey, 1/4 avocado, hot sauce.

I also have a tub-o-green beans that I will hopefully get to munch on throughout the day.

Let’s see if I can even get to half of these meals today while working.(doubtful, but we’ll see.)


1,624 calories

206g protein

52g. fat

96g. carbs

That looks pretty good to me, seeing as I won’t be working out at all today. Tomorrow will be a good boot camp/bleacher workout though, so I’m excited!!

See you manana!


Have I ever mentioned….

That i am completely addicted to boxing?!

Today was leg day: quads/plyos. It was a tough workout and my legs are still feeling a little worn down from Monday’s madness(glutes/hams, stairmill, spinning, 2 mile jog). It kicked my ass though, and that’s what I like.

I also had a private session with a boxing instructor at my gym. It was 30 minutes, but totally annihilated me. Between the kicks, punches, and pushing him off of me, I was literally at the point of zero energy. Pushing someone off of you or hitting mits, or kicking mits(or your instructor’s BARE stomach..he’s nuts in my opinion…) when you have NOTHING left is mental. I got my ass handed to me and loved every minute of it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is NOTHING that gets your heart rate up, and your body more whipped, than boxing. Love it!

I got a lot done today as well. Nothing fun, but things that needed to be done. I worked a little bit, and ran 1 million errands(i counted.)  Tomorrow is going to be just as hectic, and Friday and Saturday I’ll be working the expo at the P.F Changs Rock n Roll Marathon, so I am sure by Sunday, i’m going to be begging for a 12 hour nap 🙂

Any of you tried boxing? or want to?

A Day in the Life

I was tagged by Chelle to do a post on a typical day for me. I think it’s a cool idea so that people can see what it’s like on the other side of the computer.

My days change on the daily(that sounds weird but im going with it..) but I’ll do a more typical day where I work as well.

5:30AM: Rise and shine…the moon i’m talking’s still dark right about meow.

5:45AM: Meal 1 (pre workout), supplements, take the containers from the fridge and put them in my cooler, brush my teeth, throw my hair in a pony tail make myself look presentable, throw on workout clothes and head out the door.

7:00AM: Arrive at the gym. Warm up on the treadmill for 20ish minutes. Hit the weights, cardio-cize.

9:00AM: Meal 2(post workout). Protein shake=1 scoop protein+1 tsp glutamine+water

9:30AM: Meal 3=real food. Usually a Ground Turkey Pita Wrap and veggies.(usually eaten at the gym)

10-10:30AM: Leave the gym and usually head to work(if i’m working that day) at Go Media. Meal 4 is eaten somewhere in that time.

1PMish: Leave work, run errands

2 or 3PM: Arrive home, eat Meal 5, some days I’ll go do a sprint workout.

5:30PM: Eat meal 6, check e-mail, work on client meal plans, start cleaning up the kitch, cooking any food i need for the next day, packing up food in containers, and showering/getting ready for bed.

That usually brings me to about 8 or 9PM and I get in bed and read, watch tv, or just pass out.

My week days are pretty much the same day in and day out. It seems boring, but I like it.

Anyways, hope you liked that!

I’m supposed to tag a few people soo…..







Get on it.;-)


Today’s workout started with boxing. It was a gooooood class today(when is it not?) and left me feeling pretty dead.

I hit up the other gym afterwards for Shoulders/Triceps and got a good pump going. I’m pretty sure my triceps will be sore tomorrow. Not sure about my shoulders, they have a mind of their own and no matter what they only get sore when THEY feel like it. Selfish, if you ask me.

I did a short sprint workout this afternoon, and called it a day. After yesterday’s workout extravaganza, and the fact that tomorrow I have quad/plyo day and a private boxing session, I need to chill out.

The more spot on with my eating, the more intense and frequent my workouts become. Don’t get me wrong, no matter what I’m eating, I still work out daily, but I tend to go a little over board when I’m eating really well. Definitely already feeling a little leaner, and will take pics on the 18th for comparison.

Time to pack up my food for tomorrow, and crawl into bed. It’s only 6:30 and i’m already thinking about sleep:)

Lifting the Dead

Woah. That’s an inviting title, right?

Before you all run away thinking I’m the spawn of the devil, have no fear, it’s not what you think.(Although some may argue…?)

I’m talking about deadlifting.

By far, my favorite exercise. For one, it targets my favorite muscle groups(glutes and hamstrings), and two, it’s just fun.

The Workout

Today was a really good one. I started with a 20 minute jog on the treadmill to warm up. Then it was weight lifting time!

5 sets of Deadlifts- high reps, 95×15, 95×15, 95×15, 115×12, 115×12

3 sets of Hip Thrusts- 65×12, 65×12, 65×12

3 sets of Reverse Hyper- 10×15, 10×15, 10×15

3 sets of Reverse Lunges-15×12, 15×12, 15×12

2 sets of Quadrupled Hip Extensions using the Reverse Hyper – 40×10,40×10

2 sets of Glute Ham Raises- bwx5, bwx5

My glutes are going to be sore manana methinks!

I finished up the workout with 30 minutes on the stairmill. Speed intervals at Level 8.

Didn’t even break a sweat! (hahaha, right.)


I mentioned that eating has been really great. I’ll give a snap shot of what my days have looked like.

Meal 1: Protein shake and 1/4 cup of oats(more on this later)

Meal 2: Post workout protein shake(just protein powder +water), Ground turkey pita wrap and veggies.

Meal 3: 4 oz. turkey, 1/4 avocado, hot sauce, mas veggies

Meal 4: Usually another protein shake. or sometimes spinach and egg whites. Veggies of course.

Meal 5: Usually one of the meals above.

Meal 6: 1 cup spinach, 1 egg, 5 whites, and more veggies!

So basically I eat a lot of vegetables. 🙂

Here are my thoughts:

The past 2 ish weeks I haven’t been consuming very many complex carbs. Aside from oats/wheat bran in the morning, I haven’t had any other complex carbs such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, etc.

I feel incredible. I think that my body likes this way of eating. I am NOT saying that you shouldn’t eat those complex carbs, because they are essential. I am actually going to experiment with brown rice and see how I feel with that in a few meals of the day. Slow digesting carbs like that are really important in helping to build muscle, keep muscle, and for your body to run efficiently. This doesn’t mean I am eating low carb. Veggies contain carbs, and the amount I’m eating still gets me to about 100-150 grams of carbs each day.

Yesterday i ate my usual 1/4 cup of wheat bran with 1/4 cup oats mixture and I was exhausted  afterwards and could feel the carbs. I don’t like that weighed down feeling. This morning i left out the wheat bran and just had the 1/4 cup oats. I felt okay and couldn’t really feel the carbs again.

Basically, I am going to keep experimenting and see what works for me. The only way to be successful is to follow what fits you. For now, this is what fits me, so I will continue to document how I’m feeling, looking, etc.

Anyways, I’ve rambled enough and I’m off to take a spin class with a fellow blogger and my roommate!!

I’m high on life!!! 🙂


These past two weeks, I’ve learned a few new things about me. Just when I thought I had myself figured out……(kidding ;-))

I figured I’d let you guys in on it because maybe you can relate. Or maybe not.

I’ve obviously been learning new things since the day I was born, but the past 2 years, I feel I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. This includes ALL aspects of my life, but for your sanity sake, I will just stick to fitness/nutrition related.

– I feel like I’ve realized this before, but never to the extent that I do now. Happiness plays such an important role in how successful you will be in this health journey(for some, not all..). The problem is you don’t really believe that until you are happy. Then you know. I’m not saying I wasn’t happy, because believe me I have a LOT to be thankful for. What I can say, is that ever since I decided to start working on my mind instead of my body, I have been happier than I’ve been in a long time.

Note to self: A happy mind= a healthy mind. Noted.

Something food related that I learned. I don’t like how complex carbs make me feel. In small amounts, they are fine, but I am learning that I do much better when I eat a shit-load of veggies as my carbs. Sweet potatoes and oats make me feel very weighed down. Brown rice seems to be okay, so I will probably shift to eating that and quinoa more.

-The more on track I am with my health, the more on track I am with the rest of my life. Can’t even describe how productive I have been these last few weeks!

I’m sure there are things I’m missing, but those were the ones that I thought about today.


Yesterday’s boot camp was hard. I felt like I got pushed really hard and I could feel the effects of the workout for the whole rest of the day. I absolutely LOVE getting my ass handed to me. Nothing like a workout that just annihilates me 🙂


I set my alarm for 4:15 this morning. I was thinking I’m probably crazy seeing as I didn’t NEED to be up that early, but I did it anyways.

For yoga.


My boxing instructor told me I just HAD to go check this yoga class out. I have to say, I was impressed.

I’ve done yoga before, but it’s always been very slow to me and I really enjoy high impact exercise the best. That’s not to say that yoga doesn’t kick my ass, ccuz it does. Every. Time.

This morning was no different, and since I was so tired and it was so early, I think it made it even better. The class flowed really well and the instructor was awesome. During savasana(sp??is that even the right word? ha) we got mini-massages with a mint oil and it was g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s.

I think Friday yoga will be added to my workout schedule most weeks 🙂

-After yoga, I headed upstairs and did 30 minutes on the Arc trainer, followed by back and biceps: Assisted chin ups, WG Lat Pulldowns, EZ Bar Curls(i did 6 sets and did a few drop sets. my biceps were toast.), Cable rows using the rope-hi to low, T-Bar Rows, and some band work.


Food has been great as well. I’ve been making the protein shake of all protein shakes the past few days. It is like a milkshake, i’m obsessed.

In-Mazing Protein Milkshake


1 scoop protein powder(i’ve been using cake batter, chocolate would be great also)

1/2 TBSP Peanut Butter

1/4 cup egg whites(you can use pasteurized ones, or if you aren’t afraid of salmonella, use that ;-))

Add a splash of water to help with blending

Blend ‘er up. and enjoy!

It’s really good I promise! Let me know if you try it.


Tonight I plan on laying low, and then I have boot camp and work tomorrow. Sunday I am hiking with a friend and working. Hoping to fit a good night of sleep in at least Saturday night though, I’ve been sleeping like a new born.

Have a good weekend!

Lazy Lizzy

Today was a longggg day. Good, but long. And i was tired for 90% of it. 🙂

I woke up at about 3:15 AM. I was tired, but couldn’t go back to sleep, so I did what any normal person would do and got on the computer and starting working.  Don’t worry, I looked over everything this evening to make sure I wasn’t sleep-working.

Boxing was at 6:30 am, so around 5, I made myself a bowl of oats:

1/4 c. wheat bran

1/4 c. rolled oats

1/2 TBSP raw almond butter

1/2 scoop About Time Cake Batter Protein Powder(it tastes good and is made with stevia, and not many added ingredients)

2 Egg Whites

This kept me nice and full. Boxing today was sparring. As always, I laughed my way through the entire class. I love sparring, but when I spar with the instructor, he starts pulling out dance moves and doing impressions of me and I am literally in tears of laughter throughout.

After boxing, I hit up the treadmill at the other gym for some HIIT. I did 20 minutes at 6.5mph with intervals at 8.5-9.0mph. I was so tired all morning, and it made this session harder than normal.

Afterwards, I went on a short hike with my sister to North Mountain. It’s a paved trail, but it mimics incline walking on a treadmill pretty well. Hey, better than staring at old men in short shorts mirrors and dumbbells. 

I ran a few errands, and headed home. I laid in bed watching tv pretty much all day and now I’m getting ready to actually go to sleep. I’m still extremely tired and am doing a 5:30am yoga class with my boxing instructor. He went last week and said it was a good one, so I told him I’d check it out with him. Afterwards its back/biceps and then work!

Have a good night!

Who needs a title?

Hey guys! Sorry for the long absence, once again!

I haven’t had a moment to breathe in the last week, but all good things 🙂

This weeks workouts have been great, and eating has been awesome as well.

Week Highlights

Monday: 20 minutes job,  Shoulders and Abs, and 40 minutes of cardio. I also cleaned! (probably the biggest feat of my week!)

Tuesday: I boxed, did Chest/Triceps, and some light cardio(elliptical)

Wednesday: LEG DAY, and a short hike with my sister

Today: Will be boxing,  back/biceps, and probably another hike with my sister.

Other news:

-I am extremely excited to be working the Egg Whites International booth at the expo for the P.F. Chang’s Marathon next weekend!(January 15th and 16th at the Phoenix Convention Center) If any of you will be in the area, come stop by and say hi!!

-Currently doing an interview for a great website! Will give you the link when it is published 🙂

-School is starting in a few weeks and I am NOT ready to go back, such is life.

-I have been in such a great, positive mood lately, and I love it. I love that no matter what, I have never and will never give up on myself.

-I met with my friend, coach, and mentor (and Miss Fitness America 2009!) Tiffani Bachus yesterday to chat. She has SUCH a great approach to competing, fitness and nutrition. I have never met someone with such a sound mix of those things and it is why she is and will continue to be such an inspiration to SO many women. Check out her new website: U Rock Girl

I think that’s all I’ve got for now. Other than the fact that my sleeping hasn’t been great the past two days (hence the reason I am blogging at 4:23 am..grrrr) I feel awesome!

I PROMISE, regular daily(or almost daily) blogging WILL continue….


As promised, here are a few recipes. These are both low-carb, high protein, and contain healthy fats!

First up, my absolute favorite meal right now!

Ground Turkey “Pita” Wrap


2 Egg Whites


1 TBSP Flax Meal

Garlic Powder

Onion Powder

Black Pepper

Crushed Red Pepper Flakes

4 oz. cooked ground turkey(optional seasonings include: unsalted fajita seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder)

1/4 avocado

Low-Sodium Mexican Hot Sauce

1. In a bowl, mix protein powder, egg whites, seasonings, and flax meal. You can also blend these together if that is easier.

2. Spray a medium frying pan with Pam, and pour mixture onto pan.

3. Cook like a pancake and set aside.

4. Mix cooked ground turkey with avocado and hot sauce.

5. Put the ground turkey mixture into the “pita” and stuff it into your mouth as fast as you can.(Disclaimer: Please don’t try that and then sue me because you choked on it ;-))

Seriously so good! This “pita” can be used for anything you want. Just put whatever spices you want in it and enjoy 🙂

Coconut Protein Pancake


1/2 TBSP Extra Virgin Unrefined Coconut Oil

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

3 Egg Whites

Cinnamon/Stevia to taste

1. Blend or mix all ingredients together.

2. Cook like a pancake.

3. Bow down to me because this is effing great! Enjoy!!

Hopefully you guys enjoy these as much as I do. I never know what really tastes good, or what just tastes good to me because of the bland food that I am used to eating. Let me know what you think!

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