Have I ever mentioned….

That i am completely addicted to boxing?!

Today was leg day: quads/plyos. It was a tough workout and my legs are still feeling a little worn down from Monday’s madness(glutes/hams, stairmill, spinning, 2 mile jog). It kicked my ass though, and that’s what I like.

I also had a private session with a boxing instructor at my gym. It was 30 minutes, but totally annihilated me. Between the kicks, punches, and pushing him off of me, I was literally at the point of zero energy. Pushing someone off of you or hitting mits, or kicking mits(or your instructor’s BARE stomach..he’s nuts in my opinion…) when you have NOTHING left is mental. I got my ass handed to me and loved every minute of it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is NOTHING that gets your heart rate up, and your body more whipped, than boxing. Love it!

I got a lot done today as well. Nothing fun, but things that needed to be done. I worked a little bit, and ran 1 million errands(i counted.)  Tomorrow is going to be just as hectic, and Friday and Saturday I’ll be working the expo at the P.F Changs Rock n Roll Marathon, so I am sure by Sunday, i’m going to be begging for a 12 hour nap 🙂

Any of you tried boxing? or want to?


  1. Courtney says:

    Yes yes yes!! I have done a little bit when I used to work out with my bro at his gym. I loved hitting and kicking the heavy bags…oh baby!
    I’m planning on incorporating some boxing in my boot camps..we are getting mitts and gloves. Hee haw!
    adventures in tri-ing

  2. I tried it at a boxing gym here in Atlanta and loved it! I took 2 or 3 classes and never sweated so hard! At the time, I just had just hurt my foot and couldn’t do a lot of the workout, and it was pricy. 🙁 I hope they open one near my house – that would totally motivate me!!

  3. Therese says:

    I MISS BOXING SOOOO MUCH! My shoulders, chest, back, well everything just looked amazing when I was going consistently. I just wish it was cheaper! $70 a month is just nuts…

    • fitlizzio says:

      Yeah that is really expensive. My gym happens to have ONE group class, so it’s free, but I don’t know what I’d do if they cancelled it. I’d have to picket 🙂