Who needs a title?

Hey guys! Sorry for the long absence, once again!

I haven’t had a moment to breathe in the last week, but all good things 🙂

This weeks workouts have been great, and eating has been awesome as well.

Week Highlights

Monday: 20 minutes job,  Shoulders and Abs, and 40 minutes of cardio. I also cleaned! (probably the biggest feat of my week!)

Tuesday: I boxed, did Chest/Triceps, and some light cardio(elliptical)

Wednesday: LEG DAY, and a short hike with my sister

Today: Will be boxing,  back/biceps, and probably another hike with my sister.

Other news:

-I am extremely excited to be working the Egg Whites International booth at the expo for the P.F. Chang’s Marathon next weekend!(January 15th and 16th at the Phoenix Convention Center) If any of you will be in the area, come stop by and say hi!!

-Currently doing an interview for a great website! Will give you the link when it is published 🙂

-School is starting in a few weeks and I am NOT ready to go back, such is life.

-I have been in such a great, positive mood lately, and I love it. I love that no matter what, I have never and will never give up on myself.

-I met with my friend, coach, and mentor (and Miss Fitness America 2009!) Tiffani Bachus yesterday to chat. She has SUCH a great approach to competing, fitness and nutrition. I have never met someone with such a sound mix of those things and it is why she is and will continue to be such an inspiration to SO many women. Check out her new website: U Rock Girl

I think that’s all I’ve got for now. Other than the fact that my sleeping hasn’t been great the past two days (hence the reason I am blogging at 4:23 am..grrrr) I feel awesome!

I PROMISE, regular daily(or almost daily) blogging WILL continue….

One comment

  1. courtlove111 says:

    Missed you!! Glad you are back!! Congrats on the Egg Whites booth…sounds like it will be fun. Meet a lot of fitness minded people!!
    I’m off to check out your friend’s site now!

    adventures in tri-ing