Here we go again! Another week, another Monday, another chance to do it right! Right?! Right!
Can you tell I’m extra hyped this morning? It’s been a good weekend, and I’m ready to tackle the week.
I had a weird stomach thing going on last week (thought I had an ulcer, turns out I don’t, but not really sure what’s going on!). I tried to take it a bit easy, but oddly enough, my stomach didn’t hurt at all while working out. Maybe 24/7 workouts is what the doctor should have prescribed?! 😉
I spent the day working per usual. When I finished, I headed to CrossFit High Voltage in Burbank. I love this CF box! It’s not close to where I live, but the people there are AWESOME….so I drive.
We worked on hang cleans and push press/push jerks and then went right into the WOD. This WOD literally DOMINATED my shoulders. Here’s what we did:
15 Min. WOD
-200m run then,
-Dumbbell Push Press to failure
-200m run every time you fail.
So what does that mean exactly? It means that anytime you have to put the weights down, you have to run. And then you come back and do more push clomid-info until you can’t hold the weight up anymore. And again. And again.
I ended up getting 111 reps with 25lb Dumbbells! Holy shoulders!!!! I couldn’t lift my arms over my head after that.
Friday evening, I was in bed by 7:30pm watching I Love Lucy re-runs. I love that show. I still think it’s hilarious and try to follow my mom’s lead in this particular life lesson: When it doubt, ask yourself, what would Lucy and Ethel do?

Trust me, works every time. 😀
We woke up early and headed over to see some friends. We hung out for a bit and then went to a Mexican Restaurant in the valley called Casa Vega. The chips and salsa were on point (my favorite mexican dish 😉 ) and the salad I ordered was pretty great too. It had:
-Grilled Chicken
-Black Beans
-Avocado (an entire half of one! love when they give you a REAL serving 🙂 )
It was perfect with a little salsa on top in lieu of dressing.
My salad looked a lot like this, minus the cheese:

After the big lunch, Charlie and I let our food digest a bit before heading to my home gym, Iron, for a workout.
We did a modified version of Cindy:
20 minute AMRAP
-3 Chin Ups
-10 Push Ups (i did Lemon Squeezers because my triceps were DEAD from Friday’s WOD)
-15 Squats
I ended up getting through 10 rounds plus 1 more chin up. That’s 31 chin ups! For me, that is a lot of volume. I’m getting so much better at pull ups/chin ups and I’m loving it!!!
We didn’t let our food digest quite enough (he ate a GIANT burrito the size of a baby), so when we went to do treadmill sprints, neither of us could finish due to side cramps. Haha, ya win some, ya lose some. You win, Casa Vega, you win.
Let’s call this my day of clutziness.
I parked in a fire zone, dropped my phone and broke my screen, got a parking ticket in Beverly Hills, and had to go back to the phone repair store twice to get it fixed.
Let’s just leave Sunday at that. (Of course I did my Sunday evening work, per usual.)
I’m ready for a great week of workouts this week! I’ll have my workout plan up tomorrow, but for today, I plan on running some sprints at the track and getting some climb time in at Rockreation.
1. What’s on your workout agenda this week?
2. What is the HARDEST form of exercise for you to do? (i.e. running, sprinting, lifting weights, plyometrics, etc.)
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