Archive for Author fitlizzio

Manic Monday & Back Workout!

Woahhhhhhhh. Somehow when I woke up on Monday, I just knew it was going to be “one of those days.” I even took the proper precautions and got my HIIT done in the morning so that I’d be better prepared for a shit storm. It didn’t turn out to be as bad as I thought, but to say it was stressful would be an understatement. A 12 hour Monday is a lot to take in when you still have four more days in the week! Oh well, hopefully I got the hard stuff out of the way.

This little girl definitely helped cheer things up. Isn’t she the cutest?

Even still, I was able to get in a pretty good back/biceps/abs workout. I threw in the abs just because. I rarely do abs (usually only when someone tricks me into it) but thought it would be good to start doing them here and there. 😀 I use and engage my abs during basically every exercise I do, which is why I don’t typically do specific exercises for them, but it certainly is something I should do more of!

This was short and sweet, just the way I like it. I SOOO prefer to do supersets and work my ass off for 30-40 minutes as opposed to longer workouts with long rest periods. Of course, when I’m lifting heavier, I need the longer rests, but if I’m doing slightly higher reps, screw the rest time! I’m too impatient! Here’s what I did:

Back/Bis/Ab Workout

Superset #1: (bw=bodyweight)

Chin Ups:

Set 1 – bw x 5, Set 2 – bw x 4, Set 3 – bw x 4

Hanging Leg Raise

Set 1 – bw x 12, Set 2 – bw x 12, Set 3 – bw x 12

Superset #2:

Lat Pulldown (double pulley)

Set 1 – 35 x 15, Set 2 – 35 x 15, Set 3 – 35 x 15

EZ Bar Curl

Set 1 – 40 x 12, Set 2 – 40 x 12, Set 3 – 40 x 10

Superset #3:

One Arm Cable Row (using seated row cable)

Set 1 – 25 x 15, Set 2 – 25 x 15, Set 3 – 25 x 15

DB Hammer Curl

Set 1 – 15 x 15, Set 2 – 17.5 x 10, Set 3 – 17.5 x 10


Opposite Hand to Foot Full Sit Ups

Set 1- bw x 20, Set 2 – bw x 20

This workout was good! The chin ups always get me. I was surprised that I did 5 in a row! I haven’t done them in a few weeks and was worried I wouldn’t be able to do them at all. 😀

pull up pic

(Me doing pull ups a few months ago)

I’m planning on hitting legs today, and specifically deadlifting. I feel like I’ve been focusing on squats a TON lately (because I’m trying to get better at them) and I’ve neglected the deadlifts a bit.

I just have to say, while I’ve been squatting for years, a few months ago I decided to focus on going heavier with better form. I always shied away from heavy squats because I wasn’t good at them, and many moons ago, I sort of injured my back by going too heavy too soon. I was new to lifting and just didn’t give myself ample time to work up to heavier weights. It kind of freaked me out a bit and so I just kept my weights fairly light and never went too heavy throughout the years. I wanted to start working on heavier weights and really just decided to start from the beginning. I started with the weight I was comfortable with and just practiced. Each time I’d do squats, I’d add a little bit more weight. I wouldn’t go any heavier until I was hitting below parallel and in good form. Once I mastered that weight, I’d up the weights just a touch more. I’ve been doing this for the last few months and HOLY COW my butt has lifted! I started noticing it a few weeks ago and it’s pretty awesome. I’m able to go heavier than I have in years, I squat below parallel, and my butt is looking amazing. Who’da thought?

The moral of the story? SQUAT. HEAVY. A LOT.


Anyways, that’s all I’ve got. I’m getting ready to crack away at Tuesday’s to-do list and then get my legs-a-movin’! Have a wonderful Tuesday friends!

AMAZING Big Bear Weekend in Photos



Panoramic View of our 7 mile hike in Big Bear!

Panoramic View of our 7 mile hike in Big Bear!

The Alpine Slide!

There are 2 pet ducks at the Pleasure Point Marina. They let you pet them and are seriously the cutest!

There are 2 pet ducks at the Pleasure Point Marina. They let you pet them and are seriously the cutest!

Charlie & I at the Alpine Slide in Big Bear!

Charlie & I at the Alpine Slide in Big Bear!

Another gorgeous hiking view.

Another gorgeous hiking view.

Intense hiking faces!

Intense hiking faces!

Climbing a big rock.

Harry, we've reached the top!

Harry, we’ve reached the top!

Charlie & I after a sweaty Sunday workout!

Now… do I convince Charlie that we need to move to Big Bear??? (seriously….)

Workouts for the Week + BIG BEAR!

Woohoo, we’re halfway through the week! It feels good. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m still pretty bummed about the passing of Robin Williams. I was fortunate enough to meet the guy, and he was just as nice and funny as he is in his movies. I don’t usually get this way when a celebrity passes away, but for some reason I think Robin Williams’ death has hit a lot of people much harder than usual.



Aside from that, this week has been pretty good. I did a tough workout on Monday and then did a tough leg workout Tuesday. Today I plan on bouldering and maybe just foam rolling. My body is kind of…..toast.

I am heading to Big Bear Lake with my man tomorrow for a few days of relaxation, hiking, and WAKEBOARDING!!! So my fitness will all be outdoors towards the end of the week.

Here’s my week:

Monday: Shoulders & Chest + KB Burpees (video below)

Tuesday: Legs & Plyos (Squats, Squat Jumps, Walking Lunges, KB Goblet Squats w/ Rotation, Jumping Lunges)

Wednesday: Bouldering + Foam Roll & Stretch

Thursday: Hiking in Big Bear

Friday: WAKEBOARDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (my favorite thing on the planet if you couldn’t tell)


Hope everyone has a great rest of the week! I’ll be back next week with some photos, recipes, and more workouts!!


Shrimp & Broccoli “Fettuccine Alfredo”

I have such a delicious and HEALTHY recipe to share with you all! It requires just 4 ingredients (+ spices) and I guarantee you won’t know it’s not the real thing!


Shrimp & Broccoli “Fettuccine Alfredo”

Serves 1

-1 Bag Miracle Noodles

-2 Cups Fresh or Frozen Broccoli

-8-10 medium Shrimp

-1 wedge Laughing Cow Garlic & Herb Cheese

-Spices: salt, Garlic powder, black pepper, cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes


In a strainer, rinse the noodles off thoroughly and dry with a paper towel. Nuke in the microwave for 1 minute before adding the Laughing Cow Cheese and any spices you’d like. Place in microwave again for 1 more minute.

Meanwhile, in 2 separate pans, cook your shrimp (pan 1) and broccoli (pan 2) on medium heat. You can add any spices you like here as well. Cook shrimp and broccoli until they light golden brown.

Combine ingredients and ENJOY!

It’s seriously that simple, and SO, SO GOOD! Here’s the best part:

Nutritional Information

Total Calories: 225

Total Protein: 20 grams

Total Carbs: 13.5 grams

Total Fat: 3.5 grams

Let me know if you try this!!

Question of the Day:

1. Do you have a favorite “healthified” meal? Share!!

Muscles, Flexing, and a Kettle Bell Workout!

Good morning! Happy Thursday!

This week has FLOWN by. Anyone else feel that way? I swear, it was just Monday!

Workouts this week have left me pretty sore. I’m taking a much-needed rest day today! Here’s what my week has looked like:

Sunday: Legs!!! (and oh, did this workout make me sore)

Monday: 20 min. HIIT & Shoulders/Triceps

Tuesday: Back & Biceps + 20 minutes on the treadmill (to literally try to shake the sedative-meds out of my legs)

Wednesday: Full Body w/ a focus on Chest (below)


On another note, I read this article yesterday and immediately shared it. This is so, so, so spot on. I urge you all to read this and take notes. My favorite quote in the article:

“Like Herbalife, Isagenix may be an effective weight loss tool. So is anorexia. Doesn’t mean I think it’s a good idea.”

Finally, I’ll leave you with this. Lifting weights doesn’t mean you’re going to walk around looking like the hulk. You’re only going to look like the hulk when you have seriously developed muscle (read: years of development) AND flex those seriously developed muscles. And even then, you still may not! I’ve been training for 7 years STRAIGHT and this is how “bulky” heavy lifting has made me:


(On a side note, back in 2008, before I had any “real” muscle, I would put photos of women with really awesome shoulders on my bathroom mirror. I looked at my own photo last night and realized…..I have those awesome shoulders that I always envied!! Cool!!)


P.S. Don’t judge my dirty mirrors. #okthanks.

Have a great rest of your day folks!

Question of the day:

1. Be honest, are you afraid to lift heavy weights?



Whirlwind Weekend + a Hotel Workout!

Hey people!! How’s it hangin’?!

It’s a lovely Monday and once again, going to be a busy one. I’m cool with that, though. I had a fantastic weekend, and I’m ready to get back to work and my regular routine!

Thursday night, Charlie and I flew to Tucson, AZ for the weekend for the  Audio Pot Luck Con. It was an intimate gathering of audio engineers and audio companies, and we had a blast! So many great people and tons of geekiness going on. Just the way I like it.

photo 5

I finally got my Eegee’s too!

1/2 Strawberry, 1/2 Lemon

1/2 Strawberry, 1/2 Lemon

Friday morning, I got up to do a workout before heading over to the trade show. It kind of kicked my ass. The hotel had a decent gym, too, which was refreshing!

Hotel Gym Workout

Superset #1: 3 Sets

10 DB Curl to Shoulder Press (15lb DB’s)

10 Burpees

Superset #2: 3 Sets

10 DB Lateral Raise (10lb DB’s)

10 DB Alternating Front Raise (10lb DB’s)

10 DB Rear Delt Raise (10lb DB’s)

Superset #3: 3 Sets (Killer Finisher)

Ladder down 3-2-1

Pull Ups & Push Ups

(3 pull ups, 3 pushups, then 2 pull ups, 2 pushups, then 1 pull up, 1 push up = 1 set)

photo 1

After not getting much sleep over the past few weeks, we made up for it and slept in on Saturday! It felt good to not have to be up for something and to not have my mental alarm clock wake me up.

We spent Saturday at the convention and even tried to duck out in the afternoon to hang by the pool. I’m not even kidding, the MOMENT we got to the pool, it started pouring rain. Whomp whomp.

photo 3(you can’t tell it was raining here, but I assure you, it was.)

We ended up just going out for sushi and hanging out for the rest of the evening. We had an early flight (read: 4am wake up call) on Sunday morning, so we didn’t want to be out too, too late.

We got up Sunday at the crack of dawn, called our Uber driver friend who woke up especially for us, and hit the road for the airport. It was a quick flight and I was exhausted by the time we landed in LA. As soon as we got back to our apartment, I literally dropped my bags by the front door and crawled into bed. I ended up sleeping until 1pm. It was glorious.

I finished out my Sunday with a leg workout and some work. I feel refreshed after a great weekend and ready to take on the week!

1. Do weekends away make you less stressed or more stressed for the coming week?

2. What was your favorite thing you did this weekend?

Workout Jealousy

It’s Thursday! It’s Thursday! I’m excited because it’s kind of a Friday for me.

I’m heading out of town with my man today to watch him do a seminar at an audio convention. Pretty cool! It’s in Tucson, AZ, which isn’t all that exciting, but it has its perks. Like….EEGEE’S!!!!! If you’ve never had or heard of an EEGEE’s, you should really travel to Tucson. Strawberry Lemonade, I’M COMIN’ FOR YA!

StrawberryThis week has been so strange, guys. I thought it was Monday yesterday. -_- Maybe I need this little trip out of town????

I did a fun Crossfit workout yesterday that I thought I’d share with you. This is to be done with a partner, but you could cut it in half and do it yourself too!

100 Hang Power Cleans – Partner Workout

Rules: Partner 1 does 10 burpees, then as many HPC’s as they can before dropping the bar. Once they drop the bar, the next partner does 10 burpees and as many HPC’s as they can before dropping the bar. You continue going back and forth with this until you and your partner collectively reach 100 HPC’s.

It’s a TOUGH one, but a lot of fun. I was shaking afterwards!


Workout Jealousy

We all need rest days. Working out every single day without a rest just isn’t sustainable. (Trust me, I’ve tried it.)

But have you ever been enjoying your rest day, perusing Facebook or Instagram, looked at a photo or workout someone posted…..and felt guilty???? I totally suffer from this sometimes. It’s almost a jealous feeling. I’ll see that someone did a crushing leg workout or a fun hike and think to myself “damn, she’s getting ahead” or “wow, I want to do that workout!”

It’s really silly when I think about it. I KNOW I need the rest days, but I can’t help but feeling a little like I’m getting behind, being lazy, or just flat out missing out on something fun.

Have you ever suffered from workout jealousy?

Do you cave in and go workout or do you stay strong and rest?

Wow, what a weekend! It was a fun one, but like usual, I didn’t relax much. Let’s back up to Friday…

Friday Workout

I planned on doing a track workout after work, but for some STUPID reason, I decided to do a workout at the gym beforehand. I’m honestly not sure what I was thinking, but I really just felt like throwing some weight around and getting in a hard workout.

This is what I ended up doing:

Part 1: Tabata Jump Rope (8 minutes)

Part 2: 5 Rounds – Superset: Barbell Snatch & Jump Squats

Part 3: 15 min. AMRAP of 9 Deadlifts (95lbs), 12 Push-Ups, and 15 Box Jumps (20 in. box).

I ended up making it through 6 rounds.

I really wanted to back out of the track workout, but I was meeting a friend and didn’t want to leave him high and dry. We ended up doing:

4 x 75 meters

4 x 50 meters

4 x 30 meters

Needless to say, my legs were and still are DEAD.


Saturday I took a complete “rest” day (duh). I say that because I didn’t work out, but I was running around all day.

Charlie and I started off by grabbing a coffee and then getting breakfast at a little cafe called Blue Plate in Santa Monica. It’s a cute little restaurant, but it’s very cramped. The food was pretty good, but I was ready to get out of there by the time we were done eating.


After we finished, I picked up my friends and we got ready to head to a going away party for another friend. She’s moving to London and had all of us bring a dish from another country. We intended to do just that, but somehow we ended up at Aah’s (a costume store), bought Ninja Turtle T-shirts, and decided to bring pizza to the party. Ninja Turtles had their own country, right?!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Lizzy

Teenage Mutant Ninja Lizzy

Yeah okay, not the most logical thinking, but it was fun! There were actual some better photos taken, but my friend hasn’t sent them to me yet. We spent the night eating, drinking (well, they did), and just hanging out. It was a good time, but around 11pm, I became a pumpkin and went home.


Sunday, my older brother (who just moved back from Israel), Charlie, and I headed out for a hike to Skull Rock. This is one of my favorite hikes in LA. The rock actually looks like a skull!

Skull Rock on Temescal Ridge Trail in Topanga State ParkThe hike is about a 6 on a scale of 1-10 in difficulty, and the weather was great. I was hoping it would shake out my legs, but MANNNNN I am still soooooo sore. Hoping that wears off by the end of today.

Hangin' with my older brother

Hangin’ with my older brother

I spent the rest of my Sunday working with my good friend and former roommate Jules on a project we’ve been talking about. It’s finally coming to fruition and it’s going to be AWESOME. I’ll be sure to let you guys know when that’s coming…..

Here’s my plan for the rest of the week:

Monday: 20 min. HIIT + Bouldering

Tuesday: Crossfit

Wednesday: Legs

Thursday: Upper Body

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Full Body

Sunday: Rest

I’ll be traveling Thursday – Sunday, so that part of the schedule might change. I’ll likely be doing quick 15-20 minute workouts from my e-book to get a quick and efficient workout in my hotel room!

Have you ever been SO SORE that you actually considered calling out of work?

I’m not kidding, I want to know if someone has ever done this! LOL

Workouts this Week

Hey guys!

Sorry I’ve been MIA. I’m doing my best to get back to regular blogging, but every time I say that something comes up. Hopefully things will be back to normal next week!

I’ve had a few requests to write out my complete workouts with the weights I use, so I figured this would be the perfect way to get back into blogging! I got some good ones in this week and I think you guys will love them too!


REMEMBER: You know your own body. What I do might seem like a lot of weight or maybe it will seem like nothing to you. The point is to challenge YOURSELF. Don’t compete against anyone but you. And as always, please check with a doctor before starting any new workout routine.

photo 1(3)

Workouts for the Week of 7/21-7/25

Monday: 20 min. HIIT on the Stair Mill. I put it on the Interval Setting at a Level 10 and just stepped my way to sweat!

Tuesday: LEG DAY. I have been working REALLY hard on squats lately. I go through stages where I will do lots of plyometrics and some heavy lifting and then I’ll switch and do the opposite. Lately I’ve been doing the latter and it’s been fun to see the weights creep up! Here’s what I did:

Back Squats:

5 Sets: 95 x 15, 115 x 10, 125 x 8, 135 x 6

My focus is FORM. I could lift heavier than this, but not go down below parallel. I stop as soon as my form starts slipping….lately 135 has been getting easier to do in full ROM, so I’ll be working on perfecting my 145# squat next!

Barbell Hip Thrusts:

4 Sets: 111 x 15 (warm-up), 161 x 10, 181 x 8, 201 x 6

The heaviest I’ve done is 211 for 6 reps, but that was a few weeks ago. I laid off of hip thrusts for a few weeks (for no good reason), so I’m working back up slowly.

2 Burner Sets: DB Step Ups + Jumping Step Ups

These BURN like crazy (hence the name) but are my favorite leg finisher. You take a pair of dumbbells (I use 15-20 lb DB’s) and do 10 reps of a step up on a medium sized box. Then, on the SAME LEG, drop the weights and do 10 jumping step ups). Repeat on the other side. This sucks and you might hate me for it, but they work!

Wednesday: Upper Body/Full Body

This workout was mostly upper body but incorporated some full body movements as well.

1. 3,2,1 Chin Ups & Push Ups – 3 Sets

You do 3 chin ups, then 3 push ups, then 2 chin up & 2 push ups, then 1 & 1. That is 1 set. Do that 3 times.

2. Superset: Barbell Strict Shoulder Press + Medicine Ball Thrusters (extra shoulder burn!)

I did 3 sets of 55 x 10 for the Shoulder Press and 16lb x 15 reps for the Med. Ball Thrusters.

3. Superset: T-Bar Row & Squat to Hammer Curl

I did 25 x 15 for the T-Bar Row and 20 x 10 for the Squat to Hammer Curl

Thursday: OFF

Friday: I’m going to the track today for a workout with my friend. I’ll post the full workout on Monday for you guys!

My co-workers at Iron Fitness Santa Monica. :-D

My co-workers at Iron Fitness Santa Monica. 😀

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Whether you’re watching (or attending) the Crossfit Games, drinking and eating something delicious, or just hanging out and watching re-runs….ENJOY YOURSELF! (and maybe throw a workout in there too ;-))


The Biggest, Baddest Taco Salad On the Planet

Ohhhh my gosh you guys. I have created the BEST taco salad on the planet. And bonus? It’s healthy too!!!

For some reason the other night, I decided that I wanted a taco salad. I haven’t had one in…..years? And it sounded REALLY GOOD.

I wanted a healthy salad, but didn’t want a flavor bore, so I got be-slimmer.

I present to you, the BIGGEST (like, fo’ real), BADDEST Taco Salad On the Planet

Ingredients: I’m not putting amounts for some of these, as you can just put as much as you want!

-Romaine Lettuce (as much as ya want)

-Shredded Lettuce (as much as ya want)

-Chopped Tomatoes

-Pico De Gallo

-Chopped Bell Peppers & Onions

-3-4 oz. Lean Ground Turkey

-1 Dollop of 0% Fage Greek Yogurt

-1 Dollop of Wholly Guacamole Spicy Salsa

-Optional: 1 oz shredded Mexican Cheese

Directions: Put it all in a BIG ASS BOWL (trust me you’ll need it) and mix it up. Then take a bite of the perfectly texturized salad made from heaven.

photo 5(1)



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