Tag Archive for fun

Because Who Doesn’t Love A Survey….

I’ve been busyyy. I’ll have a more *real* post up in the next day or two, including a KILLER workout I did today. For now…some random facts about yours truly…

A. Attached or Single? Attached and happy!


B. Best Friend? My boyfriend Charlie, my sister, Maggie.


C. Cake or pie? Totally depends on the cake & pie people!!



D. Day of choice? They all run together for me. I like Saturdays though.


E. Essential item? Chapstick. Never leave home without it.


F. Favorite color? Black & gray; black and red; black on black….


G. Gummy bears or worms? Worms!


H. Home town? Scottsdale, AZ


I. Favorite indulgence? White chocolate brownie from White Chocolate Grill in Scottsdale. It’s a blessing I don’t live in Scottsdale anymore 😀


J. January or July? July


K. Kids? Nope. Love my nephew.


L. Life isn’t complete without: Being active, being outdoors, exploring, hanging with people I love, and loving what I do for work/my daily life.


M. Marriage date? Not yet.


N. Number of brothers/sisters? 1 sister, 2 brothers


O. Orange or apples? Apples. I loveeeeeee apples. Especially pink lady and honeycrisp. And every other variety… 😀


P. Phobias? Bugs. All bugs, all sizes, all shapes. Just..NO.


Q. Quotes? Good question. They are a grammatical symbols and look like this “”


R. Reasons to smile? I love what I do for work, I love being athletic, and I love the people in my life.


S. Season of choice? Summer and Spring


T. Tag 5 people

1. Sarah @ SkinnyRunner  

2. Karen @ Runner Girl Eats

3.  Candice @ Hungry Mother Runner 

4. April @ The Weigh I Am 

5. Heather @ Where’s the Beach


U. Unknown fact about me? Hmmm….I’m a pretty open book. I can’t even think of any secrets the world doesn’t already know (that I’m willing to tell, that is.)


V. Vegetable? I love almost all vegetables. No peas, thank you.


W. Worst habit? Biting my nails. Lately I’ve been getting acrylics to try to keep it in check. 😉


X. Xray or ultrasound? X-ray vision!!


Y. Your favorite food? Apples and strawberries.


Z. Zodiac sign? Pisces!


Studio, Running, Bleachers

Happy Sunday Friends! It’s been a great weekend so far! It’s been filled with all of the things I love: music, fitness, and rest.

I started out this morning by making a kale smoothie….and then promptly pouring it into a glass of water. FAIL. I laughed it off….and drank it anyways. 😀

Let’s back up to yesterday….you may or may not know that I am a sound engineer. On my off time from my regular jobs, I try to make it into the studio to do what I love…record music.

Yesterday, I spent the day with my boyfriend at his recording studio. He’s recording/producing a really cool band this weekend, so I came to help out and hang. It was SUCH a fun day in the studio. The kind of day that I’ll always remember and that makes me realize why I got into music! Sometimes, you just get it right. There’s nothing quite as awesome as a good band, playing live together in the studio!


Moving on….the studio session went until about 2am, so getting out of bed today was a bit of a challenge. Around 10:30am, I was able to pry myself out of a bed to make a smoothie (see above), and set out for a run and some bleachers. I was able to get 3.1 miles in 25:50 and since the track is close to my house, I decided to stop by and do 10 sets of bleachers to finish off the workout. I feel great!!

To finish out my Sunday, I’m heading back to the studio for some more music making! Have a good one people!

What is your favorite way to spend your weekends?


Spartan Race

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been seeing these obstacle races around and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t minorly majorly intrigued!!! I love challenges!!

My gripe? They’re expensive. I am first in line for running, jumping, crawling through mud, jumping through flames (okay, maybe not that…but maybe…)and competing against other competitive people, but I also try to be smart with my money.

After going back and forth a bit, I finally bit the bullet and decided to just go for it! I will be running the Spartan Sprint in Malibu this December! I was able to get $10 off my race and figured, this is as good a time as any!

Why not share the good wealth?…..You can take $10 off your race entry as well!!! All you have to do is go to the Spartan Races website and enter coupon code SPEAR10 to enjoy the coupon. It won’t last forever, so sign up soon!!!




*I am not affiliated with Spartan Races, but yes, I will receive an itty bitty commission if you click this link and purchase an entry. 


Polaroid Sunglasses Giveaway!!!!

I’m so excited to host my first giveaway!!! I have a pair of BRAND NEW Polaroid Polarized Sunglasses (Model x4305C; retail at $150) that I am giving away FOR FREE!!!!!!!!!!!

polaroid glasses

You have three ways to enter. Enter all 3 ways? That’s 3 entries for you!!! Here’s the dealio:

1) Post a comment on this status answering one of two questions:

Do you wear sunglasses when you run?

Do you buy designer glasses or the cheap gas station glasses? I usually go with the cheap ones. I lose them and definitely abuse them. It’s nice to have a good pair for some occasions!

2) Tweet it!! Put a link to this post and write “Free Polaroid Polarized Sunglasses Giveaway!” #sunglass #llila #fitness

Make sure you tag me so I can count the entry @lizziomusic

3) Share on Facebook! Link this post and leave a link to your Facebook page in the comments.

I will choose a winner next Friday, June 14th at 9pm PST. Each entry will be assigned a number and I will pick a number at random. Check back to see if you’re a winner!

*I am not affiliated with Polaroid.

One Hundred and Ten

110 Pull Ups…110 Push Ups…110 Jump Squats…110 Hanging Leg Raises…in 35 minutes…

close up

Let me explain….

Yesterday, I made a workout date with my good friend Ally. We didn’t specify the type of workout we would do, only that it happen. 

When the 7 o’clock hour rolled around (evening time), we met at the gym and discussed. There wasn’t much discussion before I decided, “Yes, I know what we should do!”

Lizzy Tip 101: The excitement in my voice as I describe a workout is completely relative to the intensity of the workout. I was excited…

I quickly grabbed the green strength band from the wall of hanging bands (because who doesn’t have one of those?) and explained what we were about to conquer…

Hellish Pyramid Workout

4 exercises, circuit style
Sets of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
NO REST (rest if you need, but no scheduled rests)

Pull Ups w/ Green Band

Jump Squats

Push Ups

Hanging Leg Raises

Alternative names: “I can’t move after this” Pyramid Workout, “My body hurts” Pyramid Workout, “Pull WHAT Up” Pyramid workout

This workout was KILLER. It is definitely advanced and for someone that consistently works out. We finished in around 35 minutes and basically dropped to the floor. I dare you to try it! 

What is your favorite style of working out?

Pedal on the Pier 2013

Today I had the chance to be a part of a really great charity event! This morning I joined hundreds of people on the Santa Monica Pier for The Harold Robinson Foundation’s Pedal on the Pier.

Pedal on the Pier is an annual fundraiser for the Harold Robinson Foundation. Money raised is used to send inner city children to camp, all expenses paid. Last year, they raised $500,000. This year? $600,000!!!

So what is it? The event is put on by Kinetic Cycling and Keiser Spin Bikes. Basically, 100 spin bikes are set up on the pier. Individuals and teams “buy” a bike and then do their own fundraising up until the event. On the big day (today), riders and their teams hop in the saddle and ride 100 miles(per team). There are DJ’s, dancers, a dance floor, and plenty of vendors giving away free stuff. All in all, a really FUN event. And for a good cause too.

I headed out today with my team at Iron. We set up a booth and enjoyed the day giving away free gym passes and having impromptu dance parties. The weather was great and the company was even greater. The energy at this event was absolutely amazing!

Here are some photos from the day:



John(owner of Kinetic) and Spase (amazing spinning instructor and DJ) workin’ the crowd!

iron booth


The Iron Booth



The Iron Girls! (I’m in the middle)

It’s always fun to see so many people come together to do good. It’s refreshing. 🙂

Do you/have you ever attended a big charity event?


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