Tag Archive for fitlizzio

Lovely Sunday

After a few days of a lot of work and long days, I’m finally relaxing today. It feels so good! I’ve had a great few days, but I’m exhausted.

On Friday, I attended/worked an all day seminar. I got a LOT out of it, but it made for a long day. I was out of bed by 5am Friday, and we didn’t get done until about 6:30pm. I had also agreed to babysit my boss’s kids Friday night, so I didn’t get home until about 1:30am.

This would have been fine, had I not had to get up at 6am on Saturday!! All for good reason though. Yesterday was the launch of The World’s Best Bridal camp as well as the enlistment for The World’s Best Bootcamp Platoon 004!! A fun day, indeed.


After I finished, although I’d only gotten in about 7 hours of sleep total between two nights, I needed a workout. Mentally needed it. Here’s what I did:

Saturday Workout

3 Rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

5 Rounds of:
8 KB Snatch (per side)
8 KB Cleans (per side)
8 KB Front Squats (per side)
8 KB Swings

It worked me for sure. And I proceeded to nap for FOUR HOURS. I felt like a new woman afterwards.

Once I was up and got my life back together, I headed to the studio to hang with my man while he recorded drums for a client.


As for today, I have no real plans except for good coffee and some relaxation. I may sneak in a workout, but I’m not pressuring myself. I have to film 4 full workouts on Tuesday (more on that later), so I may rest up a bit.

Hope you’re all having a FAB Sunday!!

Question of the day:
-Do you like naps? Hate them?

I go back and forth. Love them when they’re REALLY necessary (like Saturday) but for the most part, I feel like I should/would rather be doing something else.

Friday Fun!

Happy Friday everyone!

I’m so excited for this weekend to just relax and not have any plans! The last few weekends have been fun, but busy. I’m ready to just chill out and do what I feel like doing at that moment. Maybe some paddleboarding, hiking, or a picnic!

Let’s recap some workouts from the week!

On Wednesday, my friend grabbed me and asked me to join her workout. I had some time to spare, so I jumped right in. The programming here was minimal reps, for maximum strength. The rep scheme for that was six sets of 1,2,3,1,2,3 reps. We chose 5 different exercises to do this with and in between every single set, we did 10 KB Swings.

-KB Clean and Press (12kg)

-RDL (155lbs)

-Lateral Lunge w/ KB (8kg)

-Chin Ups (bodyweight)

-KB Windmills (8kg)

It was a tough workout and took us almost 90 minutes! But…300 KETTLE BELL SWINGS LATER…we were done. I used a 20kg KB for the swings.

I was so exhausted from the workout that I actually ended up taking a nap from about 7-8:39pm. I got up for a bit and then was OUT.

Thursday, I took a boxing class. I LOVE boxing. Hitting the mits and hearing that “crack” is soooo much fun. The class is held in the basement of our gym, so it gets HOT. I always leave completely soaked. It’s like Hot Boxing haha.

Today, I’m planning on taking a Crossfit class. I’m too scared to look at the WOD because I might chicken out. Guess I’ll see what it is when I get there! 😀


What are your plans for the weekend?

What was your FAVORITE workout of the week?


Hello lovelies!

I’m working away this morning. Something about Thursdays….I like them. Maybe because it means the week is almost over.


My work life has been really great these past few weeks. I’m feeling good, productive, and ambitious. Gotta harness that when it’s there! The companies I work with are also in a growing stage, which is pretty exciting. I take a lot of pride in not only my work, but also the companies I work for. It’s fun to see hard work manifest and become something bigger.

My workouts have been going pretty well too…..aside from the fact that I randomly was sick on Saturday evening through Sunday night. Felt about 75% normal on Monday, so it really didn’t hold me back much. I worked out Monday and then again Tuesday….but come Wednesday a cough snuck in. Grrr. As long as this leaves as quickly as my random sickness, I’ll deal with it. 😉

Exciting News

Okay, so I mentioned a while back that I was working on putting together an e-book and that it would be ready soon.

Well guys……it’s ALMOST THERE!!!!! I just need to put the finishing touches on it.

Fit Lizzio’s Fitness To-Go!


This e-book includes 10 workouts that can be done ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. It is the PERFECT little book to bring on a vacation or work trip, or for any other time too! You can gift it to friends or family, or keep it for yourself ;-).

All of these workouts take LESS THAN 30 MINUTES. So now your “i don’t have time” and “i don’t belong to a gym” excuses have been extinguished. 😀

The e-book is $1.99 and I expect to have it ready to go May 1st!

I’m so excited to share this with you guys! It’s my first e-book and I would LOVE to get your feedback and results. I’ll share more details about that part of it later. Hint hint: prizes!


Since I did a full body workout on Tuesday instead of boxing as I had planned, I’m going to take a boxing class tonight, followed by some climb time at Rockreation! I’m still planning on hitting up the CrossFit gym on Friday for the WOD and then we’ll see what the weekend brings!

Hope you’re all having a great week!

1. What platform do you typically use to read blogs, articles, ebooks? (i.e. Laptop, kindle, iPad, iPhone)

2. What’s your favorite part of work for you?

Workout Plan 3/31 – 4/5 + Why I Work on Sundays

A brand new week and the closing of a month! How has March treated everyone?

Mine was pretty good:

I worked out a lot

I visited family in AZ (Twice!)

The earth in SoCal moved a lot! (got another one on Friday night!)

I watched a lot of Dexter and did other random things



Why I Work on Sundays 

For most people, the weekend is a time to relax and catch up on life outside of work. I agree to a certain extent (although I find myself working whenever I’m not being occupied with something else) but also reserve Sunday afternoons for work.

Most of you probably think I’m crazy. Sunday evenings are a time to relax, watch TV, do something fun, etc. I try to squeeze all of that in on Saturdays and Sunday mornings.

Here is why I like to work on Sunday afternoons: 

– It gives me a chance to get ahead. Why put off to tomorrow what I can do today? My Mondays are usually overloaded with meetings and to-dos, so getting a little bit ahead with things that I can do the day before is helpful.

-My phone and e-mail aren’t blowing up. Guys, I carry two cell phones and have about 5 different e-mail addresses. I’m your typical LA girl who’s talking on one cell phone while texting/e-mailing on another. It’s sad and I’m not proud of it, but for now, it’s what I’ve got to do. I love my work and jobs (although sometimes overwhelming and stressful) so for now, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Sunday evenings, my phone is SILENT. No e-mails (not even junk e-mails), no phone calls, and very few text messages. I can work on something and not get sidetracked, pulled away by something more important, or be completely unfocused. There is a zen about being able to work when everything is quiet.

-I feel accomplished and ready for the week ahead. Getting into “work-mode” the night before helps make my Mondays less stressful. It gets my head back in the “hustle” state of mind and allows for Monday morning to be that much less of an “oh my gosh i have 5 million things to do RIGHT NOW” kind of morning.

So there you have it. Working on Sunday afternoons doesn’t make sense for some people that don’t have jobs that require almost 24/7 attention, and it just isn’t for everybody. Some people would rather just start back up on Monday, and that’s totally fine. My brain just can’t handle it and I feel much more sane getting some things done early.

With that said…..

Workout Plan for the Week

Monday: Full Body Workout + Climb

Tuesday: Boxing

Wednesday: HIIT + Climb

Thursday: CrossFit + Full Body Functional

Friday: Climb

Saturday: Full Body Workout OR Hike

Sunday: Rest

What is your fitness plan for the week?

Do you work on the weekends? 

Do you like what you do?

Workout Recap and Weekend Getaway HELP!!

This week has been full of some awesome workouts, so let’s get right to it!

Workout Recap

Monday: I did a 15 minute HIIT on the treadmill. It’s amazing how much 15 minutes can make you sweat and curse. I think they go hand in hand. I also did some bouldering at the rock climbing gym.

I alternated between 6.5 and 9.0 mph on the treadmill and shared my MFT upon completion.

Tuesday: I walked on the treadmill while waiting for Charlie, and then I put us both through some hell

Here’s what we did: 

3 sets of: Squat/Sled/KB Swing combo (this video is old, but this is what it is:)


3 sets of: 5 Burpee Pull Ups (with full push up and on a very high bar that required a lot of pulling up!!!) super set with 10 Medicine Ball Thrusters (18 lbs)

3 sets of: 10 Push Press (45 lbs) superset with 5 Ninja Jumps

This workout looked easier on paper than it was. I tend to do that a lot…..

Wednesday: Bouldering. Instead of what I normally do, which is climb hard and take good long breaks, I set out to be there for an hour with minimal breaks. None of my friends could go, so I decided it would be the best use of my time. Damn it was hard! Climbing gives you a pump like nothing else.

Thursday: Boxing. I’m so glad I got back into this. I almost didn’t go because I’ve got a big work project going on, but knew I would feel much better if I did. I was right and left a sweaty, soaking, hot mess. It was glorious.

My plan for today? Crossfit 14.5! I missed 14.4 because I was out of town, so I figure i’ll try this one out. I may have to scale down the thrusters, but we’ll see what happens.

This weekend: 

Even though I was out of town last weekend, I feel like going out of town again! I love to travel and do little weekend trips, but haven’t been taking them lately. I made it a goal to change that. I’m leaving tonight and still don’t know where I’m going.

Should I go to: 

1. Santa Barbara

2. Solvang

3. Dana Point

Help me decide! Leave me your choice in the comments, por  favor. 🙂

Leg Workout + Kettlebells

Hey friends! Hope your Tuesday is off to a great start!

Monday morning, me and several million of my friends woke up to a good shake here in Southern California. It was definitely the biggest earthquake I’ve ever felt, but by no means was it bad compared to the devastations that have happened around the world. I woke up from the jolt and in trying to wake up my boyfriend, accidentally punched him in the face. Luckily that was the only injury that took place. (Sorry babe! ;-))

The best part of the earthquake was definitely this…..

Makes me laugh every time! Thank you Captain Obvious! We all felt it!

Anyways, moving on!

Yesterday, I did a doozy of a workout. It was a mixture of legs and back with a hint of some kettle bell action. I LOVE kettle bells. They are so versatile. They take some time to get used to, and it is helpful to have someone who knows what they’re doing show you the ropes (errr…bells). Once you DO learn how to use them, they can be used for just about anything.

Here’s what I did Monday:

The Workout

The Workout

For the squats, I did sets of 15, 12, 10, 8, and 6, increasing the weight each set. I worked my way up to 115 pounds.

For the pull ups, I did sets of 5, 5, 3, and then switched to chin ups and did 3 and 3.

For the rest of the exercises, I did sets of 10-12 reps of each. 

I used 12kg for the one arm KB Snatches and 16kg for the KB Swings

This workout definitely kicked my butt! Loved that I went from a slower paced heavy lift, to a faster pace burnout. Had  a good sweat going by the end!

Here’s my plan for the rest of the week: 

Tuesday: Boxing and Bouldering

Wednesday: HIIT and Bouldering

Thursday: CrossFit and a Functional Workout

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Hike

Sunday: Rest

I’m traveling to Phoenix once again this weekend, so my workouts Friday – Sunday will be whatever I can get in. I will, of course, have to make a visit to my old stomping grounds (aka the Mecca of Scottsdale). I’m planning on resting on Friday and Sunday, but if I decide to drive back Monday, I’ll probably move my rest day to Monday.

Do you use Kettle Bells?

If you have, what are your favorite Kettle Bell exercises?

If you haven’t, would you like some videos to help you learn?

Workout Plan + Weekend Pics

Traveling always makes me lose track of the days and times. This weekend, I was in Arizona spending time with my family. I’m here until Tuesday, but I’m feeling like I have no sense of anything! Strange how that is.

Thursday was spent driving, so I took it as a rest day and left it at that. By Friday, I was itching for a workout. I didn’t have much time, so I created my own workout in my dad’s living room.

5 Rounds of: 

-10 Squats

-5 Push Ups

-10 Jump Squats

-15 V-Ups

-10 Jumping Lunges

Afterwards, I did 3 sets of:

-15 Wide Stance Squats (holding my laptop bag filled with cans of beans as a weight!!)

-10 Burpees

This workout took me about 15 or 20 minutes and was the perfect heart rate boost/sweat sesh. You really can get a great workout ANYWHERE!

On Saturday morning, the boyfriend and I headed to the gym for a workout. We did a mixture of Deadlifts, Pull Ups, Glute Kicks on the Reverse Hyper, and DB Military Press. We finished off with a burner using the sled. It was pretty killer and we were both WIPED afterwards.

Workout Plan for the Week: 

Monday: Home Workout (Probably similar to what I did Friday)

Tuesday: Full Body Workout at the gym

Wednesday: CrossFit + Rock Climbing

Thursday: Heavy Lift + Boxing

Friday: 15 min. HIIT + Rock Climbing

Saturday: CrossFit

Sunday: Hike

This is tentative and likely will fluctuate a little bit, but it’s where I’m starting.

And for your viewing pleasure, some photos from the last few days!

AZ Sunrise

AZ Sunrise



My little bro and I :-)

My little bro and I 🙂

Country Car on a Country Road

Country Car on a Country Road


Beautiful Mountain Scenery

Beautiful Mountain Scenery


My babe and I in the mountains!

My babe and I in the mountains!

Feeling thankful this weekend for the people in my life. Life is a crazy road and lately it has been testing me, but I’m just taking things one day at a time and making sure I take care of myself. Eating healthy, working out, working hard, and enjoying the moments.

Question of the Day: 

What are you MOST thankful for?

What are some ways you “slow it down” when you’re feeling overwhelmed?