Tag Archive for fit lizzio

Leg Day Workout + ACU-MASSAGE

First off, thanks for all of your awesome comments on Part 1 of Then & Now: How I’ve Changed! You guys are nothing short of amazing. I’ll be posting Part 2 in the next few days, but I thought I’d keep it a bit lighter today.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I packed a LOT in. I’m definitely feeling sore today, but in a good way. I have a feeling that throughout the day it’s going to get worse, but for now I’m feeling great!

For the last few weeks, there’s been an area of my back that is knotted like a friggin’ PRETZEL. Seriously guys…..it is ridiculous. I go to an Acu-masseuse who is AMAZING and saw him for it about a month ago. It helped a TON, but one session was not enough for this. I went back to him last night to try to eradicate the problem for good.  He WORKED ME last night and I’m even a bit sore from it. Instead of working on digging into the tissue a ton, he works on re-aligning the spine. There is no cracking or popping, just a lot of movement. It works wonders. I feel like a new person today. I think between boxing, rock climbing, and weight lifting, my back just gets beat up. He also finishes the session with cupping, so I’m rocking some awesome octopus kisses today. 😀



On the workout front, yesterday had me sweatin’ bullets. I did legs at the gym:


Superset 1:

Romanian Deadlifts – 3 sets of 135# x 12 reps

Medicine Ball Thrusters – 3 sets of 16# x 15 reps

Superset 2:

DB Walking Lunges – 3 sets of 20#DB’s x 10 reps (per leg)

Ninja Jumps – 3 sets of 10  (i’ll have to take a video of these someday….they are intense…and awesome.)

Final Exercise:

BB Wide Stance Squats – 3 sets of 95# x 10 reps

After finishing up some work, I headed to Rockreation and did 10 routes. They re-did some of the routes and one in particular was SO COOL. I ended up doing it a few times to really perfect my technique on it. Low and behold I ended up tearing a callous. 🙁 I haven’t done that in a lonnnnnng time, so it was bound to happen sooner or later. Whomp, whomp.

2014-06-26 11.23.58

Since my back is a bit of a mess and I now have a ripped callous on my pinky, I’m not quite sure what I’ll do for exercise today. I need to let my back rest a little, so boxing is out, but I may do something crazy and take a yoga class or something (as I shudder thinking about it),. We’ll see how I feel later in the day.

What’s on your workout agenda for the day?

Have you ever done Acu-Massage?

Part 1: Then and Now: I’ve Changed….

Happy Hump Day friends! I actually hate that people call it that, and here I am doing it myself.


Moving on…

I had an interesting scenario happen last night that shed some light on just how far I’ve come in the past few years. I thought I’d go into detail about this, as I know many women (and some men too) struggle with this as well.

(If you’re struggling with any type of eating disorder and feel this could trigger you, please don’t read any further.)

Last night, I pulled out a half eaten pint of Haagen Daaz Dulce de Leche ice cream. I ate it.

And then I moved on with my life.

Now, to someone who doesn’t and has never struggled with any type of food disorders, this probably doesn’t seem like anything and you’re likely not sure why I’m even pointing it out.

But for those of you who have in the past or are currently dealing with a bad relationship with food, you get it.

You see, 3-4 years ago, after I finished competing and started struggling with my ability to manage what I was eating, I would have eaten the Haagen Daaz ice cream, hopped in the car, and gone out to see what else I could get my hands on. More ice cream, cookies, chips, you name it. I hated it. I hated that I couldn’t control it. I hated that I felt the need to always have more, more, more. And it showed. I slowly gained weight and found myself embarrassed to go out because of how I looked. I was also extremely ashamed to be controlled by something so stupid. And it wasn’t like a drug I could quit….it was fucking food.

Last night was just another reminder of how far I’ve come. I struggled with my relationship with food for SO long (years) and really, truly thought I’d never have a normal relationship with food. I admired the people that could eat a few french fries and be done with it. Not me. I couldn’t do that. I had to eat all the french fries, and then as soon as I wasn’t with anyone else, I would go eat more. Until I was too full to breathe. It was disgusting, humiliating, and unhealthy.

But these days? I CAN do that. In fact, I often do. I can eat a few french fries and be done. I can even eat the whole basket of fries and then be done. I can eat 1 scoop of ice cream and not need more. I don’t NEED MORE. It’s a feeling I NEVER thought I would regain. I can truly say my relationship with food is NORMAL. And it’s freeing…..

So how did I do it?

Part 2 coming soon………….I’ll tell you how I did it and how it’s changed my life for the better…..

2012-10-07 11.03.45

Weekend and Challenge Update!

Happy Monday people!

I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed today. For the first time in a while, I actually got some GOOD sleep. It was quite refreshing. My new goal is to start shutting down MUCH earlier than I have been. I know how important sleep is, but I’ve been working so much that it’s gone a bit by the wayside. I feel recharged today and I know I could feel like this much more often if I actually slept more!

Friday night, Charlie launched his new service called Real Drum Tracks Now. It’s quite genius if you ask me. I could have the same drummer that plays for Scott Weiland (Stone Temple Pilots) on my music? Um, yes please! Go check it out. 🙂


He hosted a party up at his studio and some great bands played too. It was a fun night!

Saturday morning I got up bright and early to get my body fat tested! Exciting right?! NOT! Haha. I was a bit nervous, but it turned out to be okay. Body-Spec is a company here in SoCal that brings out a truck with a full on scanner inside to REALLY test your body fat. I got a 9 page report and a full scan of my body, how much muscle I hold and where I hold it, how much fat I hold and where I hold it, etc. It was pretty cool and now I know where to go from here!


After a killer workout with Charlie, we spent the day just hanging out and doing random errands, etc. We ended the night watching Ride Along and passing out by 10:30pm. Partay Animals.


Sunday, we met some friends to do a meditation at Insight LA. Talk about something COMPLETELY new to me. It was actually really enjoyable and I’ll definitely go back. I’ve never meditated before, so it was difficult for me to get myself to chill out and focus, but it was much needed. Afterwards, we grabbed some lunch at Firehouse, I got a scoop of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream (Sweet cream and Cookies=HOLY YUM) and once again, parked it on the couch to watch a movie.

Just before it got dark out, Charlie suggested that we go play catch at the park. We both grew up playing baseball, so it’s definitely a fun activity that we do together. It was a BLAST. I miss playing so much. I like to think I’ve still got it…I told Charlie I’m trying out for the Major Leagues this year…so we’ll see. 😉


Update on the Challenge:

Week 1 went great! I stuck to my guns and ate pretty clean all week. Lots of fruit, paleo burgers, chicken and brown rice, veggies etc. I made the decision to keep cheese in my diet, as I don’t eat very much of it and it adds some flavor. I also don’t want to cut out anything that I’ll likely keep in my daily diet for the long-run. A little cheese doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s when you LOAD the cheese on EVERYTHING that you start to run into a problem.

I know this is what you REALLY wanted to know, but I mentioned that weekends would be a free-for-all with the exception of a calorie restriction. I set the restriction at 2,000 calories for me and here were my cheats:

Saturday: Frozen Yogurt, Sweet Potato Fries, Popcorn

Sunday: 1 scoop of Ben & Jerry’s Sweet Cream & Cookies Ice Cream, Chips & Salsa

I didn’t feel deprived whatsoever and also didn’t need to eat a house full of those foods. I also went in to today wanting to eat nothing but healthy food because all of that junk just makes me feel dehydrated and crappy.

Week 2 starts today! I’m going to make a point this week to log all of the foods I eat for an entire day so you guys can see what it’s like. Today’s workout is going to be 20 minutes of HIIT on the Stairmill + a Bouldering Session.

What’s on your workout agenda?

Have you tried Ben & Jerry’s Sweet Cream & Cookies Ice Cream (from the actual ice cream parlor)???? IT’S DELICIOUS.


6 Week Challenge Details

Hey friends! Happy Wednesday! Hope your week is going well. I’m working away, but having a pretty good week so far. Monday was definitely a MONDAY, but so far the rest of the week has been pretty good. I’m excited to relax a bit this weekend too, or at least attempt to. I always say that and then find 1,454,756 things to do and end up being pretty busy. Guess we’ll see how I’m feelin’!

2014-04-29 10.21.18-3

On Monday, I mentioned that a friend and I were going to tighten up our diets a bit and do a 6 week challenge with each other. We are both in pretty good shape and eat pretty well already, but we both want to take it to the next level!

I wanted to share the details of what we’re doing, so here goes.

6 Week Challenge Details

-Clean/healthy eating M-F (clean meaning minimally or not processed whole foods)

-Saturdays & Sundays: eat what we want within a certain calorie range (this will allow us to be able to satisfy our cravings without going overboard)

-Work out 5-6 days per week (we already do this, but will continue).

-Cut out breads/tortillas and keep our carbohydrate choices to sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, & brown rice pasta

-Cut out sweets and desserts during the week (we can fit it into our weekends if we want it!)

-Lots of fruits and veggies

-Lots of protein: chicken, ground turkey, lean ground beef and other lean red meats, fish

-Healthy fats: avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, and nut butters

Why We Aren’t Setting a “Meal Plan”

In my experience, a meal plan sets me up for failure. Even if you are getting enough food and like the food you’re eating, it automatically sets a restriction right from the start. This makes you feel deprived immediately, even if you’re not. By setting some guidelines and not creating a carved out meal plan, I think we will have more success.


We’ll be tracking our progress here on the blog. I’ll be doing a weekly post to recap how the previous week went and to check in with measurements, weight, and photos. We will be taking photos later, so stay tuned for those!

Feel free to join us on the 6 week challenge! Each recap I do, I’d love for you to chime in with comments on how you’re doing on your own challenge! Your challenge can be the same as ours, or you can do something that fits your goals better and post about that. I love working with people as a team, so the more the merrier!

Questions? Feel free to drop me a line at FitLizzio@Gmail.com

See you guys tomorrow with some photos!

Have you ever done a challenge?

What is your biggest goal RIGHT NOW?

THANK YOU, Weekly Workouts, and A Challenge

First of all, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH for the feedback on my post on How I Quit Cardio.

I’ve had several people even stop me on the streets, at the gym, and via Facebook,  to tell me how much they enjoyed it. I’ll definitely be writing more posts like that in the future. Shoot me a line if there are any heavy topics you’d like me to write about. I’ve been down A LOT of roads in this health and fitness world…. FitLizzio (at) gmail (dot) com

I’m getting pretty good at this disappearing act, aren’t i? I apologize! I’m working my tail off and haven’t been finished with work until midnight on most nights. I just can’t bring myself to write after a 12-15 hour day of work. This won’t always be the case, but it is for now, so I’m going to blog when I can. I’ll try to at least get 1-2 posts per week up, but I’d rather give you guys quality posts and not just throw together a kamikaze post just to get something up.

First of all, I got to hang with this little dude last weekend. He is the coolest baby in the world. He loves to laugh, make jokes, and just be awesome. Love my nephew so much!!

He's so tough.

He’s so tough.

It was so great spending time with my family in AZ last weekend. I can’t wait until I get to go back in a few weeks! I miss them all.

Last week’s workouts:

Monday: 20 Minutes on the Stairmill – High Intensity + Bouldering – Medium Intensity

Tuesday: Full Body Workout – Medium Intensity

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Legs – High Intensity

Friday: Taught Conditioning (more on that below) + Upper Body – Medium Intensity

Saturday: Bouldering – Medium Intensity

Sunday: Legs/Shoulders/Abs – High Intensity

A pretty decent week of workouts! I was definitely pretty sore by Saturday, so I took it easy and just did some bouldering at the rock climbing gym. This was my first week back in 3 weeks, and I definitely noticed. I’m going to try to get back to my 2-3 day/week schedule again.

So I mentioned above that I taught conditioning on Friday. Long story short, an instructor didn’t show up to a class, so I jumped in and taught the conditioning portion of it…….AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!! I have never taught group exercise (just personal training) and it was a total blast. I’m definitely going to see if I can sub in every now and then. I think the people in class love/hated me, too. I’m an evil instructor, but you’ll thank me later! 😉

Here’s my plan for the coming week:

Week of Workouts

Meal Plan:

My friend and I are going to be embarking on a little challenge beginning tomorrow. I’ll be posting the details, our measurements, weight, and progress photos. We both feel like we want to work a bit harder when it comes to our diets, so we’re going in this together.

Stay tuned for more info……you’re welcome to join us!

That’s all I’ve got for now, but I’ll be back on Tuesday with the details of our little challenge.

Would you be interested in an online health challenge?

How did you navigate your Father’s Day food choices?


Memorial Weekend Re-Cap + Fitness for the Week

Ohhhh wow. It sure has been some time since I’ve posted anything here!

You know how it goes….a day goes by…then another….

I didn’t mean to go all invisible on you guys there, but I just got busy and well…HERE I AM.

So what’s been UP?! I’ve been up to the same old things….boxing, rock climbing, working out, working…but definitely missed blogging! So let’s get right back into some regularly scheduled blogging by starting with my weekly fitness plan!

Weekly Fitness Plan 5/26-6/1

Monday: OFF (Sunday we worked out and played volleyball all day, so a rest day was needed!)

Tuesday: 20 minutes on the stairmill (mostly to clear my head from back to back meetings) + Boxing at ABA

Wednesday: Legs/Booty + Bouldering

Thursday: Upper Body + Boxing

Friday: Crossfit

Saturday: OFF

Sunday: Full Body

As you can see, I’ve added a 2nd day of boxing into my routine. I’m just absolutely LOVING it. I literally think I sweat out LAST Memorial Day’s shenanigans in class last night. So. Sweaty. I actually went to the grocery store after class and was embarrassed by how wet my tank top was. I normally don’t care, but this was a whole new level. Sorry Ralph’s shoppers.

Memorial Weekend Re-Cap

I mentioned that we played volleyball this past Sunday. It’s been about a year since the last time I played and I forgot how much fun it is! I knew we would be out in the sun all day, so I was determined to NOT get a sunburn like I always do. I did it all right….I put sunscreen on my face, my arms, my legs, my shoulders and chest, and had Charlie lather up my back.

Got home…..bright red stomach. I forgot to put sunscreen on my friggin’ stomach. I WAS SO CLOSE. Next time, Lizzy…next time….

Aside from a day at the beach, we laid pretty low, relaxed, sat in traffic (because that’s just what happens on a holiday weekend in LA), ate some good meals (Burger Lounge has the key to heart, FYI), and watched some Bob’s Burgers. That show is HILARIOUS. Since watching the show, I have actually started to break out in song when I don’t know what else to say. Charlie loves it. He won’t admit it, but I know he does. 😀

How was your Memorial Day Weekend? 

Have you seen Bob’s Burgers?!




….and I’m alive too!

Woah!! A whole week without a single post. Not even a friendly hello. What kind of a person am I?!

Hey friends!!! I’M BACK!! 

Sorry for the disappearance there. I’ve been prepping for an event this Friday, along with my regular work duties, so I’ve just been a little drained lately. I kept sitting down to write and I just decided to take that time to relax instead. Forgive me 🙂

Now that I’m a little bit more caught up, I thought I’d stop by and give you a quick update.


MY E-BOOK, Fit Lizzio’s Fitness To Go! IS ON AMAZON KINDLE!!!!! (click here!!!) 

cover2I know I said May 1st (which is when I’m planning my FULL release), but it is up and ready, so why hold back from my AWESOME readers?!

If you don’t have a kindle, you can download the Kindle app on your iPhone, Android, or iPad too! 

Here’s what the description says: 

10 Great Workouts you can do WHEREVER, WHENEVER!!

Do you love traveling but hate missing your workouts or getting out of your fitness routine? You don’t have to worry about that ever again!

Imagine going on your next work trip or family vacation and not having to search for a gym in a city you don’t know, spend hours away from relatives and co-workers just to get your workout in, or wasting money on ridiculously priced day passes!!

Fit Lizzio’s Fitness To Go solves it all! Bring your workouts ANYWHERE you go! With this 10 page e-book, you can stay fit wherever you are! These 10 workouts can be done in your hotel room, grandma’s living room, or at the park!

You can purchase my e-book here. It is the PERFECT way to stay fit while traveling!

And just because you guys are great, here’s one of the workouts you can find in my e-book!

Workout from my e-book!

Workout from my e-book!

In Other News

My nephew started walking yesterday. All by himself!!! Do you know what that does to one’s heart strings?! If you have a nephew, then I’m sure you do. Especially one as cute as this…



In workout news, this week I’ve managed to do: 

Monday: Killer leg workout! and some bouldering

I’m so sore from it still! I’ll definitely have to share this one with you guys…

Tuesday: Boxing and some bouldering

Wednesday: Chest/Back workout with my man.

Thursday: Hoping to get anything in. Might even do cardio. Busy day!

Friday: Nope, nada, negative

Saturday: Crossfit?

Sunday: Depends how Saturday goes….

We All Go Through It

My workouts this week were nothing crazy, but that’s just how it is sometimes. I can definitely tell you, I had to WORK myself into the gym most days this week. It truly does not come easy to me all the time. I almost skipped climbing on Monday and almost skipped boxing on Tuesday. But I just went. Grumbling the whole way. And guess what? I survived, it turned out to be awesome, and I’m happy I went. Wasn’t easy though!

I say this to tell you guys, WE ALL GO THROUGH IT. People act like I’m just always ON my game and I don’t go through the feelings of just wanting to be lazy and not work out. I’m not bionic guys. Trust me…I almost walked out of boxing a few times Tuesday night. Seriously. But I knew I’d feel MUCH worse if I walked out than if I just stayed and toughed out the class. I was right. I ended up getting great workouts even though I was dreading almost all of them.

Like I, (and everyone else), always say…..90% is just SHOWING UP. Just put on your workout clothes…GET TO THE GYM (or park or garage or wherever you do your workouts). Just START. Chances are that once you actually get going, it won’t be too bad. There ARE times when it is okay to rest. When you’re too sore, haven’t slept enough, need to relax…..but we all know the difference. Sometimes, you just have to push yourself.

Thanks for sticking around with my less than stellar blogging schedule this week! I promise things will go back to normal and you can read my rambling on a more regular basis. 😀

Questions for today: 

1. Do you travel often?

2. Do you work out when you travel?

9 Random Things & My First Thought

Why not 10? Because I guess I’m just not that random this week. 😀

I had a nice trip to Arizona this past weekend and am just now catching up on life……And Dexter.

My First Thought™ movement

GUYS!! I started something new this week. It’s my way of painting a picture of the REALITY of working out…all in good fun.

I call this “My First Thought.” I posted about it here on Facebook.

Basically, you post the first thought that comes to your head after you finish your workout. Before you have a chance to catch your breath.

Today, MFT was “FUCK 15 min. HIIT!!!!!” Sorry for the language, but it’s the truth!!!!

Tag yours on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with #myfirstthought

Moving on…

I thought I’d mix it up a bit today and tell you 9 random things that have been swirling around in this little brain of mine. Without further adieu…

1. I LOVE DEXTER. I understand, I’m about 8 years late to the party, but this show is AWESOME!! I can’t watch it alone because it scares me haha. Also because Charlie would kill me if I watched it without him.


2. Nothing beats an Arizona sunset. I know I live in beautiful Santa Monica and we get some gorgeous skies and weather, but there is something about a painted desert sky. The evenings in Arizona smell different and feel different. It’s hard to describe really, but I do miss them!

3. My hands are a WRECK. Between metformin-online, weight lifting, pull ups, and more, my hands are just completely torn up. Any tips for this? I need the callouses to protect my hands while climbing, but I’m not sure how to keep the callouses smoother???

4. I have a slight obsession with grapes. It is not uncommon for me to buy a bag of grapes and eat most of the bag in one sitting. Grapes are like crack to me. It’s a problem I’m not ready to deal with yet, so save your interventions!!! Charlie may or may not have found a rotten grape under the couch today……wasn’t me!!!

Oh hey there....;-)

Oh hey there….;-)

5. I haven’t done steady state cardio in months (aside from 2 or 3 hikes.) I did 25 minutes walking on the treadmill the other day, but it was slow and I was doing it because I had time to kill and didn’t want to sit. Why did I ever do so much cardio? I’m leaner and I don’t have to do boring workouts. It’s pretty awesome. Not that there’s anything wrong with cardio, it just wasn’t doing it for me. I like the occasional run, but I’d rather throw heavy weights around and climb on walls. 😀

Hello shoulder!

Hello shoulder!

6. I’ve been boxing recently and I am so glad to be back doing it! I used to take a boxing class twice a week for at least a year. Actually, if you read the blog in the beginning, you may even remember that! I loved it SO much, but just didn’t continue it when I moved to Santa Monica. I started a few weeks ago and it feels really good to hit the mitts again!

7. I finally started grinding my own coffee beans. It makes a HUGE difference in the taste! I guess my dad was right all of these years. He has me grinding a special concoction of two different types of beans. It’s magical and makes early mornings much more bearable. I’m also spending less money on my beloved coffee from my favorite coffee shop. I still go! But not 2-3 times per day. :-0

8. This room. I want to decorate my room like this!! I just might make a few trips to Home Goods this weekend…..

Does the dog come with it?!

Does the dog come with it?!

9. The Selfie song!! OMG. It is so annoying…but…i have to admit…..every time that damn song came on this weekend, my little brother and I would start dancing in the car. We also danced to the YMCA in the car, but that’s besides the point….



Tell me two random things about you!

Vacation Help and Random AZ Photos

It’s that time of the year where the hype of New Year’s is over, spring is upon us (although here in L.A. I’m pretty sure spring is still sprung from last year) and everyone is starting to think about vacations. Is it just me?!

Dana Point circa....2007?

Dana Point circa….2007?

My birthday is on Monday. My birthday was always around Spring Break when I was in school, so maybe that’s why I think of vacations. Who knows! Regardless, I was thinking about where I want to go on my next vacation. I do light traveling throughout the year, but sometime this year, I want to take a REAL vacation. Like, longer than a weekend and not to my hometown. I feel like there are SO many places that I want to go, so it’s been hard to narrow it down. Thoughts so far: Seattle, Cabo San Lucas (been there but want to go back), Alaska, Washington D.C/New York, or Chicago (I have family there). HELP ME PICK  A VACATION SPOT!

Okay, moving on...this week has been a whirlwind. I drove back to L.A. from Phoenix on Tuesday. I was actually making AMAZING time until I hit this

Lovely Los Angeles Traffic

Lovely Los Angeles Traffic

I definitely knew I was home…

Tuesday’s workout at my old stomping grounds was awessssooommmmmeee. I did some heavy squats, push-ups with dumbbells and a rotation, chin-ups, walking lunges with a barbell, kettlebell swings, and snatches. My glutes are definitely feeling the soreness from it! I always like to kick my ass (literally) right before a long car ride. It makes it easier to sit in a car for 6 hours.

Other random pictures from my trip back to AZ

Lux Cafe Central

Lux Cafe Central

Tuesday morning we stopped by Lux Cafe in Phoenix. My dad is always going on about it, so I finally tried it. The verdict? In the words of Chris Farley…It.. was… AWESOME! The coffee was realllly good and the egg white sandwich I got was even better! I devoured it in .9384 seconds as seen below.

Twas an egg sandwich from heaven

Twas an egg sandwich from heaven

It had fire roasted tomatoes, egg whites, and cheese on an english muffin. Best egg sandwich of my life right there. Worst looking photo of my life right there. Balance, people.

We also made a pit stop at See’s candy. My dad’s girlfriend introduced me to their Butterscotch lollipops this weekend. Let’s just say it’s a new addiction. The bright side is that they are only 80 calories and take about 30 minutes to eat just one. Therefore, I deem them the PERFECT treat.

Samples? Yes, please!

Samples? Yes, please!

I’ve been working like crazy since I got back and haven’t had a ton of time to blog, but I AM planning on shooting some videos for the blog in the next week….so I ask you this…

What would you like to see in my fitness videos?

Specific Exercises? Full Workouts? Certain body part focused workouts? How To’s on form?

Let me know in the comments please!!


Gotta Tabata

The title of this post highlights the thoughts in my head yesterday morning. I woke up and decided to get my workout done right away so I could get started on some work and not worry about it. I had a lot of things to do, and knew I needed to get my workout out of the way early. At some point in this conversation in my head (don’t act like you don’t do this!!) I said, “Well, I guess I gotta tabata!” And then I laughed to myself like a dork.

Since I was up in the mountains yesterday, I knew my workout would be done indoors. Totally fine by me! Sometimes my bodyweight-only workouts get me sweating more than the ones at the gym! Not belonging to a gym is NO excuse.

So what is Tabata? Well, it’s debatable. HOWEVER, the widely known version of Tabata in the fitness world goes like this:

1. Pick any exercises you want!

2. Find a Tabata timer like the one here.

3. Typical settings should give you 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, and 8 cycles. (Of course you can do more of less cycles if you’d like and you can add and subtract time as well, but this is the standard).

4. GET IT!

Here’s what I did. Since each cycle takes exactly 4 minutes, this workout took me just 20 minutes to do. And it kicked my bootayyy! I encourage you to try this! Use these exercises, or any exercises of your choosing!



**Always check with a doctor before starting a new fitness program

Questions of the Day:

Have you ever Tabata’d? What do you think of it?


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