First off, thanks for all of your awesome comments on Part 1 of Then & Now: How I’ve Changed! You guys are nothing short of amazing. I’ll be posting Part 2 in the next few days, but I thought I’d keep it a bit lighter today.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. I packed a LOT in. I’m definitely feeling sore today, but in a good way. I have a feeling that throughout the day it’s going to get worse, but for now I’m feeling great!
For the last few weeks, there’s been an area of my back that is knotted like a friggin’ PRETZEL. Seriously guys… is ridiculous. I go to an Acu-masseuse who is AMAZING and saw him for it about a month ago. It helped a TON, but one session was not enough for this. I went back to him last night to try to eradicate the problem for good. He WORKED ME last night and I’m even a bit sore from it. Instead of working on digging into the tissue a ton, he works on re-aligning the spine. There is no cracking or popping, just a lot of movement. It works wonders. I feel like a new person today. I think between boxing, rock climbing, and weight lifting, my back just gets beat up. He also finishes the session with cupping, so I’m rocking some awesome octopus kisses today.
On the workout front, yesterday had me sweatin’ bullets. I did legs at the gym:
Superset 1:
Romanian Deadlifts – 3 sets of 135# x 12 reps
Medicine Ball Thrusters – 3 sets of 16# x 15 reps
Superset 2:
DB Walking Lunges – 3 sets of 20#DB’s x 10 reps (per leg)
Ninja Jumps – 3 sets of 10 (i’ll have to take a video of these someday….they are intense…and awesome.)
Final Exercise:
BB Wide Stance Squats – 3 sets of 95# x 10 reps
After finishing up some work, I headed to Rockreation and did 10 routes. They re-did some of the routes and one in particular was SO COOL. I ended up doing it a few times to really perfect my technique on it. Low and behold I ended up tearing a callous. I haven’t done that in a lonnnnnng time, so it was bound to happen sooner or later. Whomp, whomp.
Since my back is a bit of a mess and I now have a ripped callous on my pinky, I’m not quite sure what I’ll do for exercise today. I need to let my back rest a little, so boxing is out, but I may do something crazy and take a yoga class or something (as I shudder thinking about it),. We’ll see how I feel later in the day.
What’s on your workout agenda for the day?
Have you ever done Acu-Massage?