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I guess I forgot about blogging yesterday. My bad.

To recap, I tried my first hot yoga class on Monday! The verdict? LOVE. Well, REALLY LIKE. Haha, i wouldn’t say i’m in love, but who knows it could grow.

I love the fact that you sweat like crazy. Literally more than anything. I’ve lived in AZ my whole life, and even played outdoor sports in the 120 degree heat during the summer, but 105 degrees of HUMID heat is a different story(AZ is a dry heat.). The studio I go to is tough, but manageable. I went again today.

The only downside of the hot yoga is that it DRAINSSSS me of any and all energy. All I want to do is sleep the whole rest of the day. Granted I have been doing other workouts before the hot yoga, but still, it kills me. I am going to keep going until my two week pass is up, and then I will probably just go randomly, seeing as it’s pretty expensive.


Tuesday: Back and Biceps + 60 minutes incline walking on the tready.

For the back/biceps workout I did: Rack Pull ups, DB curls, Lat Pulldowns, Preacher curls, Seated row, cable side arm curls, t-bar rows and cable hammer curls. I went pretty heavy (8-10 reps with drop sets for the last set of most exercises)

Wednesday(today!) QUAD/PLYO Day. + hot yoga

leg extensions, squat press, hack squat, decline leg press, step up jumps, db walking lunges, in/out box jumps, cable squats, sprinter jumps, anddd frog leaps i think. It was a circuit that i did with a group. Friday I will do a glute/ham attack on my own.

I’m really tired right now, but don’t have to be up really early tomorrow. Of course, I’m sure I’ll end up waking up at the crack of dawn, but I’m not going to set an alarm. I’m trying to down my fiberlyze right now(wheat bran/psyllium husk mixture by Species) but i’m having to do it in shots and chasing it with water haha. It tastes like lemony-death water. Jealous?!

Hontest Yoga

First of all thanks for all the comments on yesterday’s post. I know I’m doing the right thing and it was good to hear you guys support that. I know that it is my choice and everything, but the outside pressures definitely influence me, and you guys made me feel a lot better!!

Okay, so I think I slept about 3 hours last night(if that.) and finally couldn’t sleep any longer by 3:30am. I decided since I slept so much on Sunday, I might as well get up and get my day started.

I got to the gym at 4:40am and it’s a good thing I did. Apparently nobody was on the schedule to open up the gym at 4:30, and there was a line of, no joke, 25-30 people waiting outside. I saved the day with my key and got to work!!


I did good with my goal and kept cardio to 40 minutes. I made sure it was tough though! 15% incline at 3.3 mph for the whole 40 minutes. Twas shweaty.

Afterwards, I ate my first meal and worked for a few hours until the next person came to work. Then I hit up Shoulders and Abs

Barbell Press/ Hanging Leg Raise

Cable Front Raises/ Lying Leg Raise to Hip Up

Cable Crossovers/ Decline Sit ups

Lateral Raises/Rear Delt Machine

Good stuff.

Afterwards I went to my first hot yoga class. They aren’t kidding when they say you sweat everything out. It was awesome though because my skin has never felt so clear! It did make me INSANELY tired the rest of the day, but that probably also had to do with my weird sleeping cycle, and the fact that I’m still a little bit sick. I am feeling a little better now, though.

I worked for another 4 hours and then came home and took a nap for an hour. I was literally falling asleep while driving home(not good, i know). I woke up and ate my dinner and now I’m about to hop in the shower and sleep.

Tomorrow I’ve got my workout, have to drop a paper off at school, and then working 1-7:30 at the supplement store.

Can’t wait to get in bed!!!

Oh boy.

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Can’t believe it’s already Sunday night! I feel like this week/weekend flew by!

I’ve been feeling kinda sick the past two days, so I took it easy today. So easy, in fact that I pretty much slept the whole day. Whatever “sickness” that was coming on, better be gone! I’m feeling better now, but it explains why I’m still awake at 10:30pm on  a Sunday.

So things are changing a little bit around here. And it’s going to be extremely hard for me.

I have to cut down on exercise.

Those words make me cringe. I’m a workout-a-holic if you hadn’t noticed, and cutting down is NOT going to be easy.

My weight training will stay the same, but cardio is being cut to 40 min. per day, 6 days a week. That’s not an outrageous change, but it means on days that I box, that is my cardio. On days that I do sprints, no other cardio. To some this might seem like a good thing, but for me it is going to be a difficult  thing. Mentally, I feel like I need to do a lot of cardio, but I KNOW that isn’t the case. It will be an adjustment, but I think it is a GOOD thing overall. Plus, the cardio will only go up after a few weeks so I guess I should enjoy this while it lasts.

I’m also hopefully trying out my first hot yoga class tomorrow. A friend from the gym is taking me to a studio nearby, and told me to prepare to sweat my ass off. Noted.

Other Shizzzz

I’ve been in such a funk lately. I’m trying not to let it get to me, but sometimes I feel like the gym and training is all I’ve got. Everyone says their early 20’s are filled with ups and downs, but the downs are getting old 😀 Can’t argue that there are a LOT of ups though. I guess that’s life. A lot of the “downs” are things that I can fix on my own, so I gotta get to it. It’s mid-March and I don’t feel like I’ve accomplished too much this year. I’ve kinda just been going through the motions. Being in California spoiled me a little bit, because I get bored doing the same thing over and over. Either way, I’m excited about the future and will keep working towards my goals. I try to look at every hiccup and fall-back as leverage to move forward and come out on top. I am thankful for my “glass half full” attitude. 99% of life is NOT what happens to you, but how you deal with it. Each day I’m working on dealing with these things in a better way.

You can’t get better if you don’t try, you can’ t try if you don’t take chances.


Let’s see, how many competitions have been in the “plan” but not happened yet? I feel like a broken record, but I also haven’t been doing this for myself. (Mayjuh confession coming up…)

I LOVE competing. The high I get being on stage is incredible and the self accomplishment that it brings is like nothing else. With that said, the more you compete, the more people expect you to compete. Or at least that is how I’ve felt. The Fitness America show in November that I didn’t do, was something that all of the other girls were doing, so I felt like I should too. My heart wasn’t set on it, but I thought it would be fun to do anyways. When you’re heart isn’t into something, it doesn’t feel like the same journey. Or at least in my case, I felt like I was training for other people and not myself. I ended up not doing that show.

Then I began training with a new trainer, and he wanted me to do a show in February. Again, I didn’t necessarily want to do that show, but he thought I should, so I started training for it. My heart wasn’t in it, and so I didn’t work to my potential and decided not to do that show.

Jr. Nationals. My heart WAS/IS in this show. After I qualified for nationals, I decided that I definitely wanted to do a national show. Jr. Nationals is the first NPC National show of 2010, so I picked that one. My one goal for this entire year is to compete nationally. Of course, I have other smaller goals, but that is my BIG goal of the year. 2009 my big goal was to compete, and this year it is to compete nationally. I’ve had a ROUGH off-season that I could blame on a number of things, but in my opinion, life is always going to get in the way and it is NO excuse. I have that goal in my sights and nothing will stop me.

After meeting with someone Saturday, it was decided between the three of us that, rather than travel all the way to Chicago(which is only in 12 weeks) I should wait and do USA’s in Las Vegas on July 31st. There were a few reasons for this:

1. We want the healthiest lean-out as possible. I made some great muscle gains in the off-season, but also packed on a lot of weight. I also need to come in leaner than I did for my first show, being that this is a national show. I probably need to be about 5-8 pounds lighter than I was in July. That being said, my contest weight has actually gone up considering that I probably have added about 5 pounds of muscle to my frame. I stepped on stage at 123ish pounds in July and will probably be stepping on stage at about 125-128 pounds at nationals. I’m 5’7, so it may sound like a lot, but it isn’t on my body. I have a lot of weight to lose. But I also have a lot of determination and drive in me. I’ve been doing pretty well with dieting over the last few months and taken off a few pounds, but it hasn’t been perfectly consistent so I kind of feel like I gain and lose the same pounds over and over. When I tell myself that I’m in “full gear” though, there’s no stopping me. I’ve officially put myself in full gear.  Bring it!

2. MONEY. I’m a college student, and although it seems like I work a lot, I spend a lot of money. Food, supplements, and gas literally drain my bank account as soon as it sees money. Travelling to Chicago will be hundreds of dollars more expensive for me. Not to mention, driving somewhere makes the food situation SO much easier. For anyone that has competed, or travelled while training for a competition, you KNOW what I’m talking about. A simple 2 or 3 day trip seems MASSIVE because you end up bringing like 18 meals with you. Your big suitcase is filled with baggies of frozen chicken and fish, and you somehow manage to fit your clothes into a tiny litte backpack. Travelling by plane makes this even MORE difficult because you have to abide by their rules, and 9 times out of 10, they will throw at least SOME of your food away. I live about 5 hours driving time to Vegas. MUCH easier.

So, after bouncing those thoughts off to someone who really knows her stuff (if you’re curious you can e-mail me…), it was decided that NPC USA’s in Las Vegas -July 31st is the show for me. This is something that MY HEART is into. I am excited for this show, and can’t wait to put myself in high gear. It’s 19 weeks away which is a long time, but I need that time. Mentally and physically.

Speedy Saturday Boot Camp


Last night’s bachelorette party was a lot of fun. I headed home at about midnight absolutely exhausted.(I had been up since 4am. Coffee was used to keep me awake through the night ;-))

There were about 20 of us and it was a lot of fun. I’m sorry if I offend anyone who truly loves to go to the “clubs”, but I’m a total bar kinda girl. I don’t ever feel the “need to dance” and I most certainly don’t ever feel the need to meet guys that feel the “need to dance.” If I’m with people that want to go to a club, then of course I’ll go. And I’ll even dance too(my version of dancing is finding the worst dancer in the place and imitating them to my best ability) It always gets a good laugh and it honestly is fun.  I truly believe that pointing out the funny things in life is what life is all about. (i would never say something that would hurt someone’s feelings….its more of me walking up to the guy wearing a puffy vest and asking “hey are you planning on jumping ship anytime soon?” ) No worries, I make fun of myself more than anyone 😀 My best advice in life is this: Don’t take yourself so seriously. Laugh at yourself, laugh at others, and laugh often.

Anyways…this morning I woke up for boot camp. It was pretty tough today, but I was also really fast today! I dominated the bleachers and since I missed my sprint workout last week, my body was just itching to do them. I was speedy gonzalez today!

After boot camp, I got an americano at Starbucks. I got a cup of ice on the side and poured the coffee into it. Although I thought I was being creative, apparently I could’ve just asked for it that way. Hey, I’m a coffee newbie so lay off. I then added my protein powder into it and it was deeeelicious. Love love.

Afterwards I went and met with my coach. Without going into too much detail, competition plans were moved. I trust my coach and am doing what she suggests.

Jr. Nationals

Jr. USA’s!! – VEGAS!

Sad that I won’t get to compete alongside Genie and Becca, but I will be competing with other friends, so not all excitement is lost.

You know it’s a good workout when….

you leave the Stepmill SHAKING!!

Let me back up…..

Got up at 4am again this morning. I really think the earlier I workout, the more pumped I get. Weird, I know.

Today was a glute/ham day 😀

-Stiff Legged Dead Lift/Prone Ham Curl/Quadruped Hip Extension under the Reverse Hyper

-DB Sumo Squats/DB Single Leg Stiff Legged Deadlifts

-45 Hypers(glute focus)/Reverse Hack Squat

(Watch this video to see how I did these two exercises.)

I feel like I did something else too but I can’t remember.

Afterwards I headed to the stepmill. I did the Fat Burner setting(although I don’t believe it is any different than any other setting…just wanted a change intensity) at level 10. I put on my headphones and just pushed through it and when I get done I was shaking. Good stuff 🙂

Today I’m working until 1, hair appointment at 2, and then another bachelorette party tonight!! I’m so excited. I always have a ton of fun with her. We like to make fun of people together. Like drunk old men trying to dance with no rhythm. Then we imitate it 🙂 Good times.

Boot camp tomorrow morning!!

1,000 Gone + Lake!

Yesterday after work, I headed with friends to the lake!! It was 85 degrees here and a perfect day for some early wakeboarding.

Although the temperature outside was warm, the water was only about 45 degrees. Wet suits were involved.

It was a good time, and now I’m burnt, but I am SO glad lake seasons is starting up!!!!! It’s by far my favorite thing to do 🙂

This morning, I was up at 4 am again to get my workout on before work! I read articles in my new magazine about interval training and it inspired me to do just that today. I did a back/biceps workout with sprint(more of a fast jog in the tready) intervals in between each quadruple set.

Quad Set #1

5 minute jog at 6.5mph

Lat Pulldowns(20 reps)

Seated Row (20 reps)

Preacher Curl(20 reps)

EZ Bar Curl(20 reps)

Did 3 sets of this with 2 minutes at 8.0mph in between each triple set.

Quad Set #2

T-Rope (20 reps)

T-Bar Row(20 reps)

Cable Rope Hammer Curl(20 reps)

Side Arm Cable Curl(20 reps)

Did 8.0mph on the treadmill in between each quad set and finished the last one at 10mph.

544 calories burned in that 49 minute workout.

Then I hit up the treadmill for some incline walking. 12% at 3.3mph for about 33 minutes.

1,000 calories gone by6:45 am. I’ll take it 🙂

I’m working now, and then going to lay out by the pool and read the rest of the afternoon! 🙂

I made a protein brownie for my post-workout and it was GOOD. You can get the recipe from my roomie’s book:

Leg Day + Great Magazine

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

I didn’t wear green today, but my drink was green. Does that count?

Today was quads/plyos! I was here at 5am for the workout and full of energy. I was rocking out driving at 4:30am haha It’s sick, i know.

I wore my HRM today for kicks, and burned 588 calories during my leg workout. Finished that with cardio and totalled about 1,000 calories burned in my workout. All before 7am. I’ll take it 😉

OnFitness Magazine

I stumbled upon this at the store last night. I am usual skeptical of  health magazines because they are usually a) geared towards the everyday average person who exercises because they should or b) full of “iffy” information that doesn’t really make sense or is just plain false.

I’d never seen this magazine before so I started flipping through. It is a natural and scientific based magazine and I decided to check it out.

L.O.V.E this magazine. Their articles are SO informative and are geared towards BOTH average people and athletes.

A few high points that I liked about this issue:

  • The article about shortening your workouts and upping the intensity. They had a sample of a 30 minute workout that was high intensity as opposed to a longer , less intense workout. The workout involved clean and presses, pullups, squats, etc.
  • The article about your brain chemical levels related to fat loss. Probably one of the most informative articles I have ever read
  • RUN don’t jog. This article stated that jogging is easy. It is somewhat hard, but not that hard. Running, on the other hand is hard. Shorten the distance, and up the intensity was the gist of this article. Love it.

In a walnut shell(do walnuts have shells? I’m an idiot for having to ask…) this magazine gave me some GREAT information on a lot of different aspects. It also had a section that compared different approaches to exercise(functional training, compound training, isolation training, and High Intensity Training) There were quite a few references to body building as well.

If you get a chance, check out the magazine, or I believe you can view it online. Click on this link for their website. Like I said, this magazine is for EVERYONE(from a newbie to a seasoned athlete) and filled with GOOD  & USEFUL information.

Extended Vacation

I may be living in California for the month of April!

I will have to give more details when I have them, but we’ll see. It may or may not work out.

I thought I’d post a few food items that I have been eating lately!

Roasted Green Bean Fries

Ingredients: Green beans, cinnamon, stevia

Pre-heat the oven to Broil.

Place green beans on a baking sheet and spray with Pam.

Top with cinnamon and stevia.

Cook for about 10-15 minutes, or until crispy.

I dip mine in mustard(people think it’s so weird, but it’s goood!), but they are great plain too.

Oatmeal Pancake

While in California, I didn’t have access to a microwave. I’m too lazy to cook oatmeal any other way, so I did the next best thing and made it a pancake. It ended up being SO good.


1/4 cup oats

1/4 cup wheat bran(you could also just use 1/2 cup rolled oats and not use the wheat bran)

1/2 banana


cinnamon/stevia to taste

1/2 to 1 scoop of protein powder

2-3 egg whites

(depends how much fuel you need ;-))

Put all ingredients into a bowl and mix with a fork.(Use the fork to mash the banana). You could also blend the ingredients, but I like the thicker consistency.

Once it is all mixed up, cook it like a pancake and enjoy. Different flavored protein powders make different flavored pancakes, and almost anything would probably taste good. I’ve tried cherry vanilla and vanilla and liked them both.

IHRSA 2010 Recap

If you didn’t know, I was gone this past week working at the IHRSA 2010. (Click on the link for more details.)

Basically, it is a huge international trade show in San Diego. Every exercise equipment company I could think of was there and it was HUGE! Apparently it has actually shrunk since previous years, but still, a very big show.

I was working at the Keiser Performance booth doing demos and bringing traffic to the booth. Keiser equipment is SO COOL!! I had never had the opportunity to try their equipment before and now I’m in search of a gym that has it. Right now Athlete’s Performance is the only place I know of, but let’s face it, that’s a little out of my price range 😉

Keiser’s focus is on POWER. In a macadamia shell, strength x speed = POWER. You can be strong as hell, but if you have no speed, you don’t have power and vice versa.

Keiser has a ton of different types of equipment from spin bikes, to striders, to AIR RESISTED machines. These are what I am currently obsessed with. The technical description of how it works is here, but basically you set your resistance on, say, a squat machine and work on the explosive movements of a squat. These machines tell you your power output(in watts) and the percentage of power you are using. Very cool, and showed me just how powerful I am not! I’ve always known I don’t have much speed or explosiveness, but this has inspired me to work on that issue!

Okay, moving on. This was probably the most fun expo/trade show I have ever worked! Keiser was great to work with, and the show itself was just fun.(Um, hello, I basically got to play on a gym equipment playground!)

The people that I met at this show were….interesting. I made a lot of great connections and had some wonderful networking opportunities, but while handing out stress balls, we encountered some hilarious people. All I’m going to say is I think I am now married to a 45 year old man from China. Apparently tossing him a stress ball while a train is coming means I want to marry him, according to him. No worries, his wife took our picture…..(i really hope he e-mails me the picture because then I can fully explain the story and try to convey just how funny the experience was.)

All kidding aside though, it was a blast.

Outside of the trade show, we were staying at a friend of mine’s in Carlsbad. He was generous enough to let me stay there while he’s gone. I will just let the pictures paint the story of how jealous I am that he lives here. He lives RIGHT on the beach.

It was so beautiful there and it just confirmed how badly I want to move there. I will get there eventually!

My roommate and I also were able to find a great gym to workout at while there. We tried to get a 3 day pass at 24 hour fitness in Carlsbad, but the guy wanted to charge us $70!!! For 3 days!! No thanks…..the gym we went to next was much nicer and gave us a 3 day pass for free.

I should also mention, working for Keiser’s booth also entailed 30 minute spin or strider classes 2-3 times per day. That plus the weight training and cardio that my roommate and I did BEFORE the trade show each day, meant I definitely got my cardio in 😉 Only 2.5 hours per day…no big deal……… 😡

Thank you to Paco and Buddy for teaching the BEST spin/strider classes, and to all the other people at Keiser who made this show so much fun! Also thanks to Clark Bartram for giving me the opportunity to work the booth and being an inspiration as always!

checking in!

Hey guys…still in San Diego!!

Just wanted to say I’m still alive haha. The expo is SO cool. I get to play on exercise equipment and take spin classes all day. LOVE IT.

If you haven’t used Keiser equipment before, you need to check it out(if you can find a gym that has their equipment.) They use air resistance and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever done before. So cool!

Back Saturday, but going to a wedding, so I’ll catch up on Sunday!

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