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Shop 4 A Cause + Wheat Bran Recipe

Goooooood morning Vietnam!! (I was channeling my inner Michael Scott, channeling his inner Robin Williams :))

Hope everyone’s week is going well. We’re halfway through, and Memorial Day Weekend is in sight. My weekend will be spent working, what a surprise 😀 Good thing I like my jobs.

Make sure to stop by Angela’s blog, Oh She Glows and bid on one of the items for Shop 4 A Cause. 100% of the proceeds go to cancer research, and I have donated a month of nutritional and fitness coaching. Bid on anything you like, there are a TON of things to bid on!!! All items start at $20!!

Last night, I decided to try something. Wheat bran is full of fiber and really good for the digestive system. It tastes like…well kinda like sawdust 🙂 I decided to make it into a “flat bread” and see what happened. The verdict? GOOD.

Wheat Bran Flat Bread


Wheat Bran – As much as you want. I used about 1/4 cup

Water – Enough to wet the wheat bran, but not have any leftover water.

Spices- whatever you want! I used garlic powder, onion powder, crushed red pepper and some other seasoning(can’t remember what it was)

Mix everything up, and spread it on either parchment paper(if microwaving) or on aluminum foil(if baking.) Make the layer as thin or as thick as you want, and cook until it is hard.

Then eat it. Fiberlicious !

This recipe is similar to the EZ Whey Flax Cracker. Check out her book yo!


Today’s workout was Chest and Abs. Not very exciting, but it was good nonetheless. I got both cardio sessions in and I’m feeling great. I will be off work soon and then working later at my other job. Cleaning and packing in between(I move on June 3rd to a new house :)).

Thanks for the feedback on my prep update! Let me know if you have any questions about anything. I’m always happy to answer 🙂



A few things:

-If anyone is competing at the NPC USA’s in Vegas and needs a roomie, I found a hotel (LV Hilton) right next to the host hotel, and it’s pretty cheap if I can find a few roomies. I have one I think, but looking to add 1 or 2 more! E-mail me if you’re interested: [email protected]

-Just wanted to update a little bit more in detail. I started my diet about 17 weeks out. I had a lot to lose and needed the extra time. I’m now sitting at 9.5 weeks out and I feel like I’m right where I need to be. I’m losing inches every week and my clothes are getting loose.(My “fat ” jeans are falling off. Good thing 🙂 haha)

-Training is going well. It always does because I love it 🙂 Got a great glute/ham workout today from a friend/trainer who decided to put me through a little workout this morning.

-Cardio is at two-a days now, but it’s nothing crazy. I was used to doing close to 2 hours a day, so this isn’t bad at all. 

Overall this has been a really great prep. I have about 5 weeks until my photo shoot, and I need to stay right on track to make sure I’m ready for that. I’m not worried about it, though.

-Stressing me out: Booking hotels, driving arrangements, suit, tanning, hair, POSING, sponsorships, etc. Those are the things I’m really worried about because I need to do them, but it’s expensive and time consuming. I’m working on getting my hotel and driving arrangements down this week. Posing will start at 8 weeks out (next Friday) and then I just need to get my tanning and hair squared away. I am fine with doing my own makeup, but I have a long ass mane and I need a professional to tame that beast 🙂

Anyways, just wanted to give a little more of an in depth look into the prep. I am really excited and time is flying. I have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks and before I know it, it will be peak week. Hope I’m ready!!!! 🙂


Hey!! I’m back from California! I had such a great time.

My ex-roommate (:-() and I left early Wednesday morning. She moved to LA and I was just coming along for the ride. We had a good, funny couple of days and then I was off to San Francisco to meet up with a friend and hang out there!

It was my first time in San Fran and I am so glad I went. I booked the flight because it was cheap and I’ve always wanted to go, so why not?!

We got in Friday night and headed to the house we were staying at. It was a 3 story flat and they lived on the 2nd story. It was such a cool place! The interior was gutted and upgraded, but the house still held it’s history.

My favorite thing about San Francisco is that it has SO MUCH history. I am realizing more and more how much history Phoenix doesn’t have. It is such a new place in comparison to a lot of the California cities.

Saturday we hung at the house and they had a party and cooked oysters, then Saturday night we went on a Booze Cruise in the bay. Sunday, my aunt picked me up and she took me to see the Haight, Castro Street, The Mission, Crissy Field and a few other places in the city. Such a great trip! Too short, though. I definitely need at least a week to take in everything the city has to offer! Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure 😉

Golden Gate Bridge from Crissy Field

The Boat we took through the bay

Me in Crissy Field. Jesse in the background flirting with some chick haha

The view from the house I was staying at! The water to one side, and the entire city view from another window. Amazing!

View of the city from the water. So gorgeous!! Pictures don’t do it justice at all.


Prep Update:

Although it was tough, I held strong on my vacation and ate my meals. I had to pass up a lot of tasty food, but I still had a blast!! Everyone was very understanding of my crazy food habits, too. I was also able to get a couple passes to a nearby gym for the weekend, so I just would do that early before everyone else woke up. No excuses!! I’m a little over 9.5 weeks out! Single digits baby!!! So excited. Working on getting my hotel and driving arrangements done, and getting my suit altered and finalized.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!!!

Recovery Workout

Hola! As I may or may not have mentioned yesterday(I’m too lazy to check) today was supposed to be a rest day. It’s been a really long time since I had a FULL rest day, and apparently today wasn’t the day for it.

I woke up pretty early and really wanted to go out to the track for sprints. When I got there, although my mind wanted to do them, my body did NOT. So I did a nice, light recovery workout. I know pushing my body when it just isn’t having it will only end in injury.

Recovery Workout

-3 x 100 yd. Strides( Strides are not a sprint, more than a jog)

I also did some karaoke on each side, high knees, butt kickers, high knee jumps and back peddling.

It was a nice way to stretch out my muscles, get my heart rate going a little bit, but also not do anything too strenuous.

I try to listen to my body when it tells me to do or not do something. If you get your mind and body in sync, you’ll be golden.

What was your workout today? Was today a rest day for you?

Work Hard Play Hard

Wowza I’m exhausted today!!

Yesterday was a looooong day. It started with a Back Workout at the gym:

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns

Close Grip Seated Row


One Arm Row

I kept it simple, since this was my second back workout of the week. Monday’s back workout was mediocre at best, so I wanted to hit it again. I feel redeemed 🙂

I ran a few errands and got my TRUCK WASHED(this happens 2-3 times per year, so it’s kind of a big event ;-)) and then headed to Pinnacle Peak to RUN the mountain. This was my first time ever running it, but a trainer at my gym was going and invited me. It was actually much easier than I thought, but still a great cardio workout. There was some downhill running, which I don’t really condone since it can be really hard on your knees, but I made sure to use my feet as shock absorbers as much as possible. My knees feel fine, so I think I did okay. I worked and closed the gym last night and pretty much passed out as soon as I got home.

Boot camp

Today’s boot camp was tough. We warmed up with 3 sets of: 5 bleachers, squats on the way down, “plyometrics”(I use that term loosely because although some of the things we do are plyos, some of them aren’t i.e. pushups, dips, etc. ) in between and then a run through(you run up and down each set of stairs and then around the bleachers.) We did this 3 times and THEN hit the track for the rest of the boot camp. Tough stuff, but I feel awesome now.

Worky work

I’m not at work at the supplement store all day. I’m working 9-5 today, 12-6 tomorrow at the gym, then opening the gym at 4am on Monday. I can’t wait to take a nap Monday afternoon. Wednesday I’m heading out with my roommate to LA(she’s moving!! :-() and then flying from there to San Francisco for the weekend. Working hard so I can play hard 🙂

Have a great weekend!


My phone went off at 5 o clock this morning and woke me up. When I’m up, I’m up and I headed to the kitch for some breakfast. I was STARVING so I got right to it. Egg whites, spinach, red cabbage and hot sauce + rolled oats, cinnamon and stevia. Separately, obviously, but totally delicious. I eat this pretty much every morning and never get sick of it.

Today was supposed to be a cardio only day, but my back workout on Monday was really lame and I feel like lifting today, so back it is. Afterwards, I’m going riking. Running and hiking. I’m usually not a fan of running a hiking trail because of sprained ankles, broken legs, broken faces, etc. but this is a very easy flat “hike” so it will be more like a trail run. I’m game!

After that I’m headed to work for a few hours and then coming home to sleep. I know, I know, my life is so exciting.

I don’t have much else going on. I posted a new article on the FitGems Nation blog. You can check it out here.

Other than that, I’ll leave you with this….

11.5 Weeks Out


Time is flying! I think I say that everyday, but it’s da troof 😉

I’m at work and just finished cardio. I do 30 minutes on leg days because, let’s face it, leg days rock my world. A.K.A Take all of my energy and leave me wanting to nap all day.

My plan for today’s workout is Quad Focus and Plyometrics:

Full Squats, Hack Squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, Single Leg Leg Press, Leg Extensions, Box Jumps, Switch Jumps, Up and Overs, and the SLED.

As daunting as they are, I LOVE leg workouts. No joke, I get nervous before leg workouts. I think it is because for one, I know it’s going to be really really hard. If I don’t go balls to the walls on leg day, I am disappointed afterwards, so I always make sure I put in all my effort no matter how worn out I’m feeling. I think that I get nervous when box jumps are on the list because I’m afraid I’m going to miss and fall flat on my face, but that’s besides the point. The box is about 2.5 feet tall and if I don’t pay attention, I know I’m gonna eat it big time.

Today is also a LAKE DAY 🙂 I’m a very spoiled girl and have not one, but TWO friends with wakeboard boats. My tan lines are definitely making a come-back……

Other than that, life is good. I’m done with school until June(summer school) and just enjoying my prep and working hard.

Everybody’s Working for the Weekend

….except me!!

How goes it? Normally I work 6-7 days a week. Granted, some days are shorter than others, but I rarely have an entire day off. Having two days off in a row is huge, and them being a Saturday and Sunday is basically unheard of!!! But that’s exactly what happened, and I’m not complaining.

Saturday I hit up bootcamp early in the morning. It was a seriously TOUGH boot camp this week, and it actually made me sore. That hasn’t happened in a while. I had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Ana there as well! We had a lot of fun, and even got a workout in on Sunday together as well. The usual glute/ham workout with Sprints. I didn’t even do as many sprints as normal, and my quads were completely dead by the end. I love that feeling. I’m sure that the boot camp on Saturday pre-exhausted my quads and that probably had something to do with it, but it was still a great workout.

We did:

4x 100

4x 50(shuffle to sprint)

4 x 10

1x 100 backwards running

Afterwards I hit up the Diamondbacks game with my friend Brian. The game was pretty slow at first, but I still love baseball games. I’ve been going and sitting in the same seats since I was 9 years old, so I have a lot of memories there. There are still a lot of the same workers there from when they D-bax first started, and it’s funny to them because I was a little 9 year old girl when they met me, and here I am still coming to the games at 22. Being at the games makes me want to play again, so I’m thinking I’m gonna go play catch or something today since I get off work at 8am and basically have nothing to do the rest of the day haha.

I have tomorrow off work as well,and I’m trying to decide where I want to go. I think a day trip is in order 😉

I just finished my cardio and it’s time to lift! Back and bicepticals! Later dudes 🙂

Just for Fun

It’s 5AM on a Saturday and I’m getting ready for boot camp. I stole this from my equally goofy friend April. Here we go….

Closed.  But not really for any reason other than it annoys me if it’s open.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? 

No because it takes at least 20 of those little shampoo and conditioner bottles to even cover my mop.

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? 

I.Hate.Sheets. I get tangled in them. The fitted sheet and a blanket is all i want.

4. Would you rather be attacked by a bear or a swarm of bees? 

Hmm those both sound good. Tough choice. I’m gonna go with a) Bear only because that’s what Dwight would do. When tough questions arise I often ask myself WWDD?

5. Do you have freckles? 

Not really

6. What is your biggest pet peeve? 

BAD FORM. I literally have to bite my tongue and distract myself. Also when people that I’m not related to say things like “Mom is going to give me her leftovers” It is YOUR mom, not mine! Don’t ask people..i’m nuts.

7. Have you ever peed in the woods? 


8. Do you ever dance if there’s no music playing?

Yes. I also sing when there’s no music playing. Sometimes I even play my air guitar when there’s no music playing. What?

9. Do you chew your pens and pencils?


10. Is it okay for guys to wear pink? 

Guys wear pink to get attention. So no.

11. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? 

We can pretend that my roasted chicken breast is a chicken nugget. If that’s the case, then mustard or hot sauce.

12. What is your favorite food? 

I eat egg whites and hot sauce at least twice a day. But something that is not on my prep diet? either cookies or ice cream. Or both. 😀 

13. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? 

There are hundreds, literally. Freddy Got Fingered, Just Friends, Stealing Harvard, any chris farley movie, most adam sandler movies, boondock saints, ………

14. Were you ever a boy/girl scout? 

i was a girl scout for about 10 seconds in kindergarten before i decided i was over it. That’s actually how most things in my life are. If I stick with it longer than a minute, it’s a good sign 😉

15. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? 


16. Can you change the oil on a car? 

Nope, but i can do it on a dirt bike. Does that count?

17. Ever gotten a speeding ticket? 

Let me re-phrase this: Have I ever not gotten a speeding ticket? I believe once a cop DID let me go. But I have an embarassing amount of tickets….all for different things I should add….

18. Ever ran out of gas? 

No, but it’s almost like a game to me to see just how far I can drive with my empty light on. Either that or I’m just broke and I don’t have a choice 🙂

19. Are you lazy? 

In some ways, I am the most lazy active person I’ve ever met. But at the same time, i can’t STAND to be bored. Even for 5 minutes. It puts me in a bad mood.  

20. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? 

Lots of things. I also dressed up for halloween year round.  

21. How many languages can you speak?

Two and a fourth . English,  sarcasm and a smidgen of spanish.

22. Who is better…Leno or Letterman?


23. Do you sing in the car? 

Always. I actually have full out sets in the car. I just need a passenger to bring me water when my vocals start to give out.

24. Ever eat a pierogi? 

Actually no.

25. First concert? 

Dave Matthews Band

Prep Update and Fun!


I’m becoming an “every-other-day-but-sometimes-even-longer-than-that” kinda blogger. Life has just been extremely busy lately! I’m happy and things are going well, so I can’t complain, but I feel like time is just FLYING.

Competition Prep Update

 Saturday marks 12 weeks out! I can’t believe how fast this is flying by. I am feeling SO good and my body is responding really well. It’s actually pretty crazy how fast I’m dropping weight. I am extremely happy with the muscle I put on. My upper body/abs especially are starting to really lean up and guess who finally has shoulders!!!!! I knew I built them, but unveiling them is so much fun. I have had no desire to have any type of cheats because watching the layers peel off and seeing the results of my hard-work is better than ANY food could ever be.

Training is going really well too. I’m doing slightly higher reps(12-15, as opposed to 10-12) and keeping my cardio pretty constant. The only thing I need to work on is scheduling rest days. I like to workout during the week days just because it feels right. Saturdays I like to do boot camp, and Sundays are my FAVORITE: Sprint Days. So with that said, I have to force myself to schedule in a rest day or else my body is going to turn on me.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to post some progress pictures on Saturday and every 2 weeks until my show. We will see though. I also kind of want to post them at 12 weeks out and then leave everyone hanging until the week of the show 😉 I’m mean, I know. We shall see!!!


Life is treating me well right now. In the past week I’ve been to California, the beach, dirt biking and to the lake. I know it doesn’t sound like I do much but vacation, but really, I wake up at the crack of dawn(3-4am) and I work at the gym early in the morning or in the afternoons, with writing work, school, and other freelance work in between. Plus I don’t miss my workouts, so although i’m definitely having a blast, I’m working my ass off too. I never stop moving and it’s tiring. I will say this, there were years of my life where I didn’t do much. I would put off vacations, put off doing fun things because I had “a lot to do.” I really did. I was going to school full time and working an office job 35 hours a week. I never made it out to the lake two summers in a row because I was working or in class. In the last year(basically since I started competing) I realized along the way that life is too short to be too busy to have fun. There are wayts to fit it in. Whether it is going for a hike on a break, or going on a 24 hour trip somewhere closeby just to get away, it is good for the soul. It doesn’t mean you have to spend money either. I am as broke as they come(I paid for groceries with nickels and dimes a few weeks ago. True story.) but it’s worth it to me. I’d rather be broke and having a lot of fun then being “too busy.” Just like there is always time to fit in your workouts, there is always time to fit in your fun. Don’t put off the fun for too long, you’re missing out.

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