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100 Day Challenge

I am joining KatieP and others on the 100 day challenge.

My goals for 100 days: no binges whatsoever and to STRETCH every single day.

After contest prep, I will have 1 high calorie day each week(3000 calorie MAX) and other than that stay at about 2100 calories per day(about maintenance.) During contest prep my calories are about 2100 per day but there will be no high days. A week out from prep I go down to 1600 calories and cut carbs to lean out.

Here’s to 100 binge free and stretch filled days!! (Training will continue of course but that has never been an issue for me!)

Tomorrow, Sunday, begins Day 1.

Rest Day

Today I plan on a full day of rest. This weeks workouts ended up being much more intense than what I had planned(go figure.) My whole body is sore for the most part and I just need to chill out.

I am feeling like it is really hard to stay on plan this week. I had my little eat-shit-after-contest days…got back on track on Tuesday. Tuesday, Wed. and Thursday were amazing nutrition-wise. Friday was going great all day and then I ended up at my dads house to help him with something and ended up eating a bunch of crap. I DO realize I have another competition in a month right?! 28 days to be exact. I don’t know what my deal is. Today, mentally, I am in a funk AGAIN. I think that today I am going to let myself indulge a little bit and then really kick it up again and get back to my no-excuses frame of mind. If not, I am going to embarass myself on stage. I haven’t ruined anything yet, but I don’t know what is wrong with my head!!

Tomorrow marks 27 days until my next competition. I can assure you that my meals will be spot on from tomorrow on out. I still have carbs so I don’t know what my deal is. I love the foods I eat, just a rut. It happens to everyone, and I know that it is all about moving forward and just sucking it up and pulling myself out of it. That is all I can do.

My trainer and I have put together a plan of some sort.

Aug. 22nd – Ms. Bikini America
September 5th – OCB Fit Model
November – Nationals in Vegas?!(still researching this and deciding…)
December – Feb – Bulk a little bit (eek scary to me because I know this means I will have to put on a little bit of fat……)
March-June – Lean out again
July- NPC possibly figure depending on the outcomes of my bulking. I know if I want it bad enough I can do it, but putting on fat SCARES me.

One thing I am sure of is that I am doing an EXCELLENT job of not eating cuz of stress(unless im doing it subconsciously??) I feel like the family stuff that has gone on in the past week not only with my brother but now with my mom as well(more on this in another post possibly if i feel up to it. ) has only fueled my fire to kick it up a notch.

Today will be my day of rest, both physically and mentally. I am going out tonight with friends, and tomorrow will be a normal day..and so will the 27 days that follow. I WILL pull my head out of my ass by tomorrow, promise 🙂

Ahh venting is nice. Thanks for reading if you even made it this far!


I added some of my favorite things on the right hand corner of my page. Yes, I do make a commission if you purchase through my page, but I’m a poor college student and if you are going to buy it anyways, then you might as well just click on it from my blog 🙂 Not trying to turn this into a money making site by ANY means so please don’t get the wrong idea. I really just wanted to share a few things that I use and like. The commission is just a plus.

That being said I have about 500 different favorite things so I will try to cycle through those about every few weeks so you can see what else has helped me through this journey!!

Back to the more regular posts now!! Just wanted to brief you all!

Busy Week!

Wow this week has FLOWN by. I can’t believe it is already Thursday evening.

A few updates.

I spoke with the judges from my competition on Tuesday to get some feedback. We were curious about the bikini class regulations because during pre-judging they had said they wanted “no muscle definition”, yet the girl who won class B(i was in class C) was BUFF. This girl looked like Jamie Eason(both face and body)…definitely had muscle definition. The 2nd place girl in that class was a RAIL. Very, very thin. Basically what I was told is that half of the judges were fired after that show because of that. They basically said it was a “mistake” and that the girl who won class B probably shouldn’t have even been competing in the bikini class.(She was a crossover from figure.) I also asked him about what I should work on to improve for next time. He basically told me that my suit was all wrong(my suit was basically a figure suit.) and that I needed more of a “bikini” suit. He said that was probably what put me at 2nd place rather than 1st! AHH. So today I went and picked out different style bottoms for my next show. I am not going to buy a whole new suit because I don’t have the money, but new bottoms are a must.

Anyyyyways….other than that I have been working out hard(the more i try to relax the harder I work out…ironic.), working, and eating well. I had posing this week and decided on a boxer for my themed sportswear for the Ms. Bikini America show that I am doing in August. Gotta get that outfit together by next week ahh!

I also have some exciting news but I don’t know if it is going to go through yet so I am going to hold off on telling you. I know you all hate me!! Anyways, I should have a more normal post tomorrow, just wanted to update you all!

My GLUTES are so sore and i have a feeling my chest and triceps will be crying out for help tomorrow.

Life is good, despite all the negative things going on, there is always a reason to smile. Just remember that.

Training and Photo Shoot

Well, I can’t take a break. It’s honestly just too hard for me! I did take Sunday off, so technically Saturday and Sunday were totally off, but I was back at it Monday. I ate like shit Sunday and Monday and am definitely glad to be back to healthy eats today. I felt so sick to my stomach after two days of eating crap-ola! Yesterday i ran 5 miles and then did glutes/hams but didn’t go balls to the wall. I am trying to take it somewhat easy this week, although its hard when I feel like a bloated mess! Today I did back and shoulders together–a combo i’ve never done before–and I really liked it! I felt like my lats were screaming and i liked the supersets with the shoulder exercises. Finished off the workout with an hour of incline walking.
As for my photo shoot. Well, some of the pictures turned out great, and others I looked like a bloat boat. Here’s why: Saturday night after the competition, i indulged in some chocolate and cereal. I knew it wasn’t the best idea because of the photo shoot, but needed it man!!! Lol. Then Sunday morning came and my tan was still streaky from the Jantana. I called Joel(photographer) and told him that I didn’t think it was going to work out because of my tanning issues. I then proceeded to eat, eat, eat! I got a phone call back from Joel saying he already had rented some lenses and such and that I should just do it anyways and he can photo shop the tanning lines. I told him I’d scrub-a-dub dub and try to get more of it off. Soooo…..i feel like my stomach is way bloaty in most of the pics. Ahhh well…live and learn I guess right? Here are a few…the only one i actually LOVE is the one of me laying down…the others are just okay, but there will be more shoots. It is amazing how you can look so lean one day and then bloat up the next. It’s almost comical that your body is able to do that!

Also, if you are involved with any company or promotional organization that is looking for fitness models, I am trying to book some shoots so please send me an e-mail at [email protected]

The Drive

I have always been into sports. Soccer and basketball were a part of my little 4-6 year old life. At recess, when the girls were jump roping, gossiping or playing on the swings, I was playing football and soccer with the boys. In 5th grade I started playing flag football on a team. I was the only girl and I was the quarterback. I played until 8th grade and loved every minute of it. I only quit because the team I played with all started playing tackle football.

In 5th grade I also started playing baseball. After going to numerous Diamondbacks games with my baseball buddy(my dad), I decided it was my turn. I started playing little league, and eventually ended up on a travel team. I was the “vacuum” at first base. The same team played together until we were 16, and then the guys played high school ball. I tried out for my highschools baseball team, not softball, baseball. I was the very last cut. I beat out over 30 other guys, but unfortunately still didn’t make the team. It was political and most people were aware of that, but I kept playing with my travel team until we were no more. I gave into softball my sophomore year of high school, but wasn’t a fan because I had never been on a team with girls before. Can I say drama? There was never any of that garbage when you played with the guys.

I played a little bit of volleyball, and did high jump on the track team my junior year of high school. After that, I was kind of left with nothing.

What exactly am I getting at? I love sports. I have always been into sports and it has always been something that I could escape to. It was my reason and my outlet. I loved being on a team, being competitive, playing my heart out, getting better, having those all-star moments. Hanging out with the guys and having them respect me because, although I was a girl, I could play ball like the rest of them. I was so passionate about this, especially baseball, and when I didn’t have sports anymore, I didn’t know what I had. Of course I didn’t really realize that until this weekend.

I am back to being an athlete. I am back to being competitive. I am back to working hard and reaping the benefits. I, once again, have a purpose in the sports world. I have room to improve and can push it as far as I’d like.

I am an athlete again. I am complete again.

Thank you!!!!!

Oh my gosh you all are wonderful!!!! Thank you so much for the amazing comments you guys!! Seriously everyone’s feedback has been so appreciative and I am so thankful to have “met” all of you!!!1

Thanks again!!!

As for me…i am eating kinda randomly still, but tomorrow will be back on track. I ran today for 50 minutes and did glutes/hamstrings. Trying not to kill myself in the gym just yet, but I am competing in the Fitness America competition on August 22nd, so only about 4 or 5 weeks away from that! I ate some cookies and icecream and pizza last night after my photo shoot(which went well by the way! I will share the pics when I get them.) and today my eats have been pretty good but not as strict as usual.(i.e. rice cake with almond butter and JELLY and HONEY yum yum) Will be back to strictness come tomorrow, but i don’t want to burn myself out so I am taking today to eat what I feel like eating. Not binge, just enjoy.

Thank you again everyone. Honestly you are all amazing!!


back pose

3rd, 2nd, 1st place

leaving stage

me with my trophy!

4th place, 2nd place, 1st place, 3rd place (im the 2nd from the left!! 2nd place!!)




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