Archive for Author fitlizzio

Tips for Getting it all Done! + TV Appearance

Hey guys! I’ve been so neglectful with the blog. I apologize, I’ve just been busy! Summer school is great because you get everything done so quickly, but it is SO much work!!

I’ve talked about the various things I have been doing with my life these past few months, and when I begin to write about it sometimes I’m amazed that it all gets done. Here are some tips to getting it ALL done:

Tips to Getting it All Done

Sleep: Go to bed as early as you can. Hands down, the best advice I have. The earlier you wake up, the earlier you can get your day started, and the beauty is that most of the world is sleeping, so they won’t bug you and things won’t just come up as often.

Cardio: Wake up and go do it. Even if you don’t want to, just do it. Just get your butt to the gym, or outside and just START. Don’t think, just start!!

Weight Training: Some people prefer to do this in the evening, but by the evening the last thing I want to do is work out. My routine involves doing cardio, eating my breakfast at the gym, waiting for the food to digest and then hitting up the weight room. If i have more cardio to do, I do it right after my weight training and then my workouts are DONE for the day. I’m usually done by about 8am

Studying: If you’re in school or studying for something, it can be hard to find the time to do this on its own. I’ve found that incline walking and  reading chapters for my classes is pretty much a win-win situation. With incline walking, you don’t bounce as much and you don’t have to worry about slowing your intensity because you have it pre-set, so you can’t slack. The cardio time also goes by really fast when you’re reading, so cardio flys by. Studying+Cardio all in one=AWESOME.

E-mails, Homework and Work-related items: A lot of my work (outside of my gym and supplement store jobs) involves writing client workouts and meal plans; and doing freelance articles. I’ve found that the best way to plan for this is to write it in my calendar and get things done early. If I have an hour in the afternoon free, I write in my calendar what I can get done in that hour. I do this every Sunday for the week, and obviously it changes, but it’s a guideline to ensure I don’t forget about things. Plus, who doesn’t love checking things off of a list?! 😉

Those are just some tips that I use to get everything done. I try to multi-task when I can, and to plan things out for the week so that I get it all done without cramming it all into one day.

TV Appearance

If I get a copy of the airing, I’ll post it, but if you are in the AZ area, tune into Channel 3 tomorrow (Monday) morning at 10AM Arizona Time to see me demo-ing some exercises for my former roomie Emily! It was really fun to do, and I can’t wait(or maybe I can, because I might look like a goof haha!) to see it on TV.

****Less than 6 weeks to go until competition time!! Still have some work to do, but I’m confident I can pull it off!

Congrats to Rebecca, Genie, and Kendra on their competitions this weekend. They all 3 did incredible and have set the bar very high!!! Way to go girls!!!

I’m feelin’ it….

Well, dieting effects are in full force. I’m really digging deep to get through my workouts and cardio, but I have 6 weeks to go. It will FLY. Time has already FLOWN by!! Sorry if I make no sense, the lack of carbs is frying my brain 🙂


Today was my 2nd leg workout of the week.

High reps , 3 sets of :

Technorati Tags: ,,,

Stiff Leg Deadlifts, Leg Press, Bulgarian Split Squats, Prone Ham curls, leg ext.

3 sets of:

sled pushes, front kicks, side kicks and scissor kicks on the heavy bag

It was a great workout. 90 minutes of cardio on top of that. It’s 7:30pm and I’m totally ready for bed.

**Some cool news:

Tomorrow I’ll be taping a segment on 3TV(local news station) with my old roomie Emily. She will be training me. I’ll let you know if there’s a link that will be posted to their site. 🙂

Boxing + Everything Else

Wow, totally disappeared there for a few days!! Sorry about that.

Life has been super busy, but filled with great things. I’ve been working, school, homework, workouts. The usual.

Today I made up with an old friend: BOXING.

I haven’t boxed in a few months. I got kinda sick of it and I kept tweaking my wrists! I decided to take some time off, but tonight I went back. It was a boxing conditioning class so a mix of boxing, plyometrics, and cardio. All I have to say is 3 minutes of jumping lunges is freaking brutal.

Contest Prep

I am 6.5 weeks away from competing!!! I am getting worried, but I think that if things go the way they have been, I should be ready to compete. It’s much different this time around, as I may have mentioned last year, I was ready to compete about a month before my show. This year, I’m cutting it down to the wire. Eek.

I’ve been seriously KICKING my ass in the gym. I’m becoming ridiculously good at coming up with fun, creative and HARD workouts in the weight room. I keep surprising myself with the new things I’m coming up with! I love it though and I’m NEVER bored. So many ways to change things up!

Cardio has been going well. I’m getting it done and that’s what matters. The “end” is in sight and I’m SO stoked for it. I’m already eyeballing a few shows shortly after Vegas, but I’m focusing on the task at hand for now.


Hope everyone is doing well!

Question: Do you shower after your workouts or go about your day and then shower at night? I’m a dirty rat and I just go about my day sweaty unless I have a reason to shower. Gotta love having a job that allows me to show up looking like a sweaty beast 🙂

Exhaustion sets in…..

Hey guys…

I’m running on about 2.5 hours of sleep so if something doesn’t make sense, just forget abahhhht it. 🙂

It’s finally hitting me. The exhaustion has caught up and I am ready for a few days of absolute nothingness.

This week is going by SO slowly, yet I’ve done SO MUCH.

Between Monday through today I’ve done:

6.5 hours of cardio

About 4 hours of weight training

6.5 hours of class

13 hours of work at the gym

7 hours of work at home

1 hour of posing practice

8 hours of homework

Lots of errands and tying up loose ends with a few things

Needless to say, I’m TIREDDDDDD!

All of that with a contest diet really takes a toll on the body. I couldn’t sleep last night for no reason at all, and had to wake up and open the gym today. I get to sleep in tomorrow, and you can bet that all electronics will be in the OFF position until I choose to turn them back on. 7 weeks from tomorrow is stage time…..body is doing what it needs to. I lost another 2 inches in my legs, 2 inches in my butt, waist and arms stayed the same. My upper body is really coming together and just needs a little more work and the lower body has finally joined in, but still needs more work.

Upper Body Workout

This was hard, but a really fun workout for me.

T-Bar Row – Burpees – Assisted Chin Ups – Med. ball mountain climbers (3 sets)

Pushups – Bench dips – Jumping jacks – pec deck – OH DB Extension (3 sets)

DB Military Press – Rear delt raise – kettle bell swings – lateral raises – front raises (3 sets)

My reps were at 15-20 for each lifting exercise. Plyos/cardio intervals varied.

LOVED this workout. Pretty quick and left me pretty wiped.



Wow. Today has been crazyyyy. And it’s only going to continue. I can’t complain because it’s all good things, but I’m tiredddddd.

Let’s see this morning I headed to the gym for cardio, upper body workout and more cardio.

I finished up and headed to summa school. I actually go to class these days….weird.

Finished with that and headed home to do some client plans and homework and then it was off to work at the gym.

Workout this morning was upper body with kettle bell swing, jump rope and burpee intervals mixed in.

Comp Prep Update

Legs and butt are finally starting to come down!! That’s always an epic moment and I was worried it would never happen…but it has started and I’m feeling really good about prep. Less than 8 weeks to go!! CRAZY.

Sunday Rest Day!

Today I am taking a much needed rest day. My cardio is up to 2 sessions per day, plus my weight training workouts and although I didn’t really want to take a rest day, I KNOW I absolutely have to. If I want my body to keep working at a high level, I have to treat it with respect.

Yesterday’s boot camp was absolutely gut wrenching. It was a HARD boot camp, but also HOT outside. I was drenched by the end.

This weekend has been filled with homework, client’s workouts/nutrition plans, and writing articles.

I’m at work now and have more writing to do, so this is going to get cut short!

I wrote on Twitter that if you e-mailed me within an hour, I’d knock off 10% for any of my services. Visit and if you e-mail me before 12PM EST June 7th (tomorrow) I will give you all the same deal. E-mail me at [email protected] for more info!

Focus on the Task at Hand


This week has FLOWN by. I’ve moved, started summer school(2 classes condensed into 5 weeks) worked and gotten in countless arguments with my former apartment complex, but we won’t get into that.

Oh, and did I mention I’ve still gotten in all of my cardio and workouts? NO EXCUSES PEOPLE.

Yes, I’m tired and no, I am not a fan of doing as much cardio as I’ve been doing, but my body is coming along and I’m officially 8 WEEKS OUT!!! 😀

If you don’t think you have time for your workouts, MAKE TIME. I promise you can find 30 minutes in the day if you plan accordingly.

Anyways, with all that’s been going on, I’ve been repeating a mantra to myself: Focus on the Task at Hand.

I’m not sure when this started, but it REALLY helps me get through all that I need to do. Sometimes I don’t think I do all that much, but when I step back and look at it, I take on more than I probably should. I like it that way, though. I like to be busy, it keeps me engaged in everything. Between summer school, 2 regular jobs, 2 writing jobs, my website and clients, and prepping for a show, it’s hard not to look ahead and get overwhelmed. In fact, it happens often.

As I’m sweating my ass off doing cardio, I realize I still have to weight train and do another session of cardio. It makes me just want to quit and go take a nap, but instead I focus on the task at hand,  and I don’t worry about what I have to do next, until I have to do it.

I keep a lot of calendars and lists everywhere so that I don’t forget to do things (I also have an obsession with checking things off on lists. Tell me I’m not alone on this….)


Anyways, have a great weekend and I will update more this weekend! I’ve got some homework and clients to tend to. Fun Friday night 😉

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