It is a BEAUTIFUL Wednesday here in L.A. It’s definitely really strange that we’re having temperatures in the 80’s when the rest of the country is freezing their asses off, but this warm-weather girl is NOT complaining one bit!
Yesterday I was exhausted ALL day. I just couldn’t really wake up. I had a run and bouldering planned and while I wanted nothing more than to just go home and relax, I knew that a run would wake me right up!
I ran for 30 minutes at a very easy pace (about 9:20). I’ve been easing back into running and not really trying to push myself. I know that sounds strange since I’m usually a balls-to-the-wall kind of person, but my body really doesn’t like running. I am considering going to a running coach, because running is painful for me now. It never used to be until about a year ago. My hips get jacked up, and along with my traps being super tight after a run, my right side just seems to crumble whenever I run. I know there must be something mechanical that I am doing very wrong, but I do enjoy running, so I think I need to bite the bullet and get it figured out.
After my run, I headed into Rockreation for some bouldering action. My friend met me there and I finally accomplished a route I had been working on for a while. It’s such a great feeling to do that! I love what climbing has done for me in so many ways.
-I love the problem-solving aspect. Literally a puzzle on a wall.
-The strength I’ve gained in my core and upper body is amazing
-I love the zen of climbing.
Why I Hate Yoga
For years, people have told me that “if I just found the right teacher and class…” I would love yoga. I’ve tried people. I’VE TRIEDDDDDD!!! I have gone to all different TYPES of yoga, with different teachers. It just isn’t my thing. I actually hate it. I want nothing more than for the class to end while I’m doing it. Do I feel good afterwards? Yes, physically I do. But mentally, I feel annoyed and relieved. Annoyed that it took so long, relieved that it’s over. The thing is, I have always wished I could have the mental benefits that so many get from yoga. Their mind calms, they feel happier, etc. I’ve always wanted to feel that from yoga too!! But I just don’t. I’m sure there are many people that feel the same way about weight lifting and plyometrics (which I happen to loooveeeee), so don’t hate me for it! With that said, climbing has sort of become my yoga. I think because I’m so focused on solving the problem on the wall, I let go of the stress of life (work especially). Working through the moves and finding the right technique to get through the route is a very calming feeling for me. I always feel so relaxed and happy when I’m climbing and I leave feeling refreshed and….zen. Between all of the benefits I’ve gotten from climbing, it has quickly become one of my favorite things to do, both physically and mentally.
This evening I’m going back to Rockreation for some more bouldering. Since they will be doing a bit of construction to improve the bouldering area in February, I’m soaking up as much as I can before I have resort to top-roping. Womp Womp. (Top-roping is still fun, but it’s nothing like bouldering!).
1. Do you like yoga?
2. Are there any fitness trends/classes that others seem to love and you just can’t get on board with?
3. Most importantly, do you all hate me now because I don’t like yoga?!