I always love Day in the Life posts, so I thought it’d be fun to do one myself! Here goes….
Tuesday, October 14th
7:15am: Charlie’s alarm goes off….I open my eyes and promptly close them again.
7:30am: OK, OK, Time to gay-sauna-nice get up.
7:45am: Brush teeth, throw on clothes and stagger out the door to get some coffee w/ CW
8:00am : I go back home and open up my laptop. Check e-mails and consult with my to-do list. Post this Fit Lizzio Movement of the Day video on Instagram
8:15am: Start writing a blog post for work….not sure what to write about…..come up with a topic and just start typing. Words are flowing today!
8:30am: Send off blog post to get proofed
8:45am: Eat an apple and get on a phone call w/ a co-worker to talk about a project
9am: Google Hangout Meeting with the boss man…we have a bad connection and it’s super duper annoying
9:15am: Eat a Fage 2% Strawberry Greek Yogurt and a Peach
9:20am: My brother calls me and we catch up…he updates me on my mom and we laugh about our crazy, awesome dentist
9:25am: Write a reminder that I need to go to the dentist
9:30am: See a sale on flights, start perusing flights and dates to go see family for either Thanksgiving or some other reason…
9:35am: Do 10 Squat Jumps for no reason at all other than I’m trying to decide if I want to work out before I tackle my work day
9:45am: Clearly I wasn’t ready. I start checking/responding to e-mails and doing social media work.
10:15am: OK, I’m ready to move. Even though I haven’t run in over 6 months, I decide to go for a run…and simultaneously question who I am today
10:50am: Finished with run, come back inside and take a shower.
11:15am: Grab a 2nd coffee and head to a meeting
12pm: Stop at FedEx to ask printing questions for a job that needs to be doneΒ as soon as the file is received
12:15pm: Walk around Santa Monica with a co-worker while we wait for said file to be sent. It’s a gorgeous day!
12:45pm: File still hasn’t arrived, so I stop into Simply Salad and get a make-your-own salad. It has Romaine Lettuce, celery, cucumbers, red bell peppers, tomatoes, granny smith apples, feta cheese, double chicken, and balsamic vinegar on the side. I don’t get to eat it right away, so I take it to go.
1:30pm: Back at FedEx; Wait for document to print (it’s a big job)
2:30pm: Meet w/ co-workers to go over document and have one final look before sending off
3:30pm: Head to the gym to sign some documents, catch up with co-workers there, and do a bunch of admin stuff. I eat a Justin’s Honey Peanut Butter pouch because I’m STARVING
4pm: Head home and tackle more e-mails + edit another document for work
4:15pm: Finally eat my salad!!!
4:30pm: I’m totally full. That was a monstrous salad. I read blogs, peruse Facebook, text & catch up with CW
4:45pm: Sit down to write this blog post
I plan on heading to boxing at 6:45 tonight, doing a bit more work, and then going to SLEEP. It was nice to have a lighter day today…it doesn’t happen very often!
Hope you enjoyed my day in the life post! It was fun to document my day like that. I’ll have to do it more often. π
Question of the Day:Β
1. Are you a runner or a weights person?
I’m most definitely a weights person, but a good run definitely has some mind-clearing capabilities that cannot be matched with anything else!