Lawng day

Today feels like it has been going…and going….and going…

and my legs feel like they were sliced and diced with a butter knife, BUT anyways…

I started out my morning at 4:30 today. I didn’t need to be up until 5:30, but I accidentally left my phone alarm on. Oh well, I went to bed at around 8:30pm, so no sweat.

I headed to boxing, and got a hell of a workout. Lots of pushup drills, mountain climbers, burpees, side shuffles, squats(kill me…my legs are SO sore.) and of course, boxing.

Afterwards, I had to work at that gym for a few hours. It must have been my lucky day, because since they got all new equipment, I got to vacuum and scrub the rust off of the mats that were underneath all of the old equipment. I felt like Cinderella. I told that to my friend George and he responded “except not pretty.” Haha gotta love him!

After my shift ended, I headed to the other gym and got a quick shoulder/ab workout in.

I did 3 sets of each exercise. I did supersets, but never really took a break throughout the workout. My reps were from 20-25.

I did:

Barbell Military Presses/Hanging Leg Raise, DB Lateral Raises/Lying Leg Raises, DB Rear Delt Raises/Decline Sit Ups, Blue Band Military Presses/Russian Twists

Twas a good workout. No other cardio was had. I still am not running(until Saturday) and the elliptical was not appealing. My legs are also SO sore today. Tomorrow will have plenty of cardio, so I’m not worried about it.

I am at work at the other gym now, and get off in a little over an hour. I can’t wait to get home, get stuff ready for tomorrow and go to sleeeep.

Tomorrows agenda:

5:30 am-6:30am Yoga,

6:45am-7:45ish  Chest

7:45-8:15am Cardio-probably incline walking, maybe ellipticize it up, depending how my legs feel.

10am-10:30am Boxing

11am  Hair Appointment

2pm-5pm Work.


  1. Heather says:

    Haha being Cinderella at the gym doesn’t sound like too much fun- but that’s pretty cool there’s all new equipment!

  2. Courtney says:

    Scrubbing mats….sounds familiar. Scrubbing other people’s sweat off stuff for a living is not what I thought I would be doing at 33!! LOL
    adventures in tri-ing
    George can get bent.