Beautiful Blogger Award

April gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award. She must be blind, but i’ll take it. 🙂


I have to state 7 things about me that you probably don’t know.

1. I am very picky about who I date, yet in the past have ended up dating such sleeze balls. It’s because i am picky about certain personality traits, and not others. I have changed my thinking, though, and am now finding myself attracted to actually GOOD guys. Amazing what dating a few assholes will do. (Proof that those jerks were put in my life to teach me a lesson. It worked.) Now I just need to find someone as nerdy as me, who isn’t gay or taken haha

2. I like the idea of drinking coffee more than the actual coffee. Same as tea. I’m kind of a poser. Oh well.

3. If quoting movies was a profession, hello new career.

4. If I had enough money to not have to work, I’d spend my time working out, growing my own foods in a garden, reading, wakeboarding, traveling and volunteering. I love volunteering and helping people.

5. If someone offered me a pill that was 100% SAFE, and it would allow me to get the body I want without the hard work, I’d flush it down the toilet. The results you get from hard work are much better knowing you actually worked for them.

6. If I could live in Whole Foods, I would. If they added a gym, I think it might be a lot like heaven.

7. My biggest reason for wanting kids (other than to transform them into world class athletes and talented musicians) is to see how much they look like me. (Note: i will never force my kids into something they don’t want to do. But i can assure you that there will be instruments, footballs, baseballs, basketballs, etc strewn all over the household for them to play with and hopefully love, if not, oh well……..better yet..why am I talking about kids when i’m 21 and single? haha)

Okay, now to tag 7 people…..


Reese(where have you been?!)




Other Becca



One comment

  1. Alyson says:

    Ahh thanks 🙂 Oh my gosh, Whole Foods + a gym is totally heaven, sigghhh