Weekend Recap

Where did this weekend go?! I feel like it was just Friday, but now I sit here on Sunday evening, planning my workouts for the week.

I had a great weekend. I can’t tell you how amazing I feel. Ever since I decided not to do OCB, the weight has been lifted, and I am no longer feeling like a crazy woman. Now that I am not on a competition diet, I have been extremely well with no cravings. I am eating what I want to eat, which happens to be basically the same foods that I eat during comp. prep. I knew it was all mental. I am definitely eating more carbs than I was, but my body is thanking me. I have a little extra weight on me right now(I know from the extreme low/high calorie intakes that were going on.) but it will balance out. I am learning to really appreciate my body and it is something that I have never been able to do before. I am actually okay with my body even though I am not as lean as I’d like to be. I know that when it is time to start comp. prep, I will be ready. My metabolism seems to be getting back on track and I truly feel great. No urges to binge AT ALL this weekend. Lovely 🙂

I am also LOVING my new workouts. I have been going really heavy in the weight room, and my cardio is just in “bursts” right now. I am also doing a two day on, 1 day off plan for now. I used to do a monday through friday weight lift, and weekends were optional. I think this will be really good for me to do. My days “off” will consist of active rest. Saturday was an active rest day and I went on a nice hike with a friend. Today I did a 20 minute warm-up jog, Chest and Ab workout(DB incline press, med. ball pushups, decline pushups, cable flys, band ball crunches, russian twists, HLR and side HLR), and for my cardio: up the stairs 30 times. It’s a pretty big staircase and i broke it up into 3 sets. It was definitely very tough, but it was quick(about 15-20 minutes)

I am so interested to see how my body responds to the short, hard cardio. I have been doing long, steady state cardio for the most part the last few months, so my body is not accustomed to this at all. Love being a guinea pig 🙂

How was everyone’s weekend? I went out Friday night with some of the girls I competed with. We had SO much fun. We just went to Z’Tejas and chatted about all things fitness and competition. It is SO NICE to have friends that are doing the same thing as me, there are so many things that you just can’t talk to other people about because they simply don’t get it. I went out with friends afterwards too and had a blasty 🙂

Saturday night, I tried to go out and was absolutely beat by 10pm. I even took a nap on Saturday, but I guess my body was sleepy. I’m tired today too, and I just cleaned my entire kitchen(scrubbed the floors even!) and cooked up my chicken for the week, so I am hoping to hit the hay early.

So glad to feel happy and balanced and not like the world is sitting on my shoulders.


  1. Emmett losing weight says:

    I have heard good things about short cardio and faster, but its a challenge for sure. Good job!

  2. Emmett says:

    I need you for my kitchen, good job finding ways to get extra exercise in.

  3. jeimayprovy says:

    Good job getting things back to normal again. Glad you had a great weekend!!

  4. redhead75 says:

    One good thing about the short harder cardio is that you're eating more carbs now so you can mentally focus on it!

    As long as your carbs aren't coming from ding dongs or twinkies you're A-OK 🙂 Yes, still have ding dongs on the brain…you know the ones i'm talking about.

  5. Jen, a priorfatgirl says:

    I'm so glad you got a chance to go out with some of the other girls who are competing as well. I totally agree, sometimes there are things that, even if you talk about with people, unless they are doing it themselves, just don't understand.

    That's why I love the blog world, it connects us with so many people who are in the same boat!

  6. EM :) says:

    Sounds like you're in a really good place post comp! GREAT!!!!!!

    I love HITT if you will. It's sooo effective IMO.

    And holy hell girl. I freakkkkkkin love Z'TEJAS!!!!!!! Chicken Diablo Pasta rocks my face. And, maybe a Chambord Marg. Yum yum yum 🙂

    Have a great week!!!!!!