Operation Less Apples Day 1

Haha i feel like such a dork trying to cut down on apples. I know it isn’t a terrible problem and it is actually more-so a good problem, but i am trying to fine-tune my diet. I cut out all the crap and haven’t eaten crap in over 6 weeks, so it is time for Phase 2…Fine tuning!!

I am going to keep myself accountable on here! I might even try to find a counter that i can add to my page hehe.

Anyways, i did some empty stomach morning cardio today for the first time in ages. I kinda like it, i kinda don’t, but it is something i may do every now and then. I just did 20 minutes at 15% incline 3.2 mph.

I got home and had 1/4 cup of oats with cinnamon, 1 cup egg whites with onions, green peppers, red pepper flakes, and regular pepper. (lots of peppers lol) By the way this gives the egg whites SO much flavor, i highly reccomend it. And had ONE apple with this.

Apple count for the day: 1

More later! Off to go to some strength training.


  1. Sunny says:

    Ha ha, I wish apples were my only vice! 😀

  2. Losing Waist! says:

    Apples? Hmmm… I wonder how many you eat a day? They are pretty low on the glycemic index- and high in fiber but I don’t know what your food goals are. Good luck!

  3. Jen's Journey says:

    Great blog!

    You asked about cross body mountain climbers – I added a video from TT on my blog so that you can see exactly what they are.

    It is just like a standard MC but you take your knees to the opposite elbows each time.

    Keep up the great work!

    Work hard, reach high!

  4. Sabs says:

    I agree with Losing Waist. Apples is one of the healthiest fruits. Why do you need to cut down on it?

  5. RunTX says:

    Apples are sweeeeeT!
    Nice blog looking forward to you visiting my blog and becoming a follower as I will follow your progress as well.


  6. Jen, a priorfatgirl says:

    yep, I think its official, you are addicted to apples! It’s okay though, better then oreo’s, huh?! We all have something we gotta work on!

  7. jeimayprovy says:

    Hey first of all I’d like to say doesn’t it feel good to know that your only food problem right now is that you eat too much fruit? ha I wish that was my problem! 🙂 and second, I’ve been meaning to ask you about the egg whites. I love egg whites and usually eat them hard-boiled. How do you eat them? Do you scramble them? Thanks and good luck!

    P.S you’ve inspired me to start training more with weights I even went out yesterday and bought a book with different exercises in it to get started! Thank you! 🙂