new love!

Okay so for whatever reason today i woke up at 4am and was up and ready to go haha. So i headed to the gym at about 530am(crazyyness) and i did legs..focusing on glutes. Lots of squats, lunges, ham curls, leg press. Then i needed to do cardio but didn’t feel like getting on a machine. There happened to be a boxing class starting at 630am,perfect timing and i love me some boxing. This class was AWESOME. It wasn’t like a cardio kickboxing class where you just do the moves. Our instructor padded up and we were beating on him! It was so much fun and SUCH a great work out. My arms are completely DEAD right now. They were shaking from it. I love it and i have been told I hit pretty hard and although im not an angry person, it gets the stress out! I am going to try to go to this class every Tuesday and THursday.

Why I had so much energy this morning, i have NO idea, because after that class I did 25 minutes on the stair stepper and 20 minutes on the arc trainer. I decided i need to GO HOME. haha.

Breakfast was good. 1 cup of egg whites with green pepper, onions, red pepper. A bowl of proatmeal and an apple and grapefruit.

I had a protein shake after my workout and I am going to eat some chicken and sweet potato and green beans shortly!

I have a full day of school ahead of me (1pm-840pm) I don’t know how i am going to make it through the end of today given the fact that I woke up so early. I am sure I will sleep well tonight.

……..Only to be awoken by my alarm clock at 6am to go train with Dae tomorrow.

I need more than 24 hours in a day. Can someone work on that? 🙂


  1. *ANA* says:

    sounds like a GREAT morning!

  2. Jill says:

    I totally agree on needing more hrs. in a day! I always feel so stressed trying to fit everything in without being completely exhausted!

  3. Laura says:

    You are an inspiration! I can’t even get up at 5:30 to be at the gym by 6!