What a day…

Here’s my update for today…..

Breakfast: Woke up at about 7 this morning and ate a breakfast of oatmeal with protein powder, an apple and a tangelo. I grabbed a Larabar on the way to the gym because I knew my workout was going to be grueling and I wanted to be able to get through it.

The workout: I did 1 hour on the treadmill….i started off at a 10% incline at 3.8-3.9mph and 15% at about 3.4 mph in intervals and did that for about 20 minutes, then i jogged at 6.0mph with intervals of 2 minutes each at 8.0 mph..i did 3 of those….then did some more incline walking and then finished up with some jogging. Let’s just say I was sweating like crazy after…heh

It didn’t stop there…next i did a chest work out…i did DB incline press, cable flys, and DB bench press..4 sets of each…then i was planning on doing legs but my calves are SO sore from the plyometrics i did the other day..that and the fact that i went rock climbing monday and wednesday, which i haven’t done in a while, so that probably added to it….but my hamstrings were okay, so i did a bunch of deadlifts and some hamstring curls.

DEADLIFTS: I decided that i want to try and get back to my old deadlift strength…at one point i was able to deadlift 205lbs and i really would like to be able to go heavy again! (stopped due to an unrelated back injury) Anyways..i started off slow today….65lbs, 75lbs, 95lbs,115lbs, and topped off with 2 reps at 135 lbs. It felt pretty heavy to me which was kind of sad considering 135 used to be a warm up for me…but in due time!

I ended up eating 2325 calories today..i know, thats high, but i usually eat around 1800 calories per day and sometimes like to have a slightly higher calorie day just because sometimes i feel like i need it…..my activity level is high enough that i still think i burned more than i ate…and it was all clean foods so it doesn’t really bother me, as long as it isn’t an every day occurence (considering im trying to get leaner right now)

Lunch: After my workout i had a protein shake, then for lunch i had some fruit, chicken, rice, and vegetables…

Afternoon snack was a protein shake again

Dinner: For dinner, i ran out of my pre-made chicken so i had a bowl of brown rice and egg whites with some fruit (strawberries, blackberries, and apples) I also had oatmeal with protein powder and cinnamon after dinner.

I did have a 100 calorie bag of popcorn too :-/ That is my cheat for today, but it was the last bag and i won’t be buying more so that problem is taken care of 🙂

How’s everyone doing with their diet and exercise plans in the new year? I would love to hear your thoughts!

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