Taking my own advice

So today was a weigh in day for me. Last week I was about 136 lbs….today I was 137lbs. I know I have been doing everything right. My calories have been between 1800-2000 with a few days at about 2200. My workouts have been great and I feel and look much better. I can TELL that there is less fat on me. It might be psychological, but I am liking how things are going, so I really believe that this is a water, muscle, or some sort of mixture type of gain. Phit and Phat posted an excellent bulletin the other day about this exact issue. I just need to make sure to take my own advice and not worry about the gain. I have been eating clean and I truly truly believe i lost the fat, but of course I second guess myself because, hey, doesn’t everyone on this journey?

I am watching the movie The Net right now and it is intense! I can’t imagine having my entire identity stolen and not knowing a single person in my town…good movie! Ha.

I am supposed to go rock climbing today on a REAL MOUNTAIN for the first time. I am really nervous, and it isn’t a for sure thing that I am going, I am waiting to hear if the people I would go with are still going. They are experienced climbers, but I have never stepped foot outside of the rock gym, so we’ll see!

Wish me luck!

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