Archive for January 6, 2009

Building off of Motivation!

So through my year and a half experience with fitness and healthy living, I have figured out in the past few months that it is all VERy easy. You workout, you eat well. Those are not the hard parts. The only hard part about any of it is MOTIVATION. When you are motivated the workouts are easier and FUN, you enjoy eating healthy foods rather than cheeseburgers and pizza, and you take pride in all of this. Staying motivated is the answer to it all. I, like everyone, have my moments of doubt, my moments of just wanting to say “f*ck it” and go back to my old lifestyle of fast food and being sedentary. When i have moments like that, i search for something that could motivate me whether it is reading a blog, watching something on tv, reading a magazine, whatever it is. And when you get that spark of motivation, you want nothing more than to just head to the gym and lift the heaviest weights you can find and run faster than you ever have before. You crave that sweat and that burn.


This morning i had one of those moments. I don’t know exactly what it was that got me to feel that way but I was so excited on my way to the gym. I couldn’t WAIT to get there and start my workout. I also wanted to do something a little different, because after all, change is key in your workouts. I read Oxygen’s Fat Loss Special Edition magazine yesterday and they had a lot of plyometric exercises in there (sprints, jumps, etc.) The exercises reminded me of being on sports teams and doing all of these different moves (butt kickers, knee highs, frankensteins) So i decided that i was going to make it part of my cardio for the day.

I warmed up on the treadmill for about 6 minutes, then headed to a clear area of the gym where I could do these moves. I estimated it to be about 40-50 yards of space. I did 4 sprints, and then mixed up some sets of butt kickers, knee highs, high skips, frankensteins, ironman, tuck jumps, long jumps, and finished with 4 more sprints. I took very little rest in between sets, 2o seconds at most, and it was a heart pounding ass kicking session. I LOVED IT and plan on doing it at least once a week if not more. I followed that up with 20 minutes of steady jogging on the treadmill and 10 minutes of walking at a 10% incline at about 3.7 mph.

Next was the shoulder workout. I did multiple drop sets. This is where you have 3 (or 4 or 5 or whatever you want) weights. Heavy, medium, and light. I started with the heavy and did 8 reps, followed by 8 reps of medium and 8 reps of light with no break. It is suprising how heavy 3 lb. weights become when you do sets like that.

All in all i had a fantastic workout and feel WONDERFUL.

Hope everyone is having a fantastic day.

Oh by the way..remind me. DO NOT BUY PROTEIN BARS. i love them and wish i could eat them at every meal but at this point in my training i shouldnt be having them at all….eek..

today i actually had two 🙁 i buy ones with good wholesome ingredients but STILL, it is off of program and not okay so you all have permission to yell at me 🙂 Thanks!

Full Time Job

I have decided that training for a competition…or any kind of training in general should be considered a full time job. You spend 2+ hours at the gym every day….another hour of showering after the gym….the time you take to eat six times a day…making protein shakes etc. and honestly that in itself is a full time commitment. Not to mention, when you do an hour of running, walking, elliptical whatever and another hour of weight training….it is tiring! Doing all of that and then heading to my real job really takes it out of me. Anyways enough of my rant.

Diet and training has been going very well for me. I have been eating only clean foods with the exception of a bag of popcorn the other night and a Clif Mojo bar. The ingredients in those aren’t too bad, but it isn’t part of my training diet! Other than that i have been good with sticking to the plan.

Today i mixed things up and did biceps and triceps…it wasn’t my best workout of all time, however i still feel that i got in a good session.

How’s everybody else doing with their diets since the new year?

I’m not sick I’m not sick

So i thought i was done being sick..but it thought otherwise. I am not really that sick, i just have some lingering symptoms that decide to come and go as they please…i feel great all day and in the evening i’m just not 100%, but that’s okay..overall i still feel pretty good and i’m getting good workouts. In my head i know i should be resting more, but i have a hard time doing so!

This morning i woke up really early for some reason, so i decided to do some grocery shopping. I had a Balance Pure bar on my way home, and then an apple and egg whites. I went to the gym and only did 40 minutes of cardio and then a back workout…..i was planning on doing more cardio, but i don’t want to push it and become even more sick.

After the workout, i had my protein shake and went to my Sabaki ball game..if your curiuos

I got home a little while ago and cooked my chicken for the week, since i ran out today at lunch. Lunch was the usual….chicken, brown rice and green beans…you would think i would get sick of it but now that i am eating for training, i know i don’t have a choice so it takes the thinking out of the food situation..i know that for lunch im always going to have the same thing (or similar) and it really doesn’t bother me. If it does, i will start making turkey burgers or something to change it up, but for now this has been the simplest thing for me.

Good news: I can already tell that my stomach is leaning out a little bit! My stomach is the first place to lose weight always, so that is how i can tell how my diet is going. I weighed in at 135 today, which is a good thing, because i know i have been losing fat and putting on muscle, so the fact that i weigh about the same as when i started is actually a good thing for me. I can tell that my arms are getting bigger and more defined and others have noticed as well.

Another flag for me with my diet is my face…if i am eating poorly, my face blows up and i HATE IT…honestly that is the worst feeling in the world…right now my face is looking thin and that is a good sign…i am still counting calories, but have been so satisfied with my diet that i almost don’t even need to..but i still do just to make sure 🙂

I’m going shopping with my sister once she gets here and can’t wait to use my Nordstrom gift card :):):) free shopping is the best.

Hope your weekend is going well!

I love 2009

So far i just am having a very good 2009…here’s to keeping it that way!

Last night i saw the movie Secret Life of Benjamin Button…very good. Kinda depressing but a really good movie.

This morning I had 4 egg whites with some chopped bell pepper and 2 apples for breakfast. Sorry there haven’t been any pictures lately, but I have been lazy. I can spend 2 hours at the gym, but i can’t upload a few pictures..yes i know..its sad…but i will get back to it soon i promise!

Anyways the workout:

I ran 6 miles on the treadmill and then did a leg workout. My legs feel like jello after what i put them through this morning..but since i only do legs twice a week i make it count. The leg workout consisted of 4 sets of squats, 4 sets of walking lunges, and then 3-4 sets each of the hip abduction machine, glute machine, and lying hamstring curls. I also did a set of abs in between every (or almost every) set of legs….i mixed it up a lot but some of the highlights are hanging leg raises, ball crunches, and the ab machine. Definitely going to be late to work today, but that’s okay because i’m sure not much is going on at the office.

What is everyone’s favorite muscle to work? I love shoulders! I wish i could do shoulders every day haha.

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone had a great and safe new years! I had a BLAST last night….probably one of the best nights i’ve ever had. I stuck my diet throughout the day…and actually didn’t drink at all last night. Everyone i was with was drunk enough to keep me entertained for days and i was so tired that i might as well have been drunk (slap happy). I am a very outgoing person and when I am around drunk people and a little bit tired….I think im the craziest one haha.

I went to bed at 3AM and was planning on NOT working out at all today and just resting…but my friend asked me if I was going to the gym and I decided okay i will just do some weights with him……but I ended up doing 30 min. of cardio while I waited for him….then we did Shoulders and biceps….and we went HARD…it felt awesome….and afterwards i did 45 minutes of cardio with him because that is his new years resolution to do more cardio…then my sister showed up at the gym so i told her i’d do some cardio with her…just 20 minutes….but totaled an hour and 35 min. of cardio and an hour of hard strength training! So much for not working out haha.

Meals have been good today as well….egg whites and raspberries for breakfast…..a Balance Pure bar and an apple on the way to the gym(dont usually eat bars but i was hungry and those are the best ones i can find as far as ingredients go)…then i had a protein shake after my workout…chicken brown rice and green beans for lunch with another apple and some raspberries and now im getting ready to go to a movie.


Leave me comments and let me know how yours was!

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