i have two problems

these are not serious problems and i am glad these are my two problems as opposed to other things.

1. I can’t take rest days! I am supposed to take one day of rest every week where i don’t do my cardio OR weights. Most people would be like “sweet day off!” Well today was my “day off” and i still ended up doing 35 minutes of light cardio and a yoga-pilates class that literally kicked my ass lol. I even felt like today i should rest..my muscles were tired and i just know that feeling after exercising for so long. Anyways, its something i need to work on, but i’m not complaining…id rather have this problem then a problem getting TO the gym.

Dos. I am addicted to protein bars haha. i don’t keep them in my house because i will eat them all. Today, i haven’t had one and i am craving one so bad!! i am trying to resist it and have a perfectly clean day, but i just love them. Balance pure bars are so hard to resist because they are actually pretty good for you as far as ingredients (only 3 or 4 wholesome ingredients) but I just know i don’t NEED it. And i am trying to kick this little addiction that has developed in the last few weeks. I think it is because i am not eating bread or sweets….so now that is my little treat. Hmmm. Well i am going to attempt to make it through the day wihtout one, but i’m not gonna lie….if i happen to have the urge and i am buy a grocery store i really hope i can stop myself…but i might not…..

I also have an addiction to apples…seriously its ridiculous..i buy them like 15-20 at a time and go through them within a couple of days. I guess thats not a bad thing to be addicted to though 🙂 But too much of anything can’t be good right?!

Okay enough of my ranting 😉

One comment

  1. fittingbackin says:

    You’re addicted to working out, eating apples and eating protein bars… I know peeps who would kill for your addictions! All kidding aside, i know what you mean. Sometimes on off days I get antsy… feel guilty for not working out and miss it! As far as the apples/protein bars? That’s reese’s cups and cheese for me so i’m envious!