
This bothered me…… I took a body image quiz for fun..and this was one part of the results…..

“Unrealistic goals: While you can improve your body, getting the ‘perfect’ body is out of reach for most of us. Constantly striving for a goal you can’t reach may leave you frustrated.”

What?!! OUT OF REACH?? This must be coming from someone who just doesn’t have the drive in them to push themselves…Now don’t get me wrong, a perfect body is defeinitely in the eye of the perfect body is not your perfect body, but my point is this….i think that phrase is very negative. All of us CAN get to our own “perfect body” if we put our heart and mind into it and try…is it easy? HELL NO. And what you are happy with is different from what I am happy with, but many of you know from your own success, and many are in the journey right now, that if you put all your effort into something you CAN achieve it. There are physical features that truly cannot be changed, but looking your best for YOUR BODY is very acheivable and that is what a perfect body is….its not the same for any single person.

Okay done ranting 🙂

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