Best quote

We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons.

That is such a true statement!

I am feeling AMAZING today guys. I don’t know what it is, but ever since I have started eating clean, i feel un-f*cking-believable. (Sorry for the language) But seriously!! It is like a high that i get randomly throughout my day. I don’t know if its the psychological effect of eating so healthy or what, but all i can say is…its kind of scary when you first start out..being your foods are more limited etc, but IT IS SO WORTH IT. Seriously, try it for a week and if you hate life, then go back to whatever you were doing, but its definitely the best thing that has ever happened to me!

For Breakfast today…I had 1/4 cup of rolled oats with 1 scoop of whey protein and lots of cinnamon 🙂 Two apples to go with that.

Today’s workout was back and a little bit of abs. I did like 17 sets of back because I just kept thinking about different exercise I was in the mood to do ha! Cardio was 30 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes running between 6.0-7.3 mph.

(Sorry for the colors, im bored haha) I got home and showered and decided that I wanted to see what I looked like in a “figure girl” outfit. So i put on a swim suit and heels….it was a good idea because i was able to see my problem areas and what i need to work on most! In addition to overall more muscular arms, I need to lose the junk in my trunk! My legs were looking pretty good and my stomach was too, but I would say i need to lose about 1/2 inch to an inch in my mid section and about the same in my booty. On a very postive note I am defeinitely seeing changes in my body and cant WAIT to do my body fat on Monday! (Scary, considering I was at 18% in June, then fell off the wagon and the last time i checked it was 24!!!!! :-() But i am feeling confident that i am somewhere in the 20ish percent range….so we shall see and I will let you know!!!

One comment

  1. Katschi (Karen) says:

    This is EXACTLY how I feel when I eat clean, especially at the beginning. My body and mind were on such a high!