What a daY!

I am just now getting around to my post because I haven’t had a chance all day! Here’s how my day went.

Woke up at around 745 am. I ate a big big breakfast because i was STARVING. I had my usual egg whites and diced bell pepper omelet, 2 apples, and a clif bar. Okay so not that big, but i just needed those carbs badly I could feel it.

Then i headed to the gym and did a HAMMY workout. It was good and my legs were definitely dead by the end. Finished that off with 35 minutes of elliptical, then raced home to get ready for work.

I barely had a lunch, but i had a little bit…and here is my feat for the day…we had a huge office holiday party with desserts, lasagna, the whole shabang…and i didn’t give in! It helps when you tell someone your training for a competition because they don’t really try to push food on you as much as when you say your on a diet. For dinner i had chicken, black beans, and salsa on a bed of lettuce, and an apple.

It was a good day!

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