Life happens

So i got through most of the day through the rain. I made an awesome stir fry for lunch and headed to my final, only to find out that it started two hours earlier than i thoght. Luckily my teacher is going to let me take it tomorrow so that was a close call. Being it was raining, I decided that I didn’t want to count calories the rest of the day. I know I am in training and that is a big no-no, but today was just a very off day. When things don’t go as planned it throws me off and i got lazy, i admit. But I will just pick back up tomorrow and work extra hard this week to try and make up for it. I don’t plan on having many if any other days like this (other than my scheduled cheat meal on sunday evenings.) I still have a lot of work to do to prepare for the competition and am going to seek out a coach that I can afford (hopefully) to help me with my goals. I really think it will help me train correctly so that I can build the muscle that I need to build. Right now i am fit, but i am not figure-athlete worthy.

Life goes on though and I will get through the rest of the week well, I am confident.

Comments are welcome!

How do you deal with off days regarding your diet?
What helps you to pass up on screwing up your diet for the day?

One comment

  1. Corinne says:

    Hey girl…

    Couple of things and feel free to post back on blog because it is easier for me to find you that way. I also have a Facebook page and the link is on my site.

    Do you prep food in advance to take the thinking out of it?

    What is your current diet like and when is your show?

    I have a coach in Nashville that does online stuff and he’s pretty affordable. He also coaches loads of winners 🙂 and can definitely help you out. I can get you contact info if you need.

    I haven’t read all of your entries but I can tell you what helped/helps me is have a written diet, buy the food on Sun, prep it right after and grab and go each day. The first key is taking the thinking out of it.

    And gum and coffee. 🙂 Also, you do need someone you are sending pics to because that tends to be incentive when you have to pose up in a bikini for someone to examine.