Good Advice

I got some good advice as well as some inspiration from a fellow blogger Corrine! I am going to get a coach to help me through this competition that has experience because I just don’t think I have the knowledge to do it alone. My diet is going pretty well, (not counting the last few days..but i figured out why i was being so lazy..i needed rest!) but it needs to be PERFECT if i want to do this competition and have a chance. I got 12 hours of sleep last night. that is UNHEARD of for me…which means i need to be getting more sleep. That is going to be one of my goals is to make sure i am getting enough sleep and stay well-rested.

Dorky little me, I get excited about new supplements! I take natural supplements..not fat burners and all that makes me jittery and i don’t like them. I went to Hi-health after my workout today and got some Acai Berry in a pill form. I have been reading so much about the Acai berry and of course i had to try it. (I am my own guinea pig :)) I keep adding things to my list of supplements and vitamins its getting a little intense.

Every morning I wake up and take a fish oil, flaxseed oil, green tea complex, B-12, Multivitamin, and now i am going to start taking Acaii berry as well. They have it in a powder form and also in a drink, but i don’t like to drink anything other then water or protein shakes because they add sugars to everything.

Anyways i am very excited about my new supplement. Its funny most people get excited about new clothes and stuff…and i do too..however if you buy me a bunch of vitamins and supplements…i get WAY more excited.
I don’t even know why..a lot of them don’t even have much of an effect that i notice but oh well.

The next thing i am buying is wheat grass..i didn’t today because i want to shop around a little and see exactly what form i should take it in.

If anyone has advice let me know!

To recap my workout i did 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by some plyometrics: burpees, jumping lunges, hip thrusts. I also did squats and squat press. I didn’t get to finish out my leg workout because i need to go to work, but plan on finishing tonight or in the morning before tomorrows workout.


  1. Sunny says:

    never had acai berry before, but the other day I tried goji berries, they were pretty good! I look forward to reading more about your weight loss, I need some motivation right now! 🙂

  2. Kristine says:

    If you are looking for some free advice right now I know of someone who can dish it out. lol. Do you visit formerly anyway, JEN HEATH is an all natural bodybuilder and competes in figure, she is a great coach and personal trainer and gives anyone advice. Just ask and she will dish away. You may already know this. Another great one is Olesya the site moderator. You 2 look like your related BTW!!
    Im so afraid to take anything I dont even take a multi yet. I do drink a protein shake now and then though.

  3. Madison Song says:

    ahh 12 hours, sounds nice ;)! I definitely need to be getting more sleep too!